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mods, i meant this to be in general conversation.

i guess i accidentally put this in the wrong section. LOL

can you move this thread?

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Hillbilly, I moved it here.

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oh okay,

hmm i guess this belongs here as an example of irrationality?

it sure is a fine example ain't it? LOL!

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Natural selection.

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LeftofLarry wrote:
Natural selection.

Exactly. Smiling I love watching stupid people get hurt.

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Gravity + Idiots = Proof Against Intelligent Design.

I hope those idiots are paralyzed

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Hee Hee! That's funny.

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GuentherBacon wrote:
LeftofLarry wrote:
Natural selection.

Exactly. Smiling I love watching stupid people get hurt.

the best part is when he asks whats wrong... isnt it obvious... oh well hell learn the hard way by being the next volunteer

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after all christians dont believe in gravity lol

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I do feel sorry for them though, I guess I just cant stand to hear people in such agony and seeing the moment thier life probably gets ruined, you know they have some long-term injuries.

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.

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Hey, the fewer stupid people around, the better things are!

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Did they actualy die? Or are they honorable mentions? Smiling

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Good point. Probably wouldn't have made the funny video thing if they actually kicked the bucket!

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MattShizzle wrote:
Good point. Probably wouldn't have made the funny video thing if they actually kicked the bucket!

Yeah, its only funny without the tragidy, which makes me dout how much I should laugh at -that- clip because I would say that there is a probability that those two have seriously messed themselves up.

They probably -were- theist, I mean, if you can buy into thinking that wresteling is real then you can easily but religion!... or is it the other way around?

And now for something completely different:
http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2456.html <--'Act of god'.
http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2524.html <--Genetic deficiency.
http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/1867.html <--Idiot.

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.

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Stupid people is one thing this country (or this planet) will never be short of!

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Self-inflicted stupidity is the worlds way of telling the pessimist that there is always something to look forward to no matter how morons they are bogged down with.

We can allways laugh. Smiling

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.