Gay = Child molester
I hear this from conservative Christians a lot - that gay people are much more likely to be child molesters, and that most of them were molested as kids, that's why they're gay. They claim falsely that there is scientific evidence for this. This also seems to be part of the Boy Scouts rationalization. Complete and utter bullshit, of course.
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yep, gays do everything wrong according to the church. they make up anything to deny homosexuality is a choice.
So, why do they let so many gay men be youth ministers?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I'm sure the answers are coming!
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You notice it's gay or straight... it's like bisexuals don't exist.
the semi-molesters.
Reminds me of what was in my sig a while ago. About how people will lie so they can sleep easy knowing that most of the world will be tortured forever. And somehow they are moral.
It always bothers me to hear Theists jump on gays, and to equate them with child molestors/murderers/etc...
But, hey. They equate GOD with Love, and can't seem that the Buybull seems to be written BY Shaytan, about GOD.
But, hey. They're not the 'alpha males'. They're (Persuasion/Ability/etc X), and Theists are Y; thus, Theists ARE right and moral... Yuck!
Personaly, I can't stand the little shits, as I remember myself as a youngster and the mischief I created.
-Blind_Man 109:6 لكم دينكم ولي دين 109:6 「貴方々には,貴方々の宗教があり,私には,私の宗教があるのである。」 109:6 "Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion."
That's something. Robert Ingersoll wrote something like that well over a century ago - suggesting maybe some of the Babble was written by inspired men, but after they were done, the devil snuck some of the more unsavory parts in.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
That is so weird because a youth minister I had was gay, but 'converted' to Xtianity.
"Sometimes even the wisest of man or machine can make an error."
-Optimus Prime
My comment about gay youth ministers wasn't flippant. My whole xtian childhood, I wondered why every youth minister at every church I went to was especially effeminate, and why they were much more fond of hugging the young boys than the young girls.
Yeah, it's anecdotal, but at least in lower Alabama, where I was indoctrinated, it seemed like youth group, after school bible study, etc... were places the closet cases went to try to keep themselves straight, and the people in charge were no exception.
Speaking of exceptions, I'm sure there are plenty of them. As a matter of fact, the youth minister at a nearby church knocked up one of the deacon's daughters when she was fifteen, so at the least, we know he was bi...
Seems like the Catholic church has had some problems with this sort of thing, too...
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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It's amazing what people would do when they're not allowed to wank...
That would kinda make sense of wars done in His name. All that sex gone bad makes people a bit more neurotic, let alone a whole nation... Maybe that gives us the meaning of the term 'Holy War' They may more aptly be called 'Holeless Wars.' haha
"Sometimes even the wisest of man or machine can make an error."
-Optimus Prime
Well, it's been my experience that most* child molesters are ministers. How do they explain that?
*note ~ I'm not talking statistics. I'm talking child molestation among friends and family. The ministers were the worst. And the churches involved just quietly hushed it up and moved them to another state so they could victimize a new batch of innocents.
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
A LA times survey in 1985 revealed that 40% of all molestations are by homosexuals. (LA Times Aug.25-6, 1985) A 1991 study of 100 convicted and dangerous molesters at Mass. Center for the sexually dabgerous, 70 % were bi-sexual or homosexual. Dr. Judith Reisman in her book, "Kinsey, Crimes and Consequences" revels a study done by Dr. Gene Abel that homosexuals sexually molest young boys at a rate 5 times greater then hetrosexuals. The homosexual mag. "Guide" has openly written pro-pedophile eidtorials and the Weekly Standard has shown a clear link between the homosexual movement and the NAMBLA (north american man-boy love associatation) Jan 1-8, 2001. The book "The homosexual journel" openly promotes child sex and was edited by John Decco teacher at SFSU and board member of the Dutch Peophile journal, "Padika" . Seems to be a clear link.
1985? Rofl. You'll have to do a lot better than that. Say, something 2000 or more recent?
So? 100 people(who are already obviously criminally inclined) is enough to base a belief on all of society? How pathetic.
Obviously. Hetrosexuals molest little girls, not little boys. What kind of idiot is Dr. Abel anyway?
First, prove it. Second, prove how a magazine is descriptive of everyone who is gay.
Well, lets see it.
One book is a clear link? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Time and time again the church has thrown hundreds of thousands of dollars at families in hush money and simply relocated the priest in question. It's been documented many a time when the person in their adulthood finally comes forward. In fact there was a lot of controversy about Benedict becoming the pope due to his active involvement in coverups, but this story went quiet rediculously quickly.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
It is more than 'one" book. Studys may change through the years but I do think a study in 1985 has some meaning today also. Aree we only going to deal with studies on this date today or 1 year studies or what.?
The New York Post published a story July 30, 2001 that 20% of molestation cases they studied were committed by homosexuals. This is ALL cases both male and female. A recent study done by Dr. stephen Rubin of Whitman College in a ten state study found that 32% of all child molestation cases were committed by homosexuals. We must consider this when several studies continue to point to the fact that there is a greater amount of child molestation % in the homosexual community than in the hetrosexual community. I am just trying to deal with the rational facts here.
So, curus,
Are you aware of any studies trying to quantify the psychological damage inflicted on homosexuals from being told they're evil, unnatural, and perverted by an entire society?
Perhaps you're familiar with the studies linking sociopathic behavior and sexual deviance to feelings of worthlessness and being ostracized from social groups.
Are you aware that most countries with very liberal cultural views on sexuality have extremely low rates of sexual assaults and molestation?
I wonder if there might be a connection between all of this?
Maybe someone else is to blame...
Who could that be...
I wonder...
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Very good point. It's been shown over and over again that repression, as happens in this Puritanical-inspired country leads to more trouble. Ask me who in my circle of family and friends became pregnant while still teens. Every single one of them (and I'm talking a dozen or more) were from very strict religious families. Those of us who were raised in liberal households, where we could actually discuss things, had the knowledge in hand to avoid such things.
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
If I even believed the number of 32%, that would still make 68% of the child molesters heterosexual. 68% is more than twice 32%.
So it would seem to me, using the numbers you quote, that at least twice as many heterosexuals are child molesters than gays. So for every one gay child molester, there are at least two heterosexual child molesters.
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Yes, but the numbers also show that 32% of all child molestation is done by 1-2% of the population. A concentrated problem. As this thread was started by matt to say that the idea that homosexuals are more likly to molest a child is a false assumption. It seems to be an accurate assumption because of the data.
If 1-2% of the population is child molesters, then 68% of that 1-2% is hetereosexual and only 32% of that 1-2% is gay.
That still indicates that there are twice as many heterosexual child molesters.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
The stats still imply that a homosexual is more likly to molest a child than a hetrosexual. Any time you have a higher % rate in a cat. that ids the end result. This is what Matt started this thread about. Just pointing out the studies
Those of us who were raised in liberal households, where we could actually discuss things, had the knowledge in hand to avoid such things
Really the goverment stats on this shows that children raised in a household of faith have a LESS rate of preg. and std's. Really, this is true. Just reprting the facts
curus, I looked for those stats and couldn't find them.
Could you provide a link?
(Specifically, I'd like to see the government stats that show that theist children have lower rates of teen pregnancy and STDs. I looked for a long time and couldn't find them.)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Does anyone know what percentage of the population is homosexual? I thought it was about 20%, if not higher. So we should be comparing the percentage of the overall population that is homosexual, with the percentage of molesters who are homosexual.
And Curus, I have never seen such stats as you mention. Everything I've read goes the other way, as does my direct experience. Most of my extended family is quite conservative Christian, as were my neighbors. In my experience, the more conservative and restrictive the religion, the less knowledge the children had, and the more likely a girl would "get in trouble" because she didn't realize what was happening until too late. Or both youngsters were involved in major rebellion against their parents and/or their religion because they felt repressed. Too many unanswered questions leads a normally curious child to experiment and question what they were taught.
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
thats still making no sense at all
youre saying that 68% of molestation is done by heterosexuals... yet it still implies gays do it more.
You're right. I pointed that out and yet curus still thinks that 68% is less than 32%. That's not the math I learned.
Let's multiply this out and use "real" numbers. Let's say that 1% of the population are child molesters.
So out of 10,000 people, there would be 100 child molesters. Of those, 68 would be heterosexual and 32 would be gay.
Sure looks to me like it's 2 to 1 in favor of a heterosexual being a child molester.
Do the math!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Not that I agree with Curus, but...
The math says this:
If you have 10,000 people and 1-2% are homosexual, one assumes the other 98-99% is heterosexual. This gives you 100-200 homosexuals and 9800-9900 heterosexuals. If there are 100 molesters in the group, and 32% are homosexual and 68% heterosexual, you end up with(in the worst-case) nearly a third of your homosexuals being child molseters. (If you have 100-200 homosexuals and 32 homosexual molesters, that's 16-32%) On the other hand, less than 1% of your 9800-9900 heterosexuals are molesters.
I think there's a lot more to the statistics than this, however, and I wouldn't be keen on making any blanket judgements based on one piece of anecdotal evidence. Just pointing out where he's coming from, and that his math is correct. Whether or not his actual figures he starts with are correct is another issue. The figures he quotes, however, end up with the statistics I calculated(<1% "molester" rate for heterosexuals, >15% for homosexuals).
The biggest problem with this question is the issue of how many people are homosexual? I don't know that there's any "real" evidence supporting any particular figure. (Studies aren't "real"; people hide their sexuality from the people closest to them for years, even get married and have children, how can one expect all homosexuals to be honest when asked this question?). Like the saying goes, figures can lie, and liars can figure.
Thank you spewn.
I took it for granted that most would understand the math. I just was responding to what matt first wrote on this thread. He stated that the idea that a homosexual would be more apt to molest a child was wrong. The numbers (all that I have found from simple searches) say otherwise. The numbers in these studies say it would be safe to assume that it would be more likely for a child to be molested by a random homosexual than a random hetrosexual by a rather large margin. Just giving out the numbers from the studies, I did'nt invent them and I did'nt change them.
A 1992 National Opinion research Center found that 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual. A 1995 survey published by the Journel of Sex Research indicated that 2.6% of men (18-50) survyed had engaged in homosexual relations in the last year.
I had printed thaese off of the net. Search engines should be able to find them.
curus, again, I ask. I've searched for these stats you say exist, and can't find them. Would you provide a link, please?
Specifically, I'd like to see the government stats that show that theist children have lower rates of teen pregnancy and STDs. I looked for a long time and couldn't find them.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Will get back on and look up where i found that one shortly. It may be tonight or tommorrow. But i will get you the web address. I look for so many sometimes my memory runs out. I will use the link at the bottom of my page i printed out. It shows incomplete but i know i can find it with a little looking. Some of the others can be looked up by putting in the names of the newspapers, mag. or books in search engines. I gave the dates on some also. will get back
Thanks. Will be waiting.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I've been doing some googling, but I don't think I'm using the right keywords, can you tell me what keywords you used?
Thanks. I'd like to check out those stats myself. I just can't accept them as they are, something doesn't seem quite right. I could be wrong, though.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Yeah, that claim flies in the face of government data that shows clearly that the most religious states (the red ones, by coincidence...) also have the HIGHEST rates of crime, teen pregnancies, sexual assaults, etc...
I'm being a little hypocritical here because I haven't taken the time to document what I'm saying, but there was another thread a few weeks ago that dealt with this. Maybe someone else has that info at their fingertips?
If not, I'll do my homework later when I have time.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Actually, it didn't take long... quick google search turned up this summary of a study that showed results strikingly similar to the ones I'm talking about in America. The overwhelming evidence is that nations who have high percentages of atheists have lower rates of societal dysfunction.
Notice that extremely religious America tops the list for all the nastiest stuff.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Interesting. This sounds a bit more like I expected. I was interested in checking out the stats but I didn't want to be searching keywords like homosexual and child abuse at work...
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Well according to that logic if 95% of the prison population is christian, then can we assume 85% of the population does 95% of the crime?
Just want to mention that I've got the TV on in the background and the Oprah show is on. She just interviewed a woman from Norway, and it might be interesting to study their religious beliefs and crime statistics. The part I heard was that it's a very liberal country, that many people choose not to get married (even families with children), and that it has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. If anyone knows anything about Norwegian culture, perhaps they want to chime in? Otherwise I'll see if I can find any stats online.
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
It's always fun to play a game of "skewing statistics". Here's mine:
"Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% in which an adult molester could be identified –-- only 2 of the 269 cases".
This taken from a UC-Davis study done in 1991 w/ the title.. Facts about homosexuality and Child Molestation. It was conducted under the auspices of the Kinsey Institute.
See there curus...that right there is a link !
The way this usually works is you maximize (read: inflate) the number of offenders in your study and then you minimize (read: deflate) the #'s of the minority group you want to apply your skewed statistic (hatred) to... and voila !! you have the Family Research Council, that joke of a professor, Paul Cameron..... and it's 1920 and you're arguing that black men are 5 x as likely to rape white women or some such crap. It's a bit like this:
- A portion of males who molest children, molest both sexes, but if it's male-male sex (no matter the age) they've engaged in, add them to the homosexual offender list.
- A significant portion of males who molest male children are married to women and even have families. Add them to the list also.
- A significant portion of males who molest children are in relationships with women..often women w/ surprise (some of them male). Add them to the gay list too.
- A significant number of Priests/Pastors molest little boys...(What is reported is very possibly only the tip of the iceberg and Catholics hardly have the market cornered....Google (Priest scandal) at any time of the year and stand back for the dozens of replies). Add these "same sex" incidents to the list also.
Now tally up all of the same sex molestation incidents from persons (read: heterosexuals) who do not identify as gay or live their lives in that community (Howdy pastor Haggard) and apply these "same sex" encounters unfairly (and it has to be quite a significant #) to the small percentage who do identify themselves as gay...(Remember to make that percentage as low as possible)....and you have a statistic that would make any liar (theist) proud. Only problem with that is it's dishonest.. but I guess that's par for the course among any bigot.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
I heard the guy on YouTube who claims that gay boys are "made" because of their mother wearing the pants in the family. His words were "If the mom wears the pants, the boy will wear a skirt." Nonsense.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
There was the Statistic that 75% of Americans and 75% of the US prison population is Christian. 0.1% of US prisoners are atheists.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
hmm... anyone want to lay odds that curus didn't actually have a link to the stats he claimed?
I think he just heard his pastor say it and believed it.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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There's a lot of books that say the world is flat. You believe them too? Where's your science journals?
A poll is not a study. Especially not one by a newspaper. Especially not 22 years ago.
Another newspaper. Got any journals? Of course not. And thanks for proving your views idiotic. Only 20% of molestation cases are homosexuals eh? Guess that means hetrosexuals are a bigger problem than hetrosexuals. By a 60% margin. Those homosexuals are more moral than you, according to your own source.
Even more proof that hetrosexuals are more dangerous to our children than homosexuals.
No you aren't. You probably don't even know the meaning of the term.
Where's your studies showing the closet homosexual numbers to correlate this stupid belief? Where's your global studies? Scientific journals? I'm sorry, but you're just a qualified idiot. And I'm not going to bother looking at any more of your posts in this topic. Waste of time.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Hey, has anyone heard from curus yet? I'd really like to check those stats...
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Curus! Still waiting for your peer reviewed scientific stats, dude.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Yup, waiting for the same thing as Hamby.
Oh, CURUS!!!
Where are you, dude?
I'm still waiting for your scientific peer reviewed studies.
I'm patient, but I'm really beginning to think you just believed it when you heard someone else say it. I don't think you have any stats, and you said you did. If you don't, that makes you a liar.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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At least when I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I think Curus gets a zero for this thread.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Still waiting..
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.