The Death of Darwinism?

I think that the report of the death of Darwinism is an exaggeration.
This is one of the most biased, false and stupid "discussions" on Darwinism that I've seen, ever.
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The Death of Darwinism?
Posted on: May 10, 2007 - 8:25am
The Death of Darwinism?
I think that the report of the death of Darwinism is an exaggeration. This is one of the most biased, false and stupid "discussions" on Darwinism that I've seen, ever.
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
I have done a video reply to this film explaining the science they gloss over and pointing out its flaws....its just taking an ages to upload.
Link it when it's up!
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
The Video
I'm still watching this, but it's really come accross as "half information". Suggestions that scentists debunk it is one thing, suggestions that the information is not 100% is another...but to avoid the advancements that have been made in evolution from a scientific perspective.
This is trying to use darwinism as a bible with it being the end-all of evolution information within his one book. This is just an evasive way of talking about a subject without hitting on critical points that disagree with their message.
I was going to watch it, then I realized it would waste 30 minutes of my life repeating the same tired old creationist strawman arguments.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I got about 1/3 of they way through it waiting for them to cite one credible source that would back their claims and got frustrated.
Their best shot is that "people" have written books "debunking" "Darwinism." Now if only these "people" would write a peer reviewed publication to show the inadequacies of The Theory of Evolution, they would see how quickly their points would be shot down.
That's what upsets me really. People like Behe and others like to write these books that contain incomplete facts and logical fallicies and push these out to the general public. But they won't take their "findings" to be peer reviewed, because their premises would be destroyed....and that might upset their book sales.
So what do we get? "Darwin's Empty Box" That get's touted by the creationist community as a precursor to the second coming, the holy grail to defeating evolution, the iceberg to the SS Evolution!
The author get's called upon to testify for the relevancy for Intelligent Design Theory (herafter refered to Creationism in a Clown Suit) in order to be taught in public schools. Where the author's views, representations, and work get destroyed on the stand (for the court transcrip)
Yet...he wrote a book that "debunks" "Darwinism"
I love where he admits that he never read any of the studies or books about evolution of the immune system, yet claims in his book that science has no explaination for how the immune system evolved.
Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown
If you read his testomony he falls back on the defacto creationist tactic of raising the bar.
Behe claims "There are no papers or books that detail how an immune system can evolve."
Attourney "What about these papers here."
Behe "Well, there are only a few papers dealing with how an immune system can evolve, but it's not a complete system."
Attourney "What about these books, including one entitled "The Natural History of the Major Histocompatibility Complex."
Typical creationist bullshit.
Just Looking around and stumbled across this thread
Thanks for link to the death of Darwinism vid. I had to watch it twice. I was laughing so loudly the first time. I missed half it
That's the funniest thing I've seen, since the natural Law lot. and how you can fly with meditation,
Skip to end where they imply Darwin was a devil worshiper. and he was responsible the second world war I wish I would watched it all the way through
I like the bit where he says “[Darwin say] a turtle could just turn into, say, a reptile.” Can anyone else see the flaw in that? Well if you didn’t, a turtle is a reptile. This is a good indication of the level of scientific awareness they have.
Absolutely amazing. The misinformed, deluded ignorance shown in that video is suprisingly shocking.
Just listening one time through, some common flaws with their logic include:
1. Turtles not being reptiles.
2. The jump from one species to another at will.
3. "When the Bible talks scientifically."
I also like how they spout around the word "truth."
annie should be a YouTube Atheist. I think he'd be big time one pretty quick.
Firstly thanks for the compliment and secondly, what is a YouRube Atheist....I would like to be one...I love sticking my atheist or (spelling?) in.
heh. I think he meant by posting a number of videos of yourself ripping theism apart on the site
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
Dude, that video's on GodTube.
It's hardly going to be factual or unbiased, is it?
Sorry to be redundant. Maybe I should not be drinking right now. Everything I said was redundant. "germane and to-the-point" heheh then again, maybe drinking helps illuminate my mind; it doesn't help my typing or my spelling or my posture, though.
I just love GodTube. Many of those viideos are just both funny and sad to watch.
Sometimes, I think if they are trying to complain about "faulty logic" They should atleast spend the time to understand what the whole theory about before they try to disprove it.