Cameron and O'Reilly

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Cameron and O'Reilly

Via: VideoSift

I don't know if this has been posted yet but it's a pathetic look at how deluded Kirk and Billo think they are. They can't understand scientific concepts so their position must be right. Kirk thinks he proved god and debunked evolution, Bill thinks he debunked the Big Bang Theory and outdebated Richard Dawkins.

There's something more intelligent on a different channel, I think it involves people in costumes with televisions on their bellies.

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Thanks for posting this, I

Thanks for posting this, I was actually going to try looking it up in a little while. Now I do not have to look for it.

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kirk has such a poor

kirk has such a poor understanding of the basic concepts of big bang and evolution, it's almost as if he never even heard of them until ray came along and fed him a heavily diluted, 60 second explanation. my teenage son can even rip apart kirk's argument. "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens

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These guys are crazy, its

These guys are crazy, its like well since science cant explain something so lets say some "god" did it so we can feel all gewwy inside. It's really dumb.

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i wonder if anyone has ever

i wonder if anyone has ever done any kind of research to confirm whether kirk actually was an atheist, previously? because, despite what he says, he seems to actually to have very little understanding of what atheism is, or how atheists think. perhaps it's the "i'm not an atheist, but i played one on TV" thing? Smiling "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens

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Bill O'Reilly is a

Bill O'Reilly is a dumbass.


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bill o'reilly is a lying

bill o'reilly is a lying liar Smiling

(thank you al franken!) 

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djneibarger wrote: i

djneibarger wrote:

i wonder if anyone has ever done any kind of research to confirm whether kirk actually was an atheist, previously? because, despite what he says, he seems to actually to have very little understanding of what atheism is, or how atheists think. perhaps it's the "i'm not an atheist, but i played one on TV" thing? Smiling

In the debate Kirk said, "I was an atheist; an evolutionist."  Given his lack of knowledge about evolution it's safe to say he was never one so it wouldn't be a stretch to conclude that he wasn't an Atheist since his reasoning for conversion, I kid you not, "I asked myself, 'What if I'm wrong?'" 

At most he was probably just apathetic about religion.  He probably thinks that if you aren't born again and go to church every weekend then you are an Atheist as defined by the phony former Atheist, Dr. Paul Vitz. 

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I saw this earlier, and

I saw this earlier, and almost exploded when O'Reilly said that he beat Dawkins. What a fucking arrogant bastard.

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BenfromCanada wrote: I saw

BenfromCanada wrote:
I saw this earlier, and almost exploded when O'Reilly said that he beat Dawkins. What a fucking arrogant bastard.

Then again, a "win" for O'Reilly means he gets to scream "Shut up!' a lot and gets his opponent's mic cut. 

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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jcgadfly wrote:

BenfromCanada wrote:
I saw this earlier, and almost exploded when O'Reilly said that he beat Dawkins. What a fucking arrogant bastard.

Then again, a "win" for O'Reilly means he gets to scream "Shut up!' a lot and gets his opponent's mic cut.

Yeah, basically.

Seriously, that "debate" with Dawkins was a 3-4 (MAYBE 5) minute interview, where O'Reilly tossed a bunch of fallacious theistic arguments at Dawkins, Dawkins answered politely, got about 30% of the speaking time O'Reilly did, and then ended when Dawkins was about to blow the "Argument from Stalin" away. O'Reilly was basically like "We have to go to commercial, but if you can't disprove god, I'm throwing my lot with him". 

Honestly, I think converting O'Reilly to atheism would be a loss to us. Cameron could turn intelligent, but O'Reilly and Comfort...yeah. 

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If Brian Sapient were a

If Brian Sapient were a pirate then the Flying Spaghetti Monster would be true.  But since Brian is a ninja that's proof that God exists.  How can people possibly deny the existence of Brian Sapient?