Crazy Xtian girl

Oh wow...this girl goes to my school and is a total bible thumper. She tells Protestants their "take" on religion is too strict and "sucks", even though essentially it's the same damn thing as Catholicism, what she follows.
an excerpt from her blog:
Hey everyone! I'm in Michigan for my brother's World Series games. I'm just chiling with my buddies Taylor and Shannan and reading this amazing book called 60 Things God Said About Sex. Yeah, it's the explanation and Bible-reference to sex. It explains that the Bible is a manual for the pelasures of sex within marriage....Gee! If I had the time I'd type out the whole book on a blog and have everyone really educate themselves onsomething of extreme importance.So, Marc ended things with me, yet again, because he doesn't want anything that happens to him to affect me, like if he goes to a party and he gets drunk or a girl comes on to him or anything, but what he doesn't realize is that no matter if I'm his girlfriend or his special friend or just his friend, what happens to him WILL affect me. But, at leats he finally got to touch my breasts (he poked me and yelled out "Score!" in the backseat of my car and I was like, "You're sucha dork, Marc, but I still love you!"
and he got to put his head on my lap and then bite my inner thigh (which, by the way, left a really nasty bruise!). we had fun on my only day in MD last Monday.
Christna got back from the Bahamas, and she is attending sumer school. I just hope it isn't so boring for her and that she is keeping a day next week open for us to catch up on old times and reminisce our friendlier days and be the sisters God meant for us to be again.
That's all for today, my first full day here in michigan. I'm wating for Shannan to come downstairs to the computer room of the hotel so we can decide what we'll do today. TTYL, everyone! I miss you all very much!
XOXO Love Alwayzz <3<33 .~*sTeFi*~.
can we say IGNORANT? :roll:
question: how can we help open the minds of teens and the future of our country when so many of them are bible thumpers and actually achieve their goals in converting others to their irrational thought?
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
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i thought Catholocism was much more strict, compaired to the Protestant brand?... but yes essentially the same damn thing. (i was brought up protestant btw)
my thoughts.
Almost nothing, because these people are such idiots.
One thing I learned through my teen years. Teenage girls, are the most Nieve.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
and when they put
!~~!* (insert name) *!~~!
its usually a good sign.
That's funny. I remember when I was going through high school that the girls at the private Catholic school were the the ones that put out.
I simply have to laugh at two completely sexually repressed sects calling the other "strict".
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
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I flip-flopped between Catholic HS and public. It seems to me that the Catholic girls were the ones getting pregnant, having abortions and sharing boyfriends. I guess if they confessed their sins, it was all good.
It's so true. If they give you a strict enviornment, you'll be tempted to "see what's out there". If not, you're more likely to figure out early it's not all that exciting and become indifferent or simply...healthy.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
I was talking to a hispanic guy I work with the other week - he went to Catholic school for a little. He said how stupid it was - he kinda believes in God, but isn't religious. I told him I was an atheist. His brother has been in prison most of his life. He told me about when he and his brother got hit by a ruler by a nun. They yanked off her hood and played catch with it!
They got kicked out of Catholic school (such a big punishment!) They are in their 40's. My dad will be 60 in October, and he told me a nun hit him with a rubber hose when he was in catholic school (this would have been in the 1950's.) Thank the Flying Spaghetti monster I am an atheist!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Eww. I'm sorry for him.
I had a friend who went to a Catholic school as well in kindergarten. She was left-handed, and the nuns hit her hand with a ruler so she'd write with her right hand. Now she writes right-handed, but her left hand shakes.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
You're pretty young aren't you? Wouldn't that have been recent enough they could have gotten arrested for that?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
My hand was beaten with a ruler at CCD for asking how God didn't know ahead of time he'd have to kill everyone on Earth in the great flood, and he's supposed to be all loving.
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IMO those nuns need to be beaten in the face with his right hand. THAT was child abuse, nothing less, and perps garner no mercy from me.
Typical. I applaud you though.
My friend was like "well my parents wouldn't believe me"
typical typical theists...they hear what they want to hear
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
Bible thumpers are the worst. they'll keep making excuses to try and justify their god's actions (killings, causing floods, plagues etc..) and they'll flat out refuse to believe that the bible is incorrect, even when faced with some of the many contradictions it has....
here's a couple of blatant contradictions. print these out and show her:
"And The Lord said to Moses ... He who blasphemes the Name of The Lord shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him; the sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death."
"If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, entices you secretly, saying, 'Let us go and serve other gods ... You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from The Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage."
"While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day ... And The Lord said to Moses, "The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp."
and then we find these:
depending on the particular bible, the fifth or sixth commandment says:
"You shall not murder."
and it is also a contradiction of:
"For the Lord thy God is a merciful God."
is he really? he tells you to kill people for not being a Christian, for cursing him (what, an all powerful being and he can't handle abuse?), or even for just working on a saturday