Pure White Race!
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I was just watching the history channel and they were doing a special on Nazism in America.
Once common theme is preservation of the purity of the white race.
I was thinking, do they really think they are 100% not related to any non-whites?
Why would you want any purity of a race? I think the surefire way to end racism (and my room for another form of bigotry) would be to move away from "pure" races and have everyone mixed.
Then one guy said mixes races creates conflict Among those races...Oh how right he is...but dont any people together create conflict regardless or race? Look at Humas and Fata arent they the same race and for that matter basically the same religion?
So my points are...
Do those poeple really believe this stuff or do the use it as a point to formulate a stance?
Does anyone think the world would be better segragated? Or would it be better if all people were mixed race? or would it not really matter?
This is proboly not the best forum to get answers but I dont really want to register on a White supremecy forum and have the cops knocking on my door, not to mention I see how often I am attacked here as a Liberal, Race-mixing Athiest, I could imagine the conflcts I would have there lol.
"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta
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A good forum for this might be www.mootsf.org (I'm the same name there)
Anyway, I do think people believe this. I don't.
I don't think that either full mixing NOR segregation is a good idea. Mixing all races would be better, but I say simply educating people of the equality of races will save us from racism. Cultures may have to change, and religion HAS to end. But racism is ended with education.
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
I wish that education would eliminate racism. Maybe it helps, but some highly educated people I know are still racist, at least in their behaviours, if not their beliefs. You know the type, perhaps, who say, "I have black friends." Therefore, it's assumed they're not racist. Bull. Sorry. I live in the deep south of southern America, not Canada.
There are a lot of wealthy, well-educated people here. They're just not well-educated in the fields of anthropology or molecular biology. They tend to be well-educated in fields like Business and Finance and even in sciences.
Many of the specialists who graduate from many fields of research couldn't care less about research into racial disparity or racial mis-conceptions period. And where I live, they're the ones in power and controlling commerce, industry and education. I find it profoundly disheartening, but won't give up.
I don't know what the formula is for ending racism, but I'm sure that education as we have formulated it in North America isn't enough. Education has become such an enormous cultural war/battle ground here in the U.S. that it's a wonder anyone knows atheists exist, much less that some of us might be happy.
. . . just the perspective of a bible-belt atheist, though. I think most of the world exists in some sort of bible belt or in some racist/classist industrial-baron state, so, who knows . . . time and information flow will tell if education will really end racism. It's a great dream of mine, too.
To justify inbreeding?
There must be those who buy into it, but it is possible for those at the top to just be using it. I so its possible for those at the top because those are the ones who could gain something.
Genetically and culturally it would be better to let things mix. Culture would mix faster and offer more advantage sooner, but the with genes inbreeding that could happen in pursuit of something pure will lead to genetic diseases.
Creationists believe in the possibility of purity of races. Purity of races is mentioned in the bible. However, the scientific, reality minded community realizes that we all have DNA and we are all related to every living organism. If we share DNA with an Asian, a tomato, and an opposum then we can't exactly be a pure white Aryan. It's a scientific impossibility. However if some nut who rejects evolution and believes in divine creation then the point can be believed that there is a special race of people created by god separate from the "mud" races.
I dont need the bible as back-up to think I am better than everyone else...
It's irrational to even want racial "purity."
Hence this thread.
I felt Whites were the children of YHVH.
I felt it was my obligation to support his children
I felt YHVH had a place in heaven for me
I was prepared and willing to die for YHVH - many of my friends did
I was a sick and delusional person - no worse than a Christian
If you are concerned I killed the person I was
I am not very receptive to discussing personal stories in public. Simply put it was my opinion the white race made up the 'true tribe of Israel'. We were created in god’s image while other races were created in his likeness (similar to a shadow)..... We were to kill his enemy
4am time for sleep. This was just my point of view; one of many. You can start at that link if you really are interested. I hope this helped alittle.
What is the purpose of tolerating theism
You...did change this belief, right?
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
There is only one group better than aryans, midget aryans. Yes, they exist. I don't know how I could go through a day and not be happy that somewhere there is a pissed off midget who thinks he's the apex of existence. I mean, you can't buy that kind of happiness, even if you did shoot a weinerdog out of a cannon.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
I think that's why all the verbs are past tense and I note the line "I killed the person I was".
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
To be a percentage of a particular race implies that pure races existed to begin with, this is not the case. Race is simply a socially constructed item.
I was reading this thread and I thought to myself, 'How could no one have pointed that out that "race" is a completely constructed thing?'
Thank you for pointing this out. There is no such thing as race. Exactly as what I'm quoting says, suggesting there are particular races implies that there were pure races to begin with. It's just nonsense. It's like suggesting that there are different races of dogs merely because different breeds have different characteristics. I believe this is illustrated best in pigeon populations where after several generations of non-selective breeding specialized pigeon breeds revert to the appearance of the typical wild pigeon. There is no evidence to suggest that 'race' actually exists except in the perception of the appearance of people from different geographic regions based on ignorance and prejudice. There is as much difference between two 'white' people who's lineages can be traced back to prehistoric Scandinavia and prehistoric Mesopotamia as there is between either of those people and someone who's lineage can be traced back to ancient Australia or North America.
I haven't even heard anyone use the term 'race' in years. This is perhaps a result of my living in Canada, where people refer only to heritage or ethnicity or background (most common) of other people. In fact, StatsCan (official census bureau of Canada) asks about ethnicity and not race, where the concern of the census is geographic origin. For instance, Scottish is an ethnicity though 'racially' a Scot is 'white' or 'caucasian'. The idea of race in my mind conjures up this very 19th century idea of a distinction between people of extremely different skin colours (or lack thereof) pertaining to their societal positions, enforced and carried on by ignorance, prejudice and the pseudoscience of the time. Pink skin, black skin, yellow skin, red skin and then specialized names and studies showing how one is more educable than another or another more violent or another dumb. It seems like an absolutely barbaric and foreign concept to me. I cannot comprehend the use of 'race' in the same way that I cannot believe that god exists (if anyone can understand that).
Frankly, I'm disturbed by the OP. That people still use the term 'race' literally makes my face contort in disgust and that he uses the term as he does is equally as distasteful for me. Does anyone else have the same problems with the term 'race' that I do? Does anyone else see why the term should just not be used?
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
we are all mutes, mutations,
hey you , who are you ? really now , ..... so you know ? such fools .... you know as me jack fucking shit nothing much ..... GOD ? silly stupid people .....
Atheism Books.
the best thing about the pure white race is that they are so modest.
I need to head up to Canada. As an American, it is so hard for me to imagine not having to answer what color your skin is on a form for any number of things (SATs, DMV, etc). It's great to know that not everyone in the world is so focused on skin color as the US.
Of course they believe they are not related at all to non-whites (especially black people) ..... only thing I can think of for wanting a pure race is to feel better about yourself and taunt other for not being "pure". And NOOOOOO it won't be better if things are segregated because even if you bunched all caucasians together there could be a debate on who's whiter or those classed to be of the African race can debate on who is black or not enough, so on and so forth and mixing doesn't help either..... being mixed or mixing up races or ethnic groups won't make people less racist or more open minded....they can just argue about which mix is better. I've thought of ambushing a few known white supremacy threads but they kick blacks of quicker than you can blink.
I think both that they do believe this stuff and use it to form a stance. Nothing wrong with a Liberal, race-mixing atheist...... wanna make caramel colored babies? lol
---George Carlin---
It's human nature to seek out those who are similar to one's self.
The existence of this forum is an example of that principle in action ie, atheists who wish to find others and form an alliance based upon compatible views. It's an association based upon commonality.
It doesn't matter what the mutually shared characteristic is based upon, be it physical traits ( "race" ), religious denomination, sexual preferences, level of education, social status, political views, ad infinitum.
This human trait is deeply embedded ( thanks to evolution ? ) and I doubt that it could ever be truly eradicated. Associating with those who are similar to one's self is not automatically an example of hate.
I refer to it as tribalism and it's an apt metaphor...good luck trying to change it.
Poor demented supremacists.
Another form of 'compartmentalization'?
How do they reconcile their emotions when Jessica Alba(Danish, French, Mexican) trots across the screen in a bikini?
Halle Berry, Naomi Campbell, Lucy Liu, Devon Aoki, Sarah Silverman(one of my weaknesses. lol.) AND the only modern country singer I can't reconcile with my distaste for country music: Rissi Palmer (Daddy likes.)
How do the women and closet gays in the ranks of the white supremacy movement reconcile their feelings with Vin Diesel whatever he is?
Sadly it goes the other way too. Some black women can't reconcile their feelings about mixed men either.
Demographers point to 2043 as the year when the population of the US reaches 400,000,000. Whether any of the 'supremacists' like it or not, they're not going to 'outbreed' anyone. They already have trouble trying to 'outthink' anyone.
White, black, brown, yellow, shit green with pink polka dots ain't gonna matter.
That's what King saw from the mountaintop. Too bad his contemporaries weren't paying attention during the speeches.
Perhaps we have touched upon one of my deepest hypocrisies.
I am egalitarian with respect to race. However, I cannot force myself to respect religious ideologies as 'equals'. My only defense is that it is discrimination against the religion, not prejudice against the adherents.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
In WWII, Jews weren't white enough, in Rwanda Tutsi's weren't black enough... It is weird but ethnicity seems to have little or even nothing to do with racism or ethnic cleansing as history as shown us... So no matter what race, color or bra size... We will find a way to despise each other, don't worry. We are that stupid !
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
Thanks for that Girl Dancing, prejudice is so embarrassing, people thinking they are special, people thinking life is a gift ..... ???
, Life is not a gift nor special.
no one even decided to be born, da ....
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Einstein
"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life."
Frank Zappa
"If there was a next life I want to return as a colorful Zebra, you know, crossed with a Peacock." me
oh and , with eyes in the back of my head
umm, I must do so more designing .... this is fun stuff being god .... what will I think of next ?
Atheism Books.
I think you don't have to neccessarily like someone or you can even hate everything about them BUT still want to have sex with them or wouldn't mind having sex with them anyways or have something about them give you a funny (but good) feeling in your pants that you want to share with them (white slave master bangin' the black female slaves is one example).
I THINK that's my answer of how those supremacists reconcile their feelings when they see a hot mixed chick or non-white chick. And I think besides a bunch of other ethnicities going on that Vin Diesel is at least of some black american and italian heritage. I think he's hot in A Man Apart (got in on DVD). Some black people period can't reconcile with feelings of mixed folks for various reasosn but well yeah still pretty sad. Oh yeah this country will be very mixed with either some black or some "brown" in a few decades x-D. It's definitely getting bronwer (so I hear). But make no mistake again just because people are mixing more and more and more as time goes by doesn't mean everything is cool beans.
---George Carlin---
Well ethnicity in the cases you named of the Jews not being white enough in the Germans eyes or the Hutu's killing off the Tutsi's had everything to do with it. Especially in Rwanda the Hutu's saw the Tutsi's as like mongrels or inferior but they were all BLACK Africans....of the same race but of different ethnic groups. Yeah humans will find a way to not like something about someone else..... deep down most of us want to feel better than the next person some how.
---George Carlin---
I disagree, I don't think that ethnicity had everything to do with these conflicts. The dominating social posture of these groups i.e. Jews and Tutsi's over Hutu's and Germans was what fired up the hatred.
So I don't think that is was because the Jews were Jews and because the Tutsi's were Tutsi's that the other groups hated them, but because of the "authority" that they represented.
I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist... but in these cases, I don't think that race is what started these conflicts. Racism came later. If none of these groups have been in a state of social superiority over the other one, I doubt these genocides would have taken place.
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
I see no reason to tippy toe around the issue of racial distinctions. There are plenty of non-white organizations that are formed exclusively upon racial identity. Hispanic organizations such as MEChA or *La Raza ( *which incidentaly translates "The Race" ) would certainly deny that there is no such concept as race. The NAACP is a political organization whose very existence is dependent upon the concept of race. So what ? Who cares, deal with it.
From a gentic standpoint there are diseases which only affect certain races. For example sickle-cell anemia affects predominately persons of African heritage. Osteoperosis affects mainly Caucasian and Asian women. I'm sure the list could be expanded but I'm too tired too google pathology as it relates to racial categories.
I am as prone to racial / ethnic prejudice as anyone is ( tribalsim ) but I would still not endorse the elimination of racial distictions either politically or biologically.
If anyone wants to argue semantics concerning my post then feel free to eliminate the word "race" and substitute the word "sub-species."
Edit: ....just an afterthought addressed to those who don't believe in the concept of race: If there is no such thing as "race" then how can someone be guilty of "racism" ?
I am willing to accept that the distinctions are very subtle, but I can't equate race with sub-species. As I don't believe the same degree of (genetic) separation exists between the two. I equate race with breed, but sub-species is more like Canis familiaris and Canis lupus.
By way of analogy, using your disease example, cocker spaniels are prone to the genetic defect of entropion (eyelids turn in), compare that with greyhounds where it is rare. The occurrence of diseases in certain ethnic and "racial" groups is a function of geographic heritage.
Too bad stupidity isn't poisonous.
I think it's not necessarily denying that there is a concept of 'race'. It is the hope that race isn't a factor affecting other things. Hoping that one day "my children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
In opposition to our own evolution, most domesticated dog breeds ( Canis familiaris ) are the products of human intervention and all characteristics, whether positive or negative, are a reflection of a very artificially induced process over a relatively short period of time.
Humans, however, are the end-result of a purely natural process occuring over a huge bloc of time. Any racially specific characteristics, regardless of their description, are a reflection of an adaptive process that is completely indifferent to political considerations or the desires of mankind...
If I understand your "geographic heritage" analogy correctly you are inferring that these diseases are not a reflection of genetics but instead are a reflection of a person's environment ?
I agree with you whole-heartedly.
First, on the issue of what white supremacists think compared to what they do. They do not reconcile anything when confronted with Others that they find sexually attractive. The endless stream of "mulattoes" appreaing out of "nowhere" during the time of slavery is proof of that. It's not OK to drink from the same fountain as a "black" person...but it's OK to fuck them. Can you say Strom Thurmond?
There is a real piont to be made about human tribalism. But just because it is evolutionarily innate, it does not follow that we shouldn't counter it as much as possible.
Minute perceptions of division are like culture or like local spoken accents. They have a hold to the extent that they are invisible. Anyone who is capable of saying to himself "I know I have an accent to everyone who grew up more than 100 miles away from me" is capable of looking past minute differences in attempt to define The Other.
Thus, the best antidote to tribalism is awareness.
I don't think there is much strength in attempts to draw clear divisions between race, breed, or sub-species.
There is no clear line dividing life from non-life, a gray area between them. From this point on the gray area only increases. The dinstinction between one species and another is even less clear. Beyond this point, lifeforms become so similar that there is legitimate doubt that diving species into sub-species is of any significant or even consistent use at all. In other words, the overlap of traits between one sub-species and another is so overwhelming that defining a sub-species may be futile. Even when taking into account specific known ethnic differences, the amount of overlap makes sub-species designations pointless.
Article titled: "Race Is Seen as Real Guide To Track Roots of Disease" Interesting and brief read about Stanford University geneticist:
Hutu's, Tutsi's and Jews are ethnic groups. I didn't say ethnicity had everything to do with the conflicts but ethnic differences were a big part. You disagree with that?
"I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist... but in these cases, I don't think that race is what started these conflicts. Racism came later. If none of these groups have been in a state of social superiority over the other one, I doubt these genocides would have taken place."
That I agree with.
A side comment I've always had in my mind.....well since like Hutu and Tutsi are not races it's not racism. I think like ethnicism should be put in the dictionary as a real word.
---George Carlin---
Doesn't la raza in the hispanic community come from the signigficant of being of white spanish and brown indian ancestry. So that's being "mixed race" in itself.
---George Carlin---
Agreed, but that conundrum should best be answered by those latinos, hispanics, meso-americans who observed their mixed ancestry, drew a line around it as a basis of distinction, and then arbitrarily chose the term "La Raza" for themselves.
A similar situation exists for the NAACP, an organization whose mission is to protect the interests of "black" persons. Paradoxically, there are very few examples of black Americans who are from an exclusively African ancestry.
"First, on the issue of what white supremacists think compared to what they do. They do not reconcile anything when confronted with Others that they find sexually attractive. The endless stream of "mulattoes" appreaing out of "nowhere" during the time of slavery is proof of that. It's not OK to drink from the same fountain as a "black" person...but it's OK to fuck them. Can you say Strom Thurmond?"
Hell to the yeah i'm sure they rationalized it was ok to f--k em' anyways.....it probably excited men like him who lusted after these black African women but still held fast to their feelings superiority. I heard in secret Strom played daddy of course behind closed doors/on the slide to his mixed daughter.
Again I truly believe you don't have to like someone and/or you can hate everything about them and still wouldn't mind tapping that.
---George Carlin---
yeah FreeThoughtMake... I'd I be honored to share a drink with you , I love your Genes
, umm and the way you do make those Jeans move, tickles and giggles on ya
, you is love music ....
Atheism Books.
hmm didn't see the new addition.......I gathered though they AIM at black people primarily that NAACP was for all ethnic minorities. And I think it's a lot more than very few black Americans of exclusively African ancestry but again that's just me.
---George Carlin---
um.......... lol.
I thought you said that these conflicts had everything to do with ethnicity. This is what I disagree with.
Of course that racism played a big role. But as I said, it doesn't have everything to do with it. Racism in these cases is more of an effect than a cause to these conflicts.
Well... There's only one human race... So you can generalize that idea to the entire spectrum of the human kind.
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
To my knowledge there is only one human species.
Racial differentiation within the human species is not a concept that has been abandoned by the scientific community.
See my previous post regarding the position of Stanford University geneticist Dr. Neil Risch.
If the emphasis in this thread is upon eradicating "hate" between humans then setting aside race as a concept, there is and still remains an endless list of other qualities and characteristics that humans draw from to fuel their agression.
Hell, many street gangs in Los Angeles base their hatred of rival gangs strictly upon what neighborhood they live in. Should we eliminate the "concept" of zip codes to correct this character flaw ?
No it doesn't have everything to do w/ ethnicity..difference in everything and a big part of something. I think racism is one of the causes but it's not an after effect.
I don't like to generalize.
---George Carlin---
Yes, during the Viet Nam war many young, horny American soldiers ( of all races ) frequently hooked up with female "gooks" to produce children referred to as Amerasians.
Btw, these racially hybrid children are generally *despised by the native population for not being pure Vietnamese.... ( *wow, never saw that coming !!!
Yeah, but it's damn peculiar and perverted from their own perspective. In the slaver's eyes, slaves are literally not human. Thus having sex with a slave was buggery...but it happened all the time.
Spielberg pointed to this as well in Schindler's List with the attraction that Camp Commandant had for his Jewish servant.
Having sex with "them" is tantamount to conceeding "their" humanity.
You're right that education is not a panacea, but you should keep in mind just how MUCH ignorance is out there. When we talk about education being a solution, we're not saying that all racism would go away, only that the vast majority of racism is due to lack of education so getting rid of the lack as much as possible would get rid of the vast majority of racism.
You and zek are absolutely right. But what's happening now, with the advent of genetic science, is a new attempt to scientifically define sub-species. If this were successful, we would almost be forced to accept the existence of race redefined as sub-species. Interestingly, though, current science points away from the idea that sub-species are significantly distinct to merit classification.
See I think the thought of them as less than human to make themselves feel better about what they were doing to the slaves. Maybe it's not that peculiar to screw what you hate.....sexual urges could probably take over whatever beliefs they usually have at least for the time they're having sex with them.
---George Carlin---
--- Old News: Black mom: Mother of All the Races, and FreeThoughtMake... is my sister !
"African Eve" , Researchers therefore reason that all living humans descend from Africans, some of whom migrated out of Africa and populated the rest of the world .....
We are "ONE" said the ancient wise ones .... how'd they know ! ? ! ....
Atheism Books.
Yes, thank goodness ! It's common knowledge that racism could have never developed among humans if those foolish scientists hadn't formulated / and or acknowledged that concept. With the eradication of "race" categories among the scientific community the problem of racism should should fade away within a few weeks. Well done !
Now if we can just do away with gender classification then sexism will become extinct, too. It's so simple !
Screw what you hate ? Husbands and wives have been doing that for years.