Christian Day Care!

Hello, I was talking with some friends the other day about this and thought it would be an interesting thing to discuss here.
I am an atheist but I send my son to a Christian day care.
No, on the surface it does not make sense.
But here is why....
1st many day cares in my area are directly christian and most of those who aren't are still run by I would limit my options by looking for a non-christian day care.
2nd It is a clean day care that teach many non-christian things and the staff are kind and my son likes them.
3rd for day care they dont get into heavy theology more like coloring pictures of Jonah and the Whale and cutting crosses out of construction paper...none of which bother me.
4th it is reasonably priced and close to my house and job so if I need to get to him right away for some reason I am usually no more than 10 mins away.
Some of the people I work with said it was hypocritical to support a christian daycare and send my son to it even though we are not christian...Id like to hear both sides.
PS. he is starting school in a little over a year and I am debating schools, I doubt I will pay to him to go to a Catholic school cause I dont want him to get raped but Baltimore public schools are so bad...the non-religous public schools around here (Gilman ect.) seem to start at $15,000+ a year for 1st grade....we really need a voucher program for education.
"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta
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Have you thought about moving to an area with better public schools?
Have you looked into out-of-district tuition to a better public school? It may be less than a private school.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
For the day care thing if I was a parent I'd try to find a non-religious day care if it wasn't too much trouble, but even with limited resources you still have to make some choice.
For the schools I don't know what to tell you about the public schools. In my area I was able to go to fairly good ones, but my mom was a teacher and knew which were good and which were bad. I had good to a catholic school for a bit, but only because the public schools were half days early on.
There might be a good public school around, in some areas you don't have to go to the closest school.
Then again you could send them to the Catholic school I hear for some people their catholic school days greatly influenced their atheism
Sam Harris (whose book you advertise, and atheists seems to love) says that "Some propositions are so dangerous that it may be ethical to kill people for believing them." (TEOF, p. 52-53)
Note that he is talking about beliefs, not just actions. So I am wondering which atheists will decide which beliefs...perhaps teaching creationism to children and committing child abuse?...will qualify for the death penalty?
May I ask what this has to do with topic at hand?
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Iluv, the very fact that you are attempting to rationalize the decision indicates that you are not overly comfortable with your child coloring pictures of Jonah or building crucifixes. Is this the best place for your child or the most convenient?
If it turns out to be the most convenient, that's ok. You must prepare yourself for the day that the tyke will request some cash for the donation plate at his secretly attended church. You may also learn one day that it was your child's turn to hold the snakes that day at daycare. If you are accepting of this, then all is righ twith the world. If this makes you feel nauseous, then find another harbor for your little Jonah.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Bertram Cabot,
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Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
The interesting thing about atheists, is that after telling me there is no God to tell me what to do...THEY want to tell me what to do!
Really, atheists are so funny...I mean, they just KILL me!
The rules of the forum have absolutely nothing to do with any one person's particular beliefs or opinions. They are put into place so that all members here, theist and atheist alike can converse and debate without threats, ad hominems, etc.
I'd suggest that you take the time out to read the rules of the forum.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
There doesn't need to be an invisible man in the sky for there to be rules.
I am not 100% ok with it....but I doubt any daycare I will be 100% ok with.
The trick seems to be, like everything in life, weighing pros and cons and finding out what is best.
I stated above that is it convienent, priced reasonably and the christianity isnt over the top but typical.
I just dont think hearing christian stuff makes someone a Christian when they are older...Most people hear of Santa Claus and believe when they are young but not many adults do..(on that topic I dont tell my son about Santa either but I doubt Ill find a day care that will tell the children Santa doesnt exist.)
I just think of it roll with the best situation and be a good parent and hope for the best....
As for picking your public school, that is not an option here, you get zoned into a school and that is what you get. (Unless there is some backdoor trick I dont know about if so I wish I knew it before I went to one of the worst schools on the East coast) And as for sending them to an affordable private school elsewhere Im sure I could but what does more harm an additional 3 hours of travel time a day when he could be home instead of in a car or coloring pictures of Jesus and fish.
Im glad for the feedback I was just wondering what your take was on this situation.
and for the off topic Christian...people can make rules for you and tell you what to do when you are doing it using thier resources. If you come here you must follow the rules just as if one of us joined a debate at a church or religous university we would follow the rules since it would be your property. The problem most of us have with Christians is they they to manipulate government to make your rules affect us in our PRIVATE life.
"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta
I say if the daycare is good, and as long as they're not pushing christian stuff on your kid, it's not a problem. However, it seems like they are starting to get pushy (like with the jonah and the cross stuff), so it's time to reconsider and see if you can find something non religious. if you can't for daycare, then definitely try to for school. I went to a liberal religious school that wasn't too bad, but you gotta research that very carefully and it's tricky
When I read the topic title my first thought was that a daycare for christians would be a good idea. Keep them all well supervised so they can't hurt themselves on nasty reality and don't get in our way.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
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