Guest Suggestion: JASON SCOTT YELDELL (African American Atheist)

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Guest Suggestion: JASON SCOTT YELDELL (African American Atheist)

I recently attended a lecture/formal debate on atheism and the fallacies of intelligent design and there was an african american atheist by the name of Jason Yeldell who presented one of the most eloquent (and humorous) cases for atheism and the irrationality of religion.


He is the author of the book "A Call to Sanity" and is building quite a name for himself.


He would be a great addition to one of your shows.



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I like him.  I wish he'd

I like him.  I wish he'd start posting here.  Someone suggested him before, and we've simply not had interview and record capabilities for a while.  We'll definetly invite him on when we can.

His site:


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