Musical Prodigy- Amanda Bloom- exposing theism, on the show!
I met Amanda Bloom on myspace and we have become friends rather quickly. We have similar stories and similar dreams. Like my mother, she too has a family member that is completely lost in a world of Christianity. She also exposes the lunacy in theistic belief in her art. An amazing voice, a brilliant talent on the piano, and a focus on nothing less than perfection... I predict Amanda will be a huge star. She also happens to be one of our shows biggest fans, so obviously she has great taste in radio as well.
Her song Magdalene is available for download only to registered members of this site! Visit the "Downloads" section now!
Her blog on myspace explains the meaning of the song Magdalene:
Magdalene is a song about the insanity of religion and the manipulation of religious values for one's own egotistical purposes.Verse 1 is about Catholicism, Verse 2 is about Christian/Catholic Repression, guilt and self-torture. Verse 3 is about Muslim fanatacism (just the fanatics) and the horror of religious justification for terrorism and murder. Verse 4 is about the oppression of women in SOME muslim societies and about the honour killings that are still going on. It can also be broadened to the oppression of women in Christian/catholic church and hey while we're at it, the oppression of women in general.
It is a cry to rid our species of all "belief" that is dividing us.
I wrote it after watching the movie "The Magdalene Sisters" A film about elderly catholic nuns in jail-like convents who abused young girls who were abandoned by their families for "bringing shame to the family name". I.E falling pregnant before marriage or not subscribing to the bullshit of religion etc etc...These nuns were supposed to "reform" the girls but instead the girls became the target of the Nuns built up repression and distaste for all things "sinful" and were beaten, humiliated and abused for years or forever. The film is brilliant but horrifying..
In the first line of the song "Your Black and White deny the God in Colour" I am referring to the habit that nuns wear and this black and white clothing becomes a symbol of the simplicity of human religious interpretation throughout the song.
These lines sum up the meaning of the entire song perfectly ie your black and white view of the world ....your simple and literal interpretation of the Bible or The Koran denies all the complexity of meaning in life, human character and the multitude of ways of being/percieving our reality. Colour representing free expression, sex, dual love, female empowerment, sexuality, art, love, alcohol, alternative history, space, objectivety self-awareness, re-marriage, science, intellect, free-will, aliens.....anything that might offend or oppose traditional and limited Christian or Muslim values. This line is also a plea to understand that if God does exist he would be in all the shades of colour, both ugly and beautiful and therefor what is considered "sinful" should be equally worshipped as it is just as much a "thing" in the world/mind that "God" apparently created.
I do not believe in God because I believe that the human mind at this stage of evolution is simply too cognitively limited to "know" anything. Therefor I am an atheist through a form of reason that humbles me to an awareness of how truly exponential space and the superverse is and, relatively, how minute we are as beings on Earth. We are still yet to learn of our place in Space and our relation to other species and life forms out that are scientifically probable to exist. Until we have all the facts about ourselves how can we claim to know ourselves? I believe that if one day we were to find out the truth of Reality and our place in the cosmos, and the truth of our human origins... it would be so far removed from anything anyone has ever expected/assumed. It would be so huge and so complex, it's implications so confronting and terrifying that our limited cognition would not actually be able to truly register it. We would probably go mad.
It is this sense of vastness and evidential void that is the voice in the chorus, calling to the "believers" to open their minds to an awareness of their relative size to the uncapped and infinite possiblities of Truth and Reality.
Your Black and White
deny the "God" in Colour
Use "The Word" while She is crying out to you....
You know the Lines
But you escape their meaning
Take your orders back cos you're a sinner too...
Verse 2
You pray for Good
For goodness ('s)sake stop praying
Judge yourself until there's nothing left of you
You were afraid but now you fear your mother
Face the light we want to see the God in YOU.
When you mistook your vow as pious
Did you leave your pain in the dark
I call your name but you hide behind God
Who do you hide from now?
Verse 3
Your duty is done
The light begins to flicker
All your faith won't change the fate awaiting you
Your mother cries
A mother's sickened pride
Waste the life that "She" so kindly gave to you
When you mistook your vow self-riteous
Did you think you'de die in the dark?
One and the same but you kill for your "God"
Who do you kill for now?
Verse 4
You wear it well; the shame of being a woman
Hide the grace dare not embrace for fear of HIM
Your daughter cries
but you no longer know Her
How you can condone his unenlightened sin
When you mistook your veil as pious
Did you see him there in the Dark?
Suffer the shame suffer all that is done
Woman without a Sound........"
Amanda will be appearing on our show multiple times, look for her to be part of our show here and there.
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hell yeah...I too have extremely religious family members..on my mother side, I have an aunt is is obsessed with the supernatural..after all they are Italian in Sicily. hahaha.. anyway...all I hear from them and all i've been groing up with is this fear of Jesus. I woke up...
but yeah...can't wait to hear her music
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
If her Pics page is anything to go by, she seems to believe that we're being visited by UFOs and that there are artificial structures on Mars.
She is currently dating a guy who is even moreso into UFO belief than she is. Amanda feels she has some scientific evidence to back UFO belief, and it's an issue we've chosen to not discuss with her very often. I think all members of the Rational Response Squad think there is a much higher chance that alien life exists than not existing, and yet all of us feel there is not enough evidence to claim that aliens have visited us here on Earth. We are finding that many people who see eye to eye with us on many levels, still have one or two beliefs, that we don't readily accept. The most important thing to us is that she is wise enough to see the dangers of religion, we can work up from there.
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I do not believe that outlandish claims should be tolerated in conversation, but I empathize with your position and recognize that it?s not productive to alienate supporters of the Rational Response Squad.
Good lord. I have never once claimed anywhere that aliens have been "visiting us". I have no solid evidence for that so why would I make such a claim? A mind too open is equally as dangerous as a mind too closed. However it is always best not to dismiss an idea until all facts are appropriately researched.
The greatest breakthroughs in human endeavour have often flown in the face of what was deemed 'impossible' at the time. Witness: the first airplane, electricity, radio transmissions, sailing to the ends of the earth and not falling off. (lol) Add space travel, television etc etc.
Knowledge is fluid, it adapts and evolves as more of the truth is revealed by those clever and, yes, brave enough to seek it.
Thank you Brian for your kind and rational response to an individual who's depth of interpretation is clearly limited. I would challenge him to email me personally with the "outlandish" quote wherein I claim this planet has been visited by life other than our own.
Other life forms in the Universe are simply probable. That is all I know.
It is interesting that most people, when faced with a topic they know nothing about, would prefer to pigeon-hole and judge another before doing their own personal research into the topic. Mental apathy is a great human weakness. Something that I do not think should be tolerated in society as a whole, let alone a conversation as fleeting as this.
Other intelligent life forms existing or having existed in this universe is very probable if you consider the size of the entire universe. It's pretty egotistical to think we're the only intelligent beings to have ever existed, it's about the same attitude most dogmatic religions take with the whole "Man was created in Gods image" bullshit.
I got ONE and only ONE movie for you guys CONTACT.... one of my absolute all time favorite movies, combining.. atheism, religion AND aliens. carl sagan is the man..
I will say this, I am open minded to the idea of foreign life. whether it be single celled life or advanced, "intelligent" life. As of right now there is no way for us to know. The evidence just isn't there. But due to what we know about the universe it is very clearly possible that another "earth" like planet in another solar system similar to ours would have the right chemistry for life to have evolved. Amanda, clearly is keeping an open mind.
But I can see it now...THE RRS SUPPORTS UFO CLAIMS...... uh... no...
we're straight people, but not to speak. If you play a statistical game, there could very well be life on other planets. I mean, one of the theories of how life began on earth is that it came on an asteroide or a meteorite that collided with the earth.... so.... I wouldn't be surprised...but I'm not a believer until the evidence shows up...after all there IS also a chance that we are a unique....planet in the whole universe...a cosmic accident..that has created such "wonderful beings" as humans------>scared little insignificant carbon based life forms which encase the largest egos of the universe.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
:smt023 :smt060
Great point. I totally agree. Once again, a healthy and rational mind is one continually inquiring, researching and challenging the ever-changing knowledge base that is both readily, and less readily available to us. The greatest thinkers in recent and ancient history have been rational enough to truly grasp the implications of a possible infinite universe. If an idea does not gain truth as it gains followers it is possible the greatest Truth is yet unknown and without any dedicated followers to ambitiously "blog" about.
I leave you with my definition of an open-mind. A mind that does not dismiss anything until all the available facts are known.
Amanda Bloom
Wow that was quick! that previous response was for that earlier comment.....hey larry....thanks for your support. I love that movie Contact and yes Carl Sagan is the man.
Everyone must check out Larry's myspace page
Best blogs, brilliant mind. Larry is the man. I've done my research and I have the evidence. See it for yourself on his page :arrow:
Group hug!!!!!!!!!!!!
:smt020 <------Larry listening to Amanda Bloom's song Magdaleine!!!
But seriously, no need to lie to people about me!! I'm just a regular dude....that woke up. nothing special. The level of ignorance of the masses due to religion is making me look good..but it's a poor comparison.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
hey larry re your single celled idea previously, have been doing a little (very little comparatively to you) research into alternative micro-biology and would like to know what you think of this article. Being in the field you clearly have more knowledge than I could hope to have....
Well, the red rain was actually caused by local algal spores of the genus Trentepholia. People love to twist things around in order to sensationalize.
When all else fails:

Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
For those of you that haven't visited Amanda Bloom's MySpace page, she has several images which lead to my assumption that she believes in alien visitation. To my knowledge she hasn't made any specific claims, but that's not what I was referring to in my first post.
Amanda has two images of crop circles, each with a short description. The first description reads "Do not dismiss what you have not personally researched," and the second "The greatest secrets are kept by public incredulity." There are many explanations for crop circles, including natural phenomena and government conspiracy, but crop circles are most often associated with alien visitation or communication.
Amanda has also included several paintings with magnified views of objects that resemble UFOs. These paintings are often used by believers as evidence of alien visitation. She describes one of her images as "1465 Paolo Uccello. Ufo's in ancient art are plentiful & undeniable."
If Amanda does not believe in alien visitation, then I regret the misunderstanding, but based on the comments left by her friends, and Sapient's reply to my first post in this thread, I think my assumption is reasonable.
My mind is open to evidence, and based on my research as well as the research of others, there is little to be found outside personal anecdotes.
It was not my aim to suggest that you had made any outlandish claims. When I replied to Sapient, I was thinking about his hesitancy to broach the issue of your UFO belief. It occurred to me that since you share the goals of the Rational Response Squad, that he may be biting his tongue, and my comment was an attempt to explain my perspective regarding this matter.
I agree with your first sentence, but I have yet to see any evidence of alien visitation.
Back on alien life, I've found the work of Frank Drake to be very intriguing. some have said his equation is the second most important of all time, behind E=MC2.
There are many disagreements on the variables to plug into Drakes Equation, but almost all variables agree that alien life within this galaxy alone is virtually a guarantee. Furthermore some variables answer that there are as high as 50,000 civilizations in our galaxy alone that we might expect to be able to communicate at any given time.
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Thank you, floating egg, for admitting that in fact it was your own loose assumptions that lead you to think that I "believe" aliens are visiting this planet.
A certain assumption based on my profile is somewhat understandable. However assumptions are dangerous as they are limited by the mind of the assumer and are therefore often incongruent with reality.
Alas this is the case.
You will notice that all I have done is present for your consideration
phenomena that exist regarless of whether or not you or I find convenient to assign mental energy to.
Crop formations have appeared all over the world for over 20 years on record and occur within the hundreds each crop season. Some are clearly man-made which offers the lazy mind justification to dismiss the entire phenomenon. However a rational approach would be not to question whether ALL crop circles are of unexplainable origin, rather;
The answer is a resounding 'yes'.
There are formations that have appeared that are of such startling complexity and such non-duplicable features (radiation levels, non-damaged crops, no trail leading in or out, done under cover of darkness on private property undetected, magnetic properties that render compasses within them useless etc..) that to assume they are man made one naturally would demand a team of humans duplicate them under said conditions to said specifications.
No such duplication is possible and if you do the research you will find that anytime humans agree to be filmed making a formation they do it under completely different conditions AND fail to include the features and /or complexity that render claims of human origin ABSOLUTELY IMPROBABLE.
See and follow the links for more info.
I accept that the world is not as simple as we are both led to believe by the media, and choose to believe as a human egotistical survival mechanism. I do not know how these formations came to be. And I DO NOT CLAIM TO KNOW. I do know, however, that SOME formations are simply anomolous. A great mystery. And if you have an inquiring and healthy mind, these formations should interest you also.
You seem to have an aversion to 3 comments in my "pics" section. The first being "Do not dismiss what you have not personally researched". I think this is a valid idea, and am forced to customise it to "Do not dismiss what you have not sufficiently researched" to address your previous comment:
"My mind is open to evidence, and based on my research as well as the research of others, there is little to be found outside personal anecdotes."
If all you have encountered is personal anecdotes then you simply have not done the research. Even cursory research would show you that some of the most compelling evidence for the existance of UFO's being real objects moving intelligently in the skies comes from verifiable radar reports, by the military, commercial aircraft, and even NASA themselves. The Mexican and Brazilian governments have released official video footage of 12 UFO's in the sky captured on radar and infra-red radar. Links available on request. It would only take a quick google search to discover this. And I would argue that this surely goes beyond "personal anecdote".
"The greatest secrets are kept by public incredulity"
This comment was not specific to Aliens (!) Once again your own loose and lazy assumptions.
This is a valid idea and one has only to wander into recent history to find human behaviour that supports this idea.
"Ufo's in ancient art are plentiful & undeniable." Once again all I have stated is fact. Ufo's in not only ancient but also modern art ARE plentiful and undeniable and a man who fights to disclose information on this would be an idiot NOT to use this to support his research. Therefore you saying that "These paintings are often used by believers as evidence of alien visitation" carries no weight whatsoever. OF COURSE these paintings are going to be considered by those intelligent enough to truly understand its implications.
I have to wonder why it is that you have such an aversion to these noted ideas and phenomena. I imagine you consider yourself a "skeptic". However the true skeptic would have a hard time blindly believing in the benevolence and honesty of those who control the flow of information to the populace at large that inevitably comprises concensus reality.
I would also like to add that in fact Brian was NOT hesitant to question and discuss these ideas with me at all. He was quite keen to do so. You can hear for yourself in the outtakes section. It was infact my own decision not to go into the subject as I knew if I did I would waste countless hours on the internet debating with people like yourself which at this point in my life I don't have the patience for.
I feel that you need me to "believe" in aliens so that you have reason to attack me with the basest offence available: infantile ridicule.
I leave you with your own quote;
"It occurred to me that since you share the goals of the Rational Response Squad, that he may be biting his tongue"
Considering your false assumptions, perhaps my friend it is you who should bite your tongue.
Amanda Bloom
I have not ridiculed you and I do not have an aversion to crop circles or UFOs, however, to quote the late Carl Sagan "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Whether or not my demand for compelling evidence makes me a true skeptic seems to depend on your inference that if I'm not convinced by your arguments or what you would refer to as the research, I'm guilty of "blindly believing in the benevolence and honesty of those who control the flow of information to the populace at large that inevitably comprises concensus reality."
While I'm not inspired by crop formations, I am inspired by the following websites:
2002 CSICOP Crop Circles Experiments
Levengood's Crop-Circle Plant Research
Circlemakers' Gallery
Circular Reasoning: The 'Mystery' of Crop Circles and Their 'Orbs' of Light
Crop Circle Confession
How to get the wheat down in the dead of night
Are you familiar with Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World: Science as a candle in the dark? In one of the later chapters, he introduces the Baloney Detection Kit. I've included it in this post for your benefit:
The following are suggested as tools for testing arguments and detecting fallacious or fraudulent arguments:
Skeptic magazine addressed the issue of art and UFOs in their July 2004 issue. If you're interested, you may download it here or if you prefer, a more detailed investigation can be found at ART and UFOs? No thanks, only art...
Just trying to go one specific formation at a time. The specific formation I like that Amanda has a picture of is this one:
I found it interesting that the site you referenced (cool site) takes credit for a bunch of crop circles, and happens to be astounded by this one. On this page they say:
"Here's something to ponder, if this formation was man made allowing for time to get into and out of the field under cover of darkness the construction time left should be around four hours. Given that there are over 400 circles some of which span approx 70ft in diameter that would mean that one of those circles would need to be created every 30 seconds and that's not even allowing any time for the surveying, purely flattening, this formation pushes the envelope and that's a MASSIVE understatement... my brain hurts!"
Just found that interesting.
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I wonder how far crop circle makers will carry large-scale land art.
I'm rather fond of the Crabwood Farm House formation in the UK.
I so agree with your quote from Carl Sagan, floatingegg, that:
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
It would seem that the only CLAIM thus far is that humans are responsible for ALL the crop formations we have seen.
In light of formations such as the one Brian pointed out above I would say that is indeed an EXTRAORDINARY claim.
So, in making this EXTRAORDINARY claim (that all formations are of human origin), I say: SHOW ME THIS EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE.
Which would amount to documented EXACT duplication of the most complex formations under the conditions under which they appeared.
In my research not only have I not happenned upon this evidence - even the self-professed 'circlemakers' marvel at the most grand formations, and to date, specifically referencing the one Brian posted, no one has ever claimed responsibility.
The CLAIM that some formations are UNEXPLAINED is nothing of the sort: in the absence of the extraordinary evidence required to prove human origin, this is merely FACT.
Believe me, I'm sure anyone with an interest in this subject would like nothing more than a firsthand demonstration of the creation of these things to finally have some closure, until then, it's all speculation.
But remember: in claiming they are ALL manmade, an EXTRAORDINARY amount of evidence is required. This is what makes the phenomenon inherently fascinating and dare i say mysterious.
(waits patiently as floatingegg runs off to find some lowbrows making shockingly flawed crop formations with NONE of the aforementioned complexity and features to pass off as evidence that "ALL Crop Formations are MANMADE) :roll:
It may behoove you to note that I have not made the claim that you?ve accused me of. Sapient and I had a similar discussion through private messages, and I?m going to tell you the same thing that I told him. Since I didn?t receive permission to post what he wrote to me in private, I?ll omit his part of the conversation.
The following is an excerpt from Skeptic magazine's definition of skepticism:
...I am satisfied that crop circles are man made, but to quote skeptic magazine once again, "all facts in science are provisional and subject to challenge, and therefore skepticism is a method leading to provisional conclusions."
And Amanda never made the claim that you accused her of.
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Guess that makes me a skeptic!
I find it hard to believe you are a practicioner of this 'method' you claim skepticism is by nature as you are 'satisfied ALL crop formations are man made' WITHOUT the requisite EXTRAORDINARY evidence to back it up!
Burden of proof can be a bitch, no?
...formations like this simply MUST be too good to be TRUE, right?
FYI the shield being held by ET there is actually a code in BINARY that has been deciphered thus:
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.
Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE There is GOOD out there.
The capitals are intentional in the code.
These hoaxers sure have A LOT of time on their hands...and some handy codesmen to boot!
I didn't accuse her of making a claim. In my first post, I observed that she seemed to believe in alien visitation and artificial structures on Mars. You addressed this in your reply which I've quoted below. I've placed the relevant sentences in bold for clarification.
The post Amanda Bloom seems (there?s that word again) to take issue with is my reply to your post where I wrote "I do not believe that outlandish claims should be tolerated in conversation." This was specifically targeted at your approach to Rational Response Squad supporters that make claims that are unsupported by evidence.
It's also worth noting that my continued argument with Amanda Bloom-- and you for that matter--is not based on my outlandish claims comment. I clarified my reply to your post early in the thread by explicitly stating that "to my knowledge she hasn't made any specific claims." Let?s pretend that I had intentionally accused her making an outlandish claim. It?s a reasonable response, which is why I clarified my point in a later post. Amanda could easily have replied with ?I made no outlandish claim.? I would have conceded the point and this thread would have probably gone in a different direction.
My satisfaction that crop circles are man made is not an extraordinary claim. In fact, it's not a claim at all. It's a response to the evidence. I don?t believe in Leprechauns, but this is a provisional conclusion and I?m open to evidence to the contrary. Perhaps you should review the burden of proof.
Is the Amanda Bloom song still available? I don't seem to find a downloads section?
It's a different sound live, and a different look too:
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