Do you want to be on the show? If so, why? Let us know.

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Do you want to be on the show? If so, why? Let us know.

We get requests all the time from people who want to be on the show. The requests range from atheist that wants to tell a deconversion story to Christian who wants to debate us. Requests also range from people who want to be on the show for one minute to people who would require an hour. We get so many requests that it's hard to keep track of them all. This is a great problem to have obviously, we wont run out of material.

Let this thread serve as an open forum to introduce yourself and tell us why you want to be on the show. Please link us to your website as well.

I'll start a Peanut Gallery thread soon so that if forum members want to comment on a potential guest, it'll get discussed out of this thread, to keep clutter down.

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I want to be on the show

I want to be on the show because i want to be the first scottish member to do so lol. (i am very presumptious in thinking there have been no other scots involved lol) And i want to be involved because i feel passionately about what the rational response team is about. And because i would love to meet all you guys, i love meeting like minded people.

Your mind will take you far, the rest is just your heart, you'l find that fate is all your own creation.

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would i get to sing on the

would i get to sing on the show? lol

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I'd be down to chat with you

I'd be down to chat with you guys since I've died and saw nothing. And this when i saw a theist. And I mean really died, as in flatlined in the ER long enough for the surgeons to be unsure if they were doing an exploratory or an autopsy. Woot for me. Plus I think it's only right that I propose to LeftofLarry's dog on air. It's romantical.



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Know Nyarlathotep, No Peace.

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I think my dog should be the

I think my dog should be the mascot of RRS!!!!

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LeftofLarry wrote:I think my

LeftofLarry wrote:
I think my dog should be the mascot of RRS!!!!

That's a grand idea. You need to get Sapient to PhotoShop him a pic with a badge.

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You mean like this?

You mean like this?

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Simply outstanding! Welcome,

Simply outstanding!

Welcome, Buddy, as a member of the elite.

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would love to

First of all, the dog kicks some serious ass. Has to be one of the best pictures I've seen in a while, outside of one I'll post here soon.

Second, I'd love to be on the show. I know I've written a short bio about my deconversion to sapient, so he knows a bit about me. Having graduated from a bible college and having been engrossed in some of the most fundamentalist of fundamentalist groups, I have a (perhaps not so) unique perspective. As to what I can talk about, I think my posts so far should speak for themselves, but the current political climate in relation to religion is something I particularly enjoy discussing, especially in relation to what it says about the social thinking of america.

Every one of your relationships to man and to nature must be a definite expression of your real, individual life corresponding to the object of your will. -Erich Fromm

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Would love to perform...

Here's a lyrics sample; to get a sense of my music, check out my myspace - though i have less confrontational songs posted there...


"Mighty Power"VERSE:Well, it's a mystifying mysteryAnd it's more than a little bit oddThis mighty power no one ever did seeThis mighty power of god Yeah he’s so mighty he’s  “the” almightyAnd you’d better quake with frightAnd if he kills your kids and cripples youYou’d better just stay polite Because even though he’s quite almightyHe’s mighty insecureAnd he wants you to say nice things about himAnd get down on the floor And do we really need such animalisticGestures of submission anymore? CHORUS:I don’t see no mighty powerI don’t see nothin’ at allY’say I gotta believe the unbelievableOr I’m headed for a fallBut I’ve always heard about god from peopleAnd people have always liedAnd if god’s got all of this mighty powerWhy then does he hide? And why has he been hiding all of this time? VERSE:So mighty and high he can justifyWhatever you decide to doBecause he’s all-wise and he’s all knowin’And he totally agrees with you The Conquistadors were so outmannedThat it looked like suicideBut they knew they’d win with god and gunsAnd horses on their side Said, “The Lord helps those who help themselves,That’s what we’ve always found.”So they helped themselves to everythingThat wasn’t nailed down And the Lord stepped up with a pestilencePut most of those pesky savages in the ground REPEAT CHORUS   VERSE:And he’s self-created and he’s self-sufficientAnd there’s nothing he could possibly needBut to quench his mighty powerful thirstEvery living thing has got to bleed And he wants you to loan him all your moneyAnd your heart and your hands and your headBut he’ll pay you back with interestJust as soon as you’re dead And whether his power is used to do great goodOr terrible illAnd whether that mighty power is used to healOr used to kill There’s one thing nobody likes to mentionThough everybody understandsThat power is always exercisedBy grubby little human hands Dirty little, grubby little, greedy little, Bloody little, busy little human hands. REPEAT CHORUS 

Copyright 2001

i have more songs on this subject, too - could do a short concert.... 


All of the faith and prayer in the world

All of your dumb show and circuses

You know it's a lie, it'll always be a lie

The invention of an animal who knows he's going to die

-Randy Newman

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My first post - didn't realize the formatting would vanish!


My myspace:


All of the faith and prayer in the world

All of your dumb show and circuses

You know it's a lie, it'll always be a lie

The invention of an animal who knows he's going to die

-Randy Newman

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Sapient wrote: You mean

Sapient wrote:
You mean like this?

You need to create a special "K-9" unit for the Rational Response Squad and issue a special "K-9" badge.

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I was wondering how one

I was wondering how one might be invited onto the show. I had e-mailed, but got no response. I study philosophy and am a Christian. I would be willing to defend my views on your show. I do not happen to have a website, so I can't give you that link. Thanks!

American Atheist
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blah wrote: I was wondering

blah wrote:
I was wondering how one might be invited onto the show. I had e-mailed, but got no response. I study philosophy and am a Christian. I would be willing to defend my views on your show. I do not happen to have a website, so I can't give you that link. Thanks!

You can always debate often on the forum and we'll think about having you on the show. 

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I have debated in the past

I have debated in the past on your website. I just wanted to know where to inquire as to get on your show.

American Atheist
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blah wrote: I have debated

blah wrote:
I have debated in the past on your website. I just wanted to know where to inquire as to get on your show.

Really? According to the "Posts" you've only posted 2 times. My bad, I thought you were new. 

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blah wrote: I have debated

blah wrote:
I have debated in the past on your website. I just wanted to know where to inquire as to get on your show.


Under what name?


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I'd love to be on the show

I'd love to be on the show because as I listen to the show, I find myself yelling out funny responses to theists when they start using semantic arguments, like, I believe in God, and if you believe in the truth, which we'll call "God" then you really do believe in God. I also come from the unique perspective of having been brought up in a Reform Jewish background where I never really believed in a God at any point in my life. Most Atheists I've encountered had a strong God belief untill deconverting, or whatever one calls it.

 I'm also a bigger ballbuster than most of the hosts, (except maybe Kelly). I just don't take Theist's BS and will call them on it as soon as possible. Sure, I could be as diplomatic as most of the RRS team, but I think more will get accomplished through more aggressive argumentation. Plus, as a guest, you can just shift the blame for any over-aggressiveness onto me.  I feel passionately about what RRS is about, have a distinctive voice, and am quick with the quips and funny metaphors that will make a theist's argument look

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I was writing under the name

I was writing under the name StMichael until I got banned. I am not trying to undo that, as I do not want to "sneak" in the backdoor. I just wanted to inquire as to how to get on the radio show. As the only way I can inquire about that is to post on the forums, I started another account. If you want, I can cancel this account (which I will do anyway after I have my question answered). I had tried e-mail, but you did not respond. So... I await your response. Thank you kindly.

Dan Rowden
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Atheist need to do a lot better intellectually

Hi there,

I would like to be a guest on your show because there is a whole raft of areas, especially the psychology of religiosity, where atheists fail in their attempts to critically address the religious. I am a freelance writer and philosopher, co-founder of the Atheist Society of Australia, owner/admin of the discussion board Genius Forum and co-host and co-producer of the new podcast venture The Reasoning Show and an experienced anti-religion shit-stirrer.

Check out our sites and see what you think.

Dan Rowden


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I wouldn't mind sitting in

I wouldn't mind sitting in on a recording session some time. I'm not sure I want to be "on" the show per se, more of a live studio audience. Smiling I'm on the east coast, DC area and have considered asking if I could pop in one weekend, but figured I'd establish myself on the boards a little so as to not seem too... stalker-ish is probably the right word. Laughing out loud


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I would very much like to be

I would very much like to be on the show sometime. Unfortunately living several thousand miles away on the other side of the Atlantic doesn't make this easy. I wanna go to America someday though, once I've got my phd (I still haven't got my BA yet so I'm a way off). Anyway, I could send some tracks to go on the air. I don't really have any songs specifically about religion or atheism though.

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I'd like to come on the show

I'd like to come on the show to talk about my depression since becoming agnostic because I am still having problems. I have set-back's from time to time. I also would like to talk about my fear of death and fear of hell. Because the notion that I might be wrong still enters my dome and I really don't wanna go to hell.

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Newsweek and etc

I wouldn't mind being on the show, I asked a question for the Democratic Debate and it was voted the highest and I got in newsweek and other media articles for it.  The question was "How will you appeal to non religious voters?" I currently have a simulair question for the Republican debate and it is voted most popular again currently!

Support our voice in politics by voting for the question "Is America unofficially a Theocracy?" at so it can be asked live at the CNN/YouTube debates!!

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if you ever do a show

if you ever do a show discussing atheist themes in music i'd love to join in on the discussion. i have a couple original songs, complete with videos, that would fit nicely.

"godless america"


"this man"

thanks Smiling "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens

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love to...

Hi...I'm new here and don't want to overstep my bounds...

I'm an athiest, author, public speaker & first ammendment advocate (I can also make balloon animals)... my easy on the eyes wife & I engage in negotiated non-monogamy (hate the term "swinger" ) if you ever need the perspective of someone who has seen first hand how the beleif in an invisible omnipotent force of creation can contribute to a sexless, loveless nightmare of a marriage... I'd love to toss around a few colorful metaphores...

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Follow Up Show

Hi Guys,


Let's do another show and concentrate on The Existence of God. We got into New Testament criticism last time - let's discuss Theism this time.

It will just be me - Pat Zukeran is out of the country.






Alastair Carnegie (not verified)
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I want (subject to conditions) to be on your show.

Hi there Rational Response Squad,

I have just listened to the show with 'Matt'.... it kinda ended on a loose end..."Presuppositionalists get Zero Respect"

Oh well, I suppose I presupposed you might be interested in having me on the show, and I am therefore not going to get any! hoo!

So please allow me to set conditions for being on your show. Firstly you have convinced me that "Presupposition" is intollerable, and not worthy of respect. I want to respect you, so must logically deduce that you have NOT presupposed that G-d is nonexistant. or have presupposed that the G-d hypothesis is untestable. That would be unworthy of respect, by your own definition.

It is self-evident, if we allow the G-d existant hypothesis, as opposed to the G-d non-existent hypothesis, that G-d him/herself is unlikely to reveal his/her existence to a bunch of rational responders. We must assume logically that G-d has a special surprise awaiting all atheists after or close to death. (Perhaps G-d prefers one sincere prayer like "OH MY GOD!" or "JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING" to countless insincere and repetative prayers dictated from a text book?

The reasoning is simple to follow, unless of course we allow the improbable hypothesis that actually you are all closet 'Theists' pretending to be 'Atheists' for obscure reasons.

So my condition is also a simple one. I would be happy to come on your show, if the solitary topic of conversation was a 'rational' discussion of what 'Test' would support the G-d existant hypothesis? and could another 'Test' support the G-d non-existant hypothesis.

We could for example allow miracles. Please write back and suggest a miracle. As I am a fully anointed Levi Priest, (Roman Catholic) of a long line of priests from the Yorkshire Priestley Family (Forced to convert or face expulsion from the realm) I am a Minorite Brother of the Franciscan Order, My Bishop is Bishop Brain of Salford. My adopted Franciscan name is Brother Martin (after Saint Martin de Porres) and currently I have been serving since 1999 as a Military Chaplain with The Royal Military Police and also personal Chaplain The Merlin Serald Victor Gilbert Hay, 24th Earl of Erroll, Lord High Constable of Scotland and Knight Marshal etc.

So the second condition of being a guest on your show, is that I am introduced as "Brother Martin" not Alastair Carnegie! (Merlin's brother is Jocelyn Jacek Alexander Bannerman Carnegie, and folk might jump to the erronious conclusion my appointment was 'nepotistic')

Please send me a suggestion. also please do not make it too absurd, or I might counter by an equally absurd suggestion that the Military arrange a rendezvous with G-d in an afterlife. our profession is killing people after all, it can very easilly be arranged. IF YOU LIKE!?!

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Alastair,  NO.                        (where's my cuckoo smiley?)

The rest of you, we'll try to work some of you on the show as we can.


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bump or 'how i'd like to be on radio'


     For reasons of comic relief or to be serious------   you choose.   If you have read any of my  280+ posts you realize I am basicly  short and to the point   with humor thrown in for the hell of it.


    I can talk/sound   by training   the  way I write, or I can talk/sound any way you like. You are the producers--you choose.

  I sent an E-mail  with my contact info,   real name-- real phone #,   use it or ignor it the choice is yours.

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Bad Religion

I'm not sure if this has been suggested yet, but Greg Graffin is a fucking GENIUS, and a great musician to boot.

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I'm new around here but I've

I'm new around here but I've been an Atheist most of my life. Born in southeast Indiana my high school bowed down to the Catholic private school across the street for funding and it always ticked me off because we couldn't have sex education or talk about gays in our newspaper. I've learned about other religions and I've found none with a good moral stand point, I hate no religion and always find it interesting when i learn something new. I however believe in no God, and if there was ever a god it had better be Raptor Jesus or I'll break some bones, but on a serious note I've lived my life the way i want following the rules I was taught as a child and consider myself a good person. If I was ever invited on your show it would help broaden my horizons some and help me learn a great deal more about this messed up world with messed up people in it.

I am no more a candidate than anyone else and probably less educated on the bible than most people but I listen to all sides and research as much as I can and come back with an answer, might want to start reading my father's bible, since it's been over fourteen years, for argumentative purposes so I can ward off the Theists without saying, "I don't know."



Damon Fillman
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I'd love to be on the show

I'd love to be on the show in some form.  I guess what makes me stand out is my unfiltered anger towards religion and civilization.  I'm not afraid to speak my mind and question those around me.  I'm working on a show myself, which I hope to have some of you fine people on as well.  I'm studying Journalism right now at Temple University and am trying to get a sense of where religion stands on campus.  As far as I can tell, there are many secular people here, but not a secular club yet.  I may consider startign one.  I'll keep you guys posted.  If I can contribute in ANY WAY possible, let me know.

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Damon Fillman wrote:I'm

Damon Fillman wrote:

I'm studying Journalism right now at Temple University and am trying to get a sense of where religion stands on campus.  As far as I can tell, there are many secular people here, but not a secular club yet.  I may consider startign one. 

Allow me to refer you, I'm sending an email you should get soon that will go to both you and the VP of the Secular Society of Temple University.

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Hey Damon

Damon, IRL I'm known as Barry Greenstein. I'm the VP of the Secular Society of Temple University that Brian mentioned. I sent you an email in response to Brian's. The Secular Society's meetings are at 5:00 PM every thursday in the Village Commons, 3rd Floor of the Student Center South. If you can't make that time, let me know. You can still help us out if you have class then.


Hope to see you there!

“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”

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Wow, fantastic.  I had no

Wow, fantastic.  I had no idea we had a secular club on campus.  I want to help in any way I can.  Thursdays are rough because i'm only on campus until 11:30.  But, if you need anything at all, let me know.  By the way, I don't have a Facebook so that's why I havent joined your group.  I looked through your website though, and the message is fitting.  Let me know.  I'll shoot you an e-mail as well.  Thanks again.


Answers in Gene...
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Well, my work schedule

Well, my work schedule precludes my being live. However, if you want to do a prerecorded bit, I can do that.


Let me give you a clue about me and you can fit me in wherever...


I start from nihilism. Nothing exists. Prove otherwise and I can go from there.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


Angie the Anti-Theist (not verified)
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I was raised to be a cult leader...

 But then I rebelled.  I "performed my first miracle" at 6 when I supposedly brought a still-born baby back to life. I grew up off the grid in a Bible-based cult in Florida centered on home birth, home school, home church, the King James Bible & complete isolation from the world (especially the 7 Systems of Satan: entertainment, science, education, (any other) religion, commerce, and medicine - you know, LIFE.)  

My grandmother Carol Balizet started and led the cult, but I worked for it and ran the business operations all through my preteen and teen years.  I was convinced I could cast out demons, heal the sick, prophesy the future, interpret dreams (and Tarot cards during my rebellious new age phase) and communicate directly with god.

I became an atheist at 25 & now make blasphemous videos on my YouTube channel and I'm writing a blog ( and a book about my experiences. I've also started the world's first social networking site exclusively for cult survivors of any kind (there are lots of scientology specific, or ex-mormon specific groups, and they are fantastic!)  The site is Ex Cult Network at

I do a lot of atheist activism and charity work, especially with the Atheist Association of Uganda.  Right now I'm raising money with the help of my readers and viewers on to build clean water wells in the developing world. I feature a different secular charity on my blog each month (like Planned Parenthood and One Laptop Per Child and RAINN)  

I'm also very concerned with legal issues in the US regarding religion, especially religious exemptions for medical neglect. Several of the kids in my cult died preventable deaths by prayer. I want to see these laws overturned in my lifetime, in all 36 states that currently have such exemptions.

So I'd be happy to talk about any or all of that on the show sometime.  Oh & Buddy the Punk rock dog is epic =) 

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 I think I should be on the

 I think I should be on the show because I'm very charming, funny, extremely intelligent, devastatingly handsome, and modest.

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smartypants wrote: I think

smartypants wrote:

 I think I should be on the show because I'm very charming, funny, extremely intelligent, devastatingly handsome, and modest.

Where's the proof ...?



BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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 Uh hey, it's me. I'm all logged in now Smiling

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I like this one, Brian.

I like this one, Brian. (Angie)

Pick a day and time between Jan 24 and Jan 27, Angie.

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Saw a couple of your videos,

Saw a couple of your videos, Angie. Good stuff. Left a comment on one and favourited it. Your story sounds fascinating. And might I say, you would have made a very fetching cult leader Eye-wink. Too bad you couldn't handle the self-deception part of it. But seriously, glad to meet you and welcome!

Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!

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Thomathy wrote:smartypants

Thomathy wrote:

smartypants wrote:

 I think I should be on the show because I'm very charming, funny, extremely intelligent, devastatingly handsome, and modest.

Where's the proof ...?

It's a question of faith.

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Darth and Natural: I'm with

Darth and Natural: I'm with ya on Angie.  

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Angie is in and she has

Angie is in and she has skype.

Still going to be there Saturday sometime. Driving; not flying.

I trust my driving in snow better than someone else flying over it.

If my van breaks down I can walk, if a plane breaks down I can't fly.

Round trip flight $176. Round trip driving estimate $172.

867 miles dodging D.C.

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