A letter from Robert on myspace (Christian science teacher)
I am currently on myspace debating the extensive questions about God list that IG has compiled over the years. The thread is here.
I recently had an exchange with Robert. Now, I was very short with Robert, mostly because I was too busy taking on multiple people in public, partly because he's an asshole. Here's the exchange, I'll add on more if he writes back.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Robert
Date: Feb 28, 2006 1:49 AMYOU..being surely..the more intelligent one (I..can tell just from your looks!) SHOULD KNOW DAMNED WELL WHICH of the 89 questions is the one that is really going to stump me.
I really dont' have time to answer 89 questions today. Are you...SMART ENOUGH TO JUST POST THE ONE that is irreconcilable?
Ya know..if you can find just that one..it would sure make christians look foolish..isntead of you
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Brian Sapient
Date: Feb 27, 2006 11:34 PMI give you credit for the creative yet insulting cop out.
Good job.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Robert
Date: Feb 28, 2006 2:56 AMBrian...you don't apparently undestand. I'm TAUNTING YOU! I'm pointing out the fact that you HIDE the fact that..you simply don't have any bulletproof argument behind 89 FLIMSY ones.
I'm a fairly good debater Brian. And if I actually want to WIN a debate, I don't smoke screen. Logical debate doesn't work that way. You can't fillabuster. You can't flood the floor with meaningless drivel and walk away the champion. You have to be concise and go for the throat. You have to present just ONE argument that can't be countered. THen and only then are you declared the winner. After you kick the person's ass...they don't say "Ok..uhh so is that the only argument you have?" No...you just won. You don't need to waste anyone's time with another argument. Follow?
You...failed to do that. That's...why you are a failure in terms of convincing people who aren't totally messed up in their own thinking of anything. Later,
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Brian Sapient
Date: Feb 28, 2006 6:16 AMI give you credit for yet another creative and insulting cop out.
Good job.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Robert
Date: Feb 28, 2006 8:04 PMI give you credit for yet another creative and insulting cop out.
Good job.
Yeah that's right, he actually said the same thing, I said. Here I am debating about 30 different Christians, on a thread that is 11 pages long in about 24 hours, and I'm "copping out." :roll:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Brian SapientNo credit this time. This one showed no creativity. Just a childish "I know you are but what am I" cop out this time.
You're really crappy, at this.
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I just went through that entire thread. Whew!
Why is it that Xians must post such lengthy, wordy replies in an attempt to make a point and it takes Atheists so much less?
Could it be that common sense simply doesn't take as much explanation?
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I agree. I think there are often times that a Christian will say one sentence and it takes a three paragraph debunking from an atheist.
But yeah, in a thread like that when I'm taking on all comers, I have to keep the arguments short. I wish I had the time to expand.
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You are making your points just fine.
I just think that the Xians are yammering in circles and never able to make a point. When they run out of silly arguments, they quote scripture.
It is amusing that in following up for "I don't take the Bible literally" they always seem to quote scripture as their reference.
Atheists 10 Xians 0
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Apparently this guy Robert-Bob is the laughing stock of the Christian community:
A thread for his quotes:
He also started this thread based on his emails to me:
He gets pwned in almost every post thereafter.
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this guy calls himself a science teacher and he's got a degree in physics. Ok...has he ever used his science background to prove the existence of God or to discredit evolution etc..? I don't have time to read his threads..however, if he has, then the next logical question is..has he ever published in a peer review paper?
I'm willing to bet he hasn't. All he's doing in that case is use his "credentials" as propaganda and misusing the science he's learned, twisting and turning it, for his own purpose. Many people do this. There is a tenured professor at VCU, my school, who's got a PhD in gynecology and his area of interest is hypertension in pregnancy (preeclampsia). http://www.obgyn.vcu.edu/faculty/walsh.htm
This guy was chosen from a fundie protestant group at my school to give a speech disproving evolution. They are getting smart. What these so called "sceintists" do is that they get a bunch of non-science people together and throw big sceintific words together to "wow" the crowd, then they use their credentials to justify it. It is so dishonest, much like making up data in an experiment. It's just plain wrong how they misuse science.
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hes a tad bit arrogant.
Yeah their new tactic. Convincing the public there's a rift in the scientific community over evolution. It's scary how well it's working. People want to be sheep.
:smt075 perhaps, theyjust need a good whack of reality.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.