You dumbasses turn atheism into a religion.

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You dumbasses turn atheism into a religion.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: bumblebee man
Date: Aug 19, 2006 10:15 PM

you dumbasses turn atheism into a religion.

I love how you're version of an insult is to accuse me of being part of something you are part of. You're in a religion [says Christian in his profile], why do you insult religion?


it's one thing to not believe in God but it's a whole other thing to try to take away other people's belief in him.

Thanks Captain Obvious.


i know you don't believe in hell now but that's where you're going to end up

And maybe you'll end up wasting your life away believing in a myth, giving part of your income to a church which will use that money to waste other peoples lives on a myth.

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ummm..isn't religion

ummm..isn't religion ridiculed on the Simpsons? hahahaha....

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atheism is not a religion.

Atheism is not a religion.

atheism. See Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is no deity.


Religion. See Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
I am not very good at articulating what I know or what I believe to be true.
1 a : the state of a religious a nun in her 20th year of religion
b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance.
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : Conscientiousness.
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.

Not much to atheism in comparison to religion. Religion is much more than a belief. The bare minimum for something to be a religion would be 3 and 4 I think. Scrupulous conformity. A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. There is no mention of a disbelief in the existence of a deity here. Non-Theistic religions like Buddhism do not really address the issue of deities except( Buddhism) maybe to call them:

" ..eternal scoundrels incapable of dissolving the suffering of impermanence. Those who serve them and venerate them
may even in this world sink into a sea of sorrow. We know the gods are false and have no concrete being; Therefore the wise man believes them not. The fate of the world depends on causes and conditions. Therefore the wise man many not rely on gods." -Mahâpajâpâramitâshâstra [Lamotte trans. I, p.141]

Non-theistic Religions may not really have much to say about deities in their philosophies, but they do hold to superstitious beliefs as a foundation to their moral ideologies and views of the way reality works -making them a religion. i.e. karma, reincarnation etc. Superstitious beliefs held to are not universally proven. Not proven at all. For the atheist disbelief is from a lack of confidence or a disbelief based on lack of evidence and/or logical problems with a statement of a superstitious belief. Atheism is not Buddhism or Taoism and atheism is certainly not anything like the revealed Abrahamic religions like for example Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

So this is all atheism is : a disbelief in the existence of deity. That’s it. An atheist can have a personal philosophy in addition to his/her atheism. There are atheists who think that anti-theists should not de-convert people to atheism. But those atheists do not say that anti-theists are not atheists, nor do anti-theists say that the apathetic or cowardly/squeamish atheists are not atheists. Atheists can have different philosophies and feelings when it comes to the subject of religion and superstitious beliefs. Differences in everything BUT atheism itself.

The fact that anti-theists try to de-convert theists to atheism ( people are conditioned to be theists), is what conjures false comparisons to what religions like Islam and Christianity do. The mental disease of Islam and Christianity is to spread its superstitious lifestyle and beliefs; which are the beliefs of long dead savages i.e. The writers of the bible and Qu'Ran. Holy Books like these teach a static unchanging view of reality. These holy books are the antithesis to a dynamic world view. The fact that some Islamics and Christians are open minded and respectful of differences is NOT because of what is in their holy books. These kinds of Islamic’s and Christians are open minded and respectful DESPITE what all is found inside their holy books. I give these loving individuals full credit and not their holy books. This goes for a few denominations that are liberal. I criticize holy books and the dangerous denominations that focus on the malignant aspects that are inside the SAME holy book shared by Liberals, Moderates and intolerant Fundamentalists alike. The Bible is used by all Christians. The Qu'Ran is used by all Islamic’s. If a Liberal or Moderate converts a person to his/her religion what guarantee do we have that this new convert will not be attracted to the malignant components inside of the Qu'Ran or Bible? Churches split from Churches all the time. Yes. Liberals and moderates act as a shield to aberrant Fundamentalists. Remember they all protect the SAME holy book which gives mixed messages of love, tolerance and respect. The dark side of religion flames up from time to time and the cycle is protected and spread by all religionists good and bad. Some atheists like myself are not in full agreement with anti-theists, but despite that some of us are not against anti-theists either. I will not make false comparisons between ant-theism and religion. It is not an honest comparison.

What do you all think? Disagree? Can this piece be improved? Criticism? I am trying to improve my writing skills.

I plan on posting sparingly here at RRS as I can come off as immature and ignorant sometimes. I am aware of this and am working on it.

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AntiFaith wrote: I plan on

AntiFaith wrote:

I plan on posting sparingly here at RRS as I can come off as immature and ignorant sometimes. I am aware of this and am working on it.

I think you did just fine, and I'm glad you wrote it. Screw sparingly, post twice as often. Eye-wink

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Thank you Sapient. I dislike

Thank you Sapient. I dislike not being able to articulate what I know or sense to be true. I dislike asking for help or showing my ignorance. When I pretend I am more than I actualy am I get into trouble and usually anger people. I can sometimes say stupid things.

I will try to post well thought out posts instead of some of the emotonal posts that I have made here. I have re-read a few posts and am embarrased.

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antifaith, it's all good

antifaith, it's all good man. We all get emotional and we all post things that sometimes we regret. don't worry about it man..speak your mind freely. If someone gets offended..oh well..they'll have to deal with it. Being a free thinker allows you to say what you please.. Eye-wink
Having said that, sometimes it does help to read your post once or twice over before posting.

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Atheism a religion? That's an oxymoron and the guy who said that is just a moron. Thank you for having such cool quotes that can work anywhere!

Insidium Profundis
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Atheism is a religion in the

Atheism is a religion in the same sense that being healthy is a disease.

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Insidium Profundis

Insidium Profundis wrote:
Atheism is a religion in the same sense that being healthy is a disease.

... or that bald is a hair color.

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Insidium Profundis

Insidium Profundis wrote:
Atheism is a religion in the same sense that being healthy is a disease.

I'm particularly fond of "atheism is a religion as baldness is a hair color." lol

We really need critical thinking to be taught as a core subject in schools for all of K12 -- nothing is more important in life than having a healthy mind, and critical thinking and reason is the mind's immune system.

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... Or not playing baseball

... Or not playing baseball is a sport.