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Bad article = an e-mail |
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I read this article today and sent Tom Flannery, the writer, an e-mail. The article is about Sam Harris and his new book, bashing it.
Now you might wonder how I would come across such an article, well I search atheist on google news every so often. Anyway in the past I have looked up stuff and had this site pop up. One thing I looked up was 'WMDs found in Iraq'. This was the only site I could find that had an article saying WMDs were found there. Maybe thats a bit of an Ad Hominem, but give a person good reason to question what they are saying.
He sent me something back in return...
To me this seems like he is falling back on what other people are saying is true. Much like how people who say all our founding father (USA) are christian because other people wrote books about them all being christian. That is how that cheery try story got started... I for one would be interested in seeing this historical evidence. However I'm not sure where to start as I don't want to hear another Josh McDowell. Also I haven't e-mailed him back about how he just repeated the same argument he said before or the other bad arguments. This would be the idea that the bible is true because it talks about fulfilled prophecies is bullshit and the fact people are dieing for it and it has been around awhile doesn't mean anything. Also I don't want to pester him and get sued for harassment.
P.S. not sure where I should have put this so sorry if it is the wrong spot...