You're just as bad as them, blah blah blah

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Let's Do It. Let's Make Love.
Date: Oct 24, 2006 12:25 AMya know, i keep you guys on my friends list for sheer amusement. i personally don't believe in religion, but don't you think it's everyone's choice to believe or not to believe?
you're never going to rid this world of religion.
Maybe not me, but it's likely it will vanish someday. If we live that long.
people are too dependent on it.
You're viewing it from a world in which you see dependence. If you raise a new generation not dependent on religion, they will have no need for it. Like flying space monkeys... people aren't dependent on them because we aren't bred to believe in them, we aren't indoctrinated and brainwashed into belief in them. Yet the evidence for them is the same as God. Had you never heard of God, had we never created gods we wouldn't be dependent on them. To think humans can't break free from that dependence on a long enough timeline is an insult to humanity.
you're no better than the fucking people who preach to us about god and how jesus loves us all.
Fuck yeah I am. I have evidence to back things that I say.
it's bullshit. you also make everything so damn complicated. it's exhausting.
How so? In what way?
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I'm damn sorry that things are complicated. Did you know that Thomas Edison was known to lock himself away from basically all human contact for months at a time when he was working on a particularly difficult problem? Steven Hawking does a lot of thinking. He's dealt with some of the most difficult problems of theoretical physics for years and years.
The nastiest seduction of religion is the lie that there are simple answers...that we can just believe in this or that boogety-boo in the sky and everything will work out perfectly for us. The truth is that if you search for truth, you find questions. When you answer them, you find more questions. Life is difficult, and if you want to find answers, you have to do your own searching, and that's difficult. I'm sorry, but there are plenty of examples of people who have embraced the difficulty of life as a challenge. If you're not up to it, that's a shame, but it doesn't change the facts.
Ironically, most of what you say atheists make complicated is very simple. The decision to disbelieve in a deity takes about three or four logical steps. The complications occur when Christians muddy the water with contradictory statements and illogical premises that take time to refute.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I'm glad there are more and more people these days who are willing to talk about how crazy religion is, if you think about it for a second. I mean, some inchoate entity far off beyond space is controlling everything somehow, and I'm a dirty horrible person because I think about certain things?! Does that make any sense at all?
People used to think that dancing in a circle would cure the bubonic plague.
It didn't.
People died.
Sometimes you just have to open your mouth and risk being called rude, in order to get a point across. That's it.
This religious right bullshit is going to drive the USA right off a cliff.
We can't just sit here and go la-la-la-la-la anymore. Religion is not just something as unimportant as what teams you root for. Elsewhere in the world, people are offing each other over this. I'm glad I can sit here and talk about it and maybe have a chance to reach somebody peacefully.
I don't know how much I'll succeed in this life, but I've got to try.
The Theist seeks to simply by suggesting something complicated, while the Atheist seeks to complicate by suggesting something simple.
It seems like a simple plan at first: love god, go to heaven. Don't love god, go to hell. However, it turns out god is a demanding lover, and his love is anything but unconditional. Between all the people you have to hate and all the things you're required to fear, the simplicity dissolves. Religion is a concept that only seems simple at first glance; the tragedy is that so many fail to give it a second. This is why criticial thought (or as theists call it, blasphemy) is and always will be a sin.
Blasphemy is simply that second look that reveals the farce. In short, it's the punchline.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
What else is he going to do?
Run you down with his power chair?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
That is so not cool......
What about music? or abstract art?
didn't mean to offend. I've been clipped on sidewalks by people who use those things and they are very aggressive in their pursuit (I've seen some that look to hit people - I think they enjoy it).
I believe one should kick ass (if needed) in any way one can. If the user of a power chair needs to roll over a deserving idiot, works for me.
Again, my apologies.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
I think he would hit people if he needed to. There is a new chair out now that can go up steps and rise up so the persons head is at the same height of most people.
I was joking, you were joking. Why apologize? If people can't take a fucking joke, that's their problem. By the way, I've been clipped in the ankles by someone with one of those chairs. It hurts really bad, but what are you gonna do? Avoid them next time, probably.
Actually, Pink Floyd used Hawking's voice in "Keep Talking". Radiohead also used a voice synthesizer in "Fitter Happier" and "Paranoid Android" like the one Stephen Hawking uses.
Sorry...back on topic.
Just too damn softhearted for my own good, I guess.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Faith is just the I just say so of credulity!Some advocate a merger of faith and reason but that just makes for obscurantism,nothing more. Teleology and natural selection contradict each other . Religion is a placebo that indeed one can jettison for reason and other community groups . I represent strong atheism, virulent anti- theism on the net[ Otherwise, I clam up.].
morgan L lamberth Fr. Griggs rests in his Socratic ignorance and humble naturalism. Logic is the bane of theists.
" God is in a worse position than the scarecow who had a body to which a mind could enter whilst He has neither. He is that married bachelor. No wonder He is ineffable!" Ignostic Morgan"
"Life is its own validation and reward and ultimate meaning." Inquiring Lynn
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