You Are All Hypocrits!

ok. You speak of intollerance, but seem to have little tollerance for people of faith.
No, you're creating an ad hoc. I tolerate people, I am intolerant of the faith itself. In other words, I don't think you're a bad person, in fact you're probably a very good guy (I'm assuming you're a gentlemen here, and not of the other sex). That doesn't mean you don't ascribe to irrational beliefs.
I feel the same way about any irrational belief, not just God belief. People who think that Homosexuals should be executed for example..I hate that belief too. I am also against any sort of racism or belief that pits a human being at ill against another because of beliefs.
You waste untold hours of your life for the cause of telling people their is no God.
No, I spend my time ridding the world of a belief which causes wars and murders of millions of people throughout time. How many people have died in the name of God and killed in the same of God? This is what I am trying to stop.
How many people hate other people for their beliefs in other Gods? This is what I'm trying to stop.
Irradicating religion is not a waste of time, it's saving humanity.
And that because you fail to see that Jesus has done more to liberate every race, creed, gender, social class and and you name it than any man, woman or group ever has or ever will.
This is something you wish were true but really isnt. If this were true, we'd be all united under one banner, one God, and no racism would exist in any fashion. But that isn't the case, and you know it.
This belief is as much a myth as your God is.
You think you can prove that God doesn't exist.
Actually no. It is YOU who cannot prove your God to me, and that is why I do not ascribe to your fairy tale. One does not need to disprove a negative. The maxim is the proof lies on he who makes the positive claim. That would be you.
Good luck and stand in line. Don't let your last wordds be such as voltair, nor your legacy.
I don't think you realize that Voltaire was a deist, not an atheist. You've never even read him, have you?
Have a nice day,
Rook Hawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
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Can someone tell me why the hypocrite accusation is always used by theists? They typically seem really insistant on that, but rarely point out what is hypocritical about being an atheist.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
It's a projection of themselves.
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Another mystery solved.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
Yes. If I ever did a show, it would be on this topic. Theists are paranoid types.....paranoid types defend against psychological attacks (criticism) by projection. They are unable to deal with their own issues UNLESS they project them out onto someone else.
This is precisely why the most common attacks on atheists by theists are the following:
Atheists take things on faith
Atheism is irrational
Atheists attack people personally
Atheists are hypocrites.
Seeing as paranoid types project their flaws, their attacks are a golden key into their own psyche.....
Theists take things on faith
... which is irrational by definition
.... theism is a projection of the theist
.... therefore every criticism of theism feels like an attack on the theist.
And, since theists attack others for what are their own crimes, they are hypocrites.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
That's one of the reasons I joined the RRS. Every time someone started talking about religion in my life I would either be repressing my comments out of politeness, or I would say something about their religion that I found questionable and they would freak out as if I'd just told them their mother was a whore.(see Kat's first post here) Yet, they felt that they could tell me that I was stupid for not believing in any gods.
Other people would occasionally bring religion up themselves, and ASK ME what my religion was, and when I answered, proceed to attack my position. It seems as if nobody is allowed to question religion, and I really liked how Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins addressed that in their books.
If anyone is a hypocrite, it's all those theists who attack our position and yet state that their own position should be left completely alone.
Here's part of your the post you referrenced that I found very pertinent:
Perfect example of what we are talking about. Who's arrogant and presumptuous here? The theist. He's projecting out his problems, and by doing so, providing a set of blueprints to his key flaws in regard to his theistic beliefs.
He presumes that everyone must be a theist
He arrogantly expects that others think and act like him.
When a person 'thinks' in theistic mode, they become irrational.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'