This is one of many hate mails I get on my own site...

I know this site gets its share of hate mail by the fundies. I run a small site and do promote atheism.
The letter below is one of many hate mails I receive through my site because I am an atheist.This one was sent to me a couple weeks ago by a so called "loving christian" who could hardly spell. I thought it would be nice to share with the fellow atheists on this great site what kind of hate mail we recieve when promoting atheism.
"You sound like one very bitter person. Putting up wibsites on the internet to have a go at christians. We could have a go at you too, but we would not want to put ourselves down to your level. At least we know where we are going do you? A least we are not Hell bound and to sit there and mock God, well I have news for you, God is not mocked because he is God. And to sit there and mock Jesus like that, who the hell do you think you are? Jesus did not lie, and if you eant to interperate the bible your way instead of seaking out the truth, that is your problem, but do not sit there and mock the saviour of the world. He is going to bring you down big time, straigh down to the pits of Hell. And if you do not believe in Hell, then just wait, you will be in for a nasty suprise one day when you go screaming all the way down to the very deep pits of hell.And guess what? Nobody will be able to save you. You will have to endure the hot tempratures that would kill any body if they were to endure that for one minute in their natural bodies, and the stench of the place, you will vomit at the smell in the atmosphere. Oh, and by the way bit nasty demons will be there to entertain you, and not in a niece way. They will throw you againt the wall because to them you are nothing, because down there you will be nothing. Too bad. And the screams of the other dammed will be so pearcing it will frighten you. And you will have to say there until Jugement day, when you will be dragged up to be judged by the king of kings and Lord of Lords(Jesus) and stand condemend. Nobody will be there to care there either. Then you will be thrown into the eternal fire with brimstone to burn for all of eternity, and it will be ALL YOUR FAULT. And us christians willbe enjoying God and his beautiful son for all of eternity living in Glory, expecially when the new Jerusalem will come out of Heaven onto the new earth, made out of every precious stone, and we will be living in total luxury, while you and all of your athiest friends will be burning in the eternal fires, and guess what?Nobody will remember you anymore, and the smoke of your torment will go up forever and ever. How does it feel to be a citizen of Hell? And for you to call Jesus a lier, you are a hypocrite. How would you feel being whipped until you are unreakonable, and then hung on a cross with 6 inch nails driven through your hands? He did not deserve it, but you do. By the way, you will have Satan to keep you company, as you sound like you are a child of Satan. Because you cannot be a child of God, because children of God does not sit there and mock his only begotton son. Yes some christians are hypocrites, but not all. I love Jesus very much, so stop your hatred of him. What has he ever done to you?Nothing, right, then shut your mouth, unless you have something good to say about Jesus. He copt it from a lot of people 2000 years ago, without big mouths like you adding to it. Jesus will definatly have the last say, where you are concerned, just wait for it. Unless you repent and turn to Jesus, you will wind up inthe firy inferno of everlasting destruction all because you brought it upon yourself. Like a said, God is not mocked, he laughs at the proud and arigant, and to him they are nothing more than a puff of wind. You sit there and call the bible evil. No it is you who is evil. If you do not believe the bible about Hell, then you are in for one nasty suprise one day. I know of plenty of people who were athiests and died and came back through being ressucitated and they have described the horrors of Hell, and now a lot of then are pastors, evagelists, or have become o believer in jesus. Jesus spoke a lot more on Hell then Heaven. If you choose not to repent,, then I am afraid that Hell awaits you."
"When you understand why YOU dismiss all the other gods, you will understand why I DISMISS yours"
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I'll be happy to translate what this Christian said for everyone and skip the gobblede goo:
"I (incert deity believer here) Have no defense for my magic so insted of facing that I'll blindly accuse the atheist of hatred."
They are correct, we do hate. But not individuals or entire groups of people. WE do hate that people keep accusing when they dont know us. We do hate when people make claims and then cop out with the god of the gaps. We do hate that people want to use their deity to fuel goverment.
We are not affraid of debate and we are not affraid of giving people we dissagree with us the right to be an autonomous individual. THAT is not the same as respecting a claim.
I can respect an individual and still think they are full of crap on any given issue.
This is just another person who has baught into the stereotype that we want to burn down their churches and burn their bibles.
Just another pollitically correct crybaby who cant or wont defend the claims they make.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The very idea of Hell pretty much proves their idea of God is not good.
One giant argument from fear. I stand dissapointed and unconvinced.
This email is just sad. Although I kinda laughed at what he said about some athiests dying and coming back...
The only people that are moving up on my 'hate chart' are the grammar teachers that are failing in their duties.
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