Nothing Rational here...
I am not even going to try to argue any points, because your responses will be simply irrational because your already so close-minded about this topic, but i have a quote for you. I couldn't tell you who said it, but it goes like this: "If I believe in God and I am right, I will spend an eternity in paradise and you will spend your eternity in hell. If I believe in God and I am wrong, then were all in the same place anyway."
I love my God, and I know he is real because of the personal experiences in my life. Thanks, and I am praying for you all!
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Well, way to set an example of open mindedness there. Your god must be proud of you for being such a stellar representative of the rationality of its followers.
I can tell you who it is taken from if you would like. At least then you would learn something while you are here. The quote is a form of Pascal's Wager, taken, obviously, from Blaise Pascal.
Now, just apply that same line of thought to every god man has ever conjured up to explain the unknown and have fun spending every minute of the rest of your life praying to the pantheon.
“Philosophers have argued for centuries about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but materialists have always known it depends on whether they are jitterbugging or dancing cheek to cheek" -- Tom Robbins
You will be back. No one makes a post like this unless they intend on responding to futher posts. And if you dont, you will be proving our point that YOU, are closed minded.
We threaten your mythology, and that is what you are afraid of. You are so conceited in your belief you think this is about just your God? How egotisitical and does prove our point that we are on the right track.
I dont think you have the guts to hang out with us and make the attempt to defend the claims you make. I love being proven wrong though. PLEASE, stay and defend the claims you make. We welcome it.
YOU CLAIM that your God belief is rational. Then using a hit and run post will hardly convince us. Insted of using such a lame tactic that amounts to nothing more than Cheerleading for your god, why dont you do the brave thing and put your money where your mouth is and debate us? We arnt afraid of you, and you should not be afraid to debate us. You cant be that insecure can you?
You'll be back.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Yeah, we've never ever heard Pascal's Wager before.
Honestly, if you're going to simply hit and run proselytize do us the common courtesy of presenting original material instead of claptrap that was refuted 350 years ago.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
How nice that you took the time to register and post a comment to inform us that you aren't going to waste your time. That's fundy honesty for you.
Then why did you come here? by the love of Jesus' topedo of blanche fries why?
You are so close-minded yourself, that you seem to ignore all the time and money wasted for god. If you are wrong, well, shows how greedy you were.
But then you have the fact that there are OTHER RELIGIONS. This isn't you/me. This is you/me/a whole bunch of other ideas of what happenes after you life.
We could be both wrong E.G. The Egyptions could be right! Then of course we'd both be in big trouble. But I at least have a copy of the book of the dead (That's how open minded I am,
)! And no, you can't peak, and no, I won't say you are with me. You are such a big meanie who think he/she knows everything, you should be good by yourself!
Well, I used to believe in God because of the personal experiences in my life. More personal experiences changed that. Maybe it can happen to you Christian. Maybe you should trytalking to us with some respect, I would do the same for you. You automatically come in here on some high horse, sneering at us. What is it with christians automatically assuming that atheists are evil satan worshipers? Used to be that way for the gays, everyone used to think they were child molesters until people actually started to come out
The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land... kettle.
I'ts called Pascal's wager. Take a look around, it's been refuted.
I don't believe you're praying for us and I don't believe any personal experience you've had has been caused by a god. Likewise, I don't believe you love god since you have never met him. Don't agree with that? Come back and debate, then.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
You act as if you think atheists have never heard of Pascal's Wager before. While I'm sure there are some who haven't heard of it, those who have done the slightest bit of research have. It's a bad argument, one which completely fails at impressing anyone with an IQ over 50. Please, do some research and stop insulting us with childish propositions. We are not lost souls, looking for any excuse to start believing in gods. Some of us have been educating ourselves on the subject of theism for years, even decades. We know all about your belief system and why you hold on to it. It offers you the promise of existing forever, never dying, living happily ever after in paradise, with every one you've ever known and loved. It gives you structure in your life with a clear set of rules. It tells you that you're never alone and that something much bigger than yourself loves you.
What you fail to take into account is that you're not a child anymore. It's time to grow up and realize that no god was ever responsible for those things. You provided any good feelings you might have felt from believing to yourself, the object of the belief had no part in it. It was just believing that was responsible. The human mind is a wonderful thing and can make us feel anything, if we really want it to.
It's a Pascal's wager feeding frenzy!
At least it wasn't that guy who posted the wiki article of Pascal's wager, ignoring the fact that there was a section on THE SAME PAGE, listing all the problems with it.
That was intulectual lazeness, and dishonesty to the MAX!!
Well at least you named your topic correctly. There was absolutely nothing rational within it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.