Suicide of one of our "Fleas" (Steve Buchanan)

If you have not been keeping up with the mudslinging between Andrew Inns of "" and Steve Buchanan of "" then it is to late to go back and read all the juicy inflammatory statements. As of today Steve Buchanan has posted an apology to Andrew stating that he will "...publicly recant everything I have said about Andrew Inns or His ministry..." and that "...effective 1-1-08 and all of our sites will be taken offline not to return." RighteousResponders YouTube account has already been shut down.
If you were not keeping up with what lead to this implosion on Steve Buchanan's part it started around mid December with Steve claiming that Andrew Inns was making statements that Steve was going to legally act upon. Andrew responded that he had contacted and sent all information to police in the appropriate state do deal with these accusations and would not be commenting on the legal proceedings.
Oh well, I'm sure Steve will find a way to return to his internet ranting some how, but not as our flea.
I kind of thought that the post on might disappear and took precautions with a screen shot which I have now uploaded for all to see.
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About the Righteous Responders' apology, the link to their page is now broken, and the screenshot thumbnail links to this thread, not to the full-sized screenshot.
In any case, this looks rather nasty; what kind of history do Andrew Inns and Steve Buchanan have?
Looks like Andrew took down the claim about Steve taking $6,000 from him, and the fact that Steve essentially admitted to being a lying fraud who was simply trying to avoid jail, and still is.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Good. Now if all of those other sites would shutdown....
oooohhh... metaphorical suicide... ahaha... haha... wooo... you really sucker me in on this one ^_^
I took down the claims on my site because Steve decided to take down the nonsense on his site. Probably just as well for him, as it was about to get really nasty. I won't be taking him up on the offer of or
Suicide was indeed the hounourable if not un-Godly way out, but don't be surprised if he re-surfaces under a different name.
For Steve, there truly was, a Redsky in the morning.
My best wishes to everyone here....
Carrier of The Word Of God
He has resurfaced already with a new campaign. Is it time to alert the authorities Redsky?
He now redirects his website through "King of Terrors" and he's got youtube channels. He's also interestingly enough found another way to copy the letters RRS, before it was Righteous Response Squad now it's Reality Radio Special (show, station) and RRS is a keyword on the vid. Not that I care, but I happen to know from one time that I parodied him using a variant of our name he actually had the stones (or the utter stupidity, possibly just a scare tactic) to send me a letter telling me not to say I'm a "Righteous Responder" or his lawyer will sue. It was a rather funny moment from a guy who cybersquatted and copied everything I did, right down to the "RRS." By the way, I am a totally Righteous Responder, duuude.
So, he agreed to leave because he defraded redsky out of thousands of dollars? And he's come back with a more than fred phelpsian style of Christianity? And he's not really a Christian? Is the other guy a christian or maybe his father or uncle?
Here's the youtube channels:
There's Steve Buchanan formerly of Righteous Response Squad, now utilizing a new form of terrorism to preach the word... that he doesn't believe in? Is he a con man? An enterpreneur? A fraud? A bad christian? Someone help me out here.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
A total asshole?
Looks as if that flea is alive and living. I heard he bacame a millonaire or something like that. Guess God really did bless him. LOL
He changed the preachingyourfuneral site, and did not burn me and do my funeral. For this he must pay as I was looking forward to the hilarity of it. As promised, if he didn't preach my funeral, I would expose him. Look for more coming soon.
More information is coming through and being compiled about Steve Buchanan, who we now know to have conned a few men out of at least $9,000 in order to fund his activities. His sites keep changing because he keeps claiming to his "investors" that he was hacked (he's even accused us). He changes them to help his con game along.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
That Andrew Inns guy was on the Skype chat last night, and I'm afraid Watcher, Dana and I were somewhat less than tolerant. Among the questions that remain unanswered are Watcher's "Do YOU believe we are going to hell?" and Dana's question about people who have never heard of the bible (whether or not they go to hell). My own question, "Do babies get sent to hell" was unsatisfactorily answered with something about an Age of Reason (12, according to Andrew).
...I guess you do.
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
Need a new web site? Why not try ?
Terms and Conditions.
First you send us loads of money.
Then we register your domain name and install word press.
Then we tell you that hackers have got into the site.
Then we plant the idea in your head that the hackers are your competitor or enemy if we think you have one.
Then we put on a silly mask (pretending to be the hackers) and post a video on Youtube calling you lots of names and we also embed this video in your word press page on your domain.
Then we tell you that if you send us a 500 dollars down payment, we can file a suit against the hackers. (This soon runs into 1000s of dollars if you are stupid enough to take it up)
Then we phone you up and record you saying that you think your competitor is responsible even though it was really us and we engineered the whole thing in the first place.
Now we try to blackmail you by threatening to send the recording to your competitor if you ever tell anyone that we have ripped you off.
Buchanan Builders, a Righteous Response you can’t trust…
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I have just noticed this post and I am sorry I didn't answer it very adequately on the show.
I have noticed that some Christians claim to have the answer to everything but I feel that this is because some Christians like to maintain persona over others. The truth is that nobody has the answers to everything and that includes me, but anyway, here's my best shot.
We are often told that hell is a place of flames, torment and eternal damnation etc. There is however another aspect to hell which is often ignored.
In one of Paul's letters he describes it as a dark dungeon (no flames) and points out that God could have sent the fallen angels there but didn't. It is also mentioned again when Jesus was crucified, he went to the bowels of the earth and preached to the spirits in prison. These spirits were all those human souls who had died before the first advent of Christ and were awaiting judgment. So hell is a place of waiting. It's really very simple, if you are a Christian, you are not judged by God in the next life, if you are not a Christian, you are, and in the mean time hell is a place of awaiting that judgment, not a place of punishment.
Why there is a place of flames as well, I'm not sure. It maybe that those who refused to believe in Christ when he preached to the spirits in prison, ended up there, but I don't really know. In the book of revelation, we are told that hell gives up the dead to be judged, so hell is not eternal.
Do children go to hell? No. Children are not judged. When a youngster is old enough to have an understanding and be responsible, then they would be subject to judgment had they heard the gospel and rejected the idea.
I think that the real problem here, is that Christianity in the United States is a mess. There is a huge misunderstanding of scripture going on, and quite honestly it stinks. I have encountered some real Christians in the U.S. but they are few and far between. I will be putting out some videos in the near future to try and correct this situation, but I suspect they will end up hating me too.
I should point out here that the Bible teaches that hatred is a sin.
On a final note. God made us in his own image the Bible says, That being the case, if you love your children, then it's because you have inherited that characteristic from a God who loves his children too, that being you.
Andrew Inns
I think you have oversimplified matters by placing too much trust in English translations. Translations typically offer "Hell" for Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna. It's important to keep these separate. Sheol and Hades (the translated version of Sheol) refer to a place that contains spirits of all sorts, good or bad. Tartarus was likely the lower-half of that spirit-containment place, in "dense darkness". Jesus, when he died, went to preach to those in Sheol/Hades to give them a chance to repent before the day of judgment. Gehenna was a ditch where people burned trash and it was used metaphorically to refer to the lake of fire that bad people would be tossed into, on judgment day, for an indefinite amount of time. (Indefinite does not mean "forever and ever" as the translators would lead you to believe by offering that as a translation for aion.) They probably cease existing as conscious beings shortly after entering the lake.
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!
Thanks for the imput. As I said before, I am not an expert. I do think sometimes we can try and read more between the lines than there really is.
The lake of fire, I believe is a literal place. When Jesus returns, there is no mention of Him going anywhere else before the lake of fire judgment. I believe that the lake of fire is the Dead Sea. I also believe that the Bible predicts a runaway greenhouse effect and the lake of fire, (The Dead Sea) is a product of that. (See our web site for the expalnation
As far as the question about children going to hell are concerned, I need to quote Jesus' words to clear this up.
Mark Ch 10 V 14. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I don't like scare mongering tactics any more than you do. God has allways given us a choice and what Jesus says is clear and it is through Him that salvation comes.
I am with Brian Sapient on the fight against Christian hatred. I have a huge amount of respect for Brian and I love his sense of humour. The only real difference between us, is that he is against the hatred from the unbelievers point of view, and I am against it from the believers point of view. So we are fighting the same cause from different angles.
As I said in a previous post, I will be shortly posting some videos to Youtube that deal with all of this and lets hope they learn from it.
Again, thanks for the imput and the info, I've learnt something new today.
Andrew Inns
Ill be honest with you, i worked with steve buchanan and designed most of his websites besides the rrs. I did so many i cant even remember. The total work load was about $5000 worth, he ended up sending me about 1.5k and skipping and ignoring messages etc. I threated i was gonna call the police on him, he lived in kentucky, but did not give a shit. I ended up terminating all relations with him and deleting 2 of the websites. He was one of the biggest scumbags i knew, using religion in order to build up his cash load. He got into so much stuff, he had no idea what was going on. The other designed he used for coding purposes, he owned about 2 grand, only ended up paying 100$ and skipping the bill again.
More personal info include marrying a chick that was 13 yrs younger then him, having 3 or 4 kids and no job at the age of 35.
Dude has some issues. I hope somewhere, sometime, jail time is approaching him.
Also steve b is so stupid, he still has his original stickam account on.
Enjoy these videos, i threw up when i saw his face again.
Before Steve had about 7,000 GBP from me, he conned Mike Mickey (rapture alert). He took about 1700 dollars off him for web projects that never happened. As soon as he had got the money, he tried to discredit Mike so he could part company and keep the cash. Mike was a Police Officer at the time too.
I did send a report to his local police station but I don't think they did anything, the problem that me being in the U.K. is a long way from Kentucky. I'm sure they'll be keeping an eye on him though.
I did speak to Steve's wife a few times and she seemed a very pleasant lady which makes me wonder if she had any idea about his activities.
Steve did claim he was going to get millions by taking a legal action against a drugs company, but it costs a lot of money to bring a law suit. I think this was all part of the con to get people to feel safe about sending money to him.
I last did a search on the web for Steve a few months ago and couldn't find any activity going on.
Some good did come out of it for me as I ended up learning how to build my own web sites and now I'm even building some for local businesses.
Carrier of The Word Of God
Here's a few links that are quite amusing.
When Steve claimed his site had been hacked and implied it had been taken over by the RRS he posted a few videos to YouTube which were supposed to be the hackers.
In this first one, he alters his voice and dons a ski mask to deliver a personal challenge to me and don't forget, he has implied that the man in the mask is Brian Sapient.
In this next video, and after extensive plastic surgery, Steve appears as a rubber chicken.....
Eventually, Steve was ousted from the web site and replaced by a plastic duck! I've always tried to avoid getting into arguments with plastic ducks, but this one was keen to attack me and even named me personally in the video.
It could have been worse I suppose, they could have ended up preaching my funeral. They did it to Richard Dawkins and Heath Ledger. Brian Sapient was spared when the "fleas found themselves at their own funerals!"
Carrier of The Word Of God
I've only just noticed this.
Do babies go to hell? No.
Are you going to hell? If you have heard the gospel and believe in Jesus then no you are not going to hell. If you do not believe, then hell is a place of awaiting judgment. It is not a permanent residence nor is it a place of condemnation. It is described as being like a prison several times in the Bible. It is a place of waiting.
If you have never heard of Jesus or the gospel then you get the chance after you have died. Nobody in the OT times was saved. None of them knew what God was like because they had never met his Son. (Jesus says this himself to the priests of the day) Consequently everyone who died in OT times was awaiting judgment in Hell, a place of waiting. When Jesus gave up His life on the cross, he went to hell to tell these people about who He is. They had a choice, to stay where they were and be judged in the future or believe and go to heaven.
I hope that answers the question.
The portrayal of God in the OT is quite wrong. These people according to Jesus' own words didn't know God because they didn't know Him.
God is the most misrepresented character of all time. He has been misrepresented by religious peole who don't know the Son and by non-believers who take the Jewish canon as being God inspired. The only true represantation of God is in Jesus.
Jesus himself challenged the Jewish Law in 96 different places, because the Jews had added punishment and retribution to the ten commandments which Jesus had endorsed.
This endorsment was quickly rolled out by the church to cover everything in their so called "Holy Book" even though they spent the next 350 years trying to kill followers of the faith according to their so called "Holy Law". (Which also put Jesus on the cross)
Jesus doesn't belong in the Bible. The Bible is for people who want to kill, rape, murder, go to war and steal in the name of God. Jesus says you should love and bless your enemies.
The acid test is this. If you think it claims to be from God, ask yourself would Jesus do it. If the answer is no, then it isn't from God.
Jesus had one purpose in Life, to show us what God is realy like and give us an alternative to judgment. This is why He said, "I haven't come into the world to condemn it, I've come to save it"
I have had contact with a lot of "Christians" in the United States over the last few years. I have only encountered two who I would say are genuine Christians. One is a counsellor in New England and the other is a lady who confessed to me she had been married many times and had a string of broken relationships. Why these two people? They both had a broken and contrite heart and the love of Christ was in their lives.
The "Christian chaff" however, were hateful to everyone. Why? Because they felt their "Holy Book" gave them a God given right to be sinful even though Christ came against this.
These people need to turn their lives around and quickly. Why? Because God doesn't tollerate being misrepresented.
Here's a clue. In the parable of the good samaritain, there were two people that walked by. One was a Jew, a believer, the other was a Priest, also a believer and yet it was the Samaritain, a non believer who was the one who helped. It was the Samaritain who showed the heart of god because according to Jesus he had compassion.
That is the true heart of God, one of compassion. That's why he sent his Son, not to condemn but to save.
On a final note: So you think you have been hated by the Church? You're not alone. When Jesus entered the temple and told the priests who he was, the first thing they did was punch Him in the face, throw Him out of the temple and then, they tried to throw Him off a cliff.
Welcome to the hateful world of believers without Jesus.
Carrier of The Word Of God