Luigi Cascioli appearing on our show- SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS
Luigi Cascioli will join the Rational Response Squad in his first lengthy American interview, in the near future.
We are seeking audience participation.
Please submit your questions or comments to Luigi in this thread. The best questions and comments will make it on the show.
If you haven't heard by now, Luigi Cascioli an Italian man and former priest sued Rev. Enricho Righi for representing a man known as Jesus Christ as a real person. There is no contemporary proof to prove that a Jesus Christ (son of God) ever walked this Earth. Luigi has written a book entitled "The Fable of Christ" that was included as his proof in the lawsuit that irrefutably demonstrates that Jesus never existed.
You say, you can't prove a negative? Luigi says he can, this is a must read book. Additionally, in a case like this, a burden lies on Rev. Righi to prove he did exist. How can one do that, if nobody wrote about Jesus until over 40 years after his death? We can't say the same thing for any other important historical figure, why does Jesus get a free pass into reality?
Luigi recently lost his case at the local level which he expected in Roman Catholic Italy and will now be appealing to a higher court, The European Court of Human Rights.
Submit your questions!
In Reality,
The Rational Response Squad
Sapient, Rook, and Mike
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How do you think the church is going to react if you successfully prove that Jesus was a myth?
Are you planning on challenging the church on any other issues?
Good questions.
Why? We will be leaving the posts here. I can easily see some of your questions and thoughts, making the show. You could always come and delete your post all by yourself after the show is over.
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Hello, and thank you for appearing on the programme!
As it is well known around the world, the Catholic Church still holds persuasion in many countries. Especially in Italia where you have suffered a defeat only to appeal to a higher court.
In the Dark Ages the power of the Catholic Church was at its highest, yet it did not wholly collapse afterward.
When do you think that the Catholic Church will finally receive its final blow and no longer have such a political force?
And how do you think it will be done, and by what?
Is that what you are trying to accomplish in the long run?
Do you think that the Vatican will ever admit defeat to the belief, that I share as well, that Jesus Christ had never existed?
And if it does, what do you see occurring throughout the world with the countless numbers of Catholics, especially in Latin America?
Once again, thank you for coming and I am now looking forward to your book!
"But we have no wish whatever to enter into the kingdom of heaven
we have become men - so we want the earth."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
When is the show going to be? I know your post said in the near future, but do you have a date/time?
I'm sure you wont miss it buddy. But the air date is probably about a month away. It's getting recorded this weekend though. Subscribers will hear it well before it airs to the general public, as normal.
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I seriously hope I don't miss it. I've managed to miss all of the shows that I really wanted to hear I.E Richard Dawkins. :
Here's a free copy for you (and any onlookers):
That link should redirect here:
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Woo! Thanks!
Many thanks from me as well!!
Sr. Cascioli,
Do you think that, if you're successful and Christianity happens to lose ground, any of the other religions will assume predominance over the masses of ignorant 'believers' in the world?
Where will you move to when your case is over? I'm pretty sure that you won't want to live in a catholicism-ridden country after the defamation of their holiest idol.
Do you think that the suicide rate of christians will severly increase once Jesus' existence is disproven? (I do.)
Have you ever read "Meme" by Sean Sinjin?
Do you think that this controversial exhibition of defiance will spark another (religious) world war?
It takes some balls to confront the establishment. You have my gratitude and any support I can offer.
You are who you are, not what you are.
In all the Jesus never existed theories i have not read or heard any explanation of how the 12 apostles could be dismissed, or at least the apostles that supposedly knew jesus while he was alive and actually worked with paul. What can be said about the 12 apostles? Were they just as mythical? And what evidence is there that they were?
I'm not trying to ruin the question, but this can separately help.
"But we have no wish whatever to enter into the kingdom of heaven
we have become men - so we want the earth."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Hi, sounds like it will be a great show. I like your argument and think that you got a raw deal in court- too much ingrained bias, like here in the States. When RRS asks for questions from us for its guests, I always default to the side of questions that may be posed by Christians, were they present and generally familiar with your arguments. Therefore, on your website, you discuss Paul's trial in Acts 25:19. ?There is a man, left here prisoner by Felix, but the accuser did not adduce any of the accusations I supposed; they had with him only questions inhering their particular religion and regarding a certain Jesus, dead, whom he maintains is still alive?. You argue that this prompts "two questions: Either Jesus death did not happen in 33 but a short time before 60, that is in the period in which Paul being in jail did not know about, or the facts that are reported by the Acts in 58-60 did not happen in those years but only a short time after Jesus' death. " Wouldn't Christians be inclined to offer a third alternative: When Paul said Jesus was still alive, the courts misinterpreted his statement to mean that He was still walking around in bodily form or even had been recently resurrected. Paul could have really meant alive as in "alive... wherever He is... with the ability to go back and forth from Heaven to earth, etc..."-- as in when Christians today say, "Jesus lives"- they don't mean He lives down the street. Doesn't seem like a strong argument to change the dates when such a possible interpretation hangs in the boughs.
Thanks and good luck,
"If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send a limousine anyway" -The Clash
Original Post:
"How can one do that, if nobody wrote about Jesus until over 40 years after his ? We can't say the same thing for any other important historical figure, why does Jesus get a free pass into reality?"
I think that may be because Jesus, if he did exist, was not a historically important person until after his because "the word" hadn't yet gotten around the water hole. A paradox, yes, because he had to be alive to create "the word" that was passed around post mortem, but still he would have been relatively unknown during his lifetime.
But really, it doesn't matter much to me. It wouldn't affect my beliefs one way or the other whether or not he is real, because I don't consider the Bible a credible or consistent source for anything written in it.
There's no named author, and there is way too much power in between the covers of a Bible to assume that nobody ever tried to change something for their own gain. The Catholic Church comes to mind, especially since they basically picked and chose which early Christ-based texts would go into the Bible at the Council of Nicea.
Yours truly,
A man walks on water turns water into juicy juice and heals ailments, and nobody finds it important enough to write it down?
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Besides the fact that there are no reliable scholars who would believe that Jesus did not exist, and would find the idea that He didn't exist as absurd, what does one do with some of these lines of evidence..
That most of not all other ancient personages survive by texts which date from 500-1000+ years after the original manuscript was written about them and written more years beyond 40 years, after the events occured.
All other persons from ancient historys records survive on the basis of around 10-20 manuscripts..
That its been calculated that error, distortion, and myth start occuring after at least 2 full generations have passed after the events occured..
Where as in with the New Testament you have over some 5640 some greek manuscripts alone to be able to reconstruct the original from, earlier manuscripts dating to within the lifetime of the eyewitnesses and or scribes of the eyewitnesses, better copied manuscripts than any other book from the ancient world.
You have a creed in 1 Corinthians 15 which summarizes the essentials of the Christian Faith, and lists the eyewitnesses, some specified by name and others by groups, as over 500+ people, is dated by scholars to between 3-8 years of the actual events..which is evidence that is WAY before 40 years as this individual has merely asserted.
You have discovery of early christian catacombs, archeological finds of the bones of some people such as Caiaphas who influenced the Romans to give Jesus the death penalty, Father OCallahans studies showing NT fragment copies from Mark and others dating to 50 and 60 ad, and practically every detail you can nail down to be archeologically verfied as Luke described it (See William Ramsey and other archeologists)..
About 29 external refferences from non religious sources from such as Josephus (the passage reffering to James the brother of Jesus is pretty unanimous as being authentic), Tacitus, Phlegon, Tertillian, Ben Mora, Justin Martyr, Trypho, The Talmud, etc...See In the Fullness of Time by Paul Mei
William F Albright and others would agree that the gospels were written between 40-60 AD (as a less conservative view, while AT Robinson of the death of God movement dated them even earlier) which is only some 5-7 yrs to when some were being completed, to a maximum of 27 years to when they would have been completed...not to mention that pauls letters, as pretty unanimously agreed, predates the gospels. Compaire that to the verification of any other person from the ancient world...if you do youll see that the verification for Jesus is by FAR greater than for any other person from the ancient world.
Lastly since it was an oral culture that relied on passing information verbally via memorization, the dates are extremely early not only for this kind of culture but also in compairing it to evidence for any other ancient person or record.
"It has been stated that an unexamined life is not worth living, but it can also be stated that an unexamined faith is not worth believing". Norman Geisler
I love juicy juice.
"But we have no wish whatever to enter into the kingdom of heaven
we have become men - so we want the earth."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
After you win the case are you gonna write another book about it??
kemo d.7
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Hey guys, that site that you mentioned in this episode doesn't exist. I really want to support Luigi, especially since it could mean the end of Christianity.
Great stuff guys, Luigi is very inspiring.
Faith is the truth of imbeciles :shock:
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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