Ask us questions for our drunk show! Have fun with this one
As you may well know Richard Carrier will be spending the weekend at my house next week so that he can record a batch of shows with us. He has a long day of travel from California to NY to Philly on Friday August 4th, and has said already that he wouldn't mind a glass of his favorite vodka (Zubrowka) to calm him after the long day. Mike and Rook are both coming on Friday evening as well and staying for a hard core weekend of show creation, as we prepare to record for 12+ hours on Saturday.
You may also be aware of the fact that we have been looking for a good opportunity to relax, have fun, and do a show while we were hammered/drunk/ripped/wasted. Well, seeing as no driving will be required (wouldn't be rational to drive drunk ), and we can isolate the show on a night when we don't have to record anything serious... the perfect night has arisen.
Friday August 4th when Richard Carrier comes into town we'll record a show while we're drunk! We'll review some Darwin awards and laugh at the stupidity, respond to some hate mail with some drunken slurs, talk about the effect of alcohol on our system, AND answer any questions you want to pose to us drunk.
Go ahead... ask us anything, as long as it's light. We're now accepting questions to be answered on air as we spiral into a drunken haze.
Ask questions of Richard Carrier, Brian Sapient, Mike Y#5, and Rook Hawkins, again keep the questions light, however they can still be on topic with our areas of interest. We'll drink to the best questions every time their read on the show, and maybe the audience will too!
Pictured from left to right: Jose Cuervo Tequila Black, Margarita mix, Richard Carrier drink of choice-Zubrowka Buffalo Grass Vodka, Three Philosophers Belgian Ale (from my friends at Brewery Ommegang... so appropriate), 12 pack of Yuengling Lager (Rooks bringing another 24), and finally a 6 pack of Blue Moon (the cheap Belgian knock-off).
We can't schedule a firm time to record this show considering Carrier could be delayed in transit across the country, although it will probably go down around 11pm est August 4th (give or take 2 hours). Depending on how many buttons I feel like pushing and how much I feel like spreading the word half drunk there is a chance (I SAID "A CHANCE" that we'll actually air this show LIVE, and talk shit at you while you sit in the chat room. :twisted: Of course if this happens we'll field questions LIVE, and also encourage you to get drunk with us. Like I said, no promises, but if we do this show live, I'll send a few myspace bulletins and a message to all members of this forum as well with about 10 minutes notice.
Let's see some questions that are on topic that can elicit some funny responses!
HOW DRUNK WILL WE GET? You'll have to tune in to find out!
P.S. This show will be included in the Richard Carrier series and is looking like at least 5 or 6 shows (maybe even 7 or , which means post production price may be about $12-$16. They're still on sale pre-production for $4!
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Hopefully medical research will advance to the point where belief in a god can be isolated as a medical disability and mothers, in the early stages of pregancy will know if they're child will be theistic. They'll be asked questions like "Would you care to abort your christian baby?" Which will allow the mothers to adequately abort, to avert an irrational catastrophe. What are your thoughts on this Richard?
If God does exist. Don't you think he would be a real loser?
Rook, is Sapient as physically attractive as he is mentally?
Did adam and eve have belly buttons?
Sapient, will you marry me?
LOL Three Philosophers Ale
You guys need some REAL Belgian beer. Invite me and i'll bring some. 18 years old and i'm a fuckin beer GURU.
Can't wait to hear this show!
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Being that we're all from the Philly area, I forsee a heated debate on who makes the best cheese steaks - likely resulting in a fist fight.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
ummmm...this is kinda sexy....
Okay...ummmmm......shite! you think we should together and discuss the universe in private? *wink, wink*
Da-----amn boys!
You and I should bullshit sometime about brews. I ran a beer distributor and then started a representation company for elite microbreweries and belgian beers in my past. I used to represent Ommegang which is the closest thing to a Belgian ale you'll find in America. The owners of Ommegang own a huge importation company (Vanburg&DeWulf)that brings in Affligem, Scaldis, Saison, Boon, and Duvel among others. They work closely with monks to create the closest knock off to come out of America. Three Philosophers Ale is actually a blend including actual Belgian lambiek... so it's not completely American.
I had dinner with this Michael Jackson about 8 years ago.
Know him, young beer guru?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
... but ending in a taxi ride to Geno's, who obviously makes the best cheesesteak.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Knock offs are knock offs. I do not drink beer that does not come directly from Holland, Belgian, or Germany - with very few exceptions. Any beer i've had in America tastes like water to me anyways. If I can't get them, I stick to Gin and Tonic.
Btw, I'm Dutch, most of my life i've spent in europe (England, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Italy) and I started drinking at meals in Italy first when I was around 6, wine only, as was customary. Holland and Belgium tie for my favorite - you cannot go to a belgian restaurant without having a seperate beer menu with over 200 choices. I may not have tasted them all, but I can analyze and remember them in a snap, I think it's my talent
. I know exactly what brands my friends would like.
As many as i've tried, I still remember sitting in the 'S-hertogenbosch plaza (mother's hometown) with my cousin and drinking a large glass of Leffe Tripel with Grenadine - it is definitely my favorite. Unfortunately I can't get Leffe Tripel here, I can do with Duvel though.
My goal is to try every beer that Europe has to offer, thank Zeus for importers for the moment (that i'm stuck in college in America).
I think we'd get along pretty well...
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
When I was 18 I went to Munich to the Oktoberfest. I drank 2.5 litres of beer in an hour and proceeded to win the wet t-shirt competition for the Aussies. Needless to say, I was extremely proud and tear up every time I think about it. So I have a loving affection for Beer and its effect on me. However I do believe that beer with food is disgusting. I am more passionate towards a good red wine.
Oh and by the way I don't know what they are but "Cheese steaks" sound absolutely revolting. In Australia, late at night, we tend to finish the drunken evening with a classic kebab. Can't go wrong.
Alright, some say I'm a wine snob- but it's my job, so they can piss off! In a similiar vein to the creation of an "old earth," which shows that creation (light, fossils, rocks, etc...) innately has a supposedly false history to the observer (if it shows an earth older than 6-10,000 years, that is), Jesus changed water into a wine, which must also necessarily show a history to anyone familiar with wine or the winemaking process. John 2:10 shows that at least some of the guests thought that it was some very good "reserve" wine. Did Jesus create a wine that showed the historical illusion of good soil conditions, weather conditions, an interesting varietal or blend (Cabernet? Syrah? White zin? Or that Arbor Mist crap with the fruit juice in it?), yeast selection, years of aging on/off lees, brix levels, etc... or was the "goodness" a subjective illusion, because just like it is in the world today, many people have very different tastes and don't/can't appreciate what is considered a "fine wine?" In other words, how can a "generic" wine have been created at all without fabricating (bearing false witness of) the history of its creation, let alone one that would please everyone's tastes? In addition to all that, is providing a source for hedonistic, flesh glorifying inebriation and addiction an appropriate use of a miracle meant to glorify God?
"If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send a limousine anyway" -The Clash
Question #1: Dammit, why wasn't I invited?
Question #2: Don't you all understand that it is imperative to have pizza with your beer and White Castles with beer at the end of the evening?
Question #3: Keeping in mind that I lived in St. Louis for 17 years, are you all aware of the rule to begin any elongated beer drinking evenings with Busch beer?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
This is going to be a good one!
Yuengling is a good inexpensive beer for those of us in this area! Did you know down in Florida it costs as much as like Sam Adams! :shock:
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Amanda, I REALLY hope you are joking. Extremist x10^23! That "hope" makes you no better than a fundamentalist who advocates the killing of atheists.
Anyways -------------------------------
Well, my question to you guys is: why do you like alcohol so much? Wouldn't it be irrational to poison yourselves (which you do when you drink it)?
Yes, you guessed it, I am pro a non-alcohol life
When you eat a giant hamburger, you are effectively poisoning yourself with cholesterol, salt, and fat.
However, i'm not advocating that we eat these burgers or drink at every meal of the day. Alcohol in moderation does have a positive effect, as long as it is high-quality (just like everything else). I have the occasional fatty food, but my favorite food is a purely Japanese diet.
The last time I got drunk was in London a couple of months ago, and it was only because I owed it to my old british friends. We were drinking cheap crap and vodka, they turned their noses up to some Leffe 9* that I brought back from Belgium.
So I don't do that anymore, I enjoy my alcohol socially. I am a naturally antisocial person, so a couple of beers, a glass of wine (if i'm eating steak or fish), or a gin and tonic at a social occasion does nothing but help me enjoy life - and does not cause any more damage than the normal factors we are all subjected to.
Props to you for staying completely dry, but Alcohol consumption is not irrational.
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Duh, of course she's joking. People are indoctrinated into religious belief after birth, there is no way and I can't forsee a way that we'd be able to determine before birth if a baby will be theistic. We maybe would be able to isolate any given persons gullibility factor, but even then I don't think we could be sure of future impressions that would be made on them from people trying to indocrtrinate them.
She was making a question in the spirit of eliciting a funny answer from us when we're drunk. You think she was serious about wanting to marry a man she's never met in real life? Oh... wait... maybe she was.
Now there is a question that should elicit a funny answer! See, you got it!
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
In addition to the question above, we've gotten the following comments on myspace (keep in mind we've got 9100 friends, so we run the gamet of different types of atheists):
"As fellow atheist, I do not agree with this. This could only hurt the cause. Getting drunk is a bad idea guys."
"Way to represent everyone."
I can't do much but laugh at this. Somehow certain people think atheism=dull, boring, lifeless, and straight edge. WTF. :shock:
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
i know you guys are on the air and it's "illegal" to smoke, but do any of you guys puff on the chronic?
Fucking with the rich is not only necessary, it's also a hell of a lot of fun.
-Jello Biafra, Dead Kennedys
"GOD is dead"
Friedrich Nietzsche
religious wars are like argueing over who's imaginary friend is better.
richard jeni
It's probably been a year or so, but I've been known to partake of the sticky icky on occasion.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I wanted to do the high show, only problem is we'd have to be in Cali with medical marijuana prescriptions (Proclaim has one), or in Amsterdam (or some variant). In those cases we could claim (lie) that we were in one of those locations upon recording, however an overzealous fed agent would easily be able to verify we never traveled. This type of, on the record evidence worries me. I don't understand how celebrities are able to get away with claiming pot smoking on a regular basis without ever getting busted. Does our govt really not care about Bill Maher?
Oh, and screw Mike's year... he'd be toking. And Rook would be a first timer... Carrier I'm assuming would end up with just a contact high.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I'd love to hear you guys talk about Noah's Ark and the whole 2 of each animal bit.
you guys can come to my house, medical marijuana is legal in maine
Fucking with the rich is not only necessary, it's also a hell of a lot of fun.
-Jello Biafra, Dead Kennedys
"GOD is dead"
Friedrich Nietzsche
religious wars are like argueing over who's imaginary friend is better.
richard jeni
Yes, but isn't it both illegal to smoke yours, and for you to give it to us, without us having a prescription?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Well I think they couldn't actually prove you smoked pot on the show. The evidence woudl be circumstantial and you could say it was a satirical show or something...however if they busted you in the middle of the show...then you're caught red handed, but like being busted for drunk driving (not that I'm condoning it kidddies), but if a cop pulls you over, and you crack a beer right in front of him before he even tests you and sees you, can't charge you at that point for drunk driving, perhaps he can charge you with open container or drunk in public, but not drunk driving. There are many ways around the laws.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
So you think I should give Richard Carrier a contact high? (metaphorically speaking of course)
How exactly do we discuss it on the show?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient vodka the blood of Lenin?
Come on, Sapient ... Give an Old Broad a chance! :smt060
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Isaiah 5:22....Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks, I hope you ll are drinking beer?
equal rights for everyone.
The future of atheistic endevour; (Atheist Animal Farm)
We will brutally murder all believers of all Gods, wiping out most of humanity and leaving the Earth free for only the Atheists to roam.
And finally there will be an atmosphere of freedom and democracy. However after a while chaos will erupt from the inevitable and sad need for some to hold irrational beliefs, and so I will promote myself and only myself to level of deity and rule over all. "Amanda is God" they will chant!
OF COURSE I WAS JOKING DULLARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where's your sense of humour?
So, let's just assume for the sake of argument that god does exist, and that satan exists, and that god punishes people by sending them to hell, and that satan carries out that punishment by various means of unspeakable torture. Doesn't this imply that god and satan are on the same team?...Cheers! :twisted: :smt051
I think that it would be only fitting since you're in the city of brotherly love to have a drunken campaign/bar crawl advocating people to "hug an atheist."
"It's not so much staying alive. It's staying human that's important." - 1984
Here's my question...
If there was a God, wouldn't we know who let the dogs out by now?
Don't you think God would be like, "Alright! I did it! Medamn, you guys!"
The secret to eternal happines: It's not all about you.
hmm yeah this is true, i don't even have a prescription
Fucking with the rich is not only necessary, it's also a hell of a lot of fun.
-Jello Biafra, Dead Kennedys
"GOD is dead"
Friedrich Nietzsche
religious wars are like argueing over who's imaginary friend is better.
richard jeni
"Sometimes even the wisest of man or machine can make an error."
-Optimus Prime
Questions for the drunks. lol.
Has the 'porcelain god' ever spoken to you?
Does getting theists drunk and making them do bad things count as unethical?
Have you ever wound up with a coyote hangover? In other words, woke up next to someone you would never be with sober and wishing you could chew your arm off to get away?
Who is the smartest drunk?
Who is the smartest sober?
If you could convince Ray Comfort to get drunk with y'all then:
1.) What would you have him drink?
2.) Would you get him unconscious drunk or just buzzing?
3.) What would you do to him first after he passed out? Would it involve a banana?
4.) Would you take pictures and post them everywhere or just keep it a secret?
5.) Would you get him to give you Kirk's number and call him up while drunk?
6.) Lastly and most importantly, Do you think this would change his ideology? (I've often thought that he just needs a good, hard lay from somebody(guy or girl) to convince him.) A good hangover might do the trick also.
What is your coolest party trick? (e.g. bottle balancing, folding your ears inside out, etc.)
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
If jesus and mohammed got into a bar fight, who would most likely have started it? subquestion: which one would go for a cheap shot to the nuts first?
Do you think Mother Theresa was a closet fan of anal sex?
If satan were a radio producer, would he air coldplay songs?
"It's not so much staying alive. It's staying human that's important." - 1984
Would you need to go so far? Can't you slip down to Mexico or up to Canada and do it from there? I know America has the right to reach its long arm into Britain and pluck out any citizen it likes for any reason it likes and fly them to the land of the free for trial. But surely that doesn't apply to all countries (?)
heheh. I hear ya.
So, what's YOUR view? Last time I was in Philly (lived there 8 yrs) I liked that ugly black & silver joint on a south street corner - stuck out like a sore thumb. What is that place called? (I didn't make it down to south st. much.) I was more of a pizza guy (Alex's in Manayunk).
Jim's Steaks? Blasphemy!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Fortunately, Pat's, who actually make the best cheesesteak, is right next to Geno's.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song
Actually, the best Philly cheese steak is in Delaware at the Claymont Steak Shop. I'm shocked Bark didn't attest to that fact :shock:
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! THey moved Philly to Delaware!
Fucking blasphemy!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
That's like saying you can't get a good wing outside of Buffalo. Though I will agree that you can't get a good cheese steak beyong about a half hour from Philly.
Oh, Claymont's are good alright. Yellow, we need to make a Pat's run for comparison purposes since it's been about 6 or 7 years since I've had one. I'll take Claymont over Geno's.
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song
Sometimes I wonder if we think Pat's is so good simply because we're typically there at 2:30 in the morning drunk off our asses. Steak'ums would probably taste great at that point.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Keep your cheesesteak.
You would orgasm from my stir fry.
I just finished the serving in the picture. I must go clean myself now.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
If Noah lived in modern day america, would he get his ark building supplies from home depot or menards?
Do you think God made redheaded people to be a constant reminder to us of the story of the burning bush? Think about it ...
"It's not so much staying alive. It's staying human that's important." - 1984
No offense, bro, but that looks like "cowpie stir-fry"...
On the steaks next time I'm in the city: Pat's & Geno's it is. I will have one of each and render the ultimate decision.
I'm not driving to Delaware. They don't get my business because I lost too many stereo sales to people willing to drive there to save sales tax (worked in Springfield Circuit City). 
Redheaded women - yes. Disobey and you will be smoten.