Did the RRS ever debate this girl?

This girl who's myspace url is http://www.myspace.com/Penelope1985
She chats under the name Penelope, Claims that she made Rook cry in a debate and that you guys didn't air it because of that. She tried to prove that I was "Irrational" by asking me "Does 1+1 always equal 2?" , She also says evolution is a failed theory. I myself think she is a liar who is just doing whatever she can to spread her Creationist propaganda. But if anyone gets a chance feel free to Send her a message and encourage her to put her money where her mouth is and come on the show. She needs to be put in her place.
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Given that her blog is only open to friends - perhaps to prevent the woeful arguments that she gives being given a good going over - I'm not inclined to take her seriously.
Freedom of religious belief is an inalienable right. Stuffing that belief down other people's throats is not.
I remember this girl. Rook tried to get her on the show several times, she never came.
Atheist Books
She is out there...
She had being doing stuff on myspace for awhile. I first saw and talked to her in the chat. She joined up with a myspace group that is against the rrs. A bunch of them came on to my blog once over a bulletin I re-posted on my blog.
They disagreed with each other half the time and couldn't make very good points even with their numbers.
...and this is why I'm on facebook.
Oh yes i remember this tard, i am sorry but i can't be nice wit this one. She tried this convo on me. (won't be verbatium but close enough)
her: Define Up to prove your rationality
me: Up is a relational direction
her: define direction
me: the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves;
her: define spatial
me: "pertaining to space"
her: define pertaing
and on and on. I tried to ask her to tell me the parameters for which she'd except the defination, she said she wasn't going to give me the answer. Then i said fine tell mehow to define it, she said she wouldn't unless i forfeirt. I then left the room never to be in her fucktarded presence again. I can not stand that person, and I am very accepting and can stand almost everyone i meet, she is the exception.
*go hits the wall in anger just from the memory*
I am gonna try to get her to come on the show but I doubt I will have much success. She is probably one of the most insane irrational people I have ever delt with. I can usually find common ground to discuss things with people and try to be as nice as I can but this psycho flat out attacks and runs. I mean she won't accept anything I tell her and she thinks that no matter what science I reference she claims that Science is bias and is trying to destroy religion. I am afraid that she is a lost cause.
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website Pathofreason.com
Check it out
Blog entry about "hate":
Blog about "propaganda":
Regarding Islam:
She just sounds like a corn pone yack fest to me. I see a lot of claims and comparisons, but no substance. She's probably just bitter about her insulated middle-state existence. EDIT: I wanted to mention her impeccable grammar... which is in the unfortunate service of a girl lacking any creativity. Her blogs read like eighth grade essays.