Rabid Ape banned [mod edit: also post your story!]

RabidApe's YouTube account has been suspended.
Along with this, several videos on YouTube have also been flagged as violations of copyright by Creation Science Evangelism, Famous Creationist Kent Hovind's organization.
Do a search for "Kent Hovind" on Youtube and you'll find that several videos have been flagged and taken down, including my "Kent Hovind get's pwended" video.
At least one of RabidApe's videos has been flagged as well, and it is fairly improbably coincidence that he should be banned the same day CSE's flagging campaign began, seeing as he is one of those YouTubers on CSE's hitlist.
Spread the word!
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
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what is the response?
I'm open to suggestion.
I'm just spreading the word about rapidApe. As far as my video goes, I sent in a counter-claim to YouTubes copyright office, but have yet to hear back from them.
There's also an atheist lawyer I met via YouTube that I asked for help with.
However, I haven't heard anything from RabidApe yet.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
I say we go on our own flagging campaign. We could all ban together and flag every christian video on youtube in favor of Kent Hovind and of course christianity.
Whe Uri Geller abused the DMCA, Sapient took him on. I hope RabidApe (or another) does the same. Hopefully, the fallout from this will eventually get the Bovinds permanently banned from YouTube. That would teach them, and ruin their efforts at promotion as well.
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
Gnu Atheism Facebook group — All gnu-friendly RRS members welcome (including Luminon!) — Try something gnu!
That would not be a rational response, that would be a lame response. We're not jack booted thugs.
Wonderist on Facebook — Support the idea of wonderism by 'liking' the Wonderism page — or join the open Wonderism group to take part in the discussion!
Gnu Atheism Facebook group — All gnu-friendly RRS members welcome (including Luminon!) — Try something gnu!
I don't think that's a good idea, as users who do that can be banned for false flagging. Not to mention that censorship sucks, regardless of what's being censored.
However, the account that is getting everything pulled are these assholes:
People can always send them a friendly message.
Unfortunately, they've disabled rating their videos and adding comments to the vids or channel.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
Those assholes got that "you're a fucktard" video banned. I sent them a message calling them fascist cocksuckers and telling them to stop flagging videos that counter their bullshit. Fuck, that video was from months ago. YouTube sucks. They should start checking before they remove videos. And how long did it take them to remove the one that violated snopes copyright that attacked the RRS?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Pussies for disabling ratings and comments. I reported a few as hate speech, as it kind of is.
I also sent YouTube this:
User CSEMinistries is reporting as a copyright violation any video that criticizes Kent Hovind in any way. Parodies are supposed to be protected. Please look into this.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Is the CSE for real? They even recommend two videos. Wow. Are the people running censorship on YouTube braindead? Do they even care to look into what it is they're banning? YouTube really is quite... stupid. They take special interests into account and fail to protect the rights of others, even as far as their own guarantees go. I am hardly surprised to see interesting content vanishing simply never to reappear considering the groups YouTube panders to.
BigUniverse wrote,
"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."
You all of course are right it wouldn't be right but I just am so upset with this flagging nonsense, it really tics me off. Socrateone I didn't know false fagging could get a member banned. So why aren't they being banned for false flaggin? They are just banning anyything kent hovind tells them to, I suspect most do without really listening to the videos, they just flagg any video they are told to flag even when it doesn't deserve to be flagge that is false flagging. I still have the urge to give them a taste of their own medicine, a phrase my Father use to tell me, let them see how it feels then maybe they will realize it's wrong and who knows maybe they will stop while considering it's really lying and un-christian like.
Technically, they aren't "flagging" them like normal flaggers. And only exessive and repeated violations of the rules can get someone banned (I think-- got to admit I'm not sure about that one, as I don't know of anyone who has been banned for it).
What they are doing is claiming copyright, which is even worse. I've submitted a counter-claim and I intend of fighting this. I've even just posted a video where Kent Hovind himself states that the videos are NOT copyrighted.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
It's obvious that these people are getting scared. I think as each video and rational idea gets expressed to the masses they start getting more and more afraid. Instead of fighting fire with fire we need to step our overall game up. We need to come up with new things to take it to them. Getting them banned on youtube won't do much, Because they will continue to disregard us or the facts we present. we need to start educating the masses here with cold hard facts! If that means tying them to a fucking chair and forcing them to sit through a science class then so be it! They think it's just trendy to be atheist and they think this whole thing will pass. I have heard many theists I know claim that this "Atheism" build up happens every once and awhile but Christianity will always put it back in it's place. I am sick of the irrationality in America and we need to do everything we can to educate ourselves and them. I think we need to work together to enlighten them 1 theist at a time. We need to be more outspoken and not be afraid to voice our opinons! I commend every one of you for posting videos on youtube , for not being ashamed to speak your mind but we shouldn't stop there. We need to take this to the streets, We need meet this challenge head on. Learn the bible and use it against them, Learn the Qua'ran and use it against them, Use science to our advantage. We are atheist not because we follow trends, but because we have chosen to take a stand against irrationallity and ancient traditions. We are smart enough to make a difference and we must use every resource we have available to do so!
"They make take our lives....But they will never take our FREEDOM!
Co-Founder of the Atheist/Freethought website Pathofreason.com
Check it out
How about just responding a la Nick Ginsberg, re-posting the banned vids in new accounts?
UPDATE *******************
[MOD EDIT - fixed link]
Also sprach, how do you do this? I can't download a thread from YouTube.
Miracles don't exist. "Miracle" is a word given to a preposterous event that a theist considers dogmatically advantageous. Def. - Ecclesiastical sensationalism.
Not quite sure - I believe you can save the .wmv from the website posted in the description. If he's so inclined, he could send it thru e-mail, which is displayed in the vid.
There are no theists on operating tables.
Hey! My name is Christopher Boe and I animated the cartoon "Tribute to Kent Hovind." Audio was provided by the YouTube user "eddygoombah." ( http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/399665 )
I think this is the correct place to post my story about this whole thing. Basically our collaborative work, filled with ORIGINAL AUDIO and ORIGINAL ANIMATION was claimed to be COPYRIGHTED by the Creation Science Evangelism. Our hard work was taken down by these frauds! Something serious needs to be done.
In the vastness of astronomical space, that which seems impossible might very well be inevitable.
Chris, read this thread to see what can be done about this DMCA abuse by CSE Ministries.
Hey brian et al, I'm not sure if they can log onto these pages from their school computers, but the Extant Dodos, authors of several great critical analysis videos on YT, were also cited by CSE for copyright infringement. This was even mentioned on Dr. PZ Myers' Pharyngula blog today. If they aren't able to log on here, I will have to post their response for them.
That was one of my favorites. Hope those motherless fucks pay. I'm about to make one of my vids about this.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Creation Science Evangelism put a new video on YouTube!
CSE - Copyright Policy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPer-FjPJJE
It appears you used a publicity brochure and one of Kent's photos on your video so that's probably what he got you for. I guess he didn't like the "rape kent for jesus" sign.
And of course every court in this country would grant that as fair use. I'd bet my life on it.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Having been the recepient of lawsuit threats for copyright violations I'm sure of it. Youtube appears to be telling it's employees to play it on the safe side since they've been getting numerous lawsuit threats from places like Viacom.
Can you retroactively copyright something that never had a copyright to begin with? I thought you could only retroactively extend existing copyrights.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Yesterday noon I was astonished to discover that someone had claimed ownership and/or copyright to videos I had made and I had uploaded to YouTube. At first I thought it was a joke: surely nobody would steal *MY* intellectual property. Then I thought it was merely a mistake, and that someone accidently claimed to own the copyright to my videos.
Then I discovered it was the Kriminal Kent Kult (The New KKK) who had fraudulently claimed copyright on my videos, and I realized it was not a joke or a mistake: it was and is a maclicious attack against my First Amendment right to criticise evil and stupidity. I not only have the civil right to make such videos and post them where and when and how I wish, but I also have the CIVIC DUTY to do so.
None of my videos violate international copyright law: the two videos removed via fraudulent DMCA complaint were removed only to harass and intimidate me. I see that over 30 other videos on YouTube have also been removed, some of which I know for a fact did not violate copyright law: I have copies of them, and they clearly violate no part of international copyright law.
I have placed the two removed videos on a server outside the USA. http://holysmoke.org/removed.htm points to a web page with links to those videos. Anyone watching those videos will see that they do not violate anyone's copyright, and that *I* *OWN* *THE* *COPYRIGHT* to both videos.
The videos that the Kriminal Kent Kult claimed belong to them, and/or violate their copyright, are *MY* property. I consider their fraudulent use of the DMCA law to be theft of my intellectual property.
The abuse I have been subjected to by the Kriminal Kent Kult has convinced me that I must make many more videos about Hovind and his lies and bullshit. Stay tuned.....
Videos deleted by CSE.
Certainly the phone calls from jail and the phone calls from the grad students had NOTHING to do with CSE copyright
more vids deleted by CSE
Video showing how CSE dont even have the copyright to videos they have produced.
You cannot copyright public domain material. CSE have already declared that all their videos are public domain.
No, you cannot retroactively copyright something. Also, CSE claims their new policy has been in effect since Jan 2005... several of the videos were from before then. Also, I don't know for SURE, but the documentation I've seen online showed that they DID NOT make this policy in 01/05... They did it in summer of 2007. This I'm not 100% sure I can find again, but that's my recollection, and I'd believe my faulty beer-killed-brain-cells memory before I'd believe known liars like at CSE!
Thunderf00t, where did you get that list from? It's by no means complete... do you know of any way to retrieve a full list? I know for sure Rabid Ape's and Extant Dodo's vids aren't listed.I also notice the animation isn't the only one whose content was 100% original.This has got to be illegal. As desertphile suggested, surely it's theft of intellectual property?!
The Creation Science Evangelism people posted a video with their Copyright Policy.
Is my "Tribute to Kent Hovind" in violation of this? The images at the end are subject to "Fair Use," right?
[MOD EDIT - fixed link]
In the vastness of astronomical space, that which seems impossible might very well be inevitable.
I don't think there is ANY doubt that CSE has no legal leg to stand on... it's a bullying tactic. True, it's brought a lot of attention to those of us who made videos, and those subscribers who support the critcial videos, but it's also undoubtedly brought CSE attention as well. Maybe that was their intention? I doubt they're clever enough... my guess is that either they ignorantly thought they DO own copyright to the removed vids, or thought we'd all just go along with it and be afraid of a lawsuit from them or something...
They might be aware there is already a similar precedent and the only penalty (i believe) was a public apology on YouTube. Even more lame than a slap on the proverbial wrist because as I said, in the very least they've accomplished bringing attention to their cause.
In addition to the aforementioned comment on Dr. Myers' Pharyngula blog (Evolution, development, and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal) see http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/09/more_lawyer_games_from_creatio.php
But my friends the Extant Dodos, helped get it mentioned on Panda's Thumb:
There's a website where you can contest erroneous DMCA copyright claims: http://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca/counter512.pdf
Apparantly, the Hovinds don't have a copyright on these things:
Thank you desertphile for coming forward. You have a clear cut case to counter notify youtube. Please do so immediatly. Are you willing to go to court if need be? I should at least be able to get you a good lawyer, if not a free one. Copyright law is my current area of expertise.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Hey everyone, I hope I'm posting this in the right place...lol,
I have had 2 of my Kent Hovind videos pulled from Youtube. The only footage I used of Kent was from his website, which states that his material is free, and uncopyrighted. I am willing to help in ANY way.
My story is typical of everyone who as been attacked by CSE. I left for work in the afternoon, my account was fine, I came home from work, and I recieve these emails:
Dear Member:
This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Creation Science Evangelism claiming that this material is infringing:
Understanding Creationism Pt1a: Meet Kent Hovind: ;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3bu5IeMYWc
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity!!!!
Hey every one, I had 2 Kent Hovind videos pulled from YT last night.
These are the emails I recieved:
Dear Member:
This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Creation Science Evangelism claiming that this material is infringing:
Understanding Creationism Pt1a: Meet Kent Hovind: ;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3bu5IeMYWc
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity!!!!
Dear Member:
This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Creation Science Evangelism claiming that this material is infringing:
Understanding Creationism Pt1b: Meet Kent Hovind: ;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsT6DHgTYvM
this a link to my YT channel:
and this is the video in question posted on stickam:
I am willing to help in any way I can, for more info, email me at:
[email protected]
Also, I would be honord if you allowed me to post my Kent Hovind video on this site.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity!!!!
It looks like I didn't dot all the i's and cross all the t's (Hey, I'm not a lawyer), and they said that they couldn't process it, but didn't say why.
What I'm going to do is
1) Make sure I have a case. I'm not absolutely sure because the Hovind clip that I had was in his radio show (I believe in 2006), which may have different copyright than the other materials. Also, I don't just use a little clip. My video was about a minute and a half long, and the entire audio was from the radio show, except for a couple of small clips of my music at the beginning and end. Unfortunately, I lost the clip on my hard drive. I used images and video clips from educational sites and from google (never really gave much thought to copyright as I wasn't selling this or anything)
2) If I find out I have a case, write an official letter to the YouTube copyright office in compliance with US code section 17 blah blah blah.
Right now, though, I'm working on a freelance php web developement project that is eating up all of my time, so I might not be able to do much in the next couple weeks. However, I'm still posting videos about the subject:
I don't know about making my email public, but my youtube account is socratesone:
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful"
-- Seneca
No because their video expressing their copyright is useless. They gave up their copyright a long time ago. In fact uploading the video and the new copyright laws and trying to enforce them is illegal in itself. Amazing... it's rare to see one cover up a crime with another crime. I'm astounded.
Furthermore Kent actually used as a defense in court that he would never submit a copyright claim on a video in an attempt to prove he wasn't a business.
Don't fear, upload it, be prepared to file counter notification, and be prepared to sue.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
This happened to me. Just ask what you did wrong and refile. I had three emails back and forth before they finally accepted.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
ApostateMan reporting for anything i'm capable of helping with.
let's rip them apart and hang the tattered remnants of their deceit from the rafters of their lecture halls
Anyone knows what our plan of action will be????Mean,I agree with Brian before he got banned he called the D.A in Florida
We need legal action against this censorship now,guys....I think
Has youtube issued any kind of statement as of yet?
Brian, i logged off hours before you mentioned you were speaking about his on last night's show... is this available for download?
The Extant Dodos have got the support of "The Skeptics Guide to the Universe" podcast, who featured the story on last night's show as well.
They also let the Florida (Pensacola News Journal) newspaper know as well. They are the ones that made the jail cell calls available that CSE claimed to own the copyrights to!
They (the Extant Dodos) had considered legal action, but I don't think they want their identities known as they had been threatened before...
Not as of yet,that I am aware off.....RabidApe did make another account and explained what happened...but RRS i.e Brian has not that I know made any statements as too what excatly happened and why he was banned...I am sure it was the Hovind's though
I'd love to take them to court, but isn't the precedent set for people filing false DCMA complaints is basically making a public apology on You Tube? I forget the ass-clown's name, but it happened about a year ago... just a slap on the wrist.
Even if the CSE claims their new copyright policy was in effect in Jan '05... it would still only affect their new material, none of which was used. (Do they even HAVE new materials?) Also, as far as I can tell, their website still had their "copyright free" policy up until 2 days ago! (and STILL hasn't been changed on their mirror site: http://www.godrules.net/drdino/about.htm ) [MOD EDIT - fixed link]
Lenny,there is no presedance over something like this and if you watched the last video Brian uploaded before he got banned[and the video that I suspect got him banned] he clearly stated that this has gone beyond appology
As for the new 'policy' of Drdino.com and copyright....if the first copyright was filed in 2005 and video's posted on YouTube predate 2005[excat date needed] then those video's are not copyrighted as far as I understand the law.
And as you said,Copyright law and DMCA weren't made retroactive so any video's prior too 2005 are fair game.And even video's after 2005 are fair game if used for criticism or parody[am certain there are more examples of Fair Use]
Again,am not a lawyer....am only a physics postgrad student hehe but thats how I understand U.S Copyright Law