Short and irrational...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: picked fate
Date: Jun 20, 2006 7:42 PM
you can deny all day.. how quick will you be to change stance when you see the anti christ perfomrming "miracles" in the sight of men... thats not rational? how bout when the True Christ returns.. oh.. by then its too late for the mark accepting ex-atheists ex-agnostics.. ill be your friend
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I'm so scared.
I'm sorry, but what the hell are you talking about?
First of all, where is your proof that "the True Christ" exists so that he may return? As of right now there is no evidence supporting the fact that Jesus the man or the water walking magic man existed. Oh, and when saying this I mean other than the Bible. The Bible is not evidence.
You are making claims without evidence. As soon as you produce evidence for the coming of the Anti-Christ and as stated above, that Jesus existed, I will answer your questions.
Thanks for being my friend.
"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen
"Atheism is life affirming in a way religion can never be."-Richard Dawkins
there's no evidence for anything in the bible being true prophecy for the anti-christ coming. all i can say to everything else is if god wantd me to believe before the anti-christ comes, then he would have me believe. but there's always going to be the problem of evidenec. i'm kind of a slave to only believing in things based on evidence.
Honestly, I can't wait till the rapture happens. Then all the christians will be gone and the rest of us can finally get down to making this world better without their puerile influence.
On a more serious note, the entire argument presupposes the legitimacy of the entire eschatological background of christian ideology. Sorry, still have a lot of explaining to do before we get there.
Every one of your relationships to man and to nature must be a definite expression of your real, individual life corresponding to the object of your will. -Erich Fromm
Anti-christ? performing miracles? That doesn't make any sense. Also, if that does happen (which it won't) I'd rather be side by side in hell with Slayer and Ozzy and not in heaven with Pat Robertson.
I know, talk about empty threats....
The thing that confuses me is why any christian would bother prostelytizing if they hold to this belief.... seeing as there would be direct proof of 'jesus' at this point, there's no apparent need to debate the issue now, is there?
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
well, thats science for ya, we think things are true if we have any reason whatsoever at that time to do so. sorry that sounds irrational. and the fact that we would change our stance if new evidence came about (it wont) is just proof of how science is always the closest thing to being right, as it changes constantly as new information comes to light. science is the consensus thought of millions of the smartest people since thought started being recorded. and it disagrees with you. we are not denying, we are saying "show me one bit of evidence that you are correct" ..... and you cant.
1.Mind is a charicteristic of the organizational state of the matter that constitutes the brain.
2.Matter in this particular organizational state is of course subject to the laws of causality, as is all matter.
Picked fate,
There is only one God and Mohamed is his prophet. If you don't believe this you are going to hell. -lol
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
It is you that deny. There is no god. There is no antichrist. There is no heaven. There is no hell. There is nothing but the natural world and we are part of it.
Any one who believes in things that aren't real is not qualified to be my friend.
Skydivers don't knock on death's door; they ring the bell and run away... It really pisses him off.
The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
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I almost think you are kidding. You ask me how quick would I change my stance if all you just said were to really happen, well, I would change pretty quick. But here is the key word.....IF......I believe plants don't root up and eat humans, and if I saw it happen, then I would quickly change my stance.....again, IF.........look, you have no proof that any of that is going to happen. How can you think that the bible prophosies are real, when you dismiss other religions prophesies? And personally, I wouldn't want to be the friend of someone that cannot offer more to this forum than veiled threats and erroneous superstitions.
well what is the argument here.. i said you could deny all day the existance of God.. do you deny the existance of yourselves.. does not sin exist.. you who would like to believe sin does not exist obviously refuses to agknowledge the law.. as the law is like a mirror of ourselves showing us how bad we are.. if there is sin, there is evil causing the sin.. who thought to love us enough to cleanse us from these sins.. it certainly is not an evil that intends for all of our destruction.. you say there is no evidence or truth to the belief that God exists.. yet you look to your wives and say you love them.. or perhaps hate them cause you think they think of other men.. who created these men.. who made your woman.. our seed is far too complex to have spawned itself in the oozes of primordial goop.. on the shores of volcanic earth.. billions of years ago as some would like to believe.. i told the rational response squad i would be their friend.. but then i read psalms 1:1.. blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.. do not hate or mock what you do not understand.. but i suppose the fact that you do not understand, is the reason you do.. as for hell.. dont expect to hear rock music and sip tea with metal legends.. although you would hear screaming and gnashing of teeth...
Lets take this nut's position, for argument's sake and we got it wrong.
God, " I warned you"
Atheist, " And you did such a great job that you couldnt dilivere the message face to face and took 2 thousand years to show your face and in the mean time your followers butchered each other to compete for your love".
If you are asking me if I want a seat in your Limo after all that, no thanks, I'll take the bus.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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God was all knowing since His mysterious beginning.. afterall.. that is prolly what causes most to have unbelief.. nobody knows how God started.. He just always was.. as much of a mystery that is.. a notion that is overlooked and considerd propostorous.. since man is not as all knowing as God.. can we blame God for not giving us the knowledge whence we were born.. that would be a fantasy wouldnt it.. no growing up for a child.. youre already a man.. and still susceptible to sin.. a sin that God easily resists...
Then he knows that his "Evidence" doesn't add up for me, and he knows that he will have to send me to hell. Apperently he doesn't care about me.
you have most likely experienced your share of follys.. enough to cause your distaste in a reality of God.. a test that satan was allowed to throw at you.. causing you to believe that God doesnt love you.. id suppose the events you have suffered should be evidence enough.. but you expect God to tell you to go to Him like your dad would ask you to come eat...
How do you know that the god you believe in isn't Satan?
"What right have you to condemn a murderer if you assume him necessary to "God's plan"? What logic can command the return of stolen property, or the branding of a thief, if the Almighty decreed it?"
-- The Economic Tendency of Freethought
Woah. Now this is a huge stretch. I never believed in a god. My own personal fuckups have nothing to do with my disbelief.
What test? I was born this way.
How is suffering evidence of a god?
Your god doesn't need to actually appear before me in some blinding light that blasts my brains out of my skull. A simple sign that could not be misinterpretted is all I ask. And all I have never come across.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
"How do you know that the god you believe in isn't Satan?" well.. i suppose the time i spent committing evils would allow me to understand what being the opposite is.. go figure...
picked fate wrote:
picked fate wrote:Woah. Now this is a huge stretch. I never believed in a god. My own personal fuckups have nothing to do with my disbelief.
picked fate wrote:What test? I was born this way.
picked fate wrote:How is suffering evidence of a god?
picked fate wrote:Your god doesn't need to actually appear before me in some blinding light that blasts my brains out of my skull. A simple sign that could not be misinterpretted is all I ask. And all I have never come across.
Enlightened Atheist & Gaming God.
interesting enough.. your "fuckups" are being considerd "fuckups".. for what reason? supposing there is no law.. what would make your mistake a "fuckup".. how would you decipher a good move from a bad one.. do you think people are born gay.. cause really the infatuation for another is twisted when you consider an appreciation for someone an acceptable means for expressing lust.. which would be far from love.. i would say suffering is good enough evidence.. cause it shows us what pleasure is.. and well gee.. pleasure.. thats no blessing.. its luck we get to enjoy.. sarcasm detected.. this age does not deserve a sign.. you can look at the sky and tell its about to rain.. but you cant see we live in the end times.. oh your sign will come.. but it wont be God...
Hi picked fate, it seems that your arguments are nothing more than blatant question begging. You are not taking the time to demonstrate why we should even take you or your authority seriously. You are resorting to nothing more than psychological and intellectual intimidation. Many of us here feel that there are valid questions to ask regarding the truth of your position. Why is it that we are guilty for this? Do you not see how your religion declares an explicit war on reason, the idea of thinking itself?
Your argument is quite authoritarian. First of all, you are assuming that we do not believe in "law" at all because we do not see a reason to believe in a god. Nonetheless, the "law" you are referring to isn't based off of rational standards. You have simply subscribed to a standard of obedience. Sucking up to a diety and being obedient isn't much of a reasonable approach to being ethical.
"Every true faith is infallible -- It performs what the believing person hopes to find in it. But it does not offer the least support for the establishing of an objective truth. Here the ways of men divide. If you want to achieve peace of mind and happiness, have faith. If you want to be a disciple of truth, then search." - Nietzsche
Indeed, one of the follies was reading the Bible.
Also, doesn't your Bible say that God wants people to approach him like he was your dad? Something about "your Father in Heaven" or some crap like that.
Or do you not follow that God?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Maybe because they were "fuckups"?
Law is irrelevant. I never implied that I had "fuckups" with the law. Why are you inferring this?
Since this is based on a misconception I ignore it until you change the context to a valid one.
I know some of them at least are. It's genetic, at least to an extent.
There is no god. And you are not in any position to judge who is deserving of what, or when. This is simply more common irrational arrogance on the part of a theist. How amusing.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.