I don't understand why you say there is no proof for God...

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I don't understand why you say there is no proof for God...


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Earl B.
Date: Sep 17, 2006 12:06 AM

I dont understand why you say there is no proof there is a god because you are here and breathing so why would you doubt that?I dunno I guess he has saved me one to many times to not believe in him,and that he gave me my wife and children and the hope of another day!!! I guess what I am trying to say is that I do strongly believe in god and will continue to do so and if you dont thats alright with me,thats your beliefs and I can resect that, I think no less of you as I did before I read your profile you are still a human being,and you are in america free to believe what you want,and free to put on here what you want, but then again so am I.

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Nothing you mentioned counts

Nothing you mentioned counts as proof of any god, let alone a specific one. tsk-tsk

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Earl B.
Date: Sep 17, 2006 12:06 AM

I dont understand why you say there is no proof there is a god because you are here and breathing so why would you doubt that?I

So the proof that a god exists is that I exist?

Are you saying that I'm a god?

Thank you!

And I thought theists were rude!

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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I dunno I guess he has saved me one to many times to not believe in him,and that he gave me my wife and children

Saved you? In what way? There was somebody who physically saved you from something? Or are you merely denying the good of others who offered you help by saying they only did it because "god" was working through them? How ignoble of you.

As to the children thing, uh, if god gave you your children, I would start wondering just who it is that your wife is sleeping with and why she refers to him as god.

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This seems to be an example

This seems to be an example of "I got lucky, so god did it" idea. I find it interesting however I see how it can lead to an idea being better then other people. Which could lead to badness, but that’s a slippery slope, right?

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*gasp* the secret's out!

*gasp* the secret's out!

I would have written back that he just proved evolution is true with those statements. He clearly had enough of a genetic advantage to survive precarious life-threatening situations and he clearly had the desire to reproduce, so he got a wife and kids (that is, unless he claims she got pregnant through osmosis).

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SilkyShrew wrote: (that is,

SilkyShrew wrote:
(that is, unless he claims she got pregnant through osmosis).

Well clearly based on what he's told us, "God did it." We've heard this story before when God raped Mary.

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Quote:I dont understand why

I dont understand why you say there is no proof there is a god
because there isn't. plain and simple.

because you are here and breathing so why would you doubt that?I
we don't doubt that we are here and breathing.

dunno I guess he has saved me one to many times to not believe in him

yet another "miracle" story. I bet he doesn't understand statistics.

and that he gave me my wife and children and the hope of another day!!!

so you say... care to back up your assertions? so that they can't be debunked using statistics....

I guess what I am trying to say is that I do strongly believe in god and will continue to do so


and if you dont thats alright with me,thats your beliefs and I can resect that

so if you don't mind that we don't believe in a god, what is the point of your message?

I think no less of you as I did before I read your profile you are still a human being,and you are in america free to believe what you want,and free to put on here what you want, but then again so am I.

not all of us are in America. I'm an Australian.

your last part seems to imply, deep down, that although you do have basic concepts of human rights, you still believe religeon is superior; you know us Atheists are not bad people, but consider us misguided, and you are feeling that you want us to be religeous like you are. you feel we have the capacity to be religeous. and of course we do have that capacity, but we see no reason to be.

your message is an emotional one; typical of religeous thinking. Us atheists on the other hand tend to draw conclusions on logic; though without sufficient evidence and data, we do not draw a conclusion on that something (in this case, the origin of the universe)

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Believe in whatever you

Believe in whatever you want.

But if you start killing others for not believeing, or you start stoning people for having sex without marriage, etc. expect some powerful physical reaction from us.

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Science, man!

I guess he has saved me one to many times to not believe in him

I'm guessing you've been close to death and didn't die? Have you noticed that many atheists also have narrowly escaped death? Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Satanists, and several very tall people have also narrowly escaped death. Did God save them, too? What if I told you that the tooth fairy saved them? My mother told me that the tooth fairy was real, and I believe the tooth fairy saved me from drowning when I was ten. Prove me wrong.

he gave me my wife and children and the hope of another day!!!

Have you noticed that lots of non-christians are married? Have you noticed that lots of unmarried people have children? Children happen when you ejaculate in a female and an egg and sperm unite. Any male and female in reasonable health can do it. Why do you need a God to do it for you?

Have you noticed that most people want to live to see tomorrow? It's because if they don't, they won't get to ejaculate in a female again, and our species might die out. Survival instinct is the one constant in evolution. Those species without it didn't make it very far for obvious reasons. (Sorry for being gender specific... women would like very much to live until tomorrow so they can receive ejaculate and make more babies, or care for the ones they have so they don't die.)

I do strongly believe in god and will continue to do so and if you dont thats alright with me,thats your beliefs and I can resect that

Seriously, why did you post here? Did you expect to convert all of us heathens? If so, then you do care whether we believe in god, and you're being dishonest in the above statement. Do you like having smart people tell you how dumb your beliefs are? You should seek help for that, and not from Jesus.

I do want you to stop believing in God. I want everybody in the world to stop. I admit it happily. The reason I don't believe is that I used logic and followed it through to the obvious conclusions, even when those conclusions pointed me away from what my mommy and daddy told me, and didn't line up with those charismatic men asking me for money from the pulpit. Be brave! Try it for yourself!

Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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Hambydammit wrote:Quote: I

Hambydammit wrote:
I guess he has saved me one to many times to not believe in him

I'm guessing you've been close to death and didn't die? Have you noticed that many atheists also have narrowly escaped death? Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Satanists, and several very tall people have also narrowly escaped death. Did God save them, too? What if I told you that the tooth fairy saved them? My mother told me that the tooth fairy was real, and I believe the tooth fairy saved me from drowning when I was ten. Prove me wrong.

NO DAMMIT IT WAS THE EASTER BUNNY!!!! stupid tooth fairy taking all the credit

And Jesus said to the sheep " I shall make you blind and lame, so you may never know the truth"

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You're all heretics. It was

You're all heretics. It was the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

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Why don't you understand

Why don't you understand that we say there is no proof of God? You give the example that we are here and breathing, but in reality, that isn't proof of God, that's proof that we are here and breathing. What if I told you that space aliens came down here millions of years ago and planted the seeds of life to create an intelligent species (humans). Is being here and breathing proof of that? Are you now going to believe that as well? And being saved, that is really vague, but if you mean miracles, then take a look at this for a moment. If you experience something that could only happen with a one in a million shot, then 295 people in the US experience them once a day! That isn't a miracle, it's statistics. And doesn't claiming God giving you a wife, and God giving you children lessen the importance of what you have? Didn't your wife fall in love with you because of who you are, and not because she was just given to you? But most people understand the process of birth, how a person is born, why add the god factor? Is it not as wonderful for two people to create another human being as it is god making one?