Nevermind me. What if you're wrong?

From :
Subject : [General Question] Disbelief in God.
I just want to ask only one question. Just one.
You guys seem pretty confident that there is no God. Now... there is..
and you have to admit... there is a chance that you guys could be wrong
about your lack of God. I have to wonder, if you guys are wrong and find
yourself one day before the very real judgement seat of God, then what? What will you do?
You see, just as you say I can't be absoloutly sure that there is a God...
I can turn it around and say you can't be absoloutly sure that there is no
God. And since Jesus is proven to have been existed... historically, and
while other historic accounts of Biblical events are correct and in tact
with dates indicated by Bible history, shouldn't you do a little more
objective research. I hope you do, and I will be praying for you...
Hell is a very real, very terrible place. Disbelief in it is deception
which you HAVE submitted to by Satan. You don't believe in Satan? That's
exactly what he wants. He loves that fact that you don't believe in him,
you can't battle an enemy you don't believe in. I wish you and your
entire staff the absolout best. I will pray for each and every name on
your roster that you realize denial of God and a life in sin leads to
-Devin Mir
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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Did it ever occur to this numb-nut that people have different recepticles?
Kind of mean of a god to make one type of outlet, and many different plugs, don't ya think?
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Did it ever occur to this numb-nut that people have different recepticles?
Kind of mean of a god to make one type of outlet, and many different plugs, don't ya think?
I JUST made this.
It was quick, so it's VERY obvious it's fake, but this is what your post made me think of!
I shouldn't laugh at my own humour, hahaha.
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Razorcade wrote:Did it ever occur to this numb-nut that people have different recepticles?
Kind of mean of a god to make one type of outlet, and many different plugs, don't ya think?I JUST made this.
It was quick, so it's VERY obvious it's fake, but this is what your post made me think of!
I shouldn't laugh at my own humour, hahaha. :D
Bahahaha good one, kat.
Seriously though, what a complete ass. Being patronized by someone with the mentality of a three year really pisses me off. Someone should "plug in" a toaster....and toss it to him while he's taking a bath. What a useless shithead.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
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What a clever little kitty.
Good stuff, kat.
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There are five problems with this argument.
First: You cannot simply choose to believe in something.
Can you choose to believe in Santa Clause? No. You may have believed in Santa in the past, but now you don't believe in Santa because of the extreme lack of evidence in Santa's existence. You cannot simply choose to believe in Santa because you know with 99.9999% certainty that there is no Santa.
You try it. Choose to believe in Santa. See if you can. You cannot honestly say that you can choose to believe in Santa. You are too convinced that Santa does not exist because of the extreme lack of evidence in Santa.
The same goes for atheists and belief in god. Belief is not a choice. You can make yourself fake-believe, formed out of fear of hell, but an all-knowing god is going to know the difference.
Second: You assume that if there is a god, it is the christian one.
There are many religions out there that say it is the christians that go to hell. Many of whom had a virgin birth story, great flood story, healing story, and resurrection story centuries before christianty did. Wouldn't God be more pissed at someone who was worshipping the wrong god, than someone who wasn't worshipping any god at all?
On our planet there are literally over 1,000 different god beliefs. Not a single one has any proof. They are all just as likely. Do you really like the 1/1000 odds?
Third: Let's say you get lucky and god is the christian god. You believe in him. You assume that simple belief will get you into heaven.
But what about the other parts of the bible that say you need more than simple belief to get into heaven? Christians cannot even decide amongst themselves who does and does not go to hell.
Forth: If there were a god whom would he like better? Gullible people of blind faith... or Skeptical people of logic and reason?
Does he really only want gullible people, who believe things with no evidence, into heaven? Let's be rational. God is likely to value intelligence more than blind belief. It is better to believe things with proof instead of "just because".
Fifth: What makes you think he even cares about your belief in him?
God lays no evidence for us. What makes you think he even wants this belief from us? There is no rational reason for god to be so mischievous as to hide his existence from us and then punish us for non-belief. Why would he care? Why not just forgive good people regardless of belief system, or why not just forgive everyone and let everyone into heaven?
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Subject : [General Question] Disbelief in God.I just want to ask only one question. Just one.
Too bad your first statement wasn't even true...
You guys seem pretty confident that there is no God. Now... there is..
and you have to admit... there is a chance that you guys could be wrong
about your lack of God. I have to wonder, if you guys are wrong and find
yourself one day before the very real judgement seat of God, then what? What will you do?
Well, we're 150% sure that no man is God and that God is no man. That's pretty obvious. That is something we're sure we're not wrong about. We are also sure that God isn't some stupid, arrogant, fool who wastes his time in the lives of humans. Why would God purposefully confuse us just so we could go to Hell? How many people make it to Heaven? None. If we are wrong, that's ok. I'd rather spend an eternity in Hell with my friends and family than spend an eternity in Heaven alone.
You see, just as you say I can't be absoloutly sure that there is a God...
I can turn it around and say you can't be absoloutly sure that there is no
God. And since Jesus is proven to have been existed... historically, and
while other historic accounts of Biblical events are correct and in tact
with dates indicated by Bible history, shouldn't you do a little more
objective research. I hope you do, and I will be praying for you...
We need to do our research? You wrote that the Bible is historically accurate and then you told us to do our research. I'm sorry, but back in like 1st grade, I learned that the Earth is a sphere. The Bible disagrees. I also learned that the Sun revolves around the Earth, not the other way around. That's just the obvious Biblical mistakes. Don't even pretend for a second that you've actually read it. Only atheists read the Bible. The real Bible studiers, not the fools who go around referring to that horrible book as a love letter, know that the Bible is a horrible documentation of what really happened. There is no evidence to suggest that Jesus was as arrogant as you people say he was. He was just a preacher, not a God-wannabe. Please don't pray for me. It only hurts, it doesn't help. They've done unbiased studies to prove that.
Hell is a very real, very terrible place. Disbelief in it is deception
which you HAVE submitted to by Satan. You don't believe in Satan? That's
exactly what he wants. He loves that fact that you don't believe in him,
you can't battle an enemy you don't believe in. I wish you and your
entire staff the absolout best. I will pray for each and every name on
your roster that you realize denial of God and a life in sin leads to
death.-Devin Mir
Yea, and unicorns are very real and very terrible. So are the flying monkies. Santa is always watching....and the rest. How am I sinning and is that a death threat? Death threats are not uncommon coming from religious people. I find it funny how a murderer who prays daily will go to Heaven while an atheist who donates to charities will go to Hell. Yup, such a great God...
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Pascal's wager, baseless assertions of "proof" that they don't bother giving out, appeals to fear?Is this really all they've got?
Apparently so. Next!
I hope they cannot see
the limitless potential
living inside of me
to murder everything.
I hope they cannot see
I am the great destroyer.
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Razorcade wrote:Did it ever occur to this numb-nut that people have different recepticles?
Kind of mean of a god to make one type of outlet, and many different plugs, don't ya think?I JUST made this.
It was quick, so it's VERY obvious it's fake, but this is what your post made me think of!
That's really good!
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[General Question] Disbelief in God.I just want to ask only one question. Just one.
Oh, here we go.
You guys seem pretty confident that there is no God. Now... there is..
and you have to admit... there is a chance that you guys could be wrong
about your lack of God.
There is a chance I might win some money if I play the slots. There is a chance it might rain tomorrow. There is a chance elves might be living on the moon.
I have to wonder, if you guys are wrong and find
yourself one day before the very real judgement seat of God, then what? What will you do?
How come God's judgement seat can't be seen and doesn't fall out of the sky? Is it orbiting something? How does it have any gravity?
You see, just as you say I can't be absoloutly sure that there is a God...
I can turn it around and say you can't be absoloutly sure that there is no
The word is "absolutely." "Absoloutly" sounds like a town in England or something.
And since Jesus is proven to have been existed... historically,
while other historic accounts of Biblical events are correct and in tact
Also, "intact" is one word.
with dates indicated by Bible history, shouldn't you do a little more
objective research.
Questions end with this mark, ? .
I hope you do, and I will be praying for you...
What's with the constant ellipses? Are you high or something? Is that why you can't finish a thought?
Hell is a very real, very terrible place.
Beg pardon! Hell is a small town in Michigan.
What you were probably thinking about, is the underworld of punishment common in ancient mythology.
Disbelief in it is deception
which you HAVE submitted to by Satan.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You don't believe in Satan? That's
exactly what he wants. He loves that fact that you don't believe in him,
you can't battle an enemy you don't believe in.
I wish you and your
entire staff the absolout best.
Absolut isn't even that good of a brand of vodka. I'd rather Finlandia, thanks all the same.
I will pray for each and every name on your roster that you realize denial of God and a life in sin leads to death.
Life always leads to death. That's pretty much the deal.
I will hope that you pick up a grammar book and a clue about reality.
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The word is "absolutely." "Absoloutly" sounds like a town in England or something.
After I read this out loud I was :

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Subject : [General Question] Disbelief in God.I just want to ask only one question. Just one.
You guys seem pretty confident that there is no God. Now... there is..
and you have to admit... there is a chance that you guys could be wrong
about your lack of God. I have to wonder, if you guys are wrong and find
yourself one day before the very real judgement seat of God, then what? What will you do?You see, just as you say I can't be absoloutly sure that there is a God...
I can turn it around and say you can't be absoloutly sure that there is no
God. And since Jesus is proven to have been existed... historically, and
while other historic accounts of Biblical events are correct and in tact
with dates indicated by Bible history, shouldn't you do a little more
objective research. I hope you do, and I will be praying for you...Hell is a very real, very terrible place. Disbelief in it is deception
which you HAVE submitted to by Satan. You don't believe in Satan? That's
exactly what he wants. He loves that fact that you don't believe in him,
you can't battle an enemy you don't believe in. I wish you and your
entire staff the absolout best. I will pray for each and every name on
your roster that you realize denial of God and a life in sin leads to
death.-Devin Mir
It never fails to amaze me how adults still believe that a man in a red leotard with a pitchfork is pulling my strings. Even worse is that they think that the man in the red leotard is a concept unique to their fiction.
Muslims think YOU are going to burn in hell.
If someone told you that if you ate candy corn that you could fart gold bricks, would you buy that claim?
I am about as afraid of Satan as I am of Thor or Marduke.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Pascal's wager, baseless assertions of "proof" that they don't bother giving out, appeals to fear?
Is this really all they've got?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Here's what I sent:
What you are asking is what is referred to as "Pascals' Wager." You say that we might be wrong. I admit, I might be wrong. Yoy say that if I'm wrong, I might be sorry when the day comes that I die and I face God.
Here's the problem. your idea about God is not the only idea of the supernatural out there. What if I'm wrong and god exists, but his name is Allah, Quatzalcoatl, or Vishnu? What if you are wrong?
As an agnostic atheist (one who admits he does not know, but lacks belief because of lack of evidence), I am aware that my understanding, knowledge, and wisdom are limited. But I see in front of me multiple religions with very different beliefs, and none of them seem any more likely to be true than any other. So, if I am to take your advice, I should pick the one that has the worst consequence of disbelief, right? In other words, I should pick the religion that has the worst hell, right?
OK, let's say I do that. If God is as powerful and omniscient as he is supposed to be, wouldn't God know I'm just hedging my bets? Don't you think that God would know I'm believing only out of fear? Why would god buy into such obvious ass-kissing?
So I ask you again; what if you are wrong? What if Islam is the correct religion, and when you die you'll have to answer for it? What if you are wrong and there is no God and you are wasting time worshipping and tithing when you could be spending your efforts on more important things?
I see no reason to choose your religion over any other. I will not pretend to believe out of fear of a barely possible hell. I cannot make myself believe artificially; I see no good reason to, and saying I believe when this is the case is self-denial. Pascal's wager is a dishonest attempt to fool God into not throwing you in hell. I see no reason to believe in God, Satan, hell, heaven, or any possible continuation of life, consciousness, etc after the neurons in my brain break down, making any experience for me impossible after that point.
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
Historical proof of Jesus?
Yes, Jesus does exist, last I heard there were atleast 4 jesus's living in california.
And what if your wrong about Allah? or some other god? You would be in the same boat as us (if not worse?).
This is what I don't get. ITS A BOOK, there is no proof to back it up, it is words without evidence. But yet, even though its irrational, and borderline crazy to believe, you and so many others still do.
One day, you will face the Celestial Teapot, and what are YOU gonna say?
Thats what I was thinking...
Usally when I hear that crap I give them a link about it. When they bitch I then explain why it is bullshit. Any more bitching I walk away or close the chat window.
That question is about as asinine as proposing pascal's wager like none of us have ever heard that before. Nevermind, my good christian friend, that the whole concept of it hinges on the idea that god can be tricked into thinking you believe in him completley when you actually just sort of do. Your admission that god is valuable has earned you a gold stripe in blasphemy so hey, I guess I'll see you in hell then.
I did. That's why I'm here.
I'm afraid there is most certainly not a hell. Hell is a concept conceived long ago with the purpose of scaring you into submission. The people who wish to control you do so with this lie and it seems you have fallen for it. Here a little "objective research" for you; just think for a second about all the people who have something to gain from the spirtual submissionof the masses, whether it be money or fanatical devotion. Hell is just the gun they're pointing to your head as they keep your reason hostage. Religion is just a means for satisfying an ambitious end.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
His reply to me:
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
Hey, I think ALMAHAMAH should write this person something to Devin Mir and defend Islam!
We should organize a bunch of theists to try and defend their OWN religions to this arrogant shitstain.
"Christian God is real, okay? Buddhists have nothing to know about, Jews are waiting for the messiah in a frantic hope, and Islam is apparently too unspeakable to even refute."
People like this piss me off. This is exactly what we've been talking about. People denying the same "evidence" they present themselves. Does he honestly think that muslims, jews, buddhists etc. do NOT "know" 100% that their religion is true? That's the problem! Most religions teach that they are the "truth". I can't believe he thinks that his way is the only way, and that all other religions and people who don't believe in any gods are deluded.
Wait, I guess I can believe it. After all, that's how religious wars start.
"See non-saved people are in fact spiritually dead. Not plugged in. If a computer that was plugged in tried to communicate with a computer that was off, there would be an error message of course."
That old argument. Wrapped in a shiny new technological analogy.
"You can't find god because you don't believe. Ask, REALLY ask and he will show himself and you'll KNOW. If you can't hear him, you aren't trying hard enough and are spiritually dead."
Fucking stupid.