Who here knows the Truthdealer on Myspace?

I have been debating with this guy for a while now. He finally gave up trying to convert me when he finally realized that the reason (and this is what he said to me) why I can't see god is because I can't shut off my logic and rational thinking. Ok...so anyway..he has been showing his face around on the anti-neocons forum spouting his religious beliefs..etc..so I had emailed him on myspace to come and post here on rationalresponders...here is his response. I realy have all I have to say to this guy..so please if any of you feel like debating one of the most irrational theists on myspace...feel free.
From: Løve Bøught*By Tragedy
Date: Dec 2 2006 9:13 AM
Those guys are a bunch of kids you should check out that link I posted that rips the movie " The god that wasn't there "movie apart
Find me some people who have credentials and that has creditability . Atheist are well known to site shady sources which have no creditability in there field
how in the wolrd do you argue with a fool?
especially one that says Matter and energy does not need a Cause... pfft just waste of time . with people who don't care for truth and if there was God they would gladly go to hell in a hand basket.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: LeftofLarry (ANTI-THEOCON)
Date: Dec 1 2006 10:46 AM
Have you been to
come on by and post.....sometimes.
I'm sure you'd love it. ; )
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
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umm... wow, ok. that has to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever read. First of all, I'd like to see this link that he claims rips the god movie apart... And I'd like to know how, by any stretch of the imagination he says that Richard Dawkins, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Aldous Huxley, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Darwin, Ayn Rand, Benjamin Franklin, Carl Sagan, Bertrand Russel, Voltaire, Galileo, Nietzsche, Gene Roddenberry, James Madison, Tolstoy, John Lennon, Walt Disney, Alfred Hitchcock, Mark Twain, Robert G. Ingersoll, Robert Frost, Thomas Jefferson, William Howard Taft, Thomas Edison, Thomas Paine, Freud, Oscar Wilde, and Penn and Teller have "no creditability in their field."
(P.S. That's not even a FRACTION of the great minds I can list that are/were atheists or freethinkers)
Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.
I have a little secret, when I was more of a cloest atheist I made another account on myspace because a number of my friends in real life also use it. He contacted that account and has started convos on yahoo.
blog about it
blog about the convo Its long but somewhat funny, I hit on him a few times.
Oh yeah? Let's see it.
And what are your credentials? Before you answer, "I own a bible" isn't a credential.
Yeah, it's pretty trying on the patience, but we do it on a regular basis here. Come down and you'll be the next one we argue with.
I suppose these are your "credentials" speaking? Sorry, but your sources seem kind of shady.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
Just a note about one of his arguments: applying the concept of causality to the universe itself may well be a fallacy of composition, and the assumption that the 'universe had to have come from somewhere' doesn't seem to be one that bothers cosmologists to the point that they throw up their hands and convert to christian theism.....
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
You notice that?
"Uh, well, 'I have a website that tears this argument to piece/there are some scientists that found proof of god'.
and they forget to show you a link, like just saying it will make it all true.
No kidding. It reminds of being a kid on the playground again.
"Oh yeah?! Well, my friend knows this guy who says "the god who wasn't there" isn't true. Yeah. He even has a link to prove it and he can lift a car over his head with people in it. Yeah. And he can fly. So there!"
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
The scientist this guy is talking about is Francis S. Collins. He was one the guys working on the Human Genome Project. He wrote a book called "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief" This guy is a devout Christian. I didn't read the book. They probably didn't either. I am assuming this is the guy they are talking about. It is the most famous "scientist believing in God" book out I think.. I might be wrong..
"We never respect stupidity in our society unless it is Religious Stupidity." -Sam Harris
Oh, that guy.
the one that said he was such a nasty atheist.
So nasty he bacame a scientist, and worked on the biggest scientific project yet.
Not to mention the fact that he came to his xtiandom on complete irrationality and not science.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.