Need questions to answers
Hi guys, ive been athiest most of my life, even went to catholic school when i was young, and would love to help out with the cause. Being the rational thinker, i went to scientific creationist websites to get some background from where they are coming. I found this webpage, and some of it seems to have some merit.
I was wondering if anyone could disprove or have some arguments againsts these claims. I myself dont have the answers and would love to post back to this website to show them this has less proof then they thought.
Im a genius surrounded by idiots!
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All you really have to do in order to disprove this jackass is simply read through his list of cited works i.e. = "Baumgardner, J. R., et al., Measurable 14C in fossilized organic materials: confirming the young earth creation-flood model, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Creationism, vol. II, Creation Science Fellowship (2003), Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 127-142. Archived at " call me crazy but I wouldn't consider that a reputable scientific souce. You can't cite your organization and then call it a sientific institution. Of course creationists do that type of shit all the time.
if a god existed the site wouldnt take my computer so long to load