For those of you in the area?
There is going to be a debate between a professor and a guy from the Discovery Institute over Evolution vs Intelligent Design. The cost is $5 at the door, it is in Seattle, WA, at the Town Hall. I am most likely going to go (it is next week, April 26, by the way). Who's with me?!
Oh, if anyone wants to carpool with me, that would be most helpful?
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damn i wish i could go - a bit too far. they never have any stuff like that or atheist activist protest stuff here...i guess i got to start it grassroots
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My
idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own,
so both of them together is certain death.
- George Carlin
Well, I'm back! The debate was fun! Well, it wasn't really a debate, but a "dialogue". I wrote a question down to be asked but they didn't get to it. The place was packed, a lot of the audience bought the ID argument (which I saw right through) and a lot of them booed Peter Ward, who was explaining evolutionary theory and the holes in ID. Ward, though some may have seen him as a bit arrogant, was overall articulate, humorous, and a likeable guy who knew what he was talking about. He exposed Intelligent Design for the political movement that it was, and I got home feeling very satisfied with having gone (though there were some vital things Ward missed, and I have just e-mailed him about it.) The DI should have an mp3 up sometime soon.