Rather amusing videos I came accross recently.

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Rather amusing videos I came accross recently.



While I certainly expect much facts have been ommited in these videos, I am not really knowledgable enough of evolution to really refute the arguments presented.

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I watched like 15 seconds

I watched like 15 seconds of this "documentary" and I can already refute its premises: it states that Darwin wrote that everything evolved "by chance", which, to my knowledge on evolution, is hardly so...

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Anytime a creationist uses " chance " I lose alllllll respect for the video. It starts off on such good footing eh?


 Darwins claims were not refuted one by one! In fact the national academy of Science has ACCEPTED all of the evolution theory!

 They are basically making the infferance that darwin didn't know everything about the world, so he must be wrong. They focus on darwin and not modern science... why?


Well if they focused on our modern knowledge of the world they would have a lot more explaining to do.


once agin! Science today does not disprove this! They go into NO detail to support their claim, they just say " it can't happen " ..... It is easy to just say that evolution is too complicated to work.  


YES , natural selection is the the process of selecting STRONG traits. The strong traits come in to effect by random mutation! we understand DNA mutation! We know more now! It even supports the theory MORE!

I can't watch it anymore. This video just basically makes HORRIBLE claims without backing it up. It focuses on Darwin which is just dumb. 




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Yeah, I had expected there

Yeah, I had expected there would be tons of wholes in their arguemnt. There is a portion in the 2nd video I believe where they ask Dawkins some question that he can't seem to answer. That kind of had me concerned also.

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."
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Rigor_OMortis wrote:I

Rigor_OMortis wrote:

I watched like 15 seconds of this "documentary" and I can already refute its premises: it states that Darwin wrote that everything evolved "by chance", which, to my knowledge on evolution, is hardly so...

I haven't watched the video yet, but I wanted to comment on this.  Evolutionary traits may originiate from "chance" but it's not chance that drives them to become established. 

Genetic mutations occur by chance and these mutations are what cause traits to change.  It's only when you add these premises to the equation that we have a full picture of evolution.  We need, and this is the BIG ONE: SELECTIVE PRESSURES, that allow for these traits to continue.  Without selective pressures, the chance mutations would probably die out.  The other ingredient we need is time.  Time is what keeps things moving.  Time for natural selection to act on these traits so that they beceome established in a population. 

 So..chance mutations, selective pressures and time.  The ingredients for evolution. 

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Vanguard wrote:



While I certainly expect much facts have been ommited in these videos, I am not really knowledgable enough of evolution to really refute the arguments presented.


Guys, stay away from opposingdigits.com...seriously...I've had some history wiht the guy that runs this site.  His name is madthumbs..he's been lurking around here as well.  He has some very wierd ideas..and most of it is bullshit.  Do not waste your time.

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LeftofLarry wrote: Guys,

LeftofLarry wrote:

Guys, stay away from opposingdigits.com...seriously...I've had some history wiht the guy that runs this site. His name is madthumbs..he's been lurking around here as well. He has some very wierd ideas..and most of it is bullshit. Do not waste your time.


Ahh, I was added by someone with them on myspace awhile back and happened to stumble accross this. I have indeed noticed that much of their "conspiracy theories" are rather shaky and outlandish.

"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."
- Gene Roddenberry