Stephen Hawking's theory of the origin of hte universe

Since I'm still fairly new here I'm not sure if Steven Hawking has been discussed much or not but I thought I'd throw this out. I just finished reading this article about a lecture by him in which he outlines his theory of the origin of the universe:
According to Hawking, the origin of the universe can be depicted as bubbles in a steam in boiling water. Small bubbles that appear and then collapse represent mini universes that expand only to disintegrate.
A few “bubbles,” Hawking said, will grow to a certain size until they are safe from collapse, and will begin to develop galaxies, stars and eventually human life.
“The universe began with accelerating expansion which we call inflation, because the universe grows in the way prices go up in some countries,” Hawking said. “It expanded in a million trillion trillionths of a second.”
There's also a video of the lecture available here but I haven't watched it yet. I thought his theory sounds very interesting. I wonder if he has any theories as to what would have triggered the creation of these "bubbles".
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We discuss cosmology all the time. I don't know if it's correct to use the term "origin" of the universe concering Hawking's model, considering that he holds that the big bang event has no special status in the boundless but finite model of the universe.....
In Hawkings "Universe in a Nutshell" he furthers this argument, by hold that a universe that his finite but boundless has no beginning or end point, and no need for a creator. Hawkings himself declared that this point would not possess any 'special' status. It would be akin to any other point in a circle - or more accurately, a globe. Hawkings states rather plainly that his model proposes a boundless, yet finite universe - without any special points in space or time. He covers this in Universe in a Nutshell.
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
Don't forget. Hawking recently made a statement saying he found new info which could change all his theories thus far and he is going back to redo all his lifes work over again with this new information...(i can't find the article right now i will try and find it later...)plkus i know thats not exactly what he said so i wnat to try and find it and quote him...