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FOR many years, pointing out the contradictions in
the evolutionary THEORY.

IS Anyone up for the challenge????HERE???
any gold member or silver or high level mod??

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*laughs* Really?

*laughs* Really?

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For the awesome pompousness

For the awesome pompousness you exhibit, I do not feel sorry for the coming pwnage that will ensue.

Iruka Naminori
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Evolution is a FACT. 

Evolution is a FACT.  Without the theory of evolution to light the way, zoology makes no sense.  Even a cursory study of paleontology and zoology makes it clear evolution is a FACT.  You might as well come here arguing the earth is flat.

I would also like to point out that the only reason anyone challenges evolution is because it threatens pre-existing irrational religious beliefs.  I don't see many theists challenging the theory of gravitation.

We have scientists here and it's very, very sad that they have to put forth so much effort to defend a scientific theory that has been proven over and over again.  The church and scientists have been at odds over various issues for centuries and scientists have always come out on top.

Why don't you guys give it up?  PLEASE.  For the sake of all of us, why don't you please just give it up?

Religious nutcases will be the death of us all.

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zntneo wrote: For the

zntneo wrote:
For the awesome pompousness you exhibit, I do not feel sorry for the coming pwnage that will ensue.

Sadly, I agree.

Original poster, prepare to be pwn3d. 

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Joe it might be easier for

Joe it might be easier for you to just make your case and not bother asking to do so. If you make a point someone will most likely respond.

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joeparker wrote:

joeparker wrote:
1. Evolution requires that life comes from non-life. The first living cell is supposed to have come from non-living organic material in the oceans.
2. Life coming from non-life is called spontaneous generation. The dictionary confirms this: "Supposed production of living from non-living matter as inferred from appearance of life (due in fact to bacteria etc.) in some infusions..." [Oxford Concise Dictionary]
3. Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation back in the 19th century when he placed a sterilised beaker with a straight entry tube alongside one with a crooked tube. Bacteria collected in the straight-tubed beaker but not in the crooked-tubed one, where instead they lodged in the bends of the pipe. He concluded that life only comes from life. This is now known as the law of biogenesis.
4. Since evolution requires life from non-life (spontaneous generation or abiogenesis), and Louis Pasteur disproved this, evolution has been rendered impossible on account of life not being able to generate from non-life.


My my, what a strawman. First of all....the theory of evolution does not claim that life comes from non-life. Evolution is gradual change through time by means of natural selection. It would be wise for you to perhaps be intellecutally honest or perhaps get educated on the subject matter before you spit out straw man arguments. Evolution is proved every day in every single biology laboratory, from molecular to organsimal to paleobiology. The evidence is larger than god's cock. Smiling

Abiogeneis is a theory. Pasteur confirmed that diseases are caused by germs. He did not disprove evolution.

I can prove to you right now that evolution is real. Simply by showing you the conservation of genes in various Apicomplexan parasites which have similar life cycles. Apicomplexan parasites are a family of parasites that contain the genus Plasmodium which is the genus of the parasite that causes Malaria. There are various species of Plasmodium and each of these species have specific hosts, some cause disease in lizards only, some in birds only, and some in humans and other non-human primates. All apicomplexans of various genuses share the apical complex, a group of organelles used for invasion.

Plasmodium sp. cause disease by invading red blood cells. The way they do this is by means of proteins on the parasite's cell surface that recognize and bind to surface antigens on red blood cells which initiates a set of events that ultimately results in the parasite's entry inside red blood cells. Then the parasite essentially turns the red blood cell into a factory for growth and division.

One of the species of Plasmodium, P. vivax invades only humans that have the Duffy antigen on their red blood cells. This is because the molecular invasion pathway uses a protein on the parasite surface that recognizes only the Duffy antigen on red blood cells (Duffy blood group, as you may or may not know, different people have various antigens on their cell surface, an easy example is: the A or B or O blood groups). The protein responsible for recognizing and binding to the Duffy blood group antigen has a specific series of amino acids that give the protein it's name: the Duffy binding ligand (DBL).

Now, OTHER species of malaria can invade red blood cells that lack the Duffy blood group antigen, which shows that they have other means of invasion. Another species of Plasmodium, P. falciparum does not contain the DBL gene but has genes for similar proteins (very similar to the DBL) which recognize and invade red blood cells. This is a product of evolution. All species of Plasmodium have a family of proteins that share homology with DBL. They have conserved genes that through evolution have slightly changed to take advantage of other blood group antigens but still share homology with DBL, showing common ancestry. This is due to natural selection from blood cells that assert pressure on the likely hood for these parasites to survive. If a blood cell is Duffy negative, then it exerts a selective pressure for that gene to change. The key is that they all share common descent.  And in turn the parasites exert pressure on humans to change their blood chemistry composition, hence, why certain areas in africa, the population lacks Duffy blood group on their red blood cell surfaces and are immune to Plasmodium vivax malaria, but NOT to P. falciparum or P. ovale malaria.  One would argue god's design her in making humans resistant to the P. vivax malaria, but then why would god allow disease from the other species of plasmodium?  hmmm...anyway.

Read about it more here:

Evolutionary relationships of conserved cysteine-rich motifs in adhesive molecules of malaria parasites.

Evolution requires 3 major ingredients: Time, mutations and selective pressures. Given the right kind of mutations, the selective pressure of red blood cells on the parasites, and time, species evolve. This, my friend, is FACT.

This is just a small piece of evidence...obviously there are plenty, more obvious examples...especially stemming from the fossil record, vestigial organs, and fossil genes, such as fossil genes in a species of fish that have evolved to not have red blood cells....yet still show remnants of the hemoglobin genes in their genome, proving yet again evolution through natural selection. You can read about that in the book titled "The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution

The reason why I chose this small and specific example is because 1. I research malaria, and 2. to show you that there is evidence across the board and how this evidence manifests itself in a more specific environment. Most theists and the general public have no idea on how evolution works. THey use straw man arguments much like convince themselves that evolution is wrong without giving so much of a single thought on trying to analyze actual evidence. What you guys do instead, is set up straw man arguments and pull some obscure experiment someone did 100 years ago and claim victory, while ignoring the insurmountable amount of evidence. The theory of evolution, NEVER claims abiogenesis. That is a whole other theory in and of itself. Get your facts straight.


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joeparker wrote: I've been

joeparker wrote:
FOR many years, pointing out the contradictions in
the evolutionary THEORY.

IS Anyone up for the challenge????HERE???
any gold member or silver or high level mod??

There is no challenge, your pompousness speaks before your brain.  I recommend you read up on contemporary biology, then come back and try again.  But I warn you, intellectual dishonesty will result in freezing this thread.  If you want to argue facts...then I highly recommend you source your information.  And when I mean source, I don't mean sourcing from answersingenesis or the Discovery Institute.  You must source your facts with peer reviewed scientific journals.  Any claims you must ensure you have proof. False information will be deleted and not tolerated. Still up to the "challenge"?



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Joeparker, you are on the

Joeparker, you are on the verge of being banned for plagiarism and spamming. Your last thread on evolution got frozen. You have provided no evidence to substantiate your claims that evolution has been disproven. You have only cut and pasted theist sites.

Would you like to say something in your own words?

In lieu of your own words, would you like to provide a link to a peer reviewed journal that backs up your arrogant claims?

Please be aware that you are about one plagiarized post from being banned. Make your next post a good one.


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joeparker wrote: I've been

joeparker wrote:
I've been CHALLENGING EVOLUTION AND EVOLUTIONIST, FOR many years, pointing out the contradictions in the evolutionary THEORY.

If you've been challenging for so long, why do you need to plagiarize? What a wackjob. Oh, and your avatar photo is quite telling.

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I'm thinking joe isn't a

I'm thinking joe isn't a native english speaker.


as he likes TO EXCLAIM LONG BITS OF SENTENCES IN GLORIOUS UPPERCAPS (to emphezise some mighty glory). And the TITLE IN ALL CAPS! and the singular where there should be plurals. 


AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

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joeparker wrote:I've been

joeparker wrote:
FOR many years, pointing out the contradictions in
the evolutionary THEORY.

IS Anyone up for the challenge????HERE???
any gold member or silver or high level mod??

The only people who debate against evolution are those who dont really understand it... Evolution is the bedrock of the biological sciences, and it's being used every day, every hour, by a biologist, somewhere.... it comes up in every one of my neuropsych classes.

If you really want to learn about evolution, go to a library and read about a scholarly text about it. I'd wager you've never done this, and I'm utterly disinterested in your denials, this fact is presented merely for your own sake: admit it to yourself.

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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so when someone challenges the   evolution theory or evolutionist is called plagaims??
Regardless of who this troll is or is not, I'm of the opinion that being caught in plagiarism and continuing to plagiarize is a clear case of spamming the boards, which is a violation of the rules.

So, to any trolls who might be reading...

I'm checking for cut and paste jobs.

Joeparker, you are on the verge of being banned for plagiarism and spamming.
Please be aware that you are about one plagiarized post from being banned. Make your next post a good one.

from :deludedgod ,I'll play along with this copy-paste idiot.

from: american atheist,Yeah, it's probably the same person, we'll have him banned.

from :mrRage: Heh, it is. What's funny is as soon as you point out he's cut-n-pasting he goes into super troll mode.

Someone needs to ban his IP address.

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joeparker wrote: so when

joeparker wrote:
so when someone challenges the   evolution theory or evolutionist is called plagaims??

No when someone copies other's writing without giving credit, which is what you did in your previous thread, it's called plagiarism. Thats p-l-a-g-i-a-r-i-s-m.

If you have nothing to say, I say good day to you. I don't have time to argue with fools.

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from where does the energy and matter of the bigbang come from?

Iruka Naminori
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joeparker wrote:

joeparker wrote:
from where does the energy and matter of the bigbang come from?

This illustrates your ignorance perfectly.

Care to ask me why? 

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joeparker wrote:from where

joeparker wrote:
from where does the energy and matter of the bigbang come from?

I thought you were here to discuss evolution. Why are you moving from biology to cosmology? You clearly don't know much about evolution if you can't work out the difference...

Anyway, here are some answers for you to completely ignore:

Where would the matter come from?

"While there would be no matter prior to the big bang, the big bang would release an enormous amount of energy in the form of light, which comes in discrete packets called photons. When photons have enough energy, they can spontaneously decay into a particle and an antiparticle. This is easily observed today, as gamma rays have enough energy to create measurable electron-antielectron pairs (the antielectron is usually called a positron). This would explain the existence of matter."

Ok then, where does the energy come from?

As for the source of the original energy? There are several theories:

a) Edward Tryon has put forth the idea of a vacuum fluctation, which is NOT a violation of physical law, as the original source. Alan Guth's Inflationary Model explains the rapid expansion of this energy. Source: The Inflationary Universe by Alan Guth. Tryon makes the point that the total sum of positive and negative energy in the universe may well be ZERO, indicating again, that no physical laws are violated by the big bang event. As Tryon writes: "Im my model, I assume that our present universe did appear out of nowhere 10 to the 10th power years ago. Contrary to the popular belief, such an event need not have violated any of the conventional laws of physics. Source: The Inflationary Universe by Alan Guth. Note: this version is akin to ex nihlio creation, except that it does NOT violate any laws of physics and does not require a 'miracle'.

b) Alex Vilenkin proposed, in contrast to the Hartle-Hawkings boundless model, an initial state of no dimensional nothingness that is overcome by vacuum tunneling to a dimensional state. As per his model, 'eternal nothingness' is an absolute impossibility.

See my audio file on this:


Taken from my own writing, here, where I discuss other origin theories besides ex nihilo (i.e. such as Multiverse/Brane theory):



"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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from where does the vacuum

from where does the vacuum fluctation,come from?
So nothing comes from nothing? where did stupid bible God come from? maybe the same place all that matter did... besides remember back in 6th grade when you learned that matter cannot be CREATED or destroyed?

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I am no expert in

I am no expert in or evolution  I am just joeparker  an interested outsider. Also, I am not saying that I actually believe this hypothesis (avoiding the incorrect use of the word "evolution theory" within the context of science). I am merely positing this as food for thought.
Time is a Pandora's Box that mankind is obsessed with. For some reason we just HAVE to know when this all started, where, why, and how.
 cheers joeparker

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joeparker wrote:from where

joeparker wrote:
from where does the vacuum fluctation,come from?

That's already answered, above. Look to Vilekin's response.


So nothing comes from nothing?

No, something comes from 'nothing' - however, it's questionable as to whether there can even be 'nothing' in the first place. So there's two points here to consider:

1) Was there really 'nothing' in the first place?

2) If there was, can 'nothingness' be an eternal state in the first place? 


where did stupid bible God come from?

From stupid people.



besides remember back in 6th grade when you learned that matter cannot be CREATED or destroyed?

You simply didn't read what I posted, this is dealt with above, quantum tunneling does not violate the laws of thermodynamics.

Please, if you're going to respond, at least begin by understanding what you are responding to, this point was already dealt with in the post you are responding to. Do you really think that these comologists forgot what you learned in 6th grade?  


"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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joeparker wrote: from where

joeparker wrote:
from where does the vacuum fluctation,come from?
So nothing comes from nothing? where did stupid bible God come from? maybe the same place all that matter did... besides remember back in 6th grade when you learned that matter cannot be CREATED or destroyed?

The quote "So nothing comes from nothing? where did God come from? maybe the same place all that matter did... besides remember back in 6th grade when you learned that matter cannot be CREATED or destroyed?" can be found here in a post with under the handle "Scott." joeparker add "stupid bible" before "God."

And guess what the title of the of page is? "Where did the matter dispersed by Big Bang come from?"

This just goes to show how much of a dumb ass joeparker is.

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joeparker wrote: I am no

joeparker wrote:
I am no expert in or evolution I am just joeparker an interested outsider. Also, I am not saying that I actually believe this hypothesis (avoiding the incorrect use of the word "evolution theory" within the context of science).

Then you don't have any clue at all, to what you're talking about. Evolution is an observed fact and a scientific theory.

Seriously, you just look like an ass when you say this, evolution is the foundation of the biological sciences, we see it supported every day. All you do is reveal how ignorant you are. 

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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MrRage wrote: joeparker

MrRage wrote:
joeparker wrote:
from where does the vacuum fluctation,come from?
So nothing comes from nothing? where did stupid bible God come from? maybe the same place all that matter did... besides remember back in 6th grade when you learned that matter cannot be CREATED or destroyed?
The quote "So nothing comes from nothing? where did God come from? maybe the same place all that matter did... besides remember back in 6th grade when you learned that matter cannot be CREATED or destroyed?" can be found here in a post with under the handle "Scott." joeparker add "stupid bible" before "God." And guess what the title of the of page is? "Where did the matter dispersed by Big Bang come from?" This just goes to show how much of a dumb ass joeparker is.


So he can't even steal a good argument? I bet he stole the other response as well. What a joke.


"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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can I use my brain  and

can I use my brain  and think and write?
if what I  think and write is in google  search?does this mean is not mine>?? for you???
chers joeparker

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joeparker wrote: can I use

joeparker wrote:
can I use my brain and think and write?

Good question. We're not sure yet, more data is required. 

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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joeparker wrote: I am no

joeparker wrote:
I am no expert in or evolution  I am just joeparker  an interested outsider. Also, I am not saying that I actually believe this hypothesis (avoiding the incorrect use of the word "evolution theory" within the context of science). I am merely positing this as food for thought.
Time is a Pandora's Box that mankind is obsessed with. For some reason we just HAVE to know when this all started, where, why, and how.
 cheers joeparker

The quote "Unsure.. Time is a Pandora's Box that mankind is obsessed with. For some reason we just HAVE to know when this all started, where, why, and how." can be found here in the fourth post under the handle Wetpiggirl.

joeparker is plagiarizing.

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joeparker wrote: can I use

joeparker wrote:
can I use my brain  and think and write?
if what I  think and write is in google  search?does this mean is not mine>?? for you???
chers joeparker

If it's not yours QUOTE IT! Plagiarism is dishonest. If you did this in any school you'd be given an F. If a journalist did this they'd get fired. If you keep doing this you'll be banned.

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Where do atoms come

Where do atoms come from?

Where does the dark energy / matter come from? Dark Matter Mystery??? HO really

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joeparker wrote: Where do

joeparker wrote:
Where do atoms come from?

Where does the dark energy / matter come from? Dark Matter Mystery??? HO really

Are you retarded? (If you actually are, sorry for calling you names.) You just completely ignore everything said to you.

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joeparker wrote:

joeparker wrote:
Where do atoms come from?

Where does the dark energy / matter come from? Dark Matter Mystery??? HO really


Ok, I thought you were here to argue against evolution. You have not even mentioned it anymore. Also, todangst and the rest of the gang here have clearly destroyed any argument you have that isn't even part of the original thread. Finally, unless you are willing to either rebuke (with argument and sources) or accept the answers to your questions, consider this thread frozen. I will give you one more opportunity to defend your position regarding evolution...OR...even though I shouldn' oportunity to counter argue your questions regarding matter or other NONEVOLUTION failed strawmen you tried to spiritually conjure.

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My trigger finger is

My trigger finger is itchy.  Joeparker, would you like to talk about evolution?   Since you've avoided plagiarism, you've said virtually nothing.  Do you have anything to contribute?


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joeparker the outsider

oh yes if you find any of this words or prhases in google ,yahoo or any world enciclopedia
is called plagiarism and spamming.
evolution + nothing
primordial sea or soup ?

What blew up ( The So Call Big Bang)?

"How The Universe Began" ?

Did chance create?
Did athiests believe    in magic?
In the Beginning chance  created everything ..."
cheers joeparker the outsider

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What exactly are you

What exactly are you smoking?

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It's pretty easy to tell

It's pretty easy to tell when this guy is plagiarizing.  Any post that is halfway coherent, is a C&P.

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sorry dud I 'm not a

sorry dud I 'm not a smoker 

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joeparker wrote: I've been

joeparker wrote:
FOR many years, pointing out the contradictions in
the evolutionary THEORY.

IS Anyone up for the challenge????HERE???
any gold member or silver or high level mod??

Is that how you challenge evolutionists? By scratching out their pictures?

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mindspread wrote: It's

mindspread wrote:
It's pretty easy to tell when this guy is plagiarizing. Any post that is halfway coherent, is a C&P.

That or a thousand monkeys typing at a thousand typewriters.

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joeparker wrote:

joeparker wrote:
sorry dud I 'm not a smoker

Um...yeah. I'm forced to consider a few alternatives:

1) English is not your first language.

2) You are a child.

3) You really are like the Neanderthal in your picture and have substandard linguistic and/or typing skills.

In light of your inability to present a cogent argument, I'm going to have to conclude that engaging you in conversation is a waste of time.

Come back:

1) When you've mastered those ESL classes.

2) You're in college.

3) When you've evolved.

(Yes, I realize Homo Neanderthalensis was not a direct ancestor of ours.)

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joeparker wrote: sorry dud

joeparker wrote:
sorry dud I 'm not a smoker

Matt is not a dud. He's the real thing, dude.

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For what it's worth,

For what it's worth, Joeparker has been banned.  Plagiarism got him a warning.  His response to the warning got him banned.

Just a heads up so you don't waste your time responding to his posts.


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Good. When he wasn't

Good. When he wasn't plagiarising he wasn't even coherent. Hopefully he's not back again with another name.

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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If this guy isn't in a psych

If this guy isn't in a psych ward, he should be. I see no reason to waste time arguing with not just a wall, but an insane one.

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MattShizzle wrote: Good.

MattShizzle wrote:
Good. When he wasn't plagiarising he wasn't even coherent. Hopefully he's not back again with another name.


He had previously been banned under the name "anonymousmaster" 

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Yeah, we had figured that

Yeah, we had figured that was him from his posts. He deserves the asshat avatar.

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I try not to debate

I try not to debate creationists because no debate exists. Debates occur in evolutionary biology all the time but that is on evolutionary areas which people have different ideas about. Evolution is a fact and a theory which is complex and widespead but also simple and easy to understand.


1. Evolution is a theory the same way as "atomic theory", "the theory of gravity", "special and general relativity" etcs.

2. The only "controversy" is that morons don't believe it.



Thank you


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For those who don't know, he

For those who don't know, he came back again briefly yesterday as "masterofpuppets" and was banned again. If he tries again is an IP address ban possible?

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lol matt, the real question

lol matt, the real question apparently should be "How many different IP bans can the same asshat earn?"  He's got quite a collection going.


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IP bans are only useful

IP bans are only useful against ignorant users. Unless you really want to search out and ban every proxy server on the net. Good luck on that one. Sticking out tongue

And actually, even that wouldn't necessarily stop anything....

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Hambydammit wrote: For

Hambydammit wrote:

For what it's worth, Joeparker has been banned.  Plagiarism got him a warning.  His response to the warning got him banned.

Just a heads up so you don't waste your time responding to his posts.



Well, I'm sure he'll be back.  I think he was a kid probably middle school.  Oh well...good job looking out.

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