You Tube features a video mocking creationist. Picked by You Tube staff

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You Tube features a video mocking creationist. Picked by You Tube staff

Some funny comments from Christians. My favorite is something like "we see now that you tube has gone all San Fransisco"

It's on the homepage under featured videos. Should be the top one.

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I've watched this a few

I've watched this a few times before it was featured, I even saw it a few minutes after it was featured, and it only had 32 comments... it now has 1750....

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.

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I was shocked when I seen

I was shocked when I seen that vid on the featured page. I didn't think YouTube would have the guts to feature something that so openly mocked creationists. While it still doesn't make up for the removal of the RRS account it definitely won them some more points in my book.

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Didn't the atheist video

Didn't the atheist video get featured too? (and then removed)

Who wants to bet that it was the same guy/gal? Smiling 

I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.

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AnointedHeathen wrote: I

AnointedHeathen wrote:
I was shocked when I seen that vid on the featured page. I didn't think YouTube would have the guts to feature something that so openly mocked creationists. While it still doesn't make up for the removal of the RRS account it definitely won them some more points in my book.

The timing is a bit suspicious. One wonders if they're trying to cover their asses legally.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote: The timing is

Vastet wrote:
The timing is a bit suspicious. One wonders if they're trying to cover their asses legally.

It probably is, after they relized they got dupped by those people. 

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.