Creation myths of different world religions - help for school

Wasn't sure where to post this, hope it's OK to ask here...
My friend needs information about "theories" or myths of world creation in different religions... Like Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and so on... I found her some links on Google, but maybe you people have some reccomendations? She's writing an essay for homework.
Thanks for your help!
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The Flying Spaghetti Monster created the world in 4 days including midgits then got drunk
Please note this is FACT unlike silly joke religions
I wouldn't include that one in a school paper though! lists all of the various gods talks about every current world religion and I think if you click on them it tells you what each one adheres to and will probably be one of the most in depth sites you'll find this part talks about what the origin beliefs are for several different religions.
Those few sites could pretty much answer everything. has a few
Well...that's a start.
Flemming Rose: “When [christians] say you are not showing respect, I would say: you are not asking for my respect, you are asking for my submission….”
Too truthful?
No seriously, why not?
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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Thanks Lynette and everyone else, you've been helpful.
I suggested to this friend to include the FSM creation myth as an extra, too, but only if the teacher is an open-minded person.
As far as I know nobody actually believes in the FSM. True, actual religions are less rational than pastafarianism, but people believe in them. And if the teacher happens to be religious, it could hurt.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
*puppy dog eyes*
Actually, I agree completely. If the teacher is overly serious or religious it would be quite detrimental to his marks for that paper at the very least to mention his noodlyness. It's be something you could only get away with if you suspect your teacher has a sense of humour.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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