Evolution according to an annotated Bible designed for male teens by idiotic theologists.
"Whatever you may think about the origins of the universe, some things are clear:
Biblical Fact: The first sentence in the Bible declares God to be the Creator of the universe. If we say we believe the bible, we have to accept this claim.
Philosophical Truth: The intelligent design of the universe argues powerfully for the existence of an Intelligent Designer. (Would anyone honestly conclude that a complex sentence found written in the sand at the beach was the result of random waves and wind?)
Scientific Reality: A small but growing numer of respected, biologists, physicists, and chemists are beginning to embrace the idea that however (and whenever) the universe came into existence, there had to be an intelligent force bringing it together.
True science is not something we should be afraid of. Good honest science uncovers truth that is consistant with the bible. Many of the greatest scientists in history like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Kelvin, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle and Gregor Mendel- were devout believers who found no contradiction between their spiritual beliefs and their academic quests. The science we need to be wary of is biased science, which is based less on real evidence and more on atheistic presuppositions."
LOL, evolution is based on bias from athiests? The fact that writers say that creationism is scientific is the only bias in the selection.
Biblical fact is also an oxymoron. Much like conservative thinktank.
There is also a fictional story in which some athiest professor is discriminating against some student. Way to demonize us zondervan. I will put it in some other thread.
Why should we take advice on sex from the pope? If he knows anything about it, he shouldn't. ~George Bernard Shaw
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Would anyone with even the slightest amount of functional intelligence conclude that a complex sentence found written in the sand at the beach was the result of random waves and wind, or the result of a higher power, or that it was anything other than manmade?
your argument for god as creator of all is derailed by two words: biblical fact. there is no such thing, with the single, desperate exception being that "the bible is a book". that would indeed be a fact, but not necessarily "biblical".
www.derekneibarger.com http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=djneibarger "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
I wish i could slap the person who wrote that crap.
Why should we take advice on sex from the pope? If he knows anything about it, he shouldn't. ~George Bernard Shaw
i did misinterpret your post, i didn't realize you were sharing an anecdote rather than stating an argument.
www.derekneibarger.com http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=djneibarger "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
It is ok
. The quotation mark at the beginning wasn't that obvious.
[MOD EDIT - duplicate posting removed]
actually, if i had paid any attention at all to the thread title it would have been obvious!
Yes, but finding out the bible is wrong is something to be afraid of. So let's redefine what science does:
It doesn't matter if all the data, all the experiments, all the math, or all the facts contradict the bible. If it contradicts, it's just not "good honest science." Go back to the lab until you bring back some truth consistent with the bible!