HELP!!! CMB help required...

Please guys, if anyone would like to rip this one apart...
I am not that clued up on this stuff... would like to know more.
These guys are saying that CMB dating of the universe is not accurate...
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Unfortunately, I am not a cosmologist, but even I can spot some completely incorrect statements in that article. In order to learn more, I asked the friendly neighbourhood cosmologist over at AN, Chalnoth. This is what he had to say:
From my understanding, the variations in the CMB at the 10^-5 level is as large as would be expected from the inflated Big Bang model. I don't know much more than that.
What I do now is when the article states "creationist cosmology" by a guy at the institute for creation research, then you can stop taking it seriously right there. The 6000 year time frame is not only inconsistent with all plausable cosmology, it is of course inconsistent with results from dating methods on the earth, moon and meteorites.
Lastly, I do not know why they even mention spiral galaxies in the cosmological context of the rest of the article. Cosmology operates on MUCH larger scales than galactic spiral arms. The problems with the spiral arms do not in any way invalidate the observations of orbital motions of stars. Dark matter is still needed for that, there is no way the baryonic component alone can account for the orbits.
If only CMBR were the ONLY way we dated the universe.
What of Hubble's Law?
What of the Magellic Cloud about 150,000 light years away?(1)
What of radiometric dating that puts the earth at 4.5 billion years old?
What of the thousands of other pieces of evidence that agree with an old universe? I'm much too tired and sick to start listing them all here and now, so feel free to add a few if you wish.
(1)Cole, Andrew A., 2000. The distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud. Science 289: 1149-1150.
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