The Rational Response Squad is a group of atheist activists who impact society by changing the way we view god belief. This site is a haven for those who are pushing back against the norm, and a place for believers of gods to have their beliefs exposed as false should they want to try their hand at confronting us. Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Buy a Laptop -- Apple |
is caffeine good for you? |
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
That's interesting. Having given out IQ tests in the past it's always been recommended to give them when the person is ready for them. The tests largely consist of learned knowledge (one of the questions being, 'Who developed the Theory of Natural Selection?'
, mathematics, memory skills, speed skills, and such things like being able to turn a 3-D object in your mind to imagine how it would look turned 90 degrees or something like that.
I'd probably have to conduct numerous double blind studies to determine a few things if caffeine made that much of a difference. Switch regular with decaf for the placeobo effect, have a non-caffeine consumer (probably find some in Utah) who is well rested as a control. As a caffeine junky (former Starbucks employee, a job hazard), I probably wouldn't do so well without coffee.
So while I think it may help with information recall it shouldn't play that much of a difference to a well rested person. Two cups of coffee won't help anyone who didn't already know the answer involving a popular character of German literature.
I used to drink a 6 pack of Mountain Dew Code Red before lunch.
I slowed down to 4 cans of Diet Mountain Dew. I need to 'get going fast'.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
I drink iced tea sweetend with splenda.
Its like everything else in life, too much of anything is harmful. How much is to much is up to the individual
This looks worth trying
Cocaine the drink equals almost 2 cups of coffee per can
280 mg caffeine
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
I haerd about the cociane drink on the daily show. I would have sowrn it was a prop. I couldn't beleive they were actually serious! :lol:
They are coming out with a Jimi Hendrix energy drink:>1=7702
It'll be ironic if someone dies from an overdose of his drink.
It's a drink containing a stimulant. Over the short term, YES, it's going to help you. Any stimulant would.
I've crammed for enough exams to swear by such methods, as long as you don't sacrifice sleep to a large degree. Nothing wrong with staying up for 36+ hours IF you've prepared yourself for it. That means eating well, B-vitamins, and at least one or two hour long naps - your eyes cannot handle it otherwise. And you most certainly do NOT drink coffee, snort coke or meth or take caffiene pills, ect, util you CANNOT function with out them. If you can spare time for a nap, you are better off doing that. Otherwise, once you start jacking yourself up, DON'T STOP - you've made a commitment to stay up until the trial is over. If you stop, you WILL crash and sleep through the exam.
Drinking some Jolt or doing a line of coke WILL help you plow through a semester of Calculus - it won't change the laws of physics. When your body is ready for sleep, you are at your worst mentallly. Regardless of how awake the drugs say you are. In this case all you do is make the same mistakes, faster. Still, if you haven't been in class all semester, you HAVE to acquaint yourself with the material at the bare minimum.
You can however make up for a completel lack of preparedness in a short amount of time. I've taken 300 level psych and calculus classes in which I never went to more than three of four classes all semester, yet aced the finals. I don't recommend it, at all. That said, take my advice, you'll need it.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
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I have never messed with cocaine, but i have popped a few caffiene pills to get through some exams. I ussually get plenty of rest. as you say stimulants can only do so much. but when you need that extra umpf, the caffeine works wonders. I can't speak for cocaine though. frankly that shit scares me. (not only is it dangerous, but bad dealers, makes it even more dangerous) not to mention if you get busted you are looking at serious jail time.
I just pulled a 38 hour shift at work on monday/tuesday. Caffeine helped me out. I did take one 2 hour nap on the sofa, but that was it. Once you get through the first tired stage you really pick up. Second wind indeed. I had some "Beaver Buzz" energy drink, a lot of coffee, and some instant oatmeal. Kept me going, and we finished the show on time. Still, I wouldn't want to work a whole work week in 2 days EVERY week. I'd probably be a wreck.
I think caffene's bad for you, it always tears the crap out of my stomach. =/ So about the only time I drink it is when I absolutely have to.
Like when I have DDR tournaments, I always drink Bawls to help get me through it.
I had some coffee this morning because I was up all last night in freaking RRS chat. >.< Ugh - tummy hurts now.