Four Years! The End is Near

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Four Years! The End is Near

I was in a store yesterday and this local radio DJ new ager doomsday prophet tells everyone in line that the "bees issue" of late will kill us all in about 4 yrs.

 A scientist friend of mine who I can't get in touch w/ now, used to always called bullshit on these types of stories. Anyone got informed opinion on this "bees dying off, end of food" thing?



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In four years, it'll be

In four years, it'll be "fourty-five years
... ya, that's what I meant!"

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Just Google   bees dying

Just Google   bees dying honey  and you'll find all sorts of links. 


Bees are dying and they act like it's a mystery
by TripleJ

Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 02:13:12 PM PDT

However, in Germany where they still teach science they published an article about the toxic nature of Monsantos Triple Hybrid GM corn and it's effect on bees in '05. Why won't the media here mention that GM corn is the likely cause of the bees disapearing? Could it be that Monsanto is a massive multinational corp with a market capitalization of 30 billion dollars?? Of course insects are seen as pests by most people. Most people who passed Earth Science class in highschool understand that every part of the food chain is important and some, but not most, understand that bees perform a task that vital to our survival.

TripleJ's diary :: ::
Albert Einstein once predicted that if bees were to disappear, man would follow only a few years later.

That hypothesis could soon be put to the test.

Now in Spain, hundreds of thousands of colonies have been lost and beekeepers in northern Croatia estimated that five million bees had died in just 48 hours this week. In Poland, the Swietokrzyskie beekeeper association has estimated that up to 40 per cent of bees were wiped out last year. Greece, Switzerland, Italy and Portugal have also reported heavy losses.

The depopulation of bees could have a huge impact on the environment, which is reliant on the insects for pollination. If taken to the extreme, crops, fodder - and therefore livestock - could die off if there are no pollinating insects left.

German bee expert Professor Joergen Tautz from Wurzburg University said: "Bees are vital to bio diversity. There are 130,000 plants for example for which bees are essential to pollination, from melons to pumpkins, raspberries and all kind of fruit trees - as well as animal fodder - like clover.

"Bees are more important than poultry in terms of human nutrition. Bees from one hive can visit a million flowers within a 400 square kilometre area in just one day.

"Bees are not only working for our welfare, they are also perfect indicators of the state of the environment. We should take note."

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Susan: thanks for the link.


thanks for the link. yeah, just struck me as odd that for 2 wks, major coverage, now nothing. there's no major news that would usurp this, so it's just strange to me that this just *sssshhhiffffff* disappeared altoghter overnight. no major news outlet has had anything on this in the last few days. Hmmm.  



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You're right. Maybe it's

You're right.

Maybe it's too late and the "end" has already come and gone; now evolution has re-started the process.  Tongue out

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