The Rational Response Squad is a group of atheist activists who impact society by changing the way we view god belief. This site is a haven for those who are pushing back against the norm, and a place for believers of gods to have their beliefs exposed as false should they want to try their hand at confronting us. Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Buy a Laptop -- Apple |
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I'm sure some of you have heard of Mordehai Milgrom's MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics). If not heres a defintion of what it is . I was curious if anyone considered this to be a better explanation for galaxy behavior than dark matter. Plus, should we modify these theories even though they are the very basis of our understanding of the universe. I for one think so, I think we shouldn't be scared to step on the toes of Newton and Einstein if it leads to a better/more accurate understanding of the universe. Even though these men were the fathers of modern physics and relativity, they ultimately didn't have as an accurate understanding of the universe as we do now (although I will admit ours is still severly lacking to this day). I think fresh ideas and theories will help us along at a more steady pace.
I hope they cannot see

the limitless potential
living inside of me
to murder everything.
I hope they cannot see
I am the great destroyer.