Let science figure it out

For those of you who think the bible is the literal word of god, where does it explain this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H1S9d5h-Ps&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fprofile%2Emyspace%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ecfm%3Ffuseaction%3Duser%2Eviewprofi...
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That was beautiful.To think that the whole video is showing approximately 50nm of space...
And this was everything we saw...
1. Inside the Blood vessels
2.Cell adhesion juntion
3. Ribisomal assembly
4. Actin filament crisscross in the cytoplasm
5. That must be the protein extracellular matrix
6. Protein synthesis...beautiful
7. Protein cleaving
8. Actin synthesis
9. Microtubule dissasembly
10. Best part. Microtubule activation.
11. Inside the Golgi apparatus
12. mRNA synthesis, that must be. Wow. That was incredible
13. Ribosomal domain coupling
14.Looks like an Acetly Coa entering the mitochondria
15. Parallel mRNA snythesis. I really think this was done very well
16. Endoplasmic Recticulum sheet
17. Nutrients transversing the plasma membrane
18. White blood cell in the vessel
I LOVE the way the enzymes are "walking" across the microtubule spindles.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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This is the full version:
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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The folks at Harvard did an amazing job. I too find the "walking" ATP driven motor proteins interesting. So much has revolutionized our methods of understanding cellular biology. This video puts things in a very different and interesting perspective. It gives us a visualization on how things work not just in words. Obviously we can see that cell function is complex.
I always argue that complexity denies creation. If you look at the biology of a cell you can see the complexity of cell signaling, motility, protein synthesis, post-translational modification, transport, cytoskeletal structure and function etc..etc... There are so many things that can go wrong. Keep in mind that all these interactive proteins are derived from a genome that is prone to mutation. So...we can see from this perspective that life, although complex, is not perfect, and I think this in and of itself denies creation. A magical god could have created something less complex and less prone to error. A "magical" cell....or why even create a cell at all? Why just not create humans and leave it at that? I mean, if we came from dirt...then how was dirt formed into subcellular particles? And why did "god" refuse to add these little details in the bible? You see it just doesn't make sense from a complexity of life viewpoint that creation is even possible.
I would like to add that the origins of eukaryotic cells are being redefined. The orginial "tree of life" stemmed from roots. However, I would like to bring to your attention mitochondria and chloroplasts. The theory here is the Endosymbiotic theory of the origin of eukaryotes. Mitochondria are thought to be obligate intracellular symbiotes deriving from prokarytic bacteria (probably from the same clade as rickettsia) that have lost genes for survival outside of a eukaryotic cell. This is the ultimate symbiotic relationship because eukaryotes cannot exist without mitochondria. Interestingly new research is showing a "ring of life" theory which shows genome fusion of prokaryotic cells to form eukaryotic cells.
Read this discussion from this paper:
Rivera, M.C. and J.A. Lake, The Ring of Life Provides Evidence for a Genome Fusion Origin of Eukaryotes. Nature, 431, 152-155, (2004)
Genome fusion theories, in which eukaryotic nuclear genes are
obtained through the fusion of two diverse genomes, are strongly
supported by the analyses presented here. By default, an endosymbiosis between two prokaryotes is probably the mechanism responsible for the genome fusion described here, although the fusion signal may have been augmented by gene contributions from
eukaryotic organelles. Symbiotic relationships are fairly common
among organisms living together, and in rare cases this leads to
endosymbiosis, the intracellular capture of former symbionts34. We
and others have previously proposed endosymbiotic theories for the
origin of eukaryotes26,35–39. Given a genome fusion, and in the
absence of other mechanisms that could produce fusions, we
conclude that an endosymbiosis was the probable cause.
The ring of life is consistent with, and confirms and extends, a
number of previously reported results. It implies that prokaryotes
pre-date eukaryotes, as two pre-existing prokaryotes contributed
their genomes to create the first eukaryotic genome. This probably
places the root of the ring below the eubacterial–eukaryotic last
common ancestor and the eocytic–eukaryotic last common ancestor.
Check out this diagram:
The eukaryotes plus the two eukaryotic root organisms (the operational and informational ancestors) comprise the eukaryotic realm. Ancestors defining major groups in the prokaryotic realm are indicated by small circles on the ring. The Archaea49, shown on the bottom right, includes the Euryarchaea, the Eocyta and the informational eukaryotic ancestor. The Karyota5, shown on the upper right of the ring, includes the Eocyta and the informational eukaryotic ancestor. The upper left circle includes the Proteobacteria49 and the operational eukaryotic ancestor. The most basal node on the left represents the photosynthetic prokaryotes and the operational eukaryotic ancestor.
What this is showing is a constant interaction and fusion of prokaryotic genomes to give rise to various domains of life.
More importantly what this shows that each individual cell that you and I are made of comes from the of fusion of two or more other life forms. We cannot have, in other words, multicelluar eukaryotic organisms without the fusion of two "ancestral cells". This in part negates the idea that we were created from dirt. Based on the logic that if we were created from dirt, then the prokaryotic cells would first have to have been created from dirt..magically...and perfectly in order to fuse... But there is no mention of that in the bible.
Now let's keep in mind here that what this study shows is a process that happens over millions of years. One of the mistakes that most theists make is that they anthropomorphize time. They have a hard time understanding the time it takes for this kind of stuff to happen. You do not get a crocoduck over night. This oversimplification of evolution is the strawman argument they put up in order to catch those ignorant of science off guard.
Obviously science shows us a much more appreciative and interesting look at our origins.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Wow guys!! That is absolutely beautiful, what great visualization.
Breathtaking!! That was amazing!
Thank you both for providing the video and the explanations....truly inspirational!
Wow.. I don't know what else to say but wow.
Is there an english version of that video?
That's why I had originially posted the one with the song.
Not everyone understands the jargon.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
That video was so cool............it's like a little world going on inside each cell lol.
It is isn't it? It gives you a perspective of how complex life is, but also, how complex the world is...from the smallest cell to the expanding universe...quite amazing really.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.