When you here somebody say: "science isn't real"
Just my luck, last night I go to the "Get Ready, Get Set, Get Employed" program at WA state Work Source. It impressed me as a fashist corporate brainwashing program for the masses. Further more, they had a question: "Moses packed how many animals on the Ark?" The question was meant to make a person think about the bible. Regardless, Moses and Noah are bullshit characters form a book of fiction.
I responded with, "None, it's a fairy tale for kids. Think about it, it's scientifically impossible."
Some punk-ass bitch norputo rebuttled with, "Science isn't real." :shock:
I about fell out of my chair laughing.
I thought great, by that "logic" none of anything exists. :roll:
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Yeah, I'd have pretty much the same reaction.
Seriously, "science isn't real"?!? WTF? Please walk into traffic for the good of humanity.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I'm telling you those that don't believe in science must stop taking ALL medication. it may take a while, but the prayer thumpers will slowly die out. and our little problem will be solved. I mean it's simple really.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
LOL I say remove all the pedestrian crossings and let the problem solve itself.
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
They should stop driving and using electricity, too. Go live naked in the woods!
Maybe they should start taking medications, maybe they will reverse their hallucenogens. Science is based on facts, noah was based on stupidity.
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.-Karl Marx
Whenever I hear such sayings I just laugh openly, as hearty as I can, with the biggest smile on my face, directly at them for a minute or two until they either: walk away, ask for an explanation, or get violent. Two of the responses lead to more laughing with a little 'ohhhh awwww' added in, the other leads to me explaining as best as I can 'truth' and how scientific 'truth' is as true as they come. Then I usually find a bong and smoke for a while so I forget the comment the person made so in the future I don't automatically judge them as useless when it comes to their mind.
'We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.' - Richard Dawkins
actually, science is just a logical process.
facts are based on science (i.e. science is used to prove them correct)
Science isnt real? Hmm in that case take off your clohtes, your watch, glasses, any money you have, the keys to your car, your wife, your kids, your house, basically everyhting you own. Is all do to sciecne, and o that medicine u take to not die? Ya guess what we're taking that away too.
I seriously think people who say science isnt real need to be shot, or more humanly thrown to their own little island where they can practive what ever backwards shit they feel like
thats very sad.
i think everyone should have to walk around with a badge showing their IQ score... so then people who say things of that nature will look down at the 65 on their badge and realize they should not talk anymore.
not that i think IQ score is fully representative of a persons brain, but it would help having a ballpark.
1.Mind is a charicteristic of the organizational state of the matter that constitutes the brain.
2.Matter in this particular organizational state is of course subject to the laws of causality, as is all matter.
Just out of curosity, did she tell you what the "correct" answer was? And what does this have to do with finding employment? Are they hiring carperters to build a new ark?
I'd like it if they were, then we'd have a place to send Fred Phelps, Ray Comfort, Hovind, Robertson and a few others.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
The class is called "Unlocking Your Potential" and is open to the public, presented by the state of Washington. It contains numerous quotes from the bible. I complained. Told them the class violated separation of church & state, and threatened them with, "Remove the bible stuff or I call the UCLU". No response yet.
Make the call.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
Yeah... you don't think they're going to change the program just cause you said they should, right?
Go ahead and get the suit going!
Good luck!
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Anonymous may have a difficult time getting a job with his attitude, ignorance, and to top it off with delicious irony, arrogance. Anonymous can't differentiate between "hear" and "here," as evidenced by his title.
Anonymous can't spell "fascist," nor "furthermore."
How he/she would know anything about science when Anonymous couldn't demonstrate competent eighth grade composition is puzzling.
But a little profanity makes for brilliance, if you're an atheist.
Then toss in some bitter invectives attacking "fundies" just for "fun."
Actually, he spells and has better grammar than the majority of theists who we have seen. And he isn't claiming to be an expert in science, he is simply attacking the utter ridiculous statement "Science isn't real." He also has vastly superior skill in logic compared to certain unnamed persons who posted directly above me.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I was having a similar discussion a while back with my father in-law about science, the bible and how the two don't add up when my mother in-law walked in the room and said something along the lines of: "science is satan trying to get you to doubt". It's like Christians are programmed little drones that are only capable of spitting back cute little phrases instead of actually having an adult conversation. It makes you just want to pat them on the head and say, "there, there...now get the fuck outta here and let the adults have a conversation". Of course, I didn't say that...
Go fuck yourself! How that for competent composition? For your information, I have 48 credits from an accredited four-year university, and have read several books by Dawkins, Shermer, Sagan, Steinbeck, Goad, et cetera.
Do you have any idea what it like to have bipolar, and have episodes of cognitive disorder which impede the thought process?
Shit, I didn't now this was a PhD dissertation. Next time, I will proof read. Pardon and peace.

This is what a person that has no evidence to back their claim in an invisible sky daddy resorts to when they don't have a valid argument. They try to divert the attention away form the topic at hand and focus on your personal flaws. It's known as an ad homenium fallacy.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
The best are the people who say "Science isn't real" and then post their views on the Internet.
WTF, are these people serious.
It would be nice if we could ban them from the Internet indefinitely.
Are you ever going to post something with a little substance, buddy? The majority of your posts are ad hominem attacks on various members of this board or on atheists in general. You attack his arrogance and yet that's all I've been hearing from you.
And stop bitching about the use of profanity and using it as an argument against atheists. They are just words for fucks sake.
"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen
"Atheism is life affirming in a way religion can never be."-Richard Dawkins
1. I'm not now, nor am I ever likely to become, your "buddy."
2. Ad hominem attacks are a leftist/liberal/Democrat/atheist speciality. You leftists wallow and bathe and gargle ad hominem attacks. Without lies and ad hominems, you would be utterly speechless. You dish them out but you can't take a single one.
3. When I point out ignorance, which is more abundant on these pathetic message boards than hydrogen in the universe, it is factual. Deal with it. Instead, you prefer to whine and snivel like the little boy you so clearly are.
4. You ignorantly omitted the apostrophe in "fucks sake."
Your ignorance is showing, junior.
Now how to you being hoist with your own petard?
Speaking of stupidity.......
You're obviously confused, causalitist.
The Unabomber has an extremely high IQ. He just enjoyed living in filth and squalor and blowing up people with letter bombs, like the cowardly leftist he is.
Saddam Hussein is also extremely intelligent.
You leftists revel in your pretensions of intellectualism, and look what it gets you. You and yours can't write coherently and honestly. You have no hope after death. You first pretend to be enlightened while blasting anyone who disagrees with you as terminally stupid, and then you show your own abject stupidity time and again.
One of your pals tried out a pair of Latin phrases which he screwed. "Ad nausium" and another one which escapes me at the moment.
You need to stop the lying, stop the hatred, and stop the terribly misplaced arrogant condescension. I'm sure you'll do all these as soon as Richard Hateful Dawkins admits what a miserable fool and liar he has been all these decades.
I always chuckle when Christians spout vitriol and call me a "leftist". Hilarious. I'm not a "leftist", and even if I were, or were not, why on earth would I take that as derision?
Let us know when you've got something of substance to say, paucoremhominem.
Let me remind you all, this is a SCIENCE forum. Please gear your discussion toward that - all of you.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
correct spelling: paucorum hominum
People who claim science isn't real make me wish telepathy was, so I could figure out what was going on in their heads. Maybe technology will allow that one day....
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I am the radical and variable to counter act on your alpha and omega! The One True Juggernaut, and. . . I WILL BASH AND CUT DOWN THOSE THAT CANNOT BE TAUGHT!!!
Besides god chose the wrong method in killing off all of the life on the planet with a "flood" in the simple fact that water doesn't kill fish. Or maybe since i'm not a science expert i cant say that water doesn'y kill fish and sea life in general.
Plus, since there is no way that noah was a scientist, because it would demean his good, that would lead me to believe that he left all the organisms that decay extiguished life behind, and THAT would lead me to think that god killed them all off. And THAT doesn't hold water, (excuse the pun) because, if that were true then everything that live and died since then would be perfectly preserved and still available for us to view today. sadly, thats not the case. . . but if that were the case, we could sort through all carcasses and show you all the steps of evolution you bible thumping asshole.
I am the radical and variable to counter act on your alpha and omega! The One True Juggernaut, and. . . I WILL BASH AND CUT DOWN THOSE THAT CANNOT BE TAUGHT!!!
Actually, the change in salinity in the water from such a flood would kill most or all of the fish. But there was nothing about Noah getting/making aquariums and collecting all the fish...
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
would that include the ice caps? if so how did they all become frozen again? there was no ice age from the time of noah. . . was there?
I am the radical and variable to counter act on your alpha and omega! The One True Juggernaut, and. . . I WILL BASH AND CUT DOWN THOSE THAT CANNOT BE TAUGHT!!!
Did the bible specify it was fresh water that flooded the earth? If not, then it's quite possible it was just regular salt water, and wouldn't have affected the ph balance or salinity. It is "god" we're talking about.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
But that would kill the freshwater fsh inland, not to mention fucking up the soil so nothing would ever grow anywhere (actually come to think of it, that would happen from a worldwide flood anyway!)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Shit. You got me. > >
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
From my new series of MTG atheist/theist cards.... if anyone knows how to actually play this game, let me know...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
I do. Started playing it before it got uber popular. Still have a couple thousand cards kicking around somewhere from the first few editions, though they're not all in such good condition anymore.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I'm so using that picture when I get the chance!
I am the radical and variable to counter act on your alpha and omega! The One True Juggernaut, and. . . I WILL BASH AND CUT DOWN THOSE THAT CANNOT BE TAUGHT!!!
Working for the Target corporation while I finish my grad degree in neuroscience and having worked for other large companies and been to these bullshit orientation meetings, I completely understand. Corporations are their own little odd fascist microcosms.
They actually probably got this question from one of the commercial/internet silly questionnaires that is meant to promote "thinking" - because it was Noah and not Moses that built the ark.
Maybe in their world science "isn't real". Some people cherish mystery and fantasy over (in their view) boring logic and quantification of the natural world.
Maybe they don't (shouldn't) exist. Or that's is the way I would be if I was an atheist warlord. I'm the one with the technology; they have their faith and nonesense.