Path to the end of the universe--->

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Path to the end of the universe--->

To warn, this might be long... try to bere with me as I'm gonna mesh a couple of different things together.


If you take technological progress and extend it to the max. What's the ultimate technology/power?

Say we've got 200 more years of technological progress, continuing at the same rate that we have now, and even if it explodes exponentially, like the way Ray Kurzweil predicts in his law of accelerating returns... what would the end goal be?


I think alot of transhumanists are on the right track: The power to use every single quark/atom in the universe as a computational tool. The "universe brain". Whoops, i gave it away. Let me give a quick primer so I don't sound like a raving nutbag.


Strong AI: Artificial Intelligence that is smarter, and faster than a human, with exceptional reasoning skills. Now, computers are pretty dumb. But super fast.

If you've got a computer thats as smart as a human, it will be able to redesign itself-- because computers are designed by humans, no? It will also be able to refine itself... because humans refine computers and make them better.

Now, we throw the speed factor in: What took humans decades to do, our fancy pants smart computers do in fractions of a second/minutes/days.

These systems then reach out to make more powerful versions of themselves. But the best form of computing, which is still in its infancy is quantum computing, because instead of having 1 or 0 on a digital scale, we can have: 1,0, or 1 and 0 at the same time. We can use atomic states of atoms as computational devices.

So... our big smart computer gets bigger, bigger, and bigger, and eventually takes up every atom of the universe in a few thousand years.

Except for one thing---> we're gonna run out of energy. Entropy death! Sped up thanks to our super smart friends.

So, their solution: Recreate another Universe. And thus the cycle repeats itself.


What do you guys think?

I can't help but equate it to Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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Love it! All we need some

Love it! All we need some evidence and I'll start smashing every computer I can find to prevent the imminent death of this universe.

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NoGodJon (not verified)
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well id have to give you

well id have to give you kudos. thats a intresting spin on things. And at the surface dosent look all to crazy.  Only a little. Smiling. instresting...

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  So, their solution:


So, their solution: Recreate another Universe. And thus the cycle repeats itself.

That is one of three solutions which are possible under quantum physics:

1) Leave this universe and go to another

2) Make our own new one like you said (This might be easier than #1 because that requires negative energy, while this only requires lots of positive energy)

3) Travel back in time to when the universe had less entropy by using a wormhole gateway 

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That's kinda stupid

That's kinda stupid speculation. AI's will be able to make themselves smarter, and someday we will certainly have computers that are several million times more intelligent than humans.

But what I don't think is true, is your speculative AI's lust for processing power. It's simply too smart and wise to want more processing power at it's disposal. It will not get what it doesn't need. We humans usually try to predict future for a few months or years forward, but an AI like that could be able to predict and process billions of years forward. It will not do something that could endanger itself.

I actually think that a being like that would commit suicide after some time. If it has a human like ability to think, then it quickly realizes in it's crazy fast processing cycles, that it really has no reason to live. Thus it propably commits suicide... Or maybe not. Maybe it would be willing to lead an intelligent species like humans, because that would be the only task it could do in this universe.

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The big question is, at what

The big question is, at what point does it start making robots that look like human skeletons in order to hunt us all down? That's what we need to worry about.

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Will these super-smart

Will these super-smart computers believe in a supernatural being that created all? Like worship Stephen Hawking or something?

Okay, so I'm just really poking fun at theists now. Sorry. My bad. Smiling

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Tilberian wrote: The big

Tilberian wrote:
The big question is, at what point does it start making robots that look like human skeletons in order to hunt us all down? That's what we need to worry about.

Heh. I always found the biggest flaw with that line of reasoning lies within the ability of machines to operate orderly even if they are microscopic. I think if computers decided to end us, they'd do it by invading us at the cellular level. Reprogram the cells and the makeup of the individual so they will help you and you have full access to all their knowledge and bodily functions. The ultimate danger to humanity: The Borg.

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Vastet wrote: Heh. I

Vastet wrote:
Heh. I always found the biggest flaw with that line of reasoning lies within the ability of machines to operate orderly even if they are microscopic. I think if computers decided to end us, they'd do it by invading us at the cellular level. Reprogram the cells and the makeup of the individual so they will help you and you have full access to all their knowledge and bodily functions. The ultimate danger to humanity: The Borg.

Yep. The Borg probably are the best representation we've had yet (on TV or movies anyway) of what an actual threat from a machine intelligence might look like. Certainly the machine would find it unacceptably inefficient to just discard all the perfectly good, ready-made, general purpose bodies running around just because they have human programming in them.


Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown