Washington University in St. Louis to invest $55 million for renewable energy research.(My local scientists)

Washington University in St. Louis to invest $55 million for renewable energy research. (This makes me proud of some of our local scientists)
Public release date: 5-Jun-2007
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Contact: Tony Fitzpatrick
[email protected]
Washington University in St. Louis
Washington University in St. Louis is creating a new International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy and Sustainability (I-CARES) to encourage and coordinate university-wide and external collaborative research in the areas of renewable energy and sustainability — including biofuels, CO2 mitigation and coal-related issues. The university will invest more than $55 million in the initiative, according to Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton. A key goal of I-CARES is to foster institutional, regional and international research on the development and production of biofuels from plant and microbial systems and the exploration of sustainable alternative energy and environmental systems and practices. Research at the center will also focus on the region's important coal resources and efforts to mitigate carbon dioxide accumulation, improve combustion processes and reduce emissions. I-CARES will operate under the direction of Himadri B. Pakrasi, Ph.D., the George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, and professor of energy in the School of Engineering.
I-CARES will be a part of the office of the vice chancellor for research, headed by Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D., professor of medicine and of molecular microbiology at the School of Medicine. An external advisory committee will provide guidance to the I-CARES director, and an internal steering committee will work closely with the director to set programmatic priorities and attract new faculty to the center.
I-CARES will foster collaborative and cooperative research, both within the university and externally between Washington University and other regional research institutions, such as the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center and the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Brady Deaton, chancellor of the University of Missouri — Columbia, said: "We applaud the initiative and leadership of Washington University in St. Louis to address research and educational needs for renewable energy and sustainability. This is an outstanding example of research that will result in applications to improve the lives of all people around the world. I know that many members of our faculty will want to strengthen their collaboration with colleagues at Washington University. We will actively pursue joint initiatives that enlist key research strengths and international program support."
Roger N. Beachy, Danforth Center president, said: "The I-CARES initiative is an outstanding commitment by Washington University to seek solutions for a critical factor that faces the world this century, namely creating abundant and environmentally sustainable energy sources. It also adds an important component to the regional initiative to establish St. Louis as a leader in the development of renewable energy. The Danforth Center looks forward to being an enthusiastic partner and expanding research collaborations with the university and other regional institutions in this effort."
Research activities at I-CARES also will include international partner universities, which recently agreed to a "call to action" on energy and sustainability at a WUSTL symposium hosted by the McDonnell International Scholars Academy. Sponsorships will be developed with energy and technology companies and other corporate supporters, as well. "I-CARES is the foundation on which we will build expanded funding for research on issues related to energy, environment and sustainability with both domestic and international partners," Wrighton said. "We are investing in the infrastructure needed for a world-class research effort to meet the grand challenges of the 21st century. We are planning to partner with other institutions, and we will work on Washington University-based proposals, as well as joint proposals, to seek funding."
According to Wrighton, I-CARES will coordinate research efforts at the university and work with other organizations in the greater St. Louis region to explore alternative energy sources, such as biofuels, to meet energy challenges. It will build on expertise in genomics, microbiology, plant science, materials, environmental engineering, systems science, computer science, economics, political science, architecture and social work to develop novel products, applications and sustainability practices.
Washington University is creating five new endowed professorships in the fields of energy, environment and sustainability. These researchers will be a part of the community of scholars engaged in the work at I-CARES, and the university also will provide financial resources to help seed research in areas vital to the goals of the center.
The center will facilitate the development of major initiatives relevant to its mission. For instance, Pakrasi has an exceptional track record of achievement and currently oversees a $9.6 million initiative focused on photosynthetic bacteria. He and a team of biologists, chemists, engineers and mathematicians at Washington University in St. Louis and six other institutions are examining the potential of photosynthetic bacteria as one of the next great sources of biofuel that can run vehicles and heat houses. These cyanobacteria represent power potential because they capture sunlight and then carry out a variety of biochemical processes. One metabolic process - the clean production of biodiesel and liquid alcohol - is a high priority for alternative fuels. Cyanobacteria also have the potential to produce cheap and plentiful hydrogen for hydrogen fuel cell use.
I-CARES will engage Washington University researchers in science, engineering, architecture, social science and policy, and medicine. Bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees and other educational programs related to energy, environment and sustainability will be offered by the Environmental Studies Program in Arts & Sciences, the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering in Engineering, the College and Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Design, and the Interdisciplinary Environmental Clinic and the Environmental Clearinghouse - both in the School of Law.
The university aspires to pursue and to demonstrate best practices with respect to its facilities design and development, and its use of energy and other resources. The university will appoint a sustainability officer who will work closely with the administration and with the research community to implement green technologies as they develop. More than $55 million will be invested
Washington University will commit more than $55 million to:
- Develop a building on the northeast corner of the Danforth Campus for the Washington University department of energy, environmental and chemical engineering in the School of Engineering at a cost of $40 million. When completed, it will house I-CARES and related research projects. In the meantime, I-CARES will be located in Wilson Hall on the Danforth Campus.
- Fund five new endowed professorships in science, engineering, architecture, social science or medicine to attract research leaders in energy, environment and sustainability. This represents at least $12.5 million of endowment and start-up costs.
- Award at least $2.5 million over five years to the center to seed and develop collaborative research within the university and with its regional partners through I-CARES.
- Provide an additional $500,000 to support the development of collaborative projects with its McDonnell Academy international partner universities.
- Support a sustainability officer and provide the capital needed to apply green technology to improve efficiency of energy systems and other university operations.
Wrighton said: "The key objective of I-CARES is to foster research on energy, environment and sustainability that cannot be done by single investigators alone. I-CARES will nurture collaboration within Washington University and with regional and international partners and contribute to more rapid progress in addressing great challenges facing our world."
###Related Stories:
- I-CARES Director Himadri Pakrasi is leading biochemical researcher
The International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy and Sustainability (I-CARES) at Washington University will operate under the direction of Himadri B. Pakrasi, Ph.D., the George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, and professor of energy in the School of Engineering. Pakrasi was born in Calcutta, India, and received undergraduate and graduate training in physics at the Presidency College and University of Calcutta.
He came to the United States to study biology and received a doctorate at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1984. He has been on the faculty of Washington University since 1987. Pakrasi is a biochemist recognized for his work on photosynthesis and, in particular, on membrane protein complexes in cyanobacteria and plant chloroplasts. He has a keen interest in bridging the differences between the biological and physical sciences, and leads large-scale multi-institutional systems biology projects.
Pakrasi currently directs Washington University's effort to develop groundbreaking initiatives in the area of bioenergy. Pakrasi has been an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Munich University, Germany; a Distinguished Fellow at the Biosciences Institute, Nagoya University, Japan; and a Lady David Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Pakrasi serves as the Washington University ambassador from the McDonnell International Scholars Academy to Jawaharlal Nehru University.
- I-CARES advisory committees will draw on global expertise
Corporate leaders will provide advice, and faculty will comprise a steering committee
The International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy and Sustainability (I-CARES) at Washington University in St. Louis will be supported by advisory and steering committees comprised of both external and internal leaders, Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton announced.
The external advisory committee includes:
Tony Arnold, CEO, Solae
Gregory H. Boyce, CEO, Peabody Energy
Daniel F. Cole, senior vice president, Ameren Corporation
Robert T. Fraley, executive vice president and chief technology officer, Monsanto
Ganesh Kishore, managing director, Burrill & Company
Carl Hausmann, CEO, Bunge North America
Randall Ledford, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Emerson
Steven F. Leer, CEO, Arch Coal
Martha Schlicher, vice president for engineering and operations, Renewable Agricultural Energy, Inc.
John Stier, group director of environmental affairs, Anheuser-Busch
Mark D. Stowers, vice president for research & development, Poet
S. Richard Tolman, CEO, National Corn Growers Association.
The internal steering committee will be chaired by Edward S. Macias, executive vice chancellor, dean of Arts & Sciences and the Barbara and David Thomas Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences.
The internal steering committee includes:
Pratim Biswas, Ph.D., the Stifel and Quinette Jens professor and chair, Department of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
Bruce Lindsey, dean of the College of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design
Himadri B. Pakrasi, Ph.D., director of I-CARES, the George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg professor of biology in Arts & Sciences, and professor of energy in the School of Engineering.
Mary J. Sansalone, dean, School of Engineering.
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Do you find it at all intriguing that the "Danforth Campus"?
He's one that's always tried to portray himself as a moderate xian and I've never believed him.
By the way, Danforth lost an election to a dead guy. What does that say about what the voters think about him?
I digress.
How wonderful that Wash U is going green!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Woot! is correct. I think it is awesome that Wash. U is going green. I have a feeling this is the first of many universities that will be making this kind of commitment to renewable energy research.
Actually Danforth is a very liberal to moderate xian, more to the liberal side though here is an article about his liberal views. He has actually had a few run-ins with religious right.
I think you might be mistaking him for Ashcroft. John Ashcroft was the senator who lost an election to the late Mel Carnahan and then went on to be appointed Attorney General by George W. Bush.
Here is a story about the election loss.
Again, woot woot.
Whoo Hoo!! Wash U is such a great university! I wish I had been smart enough to go there. They do some amazing stuff.
Danforth is an heir to the Ralston Purina fortune.
Duh. You're right. I knew that.
Old age and failing memory is hell.
I liked Carnahan - I even voted for his wife when she ran for reelection after she stood in for Mel. I thought she had a lot of class.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I don't know about smart enough - I wish I could have afforded the tuition.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Good news.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.