Sad news, Mr. Wizard has passed away.

Sad news from our Bad Astonomer friend Phil Plait.
I remember watching Mr. Wizard when I was a kid and absolutely loving the show. Many times I would try to replicate the experiments, sometimes with success and sometimes failure, but it was always fun.
I’m bummed to report that Don Herbert, better known as Mr. Wizard, has died. His TV show, "Watch Mr. Wizard", popularized science to a huge audience in the 1950s and 1960s. I never saw his show except in excerpts, but it helped introduce an entire generation to science. All of us who popularize science owe […] ">

I’m bummed to report that Don Herbert, better known as Mr. Wizard, has died. His TV show, "Watch Mr. Wizard", popularized science to a huge audience in the 1950s and 1960s. I never saw his show except in excerpts, but it helped introduce an entire generation to science. All of us who popularize science owe our jobs to him.
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I've been wondering what happened to him on and off for months. I'm sad to only hear about him again in this way.
I watched the '80s and '90s version on Nickelodeon. Brilliant shows. I think they inspired people to look critically at things around them, how to analyze and test hypotheses. I also think the show was the framework for a lot of the hands-on science programs we've seen since: Beakman's World, Bill Nye, and even Mythbusters and Good Eats.
I think the show is coming out on DVD.
Yeah, he was definitely a forerunner for science shows on TV now.
Looks like we'll need another timmy.
That is sad. I LOVED Mr.Wizard when I was growing up. Shows like that and Cosmos with Sagan when I was a bit older sparked my interest and love of science.
I'm glad we have guys like Bill Nye around today to pick up the slack, but we could always use more people like that.
So for all the "Jimmies" you inspired, Mr.Wizard, cheers! You will be missed and always hold a special place in my heart.
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Rebecca Watson of Skeptchick proposes a 'moment of science' for Mr. Wizard.
The only thing sadder was when Dr. Julius Sumner Miller died.
Oh, I agree Nero! He was another great one, it is so sad to see them go.
Here is a tribute page to Dr. Julius Sumner Miller, it has some good information and contains some great videos of the good doctor.
Dr. Julius Sumner Miller Tribute Page
and his foundation page....
The Julius Sumner Miller Foundation
I am sure you have seen these before if you are a fan, but I am posting them for those who do not know him.
"Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. My name is Dr. Julius SUmner Miller, and physics is my business." He is one of the few impersonations I can do.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer