problem with radio carbon dating

Hey all. I've been going back and forth in an email exchange with someone and they presented me with a topic I know very little about. Here: know enough on the subject to properly refute it. Can anyone here give me a hand? Thanks.
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Hi Cassiopeia! For some reason your link doesn't open in my browser, so I can only guess from the URL that it's about radiometric dating. The best I can offer at this stage is to point you to the Index to Creationist Claims over at You want to look at section "CD: Geology".
Hope that helped -- T.
The website didn't work, when I hit the link. Couldn't connect to the server.
EDIT: just remembered that deludedgod wrote something about it in a post a while ago. Maybe this will help you as well.
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. - Immanuel Kant
Sorry about the link. Don't really know what I'm doing there. Thanks for the help guys.
Just checked it and it worked for me so now I'm even more confused
I suck at signatures.
It works now, seems like their servers were down. The page the person who you're discussing gave you is complete garbage (some of the arguments are refuted in the thread I linked). What do they think they accomplish by arguing carbon dating in the first few articles?
It's basically never used for things older than 10,000 years and within this range carbon dating is amazingly(!) accurate and is backed up with tree-ring dating etc.
Ok, the first 2 articles on that page are taken out of context and very inaccurate, but still not THAT bad...
Though you should stop reading when they start using articles from, if you want to keep your neurons alive and kicking... I'm not the most knowledgable person here, but I'll point out what I (on first glance) see is wrong with the argumentation.
There is no scientific theory that says the earth is 6-10 thousand years old. There is the self-proclaimed creation "science", which is laughed at in the scientific community though.
(+ I don't see how creationism remains workable within a wide range of age estimates, when the old testament claims it is rather young (6 - 10 thousand years or so))
One does not need to know this with "absolute certainty".
The spectrum of radiometric dating is within normal experimental error. Radiometric dating is only used to establish the order of magnitude, not the exact age.
Daughter elements are normally in solid form and confined, water does not have the potential to separate those materials. See above wiki quote: "In addition, the initial element and the decay product should not be produced or depleted in significant amounts by other reactions."
The argument from anti-uniformiterianism.
Next they're taking this scientist out of context, who simply states the obvious, that radiometric dating does not give a 100% certain answer.
Hahaha, I love that last phrase. Eh, anyway. There have been no "horrible" realizations that radio-decay rates are not as constant as previously thought, because, well yeah, they are constant. They say that they are not immune to environmental influence and that's (partly) true, but they are still not telling the whole truth:
So yeah, I'm pretty sure there was no radioactive bombardment of the in the last 6,000... as deludedgod said in the other thread, such an occurance would have inevitably prevented complex life from arising. I nearly expected them to say "the flood washed away the radioactive materials!", I was somewhat disappointed, when they didn't.
:EDITED: Spelling fixed (hopefully)
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. - Immanuel Kant
Thanks Mattness. I can't wait to see the reaction I get when I present this info to the person I'm debating(my brother, again).
I suck at signatures.
You're welcome. What is most important and what I forgot to mention is, even if it were possible to refute radiometric dating with these arguments (what it is not), it is in no way the only evidence that we have that the earth is more than 10 thousand years old. Just take ice cores, they date back up to 800,000 years ago. Then there are galaxies that are billions of light years away. There are even trees older than 10000 years, were you can count the tree rings etc.
Overall there is abundant evidence. So don't let creationists (or in this case your brother) focus on one highly specific topic that requires scientific knowledge, when you can just rip his argumentation to shreds with other evidence!
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. - Immanuel Kant
The problem with that is that some theists are versed with apologetics reasoning in multiple subjects. If you switch to using starlight from billions of lightyears away then he might suddenly attack the methods by which we determine distance and mass of stars, which you may not be qualified to cover anymore than the last point he attacked(elemental decay dating). I usually recommend taking it one point at a time.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.