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Quantum Computers Anyone?112 years 23 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
12 years 23 weeks ago
by x
Hacking the Cosmos?612 years 27 weeks ago
by tonyjeffers
12 years 23 weeks ago
by Philosophicus
Geological Research Hike2512 years 25 weeks ago
by Jean Chauvin
12 years 25 weeks ago
by Brian37
Consciousness-based healthcare?512 years 31 weeks ago
by Pyrismaragdos
12 years 25 weeks ago
by Teralek
Stars and their color - temp and/or movement612 years 26 weeks ago
by ex-minister
12 years 25 weeks ago
by A_Nony_Mouse
New Scientist on god and religion012 years 26 weeks ago
by A_Nony_Mouse
New Neurochip Listens Closer Than Ever To Brain Cells Communicating514 years 6 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
12 years 26 weeks ago
by Rush5090 (not verified)
infinitesimal probability312 years 26 weeks ago
by Teralek
12 years 26 weeks ago
by ax
Origin Symposium I - Paul Davies112 years 27 weeks ago
by Teralek
12 years 27 weeks ago
by Luminon
Uncaused quantum event?3712 years 36 weeks ago
by voicelord
12 years 27 weeks ago
by ax
I guess semen from the backbone isn't false, afterall? [ISLAM]412 years 28 weeks ago
by iGetWood
12 years 28 weeks ago
by Kapkao
Dawkins and Krauss Converse about the Universe Coming from Nothing012 years 31 weeks ago
by Philosophicus
How to take pictures of a black hole012 years 31 weeks ago
by Ktulu
Study: Physicists have too much time on their hands512 years 36 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
12 years 31 weeks ago
by A_Nony_Mouse
A little 3D TV test here012 years 31 weeks ago
by A_Nony_Mouse
Evolution of Morality1312 years 37 weeks ago
by Avicenna
12 years 33 weeks ago
by EXC
Life on Venus?1612 years 35 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
12 years 34 weeks ago
by Vastet
Center of our galaxy2512 years 36 weeks ago
by ex-minister
12 years 35 weeks ago
by Vastet
Social Morality In a Bottle912 years 36 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
12 years 35 weeks ago
by Al G. Funguy
Rodents Clearly Show Empathy-Driven Behavior, Evidence Suggests512 years 41 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
12 years 36 weeks ago
by Philosophicus
Sex Differences and Feminism1112 years 39 weeks ago
by Philosophicus
12 years 37 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
Zombie bees!112 years 37 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
12 years 37 weeks ago
by Ken G.
Nanophotonics Can Look Inside Living Cells412 years 39 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
12 years 37 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
Moon Spliting in Islam?2212 years 38 weeks ago
by iGetWood
12 years 37 weeks ago
by HumanVuvuzela
Self repairing electronics are on the way312 years 39 weeks ago
by Vastet
12 years 39 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
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