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Lightning on Venus616 years 43 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
16 years 42 weeks ago
by deludedgod
CreationWiki... (Not for the faint of heart)216 years 42 weeks ago
by kryters
16 years 42 weeks ago
by Zombie
Need help with Young Earth rubbish!316 years 43 weeks ago
by matthewtole
16 years 43 weeks ago
by D-cubed
See-through frogs!116 years 51 weeks ago
by Shanks
16 years 43 weeks ago
by TheMuffinMan
Young Earth Creationists believe in Super Erosion??116 years 43 weeks ago
by RationalSchema
16 years 43 weeks ago
by zntneo
I need some papers/journals in Biophysics/Bioinformatics016 years 43 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
Aura Photography616 years 43 weeks ago
by cam
16 years 43 weeks ago
by CrimsonEdge
Intelligent Design and the Discovery Institute316 years 44 weeks ago
by Switch89
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Little Roller U...
What do the Laws of Thermodynamics actually say?518 years 30 weeks ago
by BobSpence
16 years 44 weeks ago
by Zombie
Expelled-the movie016 years 45 weeks ago
by the temple of reason
Blood Vessels, Tree Branches, and Lightning1616 years 50 weeks ago
by Fateless7
16 years 45 weeks ago
by Yellow_Number_Five
Can someone help me out this this Christians email???916 years 49 weeks ago
by Novalex82
16 years 45 weeks ago
by Ophios
Black Holes Launch Powerful Cosmic Winds216 years 46 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
16 years 46 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
Falsifiability616 years 50 weeks ago
by phooney
16 years 48 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
Young Earther Dino Blood Claim016 years 49 weeks ago
by Switch89
Creationism, Intelligent Design, Evolution and God.3617 years 3 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
16 years 49 weeks ago
by AngelEngine
Birth of a new earth like planet316 years 50 weeks ago
by HumanisticJones
16 years 50 weeks ago
by rugerac556
Creation from nothing/chaos816 years 51 weeks ago
by GermanMike
16 years 51 weeks ago
by Yellow_Number_Five
The Big Bang016 years 51 weeks ago
by Switch89
What the Bleep Documentaries1417 years 1 day ago
by RationalSchema
16 years 51 weeks ago
by Randalllord
Does Science Take Away Wonder and Awe?1617 years 2 days ago
by Hambydammit
17 years 6 hours ago
by Cpt_pineapple
How do we know how old the rocks are?017 years 2 days ago
by Switch89
Google Earth... For Space (Google Earth to launch new service for stargazers).917 years 4 weeks ago
by BGH
17 years 3 days ago
by The_Fragile
Out-Of-Body Experience Recreated517 years 4 weeks ago
by Susan
17 years 5 days ago
by Hambydammit
Research overturns accepted notion of neutron's electrical properties017 years 1 week ago
by BGH
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