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There's very little more rewarding than to see th appreciation we get from people for responding rationally to irrational emergencies.This thread we'll post many of the kind comments that have been said about us. If you have your own kind comment please feel free to leave it for us. Quote:
Synaptic ChaosWrote:
RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD:  YOU GUYS ROCK.You should see if you can get Lee Strobel on your show. 90% of the Christians I debate with tell me he's the dude. I decided to do some research and read "A Case For Faith" and was horrified. That book is nothing but claims without citations or references.I would love to see you pick his books apart.Keep up the great work, and if I can be of any help, let me know.  Quote:
i found a dead man in a car at mcdonaldswrote  thank god for rational response =]  Quote:
greensanz wrote:  brian how many times can i say you're my hero... 

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Wow......I glanced at your website.....I'm home....

Every job Ive ever had, I've been ambushed in the hallways by people telling me I need God in my life, or I need to come with them to church, or "Here, have this bible, it will do ya good"


I had to take a sick day two years ago at my current job, because I needed a break from the old ladies pushing their shit on me. Then I got promoted and informed them that if there are any further acts of religious persecution, that they will lose their job. Smiling

As soon as I'm not swamped in work, I'll be looking into you guys further. I really wish I could use my band's fan resources to promote you, but my drummer is one of the brainwashed, so I can't Sad


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Not only are you my hero, you are (dare I say it?) a god to me.

You have had incredible patience throughout the MySpace thread and have continued to offer rational, common sense replies.

Great job!

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Thanks so much Susan. Cool

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Chat room comments during our first show airing:

<TheeInformant> this is funny..the show

[Amanda] 9:24 pm: This is the most entertaining show I have ever
heard! I have been laughing non stop.

[Ikeman5k] 9:37 pm: I'm digging the show, man.

[SilkyShrew] 11:27 pm: gj guys
[Nixami] 11:28 pm: It was a good show Sapient
[Reitstoen] 11:28 pm: that was a really good show ????
[Leda] 11:28 pm: ditto
[sleepr] 11:28 pm: nice show guys
[ophideus] 11:28 pm: Great show. Take care guys
[sleepr] 11:28 pm: funny in a lot of spots

[Flawed_Existence] 11:42 pm: Yes, the show was magnificent.

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better the 2nd time you hear it too.
Will I listen a third time?

Find out next time...
Laughing out loud

"If nobody was listening to God, there would be nothing left for us to do but listen to each other."
~Marcel Antoin Rombouts

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I just caught your show tonight -- consider me a fan. Keep fighting the good fight, and I will keep listening/spreading the word.

Logos Invictus,
--L. A. Repucci, evangelical atheist.

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From: Wolf in Wolf's clothing
Date: Mar 3, 2006 7:51 PM

...on the air with the Rational Response Squad. You guys rock in the most cogent way possible...thank you for the 1st show, Rook. Hooray for reason!

By the way, check out my blogs -- don't make me track you down.

A Fan,

Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)

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TITLE: Holy shit, you guys fucking rock

From: Jack-o-lantern
Date: Mar 5, 2006 1:08 AM

Dudes, I'm glad someone is coming out and saying Christianity is a load of shit...I especially like the video on here, it's true. Well keep up the good work.


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Sender's Name: kemod7
Subject: Rational Responders - Feedback: The King is in da house!

Message: What's up guys..
This is Kemo D. (a.k.a. no.7) from Houston, TX. I am Proud to say that there is no better site then Rational Responders. I assume the moderators are basically volunteers and I think it is great that they provide this service to connect people from around the world who share the same ideas. Keep up the great work!!

Kemo D. (a.k.a. no.7)

Thanks man!

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From: Trent
Date: Mar 8, 2006 4:12 PM

In my heroes list.

I love what you guys do and support you 100%.

Never give up and never surrender!

Date: Mar 8, 2006 9:59 PM

i thought christianity was about peace and love or something but it's people like that who make me want to not be christian even more...they claim they try to save everyone yet they just exploit someone's weaknesses to make them feel guys really are doing a good job

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 8, 2006 10:36 PM

You're awesome. That's all that needs to be said.


blech kudos for you actually trying to communicate with them.
i'd feel like a vulcan finally making contact with hu-mans after centuries!! gaaahh!!
can't stand christians. i experience cognitive dissonance every time i have to interact with them. Sad

-penHELLope k.

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Redbeard said:

Hey man... you're my hero! Thanks for standing up so effectively for atheism against the hordes of irrationality!

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Julio wrote:
Dear Brian Sapient,

This is my story for today that i wish to share with you almighty person of rationalism (i assume)

I woke up round 7 in the morning, Had no school today. I listened to the rock station and what not and checked out the news. Later i finished reading Meno from on of plato's dialogue. I was pissed of at the logic given to Socrates from Plato. I read in an essay ( so it would be a 2ndary resource) that that socrates wasn't really him, but after the apology it was mostly a character made by Plato. This goes back to ancient philopshy though. But i was pissed off at the direction "socrates" was heading with meno that virtue wasn?t teachable because of this and that. I noticed their flaws in their conversation. This was the first thing that gat me mad today. Then i went on the computer and checked out my myspace mail. I gat bored after a while, so i started looking at "favorites" and ( i categorize websites according to topics) i went down to religion and i decided to watch "the way of the master part 7". I did this to work on my knowledge on refuteing claims of logic and the like. I watched it all, and i refuted everything that was said by the 2 guys. One toke me 2 minutes of thinking.

2 things were said. The absolute truth in gold in China, and also knowing 99% of all knowledge. I combined these two claims made by the 2 speakers to refute their claim that i dont really know if (their) god exists because their is a possibility that in the 99% knowledge i don?t gat, absolute evidence exist that it dose.
Let me share this with you.

They said that if someone were to make the claim that there is no gold in china then they would need to know 100% that there is absolutely no gold.
If someone were to make the claim that there is gold in china then they would only need to know one atom of Au to be able to make that claim.
ALso, they said that if all my knowledge is 1% of all the knowledge that there is, then there (might) be a chance that in the 99% that i don?t know, there is evidence that (their) gold exist.

I actually had to pause the video for 2min on this. I remembered a few arguments i had from some of my relatives and the logic involved, so if i were to refute these arguments that could be used against me, then i would need to come up with some good shit .
After a while i came with this.

So in order for me to make the claim that there is no gold in china i would need to check every last unit of a measurement of it and also define the borders of china and whatnot to make the absolute claim. Like wise if i were to say that there is gold all i need to do is look into a person's mouth and say, ah here it is gold.

But of course out of all the 100% knowledge there is in existence, all i know is 1%. So of course they would say that there is 99% more knowledge out there that i haven?t obtained that (their) gold dose exist.
Of course in order to the claim that their god dose not exsist all i would actually need is one bit of evidence that it doesn?t. And if that one bit was in the 1% of knowledge that i have in my brain then that is all i need to refute their god. Like wise all you need is one piece of gold to say that there is gold in china. (yes god and bibles/holy documents have been refuted before.) This is my "belief" at least. ( i believe that all human gods are false.) So i thought this was a good "counter attack" in an argument against somebody who uses those claims against another. Well later i finished watching the video, but after i gat done watching the it i was pissed again. I asked myself "why do these stupid retards believe this shit?" Why are people so stupid an believe everything that is told to them? I get over it. ;p I actually told myself ima write a book one day refuting all that shit (dogma, religion, society, religion, nations, religion, and talk about some of my philopshys, metaphysics, and concerns for humanity.) But this was the 2nd thing that gat me pissed today. Then i went back to my bedroom and gat a few news papers from the las vegas review and checked out what i missed. I was reading for about half hour and read a few commentaries and articles from the ap. I did lateral thinking with other stuff i knew from 9-ll and other news from abortions and what not. and yet again for the 3rd time i gat pissed. I told myself "why dont the american people rebel" against this president? Why do people support north Dakota's anti abortion bill? Why is this nation "under god"? "why dont people open their eyes and see this shit?" Then i claimed down and started doing some personal thinking and wrote some stuff. later i went back to the computer and decided to check out some of the forms. I came across that "ray comfort" link you posted a while ago and now im listening to it.

I write to you really to say that I love people like you. The "rationals" People who know shit and who have logic. I didn?t know "ray comfront" was from "the way of the master" until you guys (in that radio talk show) started talking about the 10% knowledge jokes. While im listening to this and listening to the logic in the arguments, i feel better. It is nice to know that there are people in this world who are not dogmatic, radical, and in logically. People like you and your groups and people like luigi from italy might just change the world one day. This at the very least i do hope.

Something to think about- If lugi can destroy the vatican religion peacefully without violence when all the crusades and unpeacefulness attempts to destroy it have failed, then who knows what is possible with knowledge.

The only thing that can stop it is main stream media or censorship. But i believe that eventually humans are not stupid. But i hope im not foolish in believing in this.

-peace out and GLHF with the things you do
(forgive me for not making paragraphs or caring to check for grammar, but i hope you enjoyed reading this "fan mail"Eye-wink

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All the sentiments above, combine in my appreciation for such a site. You guys indeed rock. Glad to be on board, let me know if you ever need my help in anyway.

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I should be thanking you all for being rational in an ever increasing irrational world.

Its nice to here a clear and decisive response to an argument without resorting to the supernatural or blind faith.

I saw that you all interviewed that nut job Ray Comfort, who would gladly see the ungdly burn in hell, and thought i have to get these shows!!

I'm putting a like to your site on mysite (thanks Myspace)

Please keep being rational; for humanity and science!

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Lee Strobel, I heard you mention via quoting someone.

Is he the one who writes all those "Case for--" religious books, including the one I recently read called, "The Case For Easter?"

He proclaims he use to be a logical atheist, but interviewed all these people and heard their arguments, and, somehow, recorded all those conversations word for word to put in a little book in a nice little poetic fashion, talking about how so-and-so takes a sip before he says his next lines.

It seems to me he was never atheist and all this is a load of predetermined bullshit he writes about, but that aside...

He provides ZERO evidence for anything! ZERO conclusive arguments! All the crap he says is, "Oh, they didn't find the body?! He must have risen!" He doesn't doubt shit during his arguments with those thiests in the book, he takes EVERYTHING they say for granted,

And so does every idiot thiest he reads and hoists that book as if it's anything worth a dime.

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Yup, that's him.

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From: Sean
Date: Jun 26, 2006 7:12 PM

Hello you all!
I was reading you profile, and I thought that you all were some of the greatest people alive.

But do have fun being one of the few rational in the biblebelt.


From: </3 Puff-Money $moke-2-green</3
Date: Jun 26, 2006 11:56 AM

i love your group and the ideas. we need some free thought in this fucking country. sometimes i still feel like we live in a overly human world. wars, famine, religious persecution, etc.


From: Mr K. Foto-Graph-Ie
Date: Mar 26, 2006 5:57 PM


theres so many people that are soo blind to this shit. STRAIGHT ON TO FOX NEWS nigga, we'll bring that shit down. for real.

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I finally took a listen to your show and I was really impressed! I haven't been able to listen ever since I listened to your show with Jared Paul. I've been listening to IG a lot and getting a lot of inspiration. I've always been an atheist, but just started studying religion 7 months ago. So far I have read The Atheist Debaters Handbook by BC Johnson, Losing Faith In Faith by Dan Barker, Atheism: The Case Against God by George Smith, and just recently I finally decided to open up a bible for the first time. Ive been really upset about the harmful effects religion has on humanity over the past couple of months. I was really stoked to finally listen to your show to discover how much you guys know. I really hope to work myself up to your level someday (with a complete open mind).

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From: Mern

This site is so refreshing!

In a world filled with so many judgemental freaks
looking down upon me just because I don't think
like them... never knew so many people were on
the same page and actually think logically and aren't
afraid to speak about it... good for you.

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Message: When I saw your profile on my myspace friends request I thought "no, can't be the rational that I am thinking of". However I clicked your link and nearly went to tears. You guys are the best thing since Wasteland of Wonders Atheism. Ben Franklin, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton. These are the people we should be worshipping. All I have to say is that with you guys, we may just see an end to circular arguments and crappy relgious biases. I wish I could talk to you guys in person, but since I'm sure you guys have plenty of fans out there, I just wnat to say good job, you guys are a beacon of light, hope, and strong leadership for atheists in a world of religious bullshit. I just wish I could be part of it too! Keep up the good work, and don't give up. It won't be easy, trust me, I know!

- Matt

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This one means alot:

"RRS ? You guys truly, truly rock! Congrats on a terrific show, and I don?t just mean this one episode. Every episode has been a really fantastic listening pleasure and a rewarding experience. You guys really ARE the rational responders, no doubt about it." - Buckster (said here)

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This one seemed a little too personal to reveal the author:


Hello, my name is ******* *********. I'd just like to say I respect you're organization.

I recently lost my job because I spoke my mind in the workplace, and if I had the chance again, I'd most certainly do it again.

I feel they made me resign for such an ignorant and unjust reason, but I couldn't help it, everyone who worked there was a vicious christian. Its amazing what can happen when you tell the truth.

I just wanted to say while in the process of quitting my job your orginization came to mind, and it made me feel much better about myself. Thank you, and keep fighting the good fight Eye-wink

Thank you again to the author of this email.

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From a well respected member of the IG forums:

Hi Mike
Just wanted to type a couple of lines at ya' now that I've listened to the Savage show. I really admire the way you've handled this situation throughout the whole affair from the raving Jesusfreak who barged in the door right up to the interview. You saw something in Derren that I certainly didn't. You saw a human being where I all too often rolled my eyes and discarded him as yet another cliche.

It's funny, we can think we're openminded and be certain we do our utmost to give people a fair chance, but at the end of the day we probably never went beyond our initial biases at all.

Hearing about his Fiji background was just the icing on the cake, but I guess that's the kind of gems patience with people rewards you.

So thanks for the lesson, Mike. I sorely needed it.

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins

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I like that one.

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From: dont think, just fucking do it.
Date: Jul 27, 2006 10:33 PM

yo nigga ur chill as fuck, i love ur fuckin picture it made my day

You got that people? We're chill as fuck! Take that!

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From: Kiersten
Date: Jul 30, 2006 7:33 PM

I have been listening and watching you guys for about 5 months now, and I can not express how happy I am, no - not just happy, how relieved I am to find others that feel and think the same way I do.

I live in Springfield Missouri, where when you meet a new person, they don't ask you your name, they ask what church you go to. It is horrible here! But to just know that I'm not alone in the world with my opinions, and to read others say things that I want to shout to the world every single day helps me so much... it really does. So I want to thank everyone that is involved with your show from the bottom of my heart. It might sound silly to you, but when you have NO one supporting you for hundrends of miles around you, it's wonderful to have a group of people I can turn to to hear the truth - and be reminded that I am NOT alone in this world.

Thank you!

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Rational Responders e-mails for message board replies are way cooler than jesus.

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I have to concur with everyone else, the show is simply magnificent. I have bought shows for 25 bucks in 3 days and I'm going to continue to support you guys financially by buying every one of your shows, as long as I have the money to do so.

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I wanted to thank you for the last show with jesuswalks aka savage.
Who would have thought he is that wise? Good for him,and you guys done very well there.
I hope to be able to support you again soon.(money wise ofcourse)
I like the infidelguy a lot,but you guys are definetly of another level to me, funny, reasonable and to the point, sometimes Reggie seems to adopt a bit of the pussy approach, while you guys actually go on and question. Totally awesome.
I think you wil be on for a long time.

Keep it rational Shocked)

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----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: The Robster - Circle Of Fifths
Date: Aug 1, 2006 3:01 AM

You guys rock, I would make love to each one of you if I was a woman or gay.

If you're following along in this thread. And want to see more positive comments, please keep in mind that the hundreds of positive public comments we get on our myspace page are not copied here. These messages are in addition to the public comments.

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----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ~*~*Yo Mamma~*~*
Date: Aug 1, 2006 3:36 AM

Hello my name is Crystal and I've been an Athiest. I have been for about 6 years now. And in those six years I don't know how many times I have been told; It's an age thing, When you find your calling...., or your going to hell. Which the last one happens to be my personal favorite being that I can't go to a place that doesn't exsist. I just wanted to say thank you for what you are doing. Every thing that you say I have been trying to tell people for years when they ask why I chose not to be religious. So thanks.

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Quote: -----------------


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Mario
Date: Aug 21, 2006 1:03 PM

You guys are great. I have always thought that the world and it's beliefs in religions are full of shit. I wish i could help. You're fighting a great and needed cause. Thanks for fighting a justifiable war.


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Quote:my dad got me into you

my dad got me into you your so fucking cool.

(protecting name)
- 14 yr old from UK

I thought that was cool.

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Quote: -----------------


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Kristen
Date: Sep 10, 2006 6:31 PM

i have no idea which show it was or what ya'll said, but my boyfriend woke me up today to say i was right about bush being a negative force for america. i've been telling him that for years, but you guys are much better than me at citing sources and organizing arguments.
we subscribed to the show, by the way, and are loving it. brian, give rook a smooch for us. he's our fave.

The young lady above is naming a dog that she will be getting soon: Rook.

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I so feel the love.

I so feel the love. Smiling

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We'll have to add this to a

We'll have to add this to a testimonial page at some point:

"I am generally a big fan of Brian Flemming, Richard Carrier, Sam Harris, etc. Yours seemed to be the one of the better places to get interviews with those guys. Interviews where they are really speaking their mind." - Scott

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After being induced by

After being induced by myself, on what types of groups are working well to end religion:

"I'm looking to people like you to be the leading edge of those kinds of activities" - Sam Harris on our show

Sticking out tongue

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Quote: -----------------


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: TwinDNA
Date: Sep 20, 2006 12:38 PM

My name is Karen and I just wanted to thank you for your support....I live in an area were I and other Athiests have to stay in the closet. I used to have emblems and stickers on my vehicle from and my truck kept getting vandelized. I eventually gave up and quit putting stuff on it. Now I feel like a prisoner in my own town, forced to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself. My MySpace page has helped me vent a little and I was very happy to see that there were many people to talk to that supported Athiesm...I need a copy of the book "Letter to a Christian Nation" to show to the x-ians around here, maybe I can change some of thier minds! Best Wishes

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I'd send you guys a message,

I'd send you guys a message, but I thought I'd just skip a step Eye-wink

You guys are an amazing team. I personally didn't have to go through "losing" a faith, although I did have to come to the conclusion I don't have it at some point, but I think it would be something that would be really hard to do. Probably not of proofs or evidence (or lack of), but would have been hard to disconnect yourself from something you grew up with. I'm glad that after something like that you all were able to try to work towards something better and spread knowledge. I must say most of you are somewhat of a role model in the way you can argue your points or just the knowledge you have on subjects. And while I found most of my information outside this group you guys have pulled together a great resource for just raw info. Also I'm glad that someone is doing something about this blind following of ideals. Keep it up thumbs up

PS guys = people to me, so it is about the women too

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There are just hundreds and

There are just hundreds and hundreds of comments on our myspace profile that I don't bring over here because they already have their home. However I'm increasingly more worried that myspace will delete us someday, so maybe I'll start bringing over some of the best. If anyone out there wants to assist and go through our myspace comments bringing over some of the best ones, please feel free.


From Ben
Sep 22, 2006 10:53 AM
I need to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for what you are doing here.

Being an atheist my whole life I have struggled to find a place where I belong, where people won't look down on me or try to hurt me in some way for looking at the world and asking why and how.

I went to church every wednesday and twice on sunday until I was 13-14 years old and could establish my freedom of choice. When I was 6 years old I was told by my pastor god is all knowing and all powerful and knows everything that is going to happen until the end of time and that god has condemned us, the people he created, to an eternity of torment for making us flawed. Now he didn't say it those words exactly but that is the point, and at the age of 6 I realized that christianity is wrong, plain and simple. But when I voiced my thoughts on this I was shocked because everyone flipped and I got in trouble for thinking.

Ever since then I have been afraid to speak my mind on the subject and I have been made to feel like a bad person for questioning what is going on. I even tried to believe, I tried SO HARD for SO LONG and couldn't do it. I accepted Jesus 4 seperate times and each time I wanted, really wanted, to be changed and each time I wasn't and was ashamed of it.

Thank you for making me realize that I have nothing to be ashamed of and that I am not somehow wrong or a bad person for being the way I am.

I am no longer alone.

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Comment on our myspace

Comment on our myspace profile:

Oct 5, 2006 10:45 PM
I've been watching a lot of the videos on your site lately and checking out the poeple who made the videos. And I watched most of Dawkins documentary and basically I have realized I need to be more outspoken about what I believe.

I added the RRS badge to my profile picture and am going to start putting up your banners.

Not only am I going to be outspoken on Myspace but in the real world too. My theist friends need a wake up call.

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----------------- Original

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: no name
Date: Oct 16, 2006 2:09 PM

you guys are national heroes
you should ascend to godlike figures so i can pray to you to visit other people and share the truth

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----------------- Original

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Liz @}~~~
Date: Oct 17, 2006 4:02 PM

HI I just wanted to say thank you for helping me to accept my beliefs! Since I was a child I didn't understand believing in God, I tried to tell people that I didn't believe the crap they tried to force it on me even more and I was looked at like I was crazy. Every one said they felt sorry for me b/c I'll Burn in hell for not believing. Well I am now proud to say that I'm an atheist! I'm not scared! Thanks to your motivation! I checked out your myspace and it led me to many other websites. I discovered that there are so many more people than I ever thought that belived the same basics that I did! You've really helped me to reassure myself that I do know what I'm talking about and that they are the crazy ones for beliving in that nonsence! I just wish more people can come to the same realization that we have! Thanks again so much! Your awesome for all that you do!

Liz : )

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Quote: NAMED, from our


NAMED, from our myspace profile
Oct 25, 2006 10:28 AM

I remember reading the Bible as a young child, possibly 10 or so. At such an age, even with my mental faculties under-developed, I still regarded what I could understand of that nonsense book to be laughable. It boggled my young mind to think how an ADULT could be witless enough to believe that drivel. I say this truthfully- it insulted my intellect. The intellect of a CHILD.
I suppose that was a blessing of how I was raised. By a Theist but, an open-minded mother who did not even try to indoctrinate me with her spirituality.

For too long I have been a pascifistic Atheist. I pity the religious but do nothing but laugh and walk away when they stand ranting on the streets or on an internet forum.

The Rational Responders have encouraged me to rise up again to fight the plague of non-thinking destroying my fellow humans.
I understand now that this is my moral obligation.


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----------------- Original

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Woz
Date: Oct 25, 2006 3:15 PM

Excelent video! I have a few theist friends here on myspace, and when I repost these videos they like to send me messages asking questions. After some debate, they usually side with the Atheist (me).

Just wanted you to know that the videos and messages you post in your bulletins are helping to spread Rationality and put an end to the menatal disease known as theism! I've seen it with my own eyes! You guys are doing a great job!


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Another deconversion:


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Mathieu
Date: Nov 1, 2006 6:33 PM

I'd like to tell you that you are the inspiration which finally made me make the leap to atheism. I repost your bulletins whenever I can to try and end the plague of religion. Living in Texas, I have an especially hard time, my home being the buckle of the Bible belt. My question was, how can I embed your videos into my bulletins to repost them? Ive been copying the url's and reposting that but I feel like none of my friends take the time to watch them. Anyway, thanks for your time and keep up the good work!

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Quote: -----------------


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Marshal
Date: Nov 9 2006 3:17 PM

I just wanted to thank you guys. Your rationalism is keeping my sane. I moved to the bible belt a few years ago thinking it wouldn't be that much more brain washed from the people I met in college in WV. I was wrong!

They pick and choose what sins are okay and what aren't... Premarital sex, racism, domestic violence is ok but if somebody questions the bible or gets an abortion they are a sinner... Such bullshit...

Any way I can go on and on about how grateful I am that you guys are out there, but I'll just say thanks.

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Quote: -----------------


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lieutenant Dan
Date: Nov 10 2006 5:08 PM

Just wanted to drop by and tell you guys that since I have become an atheist I've had two good friends convert to atheism and my girlfriend is on the brink. Thanks to the help from me and my best friend and their own intelligence. Everytime I hear of someone turning atheist it really gives me the will to keep "preaching" haha. you guys are awesome and I proudly wear your shirt all the time.


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There have been so many

There have been so many letters of support lately that I've not had the time to post here.  Tonight a young man wrote after seeing a girl abandon religion because of Blasphemy Challenge....


---------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Steven!
Date: Dec 28 2006 4:54 AM

this one person abandoning religion makes the entire Blashpemy Challenge a success, even if nobody else uses it to see through the lies society presents us. i would really like to say thank you for organizing such a well planned and controversial event.

 i haven't been friends with you for very long on here, but i enjoy everything you post and all your unwavering evidence of the failures of religion, and it's really helped me personally. atheism is not at all brought to the public's eye enough, and i'm overjoyed that it's starting to grow to an extent. i won't keep you any longer, but please keep up the magnificent work for the world's sake

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