Luigi Cascioli - "The Fable of Christ"

Open mail to Vaticano
(the bomb by Luigi Cascioli)

An ex-priest, converted to atheism, ridicules Catholicism by showing the nonsense of its dogmas

Taking as reason the closing on behalf of the Vatican of five Internet sites for blasphemy, I, Cascioli Luigi, have started today, with this present letter sent to the Osservatore Romano, the war which I had already announced with my book of denunciation "The Fable of Christ".

Considering useless to continue with a fight based on doctrinal theoretical argumentation, I decided to attack the Catholic Church by turning over against itself, in the most realistic and practical form, the weapons themselves used to impose its imposture like its sacraments, in this case Eucharist and Priesthood. To understand the nature of the bomb to which I refer, a bomb made with the assistance of an ex-priest whose identity will be revealed at the right time, a short explanation on what the Priesthood and the Eucharist are is necessary. The Hebrews and the pagans consider Priesthood as a revocable title because, being acquired by heredity or personal appropriation, they make it depend on a human decision; the Catholics, on the contrary, make it depend on a divine call (vocation), and it assumes an eternal character.

"No one can adopt this name (priest), but only this one which is called by God". (V-4 Hebrews).
As evidence to show that the catholic priests are elected directly by God to lead their ministry, the Church proposes the extracts of the Gospels which show how the apostles became such, not by their own decision but by a direct call from Jesus: ' ' Whereas he went along the Sea of Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers, Andrea and Simon, who were throwing the nets on the sea, since they were fishermen. And he said to them: "Follow me, as I chose you among all the others to make you fishing men (fishing men in the meaning of priests). And they followed him leaving the nets. Continuing to go, he also saw Jacques of Zebedeo and his brother John who were repairing the nets. He called them. And they followed him leaving their father on the boat with the boys". And so on, going and looking to the right and to the left, following his divine sense of smell of priests selector, he chose and called to his continuation the twelve others who, after a three years training, became, thanks to the Holy Spirit, priests for eternity according to the command of a certain Melchisedech who is presented to us in the Bible as the first Priesthood of the very powerful God, and who, as a precursor of the institution of the Eucharistic sacrament, offered to Abraham a piece of bread and a glass of wine.

The formula which indeed seals the treaty of alliance between the priest and God at the time of the nomination is: " You are a priest for eternity according to the command of Melchisedech ".
(As information, I specify that the extract relating to Melchisedech was added on the Bible between the IVth and Vth century by the Christian forgers to release the Christianity from any dependence on Aaron, brother of Moses, founder of Hebraic priesthood).

What is this actually priesthood, according to catholic theology? Catholic priesthood is a pact based on the reciprocity of a fidelity, stipulated between a man chosen by God and God himself, in which the contractors promise to each other, the first to achieve its sacerdotal mission in the respect of evangelic morals and the second to guarantee, for eternity, the essential Grace to achieve its sacerdotal mission.
To answer to the question which at this time is natural: "How can the Church speak about eternity in priesthood whereas so many are the priests who give up the clerical dress to embrace the laic life, to follow another religion, or even after their conversion to atheism by a rejection or loss of faith? "
And so, answers the Church, whatever the cause for which a priest breaks the contract stipulated with God, he will always remain, and in spite of that, a priest for eternity "secundum ordinem Melchisedech" as according to what Jesus said in the Gospels, i.e. the man cannot untie on Earth was tied in the skies, it is not the human language, often inaccurate,which decides of the validity of the alliance but only God, who remains immutable for eternity.

This theological concept confirmed by Saint-Paul, pillar of Christianity, in the first letter to Timothy (IV-14): " The grace which the bishop confers to the priest during the nomination will not be lost, even if disavowed, being able to revive itself to defer on the right road whoever lost it", and repeated and confirmed by Saint-Augustan : " Priesthood is a sacred and permanent nomination, and so indelible that it remains in the heart as forever sealed", is continuously validated in the sacred texts as in I Timothy (V/14) and II Timothy (6-7). And I can then only agree with the Church (it is the first time it this happens to me), that "sacred processing, or nomination of the priesthood, which is achieved with external words and signs, is not a simple rite of election of the Ministers of the word and sacraments; not even a human invention, but a true sacrament instituted by the Christ for the attribution of the grace which, by giving the character of the Holy Spirit, prevents the priest from becoming secularist again, even if, because of some disagreements, he was reduced by the Church to the condition of secularist. "

The atheism of a priest does not cancel Priesthood .
If atheism does not cancel priesthood, how can the Church defend itself against the attacks of an ex-priest who don’t believe anymore in the sacraments and could act against it by the means of profanation aiming to show the nonsense of what is known as "the theological truths" like, for example, to feed the dogs with bread (priesthood eternal), previously transformed into body of Christ? Practically none. The only weapons available to the Church, which are excommunication and front suspension “a divinis”, are absolutely ineffective against the possible reprisals which a priest could make against it.
Excommunication and front suspension “a divinis” . "Excommunication is a censure which excludes to enjoy the rights and the spiritual and temporal benefits deriving from the communion of believers".

What is the communion of believers?
The communion of faithful is represented by the pleasure of the rights and the spiritual and temporal benefit deriving from the membership to the Church as an external and visible group, such as for example receiving the communion, confessing themselves, to take part in the religious rites, to assume ecclesiastical titles, to receive the retirement of the Holy Church, to organize Christian oratories and circles, etc. Those are of the privileges which have nothing to do with the other essence of the Church represented by the Communion of the Saints.

What is this the communion of the Saints?
The communion of the Saints, representing all that is interior, is the spiritual part of the Church which, founded on the faith, makes all the believers, dead or alive, unified to each other and to Jesus Christ their lord, and makes participates of the spiritual goods of each other. In order to explain the difference between the Communion of believers and the Communion of the saints let us take a ruby as an example. The work of the stone, determined by the man, is the Communion of the believers, and the red color intrinsic to its atomic composition, is the Communion of the Saints.

The exclusion of the Communion of believers, having thus only an external effect as for example the prohibition to practice religious rites, cannot consequently prevent one ex-priest, if ever he wanted it, to use (even by making a sacrilege with respect to the Church) some faculties which were conceded to him by the Holy Spirit - as the celebration of Eucharist and the discharge of sins -, by this Grace which perpetually remains in him like an indelible mark (red color of the ruby). And all that is so true that the Church recognizes that one ex-priest, even if prohibited of confession as excommunicated and suspended a divinis, can exonerate sins to the dying men if he was witness of a road accident.

The Church was obliged to make priesthood independent when, following an immoral behavior and often atheist of the priests, the believers wondered whether the sacraments celebrated in the state of sin or atheism could be considered valid. The confirmation of the validity of priesthood whatever the behavior of the man, declared by the Council of Lateran, received opposition on behalf of those who, seeing in it the serious dangers that this decision could bring to Christianity, by refusing any argument to Christian priesthood reacted by confusing in the same person the both figures (Protestants).
The Church, thus obliged to overlap the tiger to guarantee to the believers that the celebrations will remain valid even if carried out by a priest in a state of sin and atheism, tries to face this serious gap which makes it practically without power towards any form of retortion which would emerge secularists priests, by saying: The exclusion of the communion of believers not produce only one purely external effect but also an interior one, because it obliges the conscience ".

But tell me, you theologists of the catholic Church, apart from the fact that entrusting the conscience of secularists is an obvious sign of weakness, of which conscience are you talking about? The atheist or the believer one? What meaning can have this call to the conscience whereas everybody feels it according to its own morality and its own convictions? And if, at this time, we have to talk about morality, I strongly doubt that the Church has many arguments to defend its morality!

Moreover if the Church were to recognize null all the celebrations which were and are still made by an atheistic clergy, very little would result valid since at least 80% of the priests do not believe in God. It is enough to point out the Popes Leon X and Paul III who declared themselves nonbelievers by denying the existence of Jesus, Monseigneur Prosper Alfaric who stated in his book to have celebrated the mass in a state of perfect atheism, the priest of Etrepigny (FR), Jean Meslier, died in 1733, which in its testament read after death, was sorry to its parishioners for having induced them to accept during many years lies of the Christian religion by fear of roughing-hew, and so many others who declared their atheism right in the middle of their sacerdotal functions.
Which other virtue can be worthier of praises than the courage of one secularist who, having understood your imposture and your immorality, uses the capacities that you gave him in order to fight you with your own weapons?

The more we observe and know you, the more obvious appears your fragility. The only fact of having linked in only one identity the transcendental figure of God with that, human, of Jesus-Christ, shows your theological superficiality and your weakness. A dogma that you defended not with logic and reason, as it should be the case for the ideologies worthy of this name, but with the plagiarism and the violence of the massacres and the stakes, and that you keep defending defend with the blackmail and the reprisals. The latest to date is the closing of five Internet websites opposed to you. It is the droplet which makes overflow the mud, and I am now determined to destroy you.

If I say that I am not alone in this fight against you, I do not only refer to courageous, very few, who support me by the means of the Association Confabulated and to which, as a President, I leave full freedom decide if they want to take part or not in this action. As for my secularist friend (whose name will be revealed at the right time) who agreed, with enthusiasm, to use the eternal and indelible Grace received by your Holy Spirit, to unite with me in order to put an end to your communion believer of which enormous wealth (I speak here about economic wealth), and whose power (I refer to the political one) are not for us reason for tender or fear but on the contrary to resolution and encouragement at the point to send you, as determined as possible, the following ultimatum: " At the first echo of any repression or censures carried out by you on Internet websites opposed to you, would this be only simple boycott, will begin the wine transformation into blood of Christ, but I refer to barrels, million hectoliters of wine, and the places where the" transformation” will be done will be communicated to you via e-mail which will be simultaneously sent to thousands of citizens, public and private organizations, including the press and the mass-media, so that everyone learns it".

I am really curious to see how your economic and political power, represented by the Communion of believers, will be able to succeed in saving the ghostly Communion of the Saints, when the transsubstantiations have an industrial flow and that the wine, transformed into blood of Jesus-Christ (your hero actually never existed), will be put on sale at two Euros per liter.
A priest to whom I was talking about it some time ago, after having faded of terror, answered me that only a person without conscience could achieve such a sacrilege. And well, if the conscience is the moral evaluation of our own actions, understood like supreme criterion of morality, how do you dare, dynasties of criminals, to judge the consciences of the others? How can you, falsifiers of documents and enemies to any principle of justice, force us to respect your Utopias and your nonsense's, to make us believe that the magic can transform the nature of the matter, as in our case the wine and the bread, in the body of a person who never existed?

My conscience of atheist and human being with reason, who wants to free the humanity of your abuses, doesn't care about your precepts passionately, and forces me to act in the most determined way and final to destroy your communion of the saints, which served you so much to impudently make your imperialism powerful, or in the way of which you call it communion of the believers, by concealing, by plundering and forcing the masses become succumbs by the terror of your massacres, your genocide, your blackmails and your retortions.

We are much more powerful than you can imagine. The list of the associates, represented by the million of victims of your criminality, whose only a small part is quoted with names and first names at the bottom of the page, gives me a courage and a determination to act which makes me unbeatable.

The war from now on is opened and declared. On one side you with your conscience and your communions believers and saints, and on the other side me with my conscience, my book "The FABLE OF CHRIST" and the communion of the martyrs represented by all your victims of the past, like the Jews, Moslems, the heretics and the witches to whom the victims of the present are related and who are daily killed by your obscurantism generator of hunger and diseases. All are the victims to whom I join to shout with them: " Go to hell !! Cursed bastards ! "

Luigi Cascioli of Bagnoregio, fatherland of seraphic Doctor S. Bonaventura



Here follows the list of the victims of the Catholic Church who have joined us in the fight that we are leading against their executioners.

The Inquisition, declared Holy by the Holy Roman Church as were the Crusades, even if in the facts it already existed at the beginning of the year 1000, was officially established under the Pope Gregorio IX in 1215 when it was confided to the order of the Dominicans based by Domenico de Guzman, sanctified by the Church, who persecuted the heretics and the witches with a cynicism such as he entered the history as one of the most bloodthirsty executioners of all the times.

Some instructions:

Heretic: whoever with papers or with words was opposed to rules dictated by the Church was considered heretical
Renunciation: the renunciation was the retraction of its own convictions, almost always obtained under the torture, which a heretic wrote under solemn shape in front of the council of the inquisition. The renunciations in which was subdued a heretic were always two because to the first should follow, due to law, one second of confirmation. Normally the time which passed between both renunciations was of one year.
The heretic who refused to sign the second renunciation was considered relaps, that is "inflexible heretic" and as such burned alive.

The arguments which more determined heresies were the Holy Trinity, the virginity of the Madonna and her mother's allocation of Jesus. A matter which was strongly disputed by the believers who, continuing to support what had been asserted during the first centuries of the Church by a big number of the theologians, considered as impossible that God was able to grant such a privilege to a woman as they considered an impure being, in to deny her the existence of the soul...
Other motive which indicated the heretics were the contestings which were sent to the church for its lust and its greediness.

Among the uncountable victims of the Church during the period preceding the coming of the Inquisition established by Innocenzo III, remained regrettably for the greater part anonymous because of the lack of documents, brings up Arnaldo de Brescia's figure, being burned alive in 1155 under the pontificate of Adrien IV.

The popes who followed Adrien IV ( 1154-1159 ), by promising the same indulgences reserved for the crusades to those who would have pursued the heretics, urged the Catholics to make real massacres as those wanted by Innocenzo III who used Simon de Monfort's militias to destroy whole cities, as Carcassonne, Toulouse, Beziers, because the inhabitants had refused to record the followers of Valdo ( Vaudois). Only in Beziers more than 7.000 inhabitants were massacred. The catholic militias entered these cities and without caring to select the heretics of those who were not, made the massacres by shouting: " Kill them all because God will know how to recognize his! ".
It is necessary to remind that Innocenzo III made vote by the Council of Latran IV, during his last year of pontificate, a law which obliged the Jews to get dressed in yellow so that they can be subjected to the public contempt.

Under the Pope Innocenzo IV, the successor of Innocenzo III, the inquisitory laws were confirmed and deteriorated. Whoever would have been declared heretical, was automatically imprisoned and condemned to death with the seizure of the possessions if he had not renounced. As a result of this law which considered the seizure of the possessions, the threads were carried in the slander to accuse his parents of heresy to save the properties the heirs of which they were.
Hundreds of lawsuit finishing with death sentences, the only one who reached us is that against Paolo Gioacchino dei Rusconi who was tortured and burned alive as relaps.

The names of the martyrs, quoted below, during the different pontificates which succeeded one another, having been pulled of little stayed documents, are only a small part of the numerous which were really killed by the Holy Mother Church

- Pope Clemente V

Fra Dolcino, by no means intimidated by the threats of the Inquisition, threw himself against Clemente V by accusing him of immorality. Reduced to fragments, his body was burned in the stake. March 13, 1307
Sister Margherita and Brother Longino with 1080 other followers of the heretic Dolcino, burned in the stake. On 1307
Total destruction of the Knight Templars with massacres of mass with " inconceivable tortures " because accused of heresy. Molay, Grand Master, was burnt alive in Paris after years of atrocious tortures.

- Pope Benedetto XII (Sanctified)

Francesco da Pistoia, Lorenzo Gherardi, Bartolomeo Greco, Bartolomeo da Bucciano, Antonio Bevilacqua and ten other Franciscan monks, burned alive to have preached the poverty of the Christ - Venice 1337.
The same fate in Parma for Donna Oliva because she was a follower of S.Francesco.

- Pope Clemente VI

Thousands of victims of the Inquisition from whom reached us only the lawsuits of:
Francesco Stabili, called Cecco d' Ascoli. He was burnt alive to have said, about the temptations of Jesus, that it is not possible to see all the Earth down from a mountain however high it is, as it was asserted by the gospels.
Pietro d' Albano, doctor, burned alive, accused of witchcraft.
Domenico Savi condemned to the stake as heretic to have set up a hospital without the blessing of the Church

- Pope Innocenzo VI

Among the numerous victims of the Holy Mother Church it is necessary to remind the monks Pietro da Novara, Bernardo da Sicilia, Fra Tommaso bishop of Aquino and Francesco Marchesino bishop of Trivento, accused to belong to the small brothers of S. Francesco. Tortured and burned alive.

- Pope Gregorio XI

Whole cities were the theater of massacres because they had accommodated the heretics. On the places of Florence, Venice, Rome and Ferrara stakes ignited constantly.
Belramo Agosti, humble shoemaker, tortured and burned alive to have said a blasphemy while playing with cards: in June 5, 1382.
Menelao Santori because he lived with two women: in October 10, 1387.
Lorenzo de Bologna obliged under the torture to confess to have stolen a ciborium. Death under the tortures, he was accompanied to the stake with boosts. November 1, 1388.

- Pope Gregorio XII

After the period of armistice spent under Urbano VI, with Gregorio XII the massacres and the stakes begin again in a extreme and merciless way. The city which was particularly touched was Pise. Certain young man named Andreani was tortured and burned alive with his wife and his daughter because he had dared to laugh at Conciliar Fathers. The cardinals belonging to the council attended numerous in the execution for the pleasure to see him dying with his family. The one that they " had condemned only for a feeling of revenge", on 1413.
Jean Hus and Gerolamo da Praga shot down and burned to have said that the morality of the gospels forbids the monks to possess tangible assets. On 1414.

- Pope Eugenio IV

Joan of Arc, burned alive accused of witchcraft ( 1431 ).
Merenda and Matteo, two citizen, burned alive by the Inquisition to return a favour to the families of Colonna and Savelli about which they had badly spoken.
Of continual massacres in Bohemia against Ussidi (followers of Jean Hus), for the remonstrance done following the manslaughter of their boss. One of the massacres was made by admitting Ussidi to a barn in which they mirror the fire having closed the door. The fact was so commented by a catholic writer: " From their entrance, one closed doors and one set fire; and so this gang of kids, this refusal of the human race, having committed numerous offences, paid finally in flames the punishment of their contempt for the religion ".

But the worst will come when the Church should defend itself from the coming of the "Renascimento".

- Pope Sixt IV (to know the immorality of these popes, see the pages Sex and Christianity ).
In Spain shone for his cruelty the Dominican Thomas Torquemada who, by seizing the possessions of the accused persons of heresy and witchcraft, had managed to accumulate so wealth that he was frightening the Pope who obliged him to pay half of the booty. When this one arrived in a country as inquisitor, the population ran away, leaving everything to his hands.
In the impossibility to quote all the victims of Torquemada I shall limit to say that in 18 years of the inquisition there was:
800.000 Jews exiliated from Spain, with seizure of the possessions, under the risk of death if they had stayed.
10.200 burned alive.
6.860 corpses dug up to be burned on the stake following lawsuit (all ended with the seizure of the possessions) celebrated " post-mortem " (after the death).
97.000 condemned persons to the prison with eternity with seizure of the properties.
And while Torquemada acted in Spain, in Rome the inquisition lit stakes on all the places to burn the heretics whose patrimonies were automatically requisitioned for the Pope by the brotherhood of San Giovanni Decollato.

- Pope Alessandro VI

Burned alive Gerolamo Savonarola on the place of Signoria in Florence. In May 23, 1498 with two of his followers, Domenico da Pescia and Silvestro da Firenze.
Three Jews burned alive to Campo dei Fiori in Rome - January 13, 1498.
Gentile Cimeli, accused of witchcraft, burned alive in Campo dei Fiori - July 14, 1498.
Burned alive Marcello da Fiorentino on the place Saint Pierre - July 29, 1498.

- Pope Giulio II

4 women judged and executed for witchcraft to Cavalese ( Trento) - on 1505.
Diego Portoghese hung for heresy - October 14, 1606.
30 burned alive persons in Logroño (Spain) for witchcraft.
Fra Agostino Grimaldi judged and executed for heresy - August 6, 1606.
15 Roman citizens massacred by the Swiss guards for heresy - on 1513.
Orazio and Giacomo di Riffredo, judged and executed for heresy - April 30, 1513.

- Pope Leone X (The Pope who declared the nonexistence of Christ).

30 women accused of witchcraft burned alive in Bormio - on 1514.
Martino Jacopo judged and executed for heresy in Vercelli - February 18, 1517.
80 burned alive women in Valcamonica for witchcraft - on 1518.
5 burned alive heretics in Brescia - April 30, 1519.
Baglione Paolo da Perugia beheaded for heresy in Traspontina - June 4, 1520.
Fra Camillo, Fra Giulio Carino, Leonardo Cesalpini choked in prison for heresy - July 8, 1520.

- Pope Clemente VII

Anna Furabach, judged and executed for heresy - May 9, 1524.
Thousands of anapabtist Protestants bathed, beheaded, burned alive and tortured to death 1525.
A woman accused of witchcraft, burned alive in Campidoglio - September 30, 1525.
Claudio Artoidi and Lerenza di Pietro judged and executed for heresy - May 16, 1526.
Rinaldo di Colonia judged and executed for heresy - August 26, 1528.
Lorenzo di Gabriele da Parma e Tiberio di Giannantonio, tortured, judged and executed for heresy - September 9, 1528.
Burned alive Bernardino da Palestrina for heresy - November 20, 1529.
Burned alive Giovanni Milanese for heresy - November 23, 1530.

- Pope Paulus III (One of the atheistic popes who asserted the nonexistence of the Christ. Others knew as him but did not say it).

All the inhabitants of the city of Mérindol (France) killed to have embraced the faith of the evangelic Protestants. Their possessions were seized and the city remained deserted and uninhabitable - on 1540.
All the Anabaptists of the city of Munster (Germany) were massacred. Giovanni di Leida, their leader, was killed having been subjected " to a horrible torture " - April 4, 1535.
Martino Giovinin judged and executed in the prisons of Grenoble - April 26, 1536.
Francesco di Giovanni de Capocena killed for heresy - on 1538.
Ene di Ambrogio judged and executed for heresy - on 1539.
Galateo di Girolamo judged and executed in the prisons of the Inquisition for heresy - January 17, 1541.
Giandomenico dell' Aquila, heretic, burned alive - February 4, 1542.
Federico d' Abbruzzo killed for heresy. His body was carried to the torture dragged by a horse. What stayed of its body was hung on the fork - July 12, 1542.
2.740 Vaudois was massacred by the Catholics in Provence (France) - April, 1545.
Hung Girolamo Francese because Lutherian - September 27, 1546.
Baldassarre Altieri, of the English Embassy, whom the Inquisition killed in prison - on 1548.
Federico Consalvo, heretic, judged and executed - May 25, 1549.
Annibale di Lattanzio judged and executed for heresy - May 25, 1549.

- Pope Giulio III

Fanino Faenza hung and burned for heresy - February 18, 1550.
Domenico della Casa Bianca, Lutherian. Beheaded. February 20, 1550.
Geronimo Geril Francese, hung for heresy and then quartered - March 20, 1550.
Giovanni Buzio and Giovanni Teodori, hung and burned for heresy - September 4, 1553.
Francesco Gamba, beheaded and burned for heresy - July 21, 1554.
Giovanni Moglio and Tisserando da Perugina, Lutherian. Hung and burned - September 5, 1554.

- Pope Paulus IV

Institution of the Ghetto of Rome with even more austere limitations against the Jews of the ghetto of Venice.
Cola Francesco di Salerno, judged and executed for heresy - June 14, 1555.
Bartolomeo Hector, burned alive to have sold two Bibles - June 20, 1555.
Golla Elia and Paolo Rappi Protestant, burned alive in Turin - June 22, 1555.
Vernon Giovanni and Labori Antonio, evangelists, burned alive - August 28, 1555.
Stefano di Girolamo, judged and executed for heresy - June 11, 1556.
Giulio Napolitano, burned alive for heresy - March 6, 1556.
Ambrogio de Cavoli, hung and burned for heresy - June 15, 1556.
Don Pompeo dei Monti, burned alive for heresy - July 4, 1556.
Pomponio Angerio, burned alive for heresy - August 19, 1556.
Nicola Sartonio, Lutherian, burned alive - May 13, 1557.
Jeronimo da Bergamo, Alessandra Fiorentina and Madonna Caterina, hung and burned for homosexuality - December 22, 1557.
Fra Gioffredo Varaglia, Franciscan, burned alive for heresy - March 25, 1558.
Gisberto di Milanuccio, heretic, burned alive - June 15, 1558.
Francesco Cartone, heretic, burned alive - August 3, 1558.
14 Protestants burned alive in Seville, in Spain - on 1559.
15 Protestants burned alive in Valladolid, in Spain - on 1559.
Gabriello di Thomaien, burned alive for homosexuality - February 8, 1559.
Burned alive Antonio di Colella for heresy - February 8, 1559.
Leonardo da Meola and Giovanni Antonio del Bò, hung and burned for heresy - February 8, 1559.
13 heretics plus one German of Augsburg, accused of homosexuality, burned alive - February 17, 1559.
Antonio Gesualdi, Lutherian, burned alive for heresy - March 16, 1559.
Ferrante Bisantino, heretic, killed in the prisons of the Holy Inquisition - on 1559.

- Pope Pio IV

The monks of Perosa ( Pinerolo's ) abbey enjoyed burning alive on slow fire an evangelic priest with his believers - December, 1559.
Massacre of Vaudois in Calabria made by delinquents' bands engaged by the Holy Mother Church (men, women, ancient as children horribly tortured before being killed on direct order of the Pope) - December, 1559.
" In Santo-Xisto, in Guardia, in Montalto and in Sant' Agata incredible things happened: knifed, quartered, burned people and horribly mutilated. Rests of human fragments were hung on the doors of houses as example for people. Those who ran away on mountains were besieged until they die of hunger. Numerous women and children were reduced to slavery ". On 1559 (Of " The Maurizio Marchetti's holy Inquisition. Ed. Fiaccola).
4.000 Vaudois massacred by order of the Holy Mother Church - on 1560.
Giulio Ghirlanda, Baudo Lupettino, Marcello Spinola, Nicola Bucello, Antonio Rietto, Francesco Sega, persons condemned to death because surprised while they made a religious office in a private house with a defrocked priest who officiated - 1560.
Giacomo Bonello, burned alive because evangelist - February 18, 1560.
Mermetto Savoiardo, heretic, burned alive - August 13, 1560.
Dionigi di Cola, heretic, burned alive - August 13, 1560.
Aloisio Pasquale, evangelist, hung and burned - September 8, 1560.
Gian Pascali di Cuneo, burned alive for heresy - September 15, 1560.
Stefano Negrone, heretic, let starve in the prisons of the Holy Inquisition - September 15, 1560.
Stefano Morello, heretic, hung and burned - September 25, 1560.
Bernardino Conte, burned alive for heresy - on 1560.
300 persons in Oppenau, 63 women in Wiesensteig and 54 in Obermachtal in Germany, burned alive for witchcraft - on 1562.
Macario, bishop of Macedonia, heretical, burned alive - June 10, 1563.
Cornelio di Olanda, heretic, hung and burned - January 23, 1563.
Francesco Cipriotto, hung and burned for heresy - September 4, 1564.
Giulio Cesare Vanini, pantheist, burned alive, his tongue torn away from him.
Giulio di Grifone, heretic, judged and executed.

- Pope Pio V (raised by the church to the honors of altars)

With " papal bolla " one decides in Rome on the lock of all the synagogues.
Muzio della Torella, heretic, judged and executed - March 1, 1566.
Giulio Napolitano, heretic, burned alive - March 6, 1566.
Don Pompeo dei Monti, beheaded for heresy - July 3, 1566.
Curzio di Cave, Franciscan, beheaded for heresy - July 9, 1566.
17.000 (seventeen - thousand) Protestants massacred in Flanders by Spanish Catholics.
Burned Giorgio Olivetto, Lutherian - January 27, 1567.
Domenico Zocchi, Jew, hung and burned on the Place Giudia in the Ghetto of Rome - February 1, 1567.
Girolamo Landi, hung and burned for heresy - February 25, 1567.
Pietro Carnasecchi, hung and burned for heresy - February 25, 1567.
Giulio Maresco, beheaded and burned for heresy - September 30, 1567.
Paolo and Matteo, immured alive for heresy - September 30, 1567.
Ottaviano Fioravanti, immured alive for heresy - September 30, 1567.
Giovannino Guastavillani, heretic, immured alive - September 30, 1567.
Geronimo del Puzo, immured alive for heresy - September 30, 1567.
Gerolamo Donato with the other colleagues of the order of the Humbled, are judged and executed on order of Carlo Borromeo (saint), bishop of Milan, after long hours of tortures, for heresy - August 2, 1570.
Macario Giulio da Cetona, beheaded and burned for heresy - October 1, 1567.
Lorenzo da Mugnano, hung and burned for heresy - May 10, 1568.
Matteo d' Ippolito, hung and burned for heresy - May 10, 1568.
Francesco Stanga, hung and burned for heresy - May 10, 1568.
Donato Matteo Minoli, dies from inanition in prisons, his bones broken, his feet burnt under torture - May 27, 1568.
Francesco Castellani, heretic, hung - December 6, 1568.
Pietro Gelosi, heretic, hung and burned - December 6, 1568.
Marcantonio Verotti, heretic, hung and burned - December 6, 1568.
Luca di Faenza, heretic, burned alive - February 28, 1568.
Borghesi Filippo, beheaded and burned for heresy - May 2, 1569.
Giovanni dei Blasi, hung and burned for heresy - May 2, 1569.
Camillo Ragnolo, hung and burned for heresy - May 25, 1569.
Fra Cellario Francesco, hung and burned for heresy - May 25, 1569.
Bartolomeo Bartoccio, burned alive for heresy - May 25, 1569.
Guido Zanetti, immured living for heresy - May 27, 1569.
Filippo Porroni, Lutherian, hung heretic - February 11, 1570.
Gian Matteo di Giulianello, judged and executed for heresy - February 25, 1570.
Nicolò Franco, hung to have laughed at the Pope with papers. Hung - March 11, 1570.
Giovanni di Pietro, heretic, hung and burned - May 13, 1570.
Aolio Paliero, heretic, hung and burned expressly on desire of the Pope Pio V (saint) - July 3, 1570.
Fra Arnaldo di Santo Zeno, heretic, burned alive - November 4, 1570.
Don Girolamo di Pesaro, Giovanni Antonio di Jesi and Pietro Paolo di Maranzano, judged and executed for heresy - October 6, 1571.
Francesco Gelatieri, stabbed to death by sicarians of the pontiff because heretic - January 5, 1572.
Madonna Dianora of Montpelier, heretical, hung and burned - February 9, 1572.
Madonna Pellegrina of Valencia, heretical, hung and burned - February 9, 1572.
Madonna Girolama Guanziana, heretic, hung and burned - February 9, 1572.
Madonna Isabella of Montpelier, heretical, hung and burned - February 9, 1572.
Domenico della Xenia, heretic, hung and burned - February 9, 1572.
Teofilo Penarelli, heretic, hung and burned - February 22, 1572.
Alessandro di Giulio, heretic, hung and burned.

- Pope Gregorio XIII

Alessandro di Giulio, hung and burned for heresy - March 15, 1572.
Giovanni di Giovan Battista, hung and burned because heretic - March 15, 1572.
Girolamo Pellegrino, hung and burned for heresy - July 19, 1572.
10.000 (ten thousand) heretics massacred in France for order of the Pope (massacre of the Huguenots - Night of Saint Barthelemy) - August 24, 1572.
500 heretics massacred in Croatia on order of the catholic bishop Juraj Draskovic - on 1573.
Nicolò Colonici hung and burned heretical .
Giovanni Francesco Ghisleri, choked in the prisons of the Inquisition - October 25, 1574.
Alessandro di Giacomo, burned alive- November 19, 1574.
Benedetto Thomaria, burned alive heretic - May 12, 1574.
Don Antonio Nolfo, judged and executed heretic - July 29, 1578.
Giovanni Battista di Tigoni, judged and executed heretic - July 29, 1578.
Baldassarre di Nicolò, heretical hung and burned - August 13, 1578.
Antonio Valies de la Malta, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578.
Francesco di Giovanni Martino, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578.
Bernardino di Alfar, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578.
Alfonso di Poglis, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578.
Marco di Giovanni Pinto, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578.
Girolamo di Giovanni de Tolède, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578.
Gasparre di Martino, hung and burned heretic - August 13, 1578
Fra Clemente Sapone, hung and burned heretic - November 29, 1578.
Pompeo Loiani, hung and burned heretic - June 12, 1579.
Cosimo Tranconi, hung and burned heretic - June 12, 1579.
222 ( two - hundred and twenty two) Jews burned on the stake on order of the Holy Inquisition - on 1558.
Salomon, Jew, hung to have refused the baptism - March 13, 1580.
An English, burned alive to have offended a priest - August 2, 1581.
Diego Lopez, burned alive for heresy - February 18, 1583.
Domenico Danzarelli, hung and burned for heresy - February 18, 1583.
Prospero di Barberia, hung and burned heretic - February 18, 1583.
Gabriello Henriquez, burned alive for heresy - February 18, 1583.
Borro of Arezzo, burned alive for heresy - February 7, 1583.
Ludovico Moro, burned alive heretic - July 10, 1583.
Fra Camillo Lomaccio, Fra Giulio Carino, Leonardo di Andrea choked in Tor Nona's prisons for heresy - July 23, 1583.
Lorenzo Perna, arrested on order of the cardinal Savelli for heresy, one ignores its end - June 16, 1584.
< < Signora di Bellegard > >, arrested for heresy, one ignores her end - October, 1584.
Giacomo Paleologo, beheaded and burned - March 22, 1585.
The brothers Missori beheaded to have expressed the freedom of press. The heads were exposed in public - March 22, 1585.
(Gregorio's XIII body, this disgusting executioner, is honored and revered by the Catholics in its monumental grave in Saint Pierre of Rome).

- Pope six V

This Pope made hang a Spanish because he had killed with a stick a Swiss soldier who had damaged him with a halberd.
Having pushed away(repelled) the demand to replace the fork by the axe, Six V attended cheerfully the executions being carried(worn) to eat because " these acts of justice looked to him(her) of the appetite ". After the execution of a judgment he says: " God is blessed for the big appetite with which I ate ".
Pietro Benato, burned alive for heresy - April 26, 1585.
Pomponio Rustici, Gasparre Ravelli, Antonio Nantrò, Fra Giovanni Bellinelli, hung and burned for heresy - August 5, 1587.
Vittorio, Saluzzo's count, judged and executed for heresy - December 9, 1589.
Valerio Marliano, hung and burned heretic - February 16, 1590.
Don Domenico Bravo, beheaded for heresy - March 30, 1590.
Fra Lorenzo dell' Aglio, hung and burned - April 13, 1590.

- Pope Gregorio XIV

Fra Andrea Forzati, Fra Flaminio Fabrizi, Fra Francesco Serafini, hung and burned - February 6, 1591.
Giovanni Battista Corobinacci, Giovanni Antonio de Manno Rosario, Alexandro d' Arcangelo, Fulvio Luparino, Francesco de Alexandro, judged and executed - June, 1590.
Giovanni Angelo Fullo, Gi ò Carlo di Luna, Decio Panella, Domenico Brailo, Antonio Costa, Fra Giovanni Battista Grosso, Abate Volpino, with the other followers of Fra Girolamo da Milano, arrested by the Holy Inquisition, one ignores what was their end, 1590.
(All this in inly one year of Holy Pontificate!)

- Pope Clemente VIII

Giordano Bruno, burned alive for heresy - February 17, 1600.
Four women and an old man burned alive for heresy - February 16, 1600.
Francesco Gambonelli, burned alive heretic - February 17, 1594.
Marcantonio Valena and another Lutherian, burned alive - August, 1594.
Graziani Agostini, hung and burned heretic - on 1596.
Prestini Menandro, - heretic hung and burned on 1596.
Achille della Regina, one ignores the end - June, 1597.
Cesare di Giuliano, hung and burned heretic - on 1597.
Damiano di Francesco, hung and burned heretic - on 1597.
Baldo di Francesco, hung and burned for heresy - on 1957.
Of Magistri Giovanni Angelo, hung and burned heretic - on 1597.
Don Ottavio Scipione, heretic, beheaded and burned - on 1597.
Giovanni Antonio da Verona e Fra Celestino, burned alive heretics - September 16, 1599.
Fra Cierrente Mancini and Don Galeazzo Porta beheaded for heresy - November 9, 1599.
Maurizio Rinaldi, burned alive heretic - February 23, 1600.
Francesco Moreno, hung and burned heretic - June 9, 1600.
Nunzio Servandio, Jew, hung - June 25, 1600.
Bartolomeo Coppino, burned alive Lutherian - April 7, 1601.
Tommaso Caraffa e Onorio Costanzo, heretics, beheaded and burned - May 10, 1601.

- Pope Paulus V

Giovanni Pietro di Tunisi, hung and burned - on 1607
Giuseppe Teodoro, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Felice d' Ottavio, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Rossi Francesco, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Antonio di Jacopo, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Fortunato Aniello, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Vincenti Pietro, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Umberto Marcantonio, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Fra Manfredi Fulgenzio, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Lucarelli Battista, hung and burned heretic - on 1609.
Emilio di Valerio, Jew, hung and burned - on 1610.
Don Domenico di Giovanni, for his conversion to judaism, hung - on 1611.
Giovanni Milo, hung Lutherian - March, 1611.
Giovanni Mancini, to have celebrated the mass as defrocked, hung and burned - October 22, 1611.
Jacopo de Elia, Jew, hung and burned - January 22, 1616.
Francesco Maria Sagni, hung and burned heretic - July 1, 1616.
A necromancien, settled and then burned alive for witchcraft - on 1617.
Lucilio Vanini, burned alive to have doubted of the existence of god - February 17, 1618.
Thousands of heretics massacred by the Catholics in Grigioni in Valtellina - on 1620.
(The Church, convinced that there are heretic religious tendencies in Valtellina, still maintains the region under control by means of " Missione rezia ", confided to the Capuchin friars, who depend directly on " Propaganda Fidei "Eye-wink and the Holy Father Jean-Paulus II asks for forgiveness!!!

- Pope Urbano VIII

Galileo Galilei, tortured and condemned to the prison to perpetuity as heretic to have asserted that the earth turns around the Sun - on 1633.
Ferrari Ambrogio, hung as heretic - on 1624.
Donna Anna Sobrero, died from the bubonic plague in prison where she had been condemned to perpetuity - on 1627 (during the months which followed, all those who passed by this prison died from plague).
Fra Serafino, heretic, hung and burned - on 1634.
Giacinto Centini, beheaded to have offended the papal sovereign power - on 1635.
Fra Diego Giavaloni, heretic, hung and burned - on 1635.
Alverez Ferdinando, burned alive to have been converted to the judaism - March 19, 1640.
Policarpo Angelo, hung and burned to have celebrated the mass as defrocked - May 19, 1642.
Ferrante Pallavicino, heretic, hung and burned - on 1644.
Fra Camillo d' Angelo, Ludovico Domenico, Simone Cossio, Domenico da Sterlignano, judged and executed for heresy - on 1644.

- Pope Innocenzo X

Brugnarello Giuseppe and Claudio Borgegnone, hung and burned to have falsified certain apostolic letters - on 1652. (This Pope applied especially prison sentences to perpetuity because these years were Holy years "Eye-wink.

- Pope Alexandre II

Fello Giovanni, priest, beheaded for heresy - on 1657.
1.712 Vaudois massacred by the Catholics in the Alpine Valleys - on 1655.

-Pope Innocenzo XI (Sanctified)

20 Jews condemned to the stake - on 1680.
Vincenzo Scatolari, to have exercised the journalistic profession without the license of the Holy Mother Church - August 2, 1685.
2.000 ( two thousand) Vaudois massacred by the Catholics in the alpine valleys on direct order of the Pope - May, 1686.
24 Protestants killed by the Catholics in Pressov, Slovakia - on 1687.

- Pope Innocenzo XII

Martino Alessandro, died in prison under the torture - May 3, 1690.
37 burned alive Jews - on 1691 (no need to look farther for the causes of the anti-semitism!).
Antonio Bevilacqua and Carlo Maria Campana, Capuchin friars, beheaded because followers of Molinos's Quietism - March 26, 1695.

- Pope Clemente XI

Filippo Rivarola, carried to the scaffold in stretcher because of the tortures he received, beheaded - August 4, 1708.
Spallaccini Domenico, hung and burned to have blasphemed because of a blow of halberd which he received from a nurse of the pope - July 28, 1711.
Gaetano Volpini, beheaded to have written a poetry against the Pope - February 3, 1720.

- Pope Clemente XII

This Pope, by restoring the " mazzolatura " (break of bones by blows with a stick), showed himself one of the most cynical procurers of the art of the torture.
Pietro Giarinone, philosopher and historian, died under the torture to have supported the ascendancy of king on curie steelyard - March 24, 1736.
Enrico Trivelli, beheaded to have written the sentences of revolt against the Pope - February 23, 1737.
The numerous victims of this Pope remained unknown because he preferred to kill under the torture in the prisons of the Inquisition that of "upholder of the law" on squares.


- Pope Clemente XIII

Tommaso Crudeli, condemned to perpetuity for masonry - August 2, 1740.
Giuseppe Morelli, hung to have celebrated the Eucharist as defrocked - August 22, 1761.
Carlo Sala, heretic, judged and executed - September 25, 1765. (Carlo Sala is the last martyr killed by the Church for heresy).
The massacres, which have no more religious character, continued against the political conspirators, the journalists and all the progressive which intended to knock down the immorality and the religious obscurantism by an armed revolution.
And the atrocities were as in the past: beheadings, tortures with fracture of bones ( mazzolature ), hangings and ill-treatment, of which often the quartering of the accused persons.
To be able to maintain the terror, even the least grave offences as a simple theft, were punished by the death.

- Pope Pio VI

During his four years of pontificate there were only five capital executions offences of common law, even if the fight became intensified piercingly against the Jews who were obliged, among the numerous humiliations and the threats which they underwent, to dress in yellow colour to be publicly offended.

- Pope Pio VII

Gregorio Silvestri, hung for political plot - January 18, 1800.
Ottavio Cappello, hung because revolutionary patriot - January 29, 1800.
Giovanni Battista Genovesi, quartered patriot and burnt. The head was shown in public - February 7, 1800.
Teodoro Cacciona, hung and quartered for the theft of an ecclesiastical dress - February 9, 1801.
Paolo Salvati, hung and quartered to have stolen a mail of the Pope - December 11, 1805.
Bernardo Fortuna, hung and quartered for the theft of the reparations of a French mail (courier) - April 22, 1806.
Tommaso Rotilesi, hung to have hurt (damaged) a French officer.


The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...


The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...