My Philosophy, beleifs, and realizations.

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I have been thinking a lot about where I stand lately mentally, and intellectually (I know some of you thought I was going to say spiritually). First let me address that last statement about spirituality. This is the definition according to Merriam Websters college edition,

1 : something that in ecclesiastical law belongs to the church or to a cleric as such
2 : sensitivity or attachment to religious values
3 : the quality or state of being spiritual

I see being spiritual as a psychological state. It is a state of mind and not a reality. I have no use for it because it answers no questions and is simply a divisive state of mind. I hold nothing against people who use spirituality for there own individual needs, but I do feel it is self deception whether for good, or bad. And as a tool, none more is as affective for control, than an organized religion.

Mentally I have traveled through storms of raging confusion the likes of Jupiter's fiercest storms. Trying to figure out which of the hundreds of conflicting opinions where right, but so many were wrong. At one point in my past something clicked inside me, an understanding, a realization. That No one should just accept. No one should just take a persons word at face value. Everything should be questioned and every journey to truth should be trekked by you alone. The words of the many are subtle lies, divisive to manipulate your will. To make you bow down to there selfish desires. To control you. Whether passive or aggressive lies are lies, and no lies will be tolerated in the pursuit of truth.

Lies and distortions broke me down at one time. The realization that life is not perfect and nothing is guaranteed is something you must take with full conception of the absence of fairness in natural laws. The fact that there is no metaphorical exalted father-figure to govern the chaos of this world is something you must deal with when entertaining the idea of atheism. The incredible chaotic order of a truly anarchic set of rules that can be broken at any time. The unsure instability of a life in which you are responsible for yourself. The only one who will save you , is yourself.

This one realization, THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE, AND NO ONE ELSE, FOR MY LIFE was not terrifying, but liberating. A strength was realized with in me to become my own savior from a world so intellectually and morally bankrupt that it cant tell when its own actions are promising its own demise. Mankind is still in its infancy. We are just coming to terms with our inability to conquer death, and to know all there is to know. We have the knowledge of so much, yet so little. And we have just begun to stretch out our hand like a blinded child trying to feel our way around and learn our surroundings. We are on the verge of a species wide awakening, or a world wide suicide. And religion is the poison in the hands of the self sacrificial sheep.

Archaic ideology has no place in a progressive society. Its place is only in a destructive theocracy. To promote further expansion of our collective knowledge we must be able to think freely with out constrictions and limitations by a system of control. A free thinking society of unburdened intellectuals and scientists working for the betterment of mankind is all we need now. No doomsday messiah can enlighten us to our future. Only mankind has the ability to affect our collective path, and the future of us all.

We are all a part of a greater organism. The human race. And a organism that fights it self can not survive in an ever changing and unremorseful universe. It is time to consider life and truth to be the uncompromisingly most crucial of values. And to work for the sake of the whole rather than the part.

Mr. Triple Z