some help wanted for a response

Hi all.
I have received a couple of inbox messages on youtube that I could use some help responding to. They are both from the same person in a reply to a message where I pointed out the lack of miraculous healings for amputees, and asked why their particular brand of faith should be believed. I have been around RRS for a fair few months but I haven't "sharpened my fangs" much (and I should have gone to bed a few hours ago) so I'm not in the best shape for refuting the following drivel.
first message:
In EVERY major religion, (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Baha'ism, Confucianism, Jainism) the followers strive to rid themselves of SIN through various practices. They PRAY in a prescribed way, do various good works, follow dietary restrictions, beat themselves on the head and back until they bleed, adhere to strict dress codes, try to live according to Shariah Law, etc.
The uniqueness of CHRISTIANITY is shown in Christ's statement; "The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins." NO OTHER religious figure has ever made this claim. Jesus Christ alone can forgive every sin anyone has ever committed, because of what he did on the Cross. By paying the penalty for our sin, He can release us from the torture of guilt. We can not do anything in the way of religious works to wash away our sins. Forgiveness is a FREE GIFT of GOD (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Mahatma Gandhi acknowledged the inability of his religion (Hindu) to atone for sin. Despite his moral lifestyle and good works, he admitted, "it is a constant torture to me that I am still so far from Him whom I know to be my very life and being. I know it is my own wretchedness and wickedness that keeps me from Him." ALL works -- based religions lead to futility and death. It is only in Jesus Christ that sinners can find forgiveness for their sins and deliverance from death and Hell.
The Bible tells us in Philippians 2: 9 that "Wherefore God has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name; That at the name of Jesus EVERY knee will bow in heaven, in earth and under the earth, and that EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. This includes Mohammad, Siddhartha Gantama, Guru Nanak, Baha Ullah, Confucius, Buddha, Joseph Smith, etc. and YOU.
second message:
God, through Christ, has indeed healed amputees. "And great multitudes came to Him having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, MAIMED, and many others and cast them down at Jesus' feet; AND HE HEALED THEM: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, THE MAIMED TO BE WHOLE, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel." Matthew 15:30-31
Now, herein lays the problem. 1) No matter what miracle is performed, raising someone from the dead, healing the maimed, giving sight to the blind, etc. those who choose to not believe will simply not believe. At another time in the Bible we find unbelievers.
"But though he had done many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him." John 12:37
You can't make someone believe in God and you can't make someone believe a miracle just occurred even though they saw it with their own eyes. God brings miracles to us everyday and yet the scoffers call it luck, coincidence or natural causes.
2) If God healed one amputee to "prove Himself" and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God, the atheists and non believers would next be wailing, "If God is so good why won't he won't heal all the amputees?" So let's say God heals all the amputees in the world then the atheists and unbelievers would wail, "God is unfair. If God is all powerful, why doesn't He heal all the Cancer victims in the world, or all the AIDS victims in the world or all the cripple people in the world?" It's really a no win situation with God because healing people does not make an unbeliever, a believer. You see, with skeptics and atheists, there can be no single defining miracle.
God's refusal to heal an amputee does not speak to God's reality or existence. You cannot immediately jump from the premise that God heals some (a faith-based assumption) and not others (in this case, amputees) and therefore God doesn't exist. This is faulty reasoning, and anyone with any appreciation of "critical thinking" should see this.
The question presumes EITHER to know WHY God heals some and not others (amputees in this case) OR that God's rationale is irrelevant. Here's a possibility...What if God only chooses to work miracles that COULD be chalked up to coincidence (however unlikely such coincidences are) and does NOT choose to perform miracles that would leave absolutely NO doubt as to His existence? Why would God do this? To call us to FAITH. The book of Hebrews makes clear that "without faith, it is impossible to please [God]." If God started regenerating limbs on amputees, it's clear that our conception and understanding of "faith" would be significantly altered.
any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
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Hey, I have magical powers, I wrote it all down here, in this book. What, you want me to heal you?, sorry, the book has enough proof and even examples (!) of my magical powers, you nonbeliever.
"Miracle - an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause." Courtesy of;
Which is why when a kid survives a car accident because he wore a seat belt / someone beats cancer after taking medication and going through screenings / a heart transplant saves someone's life, etc. I don't personally consider it a miracle.
'Wailing' at god after healing an amputee would basically be admitting that he exists so they couldn't really be atheists anymore, could they?
Personally, if someone with no legs prayed and his limbs would magically heal in front of me "and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God", I'd start believing in god.
First you say that there are miracles all around which are a proof for the existence of god and then you say that if he made his existence obvious people wouldn't have faith.
Ever read the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?, great quote, around the same concept too:
Thanks a lot. I sent them a reply of the following: (with a couple of parts used from hambydammit and deludedgod)
feel free to pick holes in my arguments and tell me what I need to improve on.
edit: spelling
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
I received a response and in typical fashion, they ignore the larger points and go for the minuscule details:
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
That whole reply was so thick with irony I couldn't stop laughing. Tell him to address all of your points before you reply any further. It is intellectually dishonest, not to mention annoying as fuck, to ignore your interlocutor's points.
Edit: You cannot touch someone this deluded, so don't get too frustrated. You can use this person as a good example to others who are questioning. Make relevant, concise points and let the ignorance and hubris he spews do all the work for you.
Thats cute.
this idiot is frustrating as all fuck but any practice is helpful (although probably not for my health).
I have written a response, but haven't sent it yet. It doesn't seem as good as my first response, most likely because of their drivel, driving down my IQ having to read it.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
That's like saying that Harry Potter II having Voldemort in it is a proof that Voldemort exists because Harry Potter I also had it in it - Quran wasn't written in "spite" of Christianity, it was written as a continuation, or, if you believe in the story, it was written by god himself.
Islam doesn't oppose Christ himself, they believe that he was prophet but not god/son of god because according to them, god cannot die.
suffice to say, from the short amount of communication I have had with this individual, he seems to be batshit insane and beyond help. I had a look at his favorites and there is such great videos as those from Lee Strobel and venomfangx (the one on his main page being aptly names "satan invented evolution part 3: the impossibility of abiogenesis" which, the title alone almost sent me into a fit of laughter. take a look for yourself
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
Currently debating with VenomFang on Youtube, he's a freaking moron, contradictions within lines of each other.
I'm happy you were able to use some of my writing in your response. I think you're spot on in assessing this guy. He's not going to change his mind, but you're doing a good job responding to him, and like you say, any practice helps.
Just a suggestion in protocol: I don't mind that you used my post in your response. You're free to use anything I've written if it will help in arguing with a theist. However, I'd suggest that it's a good idea to always reference things you quote. It's not that I'm going to come after you for plagiarism... it's because if you don't, then a theist could accuse you of being dishonest and claiming other people's work as your own. Once they've decided that you're dishonest, they'll ignore everything you say from then on. Notice how quickly we ignore theists who cut and paste from other websites?
In general, if you quote more than a few words (I don't know what the internet law is, exactly) you ought to cite your source. The simplest way is just to put the url in parentheses after the quote (
Not only will you keep the legal high ground, you'll take away a chance for him to make a fallacious argument.
Keep up the great work!
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
In the first case the Bible cannot be used to prove itself. Outside of the bible there are no records of these healings or miracles. Secondly, Testimonials are of no value. Even the Snake oil man can use testimonials.
Thanks Hamby, I'll keep that in mind next time I quote someones work.
This dipshit just gets worse. I have received 3 more inboxes from them. They yet again make more assumptions about me to no surprise:
In that last quote they obviously missed the point I was making about how their claims of hellfire mean nothing to me. their quote that jesus abolished the law was refuted by me in an earlier reply and they conveniently ignored that point. he is only going to get worse but I may as well play along and have some fun with them.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
"Man is no longer subject to the Mosaic Laws of the Old Testament."
I believe there is a quote where jesus says that he not only did not come to repeal mosaic law, he came to ENFORCE it.
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
"I believe there is a quote where Jesus says that he not only did not come to repeal mosaic law, he came to ENFORCE it."
Correct! I don't remember where it is, I'll have to look it up again, but it goes something like "... the old laws must not be forgotten and must continue to be obeyed..."
Typical Born Again xitian. They always say the Old Testament no longer applies. It's actually really fun to watch a fundamentalist Baptist and a Born Again go at each others throats concerning the OT. Talk about heated and retarded, and they believe in the same God and the same Jesus. Never laughed so hard, "love thy neighbor" my ass!
here is my next response to bronagain001:
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
I feel for ya. that has to be worse than repeatedly running head first into concrete.
I included that somewhere (near the beginning and on my last response) but the guy refuses to acknowledge any refutations of his position and I am certain that if I listed something along the lines of a random bible passage and claimed that it was some vulgarity that the person would dismiss it without checking the actual passage.
it never ceases to astound me, the level of intellectual dishonesty, double thinking, mental gymnastics, compartmentalization, general dishonesty and projection that such people as these use. its enough to make my head explode.
again, thanks for the help, I appreciate it very much.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
It seems bronagain001 has pulled rank and wants to continue with the dialog. I figured, they would try and rationalize away my former christendom on a technicality. they appear to be at least trying to back up their claims now:
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
This was entertaining to start with, but for each new reply they send, it becomes more frustrating. They keep ignoring my points and simply dismiss what I point out of their errors (with the typical 'infallible bible' bullshit to top it off). I don't see how deludedgod hambydammit and the others put up with so much without feeling the need to either hit their heads on a brick wall or slam the theists heads into said wall.
edit: if deludedgod is reading this: do you have current plans to reproduce your essays on RRS and if so, when will they be available?
my latest reply:
their reply;
this is where I need some help so I don't explode from ignorance and bullshit overload.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
here is my final reply. I'm not going to put up with their bullshit anymore. it was fun while it lasted, but that fun shriveled with each reply from them.
edit: formatting error
second edit: they replied with the same shit and even a cuntpaste.
my final reply (this time definitely
). I have given them an invitation to debate on the forums.
When god gives you lemons you FIND A NEW GOD 1 Thessalonians 5:21
<My art> <not my art><MS>