some help wanted for a response

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some help wanted for a response

Hi all.


I have received a couple of inbox messages on youtube that I could use some help responding to. They are both from the same person in a reply to a message where I pointed out the lack of miraculous healings for amputees, and asked why their particular brand of faith should be believed. I have been around RRS for a fair few months but I haven't "sharpened my fangs" much (and I should have gone to bed a few hours ago) so I'm not in the best shape for refuting the following drivel.

first message:

bornagain001 wrote:
In EVERY major religion, (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Baha'ism, Confucianism, Jainism) the followers strive to rid themselves of SIN through various practices. They PRAY in a prescribed way, do various good works, follow dietary restrictions, beat themselves on the head and back until they bleed, adhere to strict dress codes, try to live according to Shariah Law, etc.
The uniqueness of CHRISTIANITY is shown in Christ's statement; "The Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins." NO OTHER religious figure has ever made this claim. Jesus Christ alone can forgive every sin anyone has ever committed, because of what he did on the Cross. By paying the penalty for our sin, He can release us from the torture of guilt. We can not do anything in the way of religious works to wash away our sins. Forgiveness is a FREE GIFT of GOD (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Mahatma Gandhi acknowledged the inability of his religion (Hindu) to atone for sin. Despite his moral lifestyle and good works, he admitted, "it is a constant torture to me that I am still so far from Him whom I know to be my very life and being. I know it is my own wretchedness and wickedness that keeps me from Him." ALL works -- based religions lead to futility and death. It is only in Jesus Christ that sinners can find forgiveness for their sins and deliverance from death and Hell.
The Bible tells us in Philippians 2: 9 that "Wherefore God has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name; That at the name of Jesus EVERY knee will bow in heaven, in earth and under the earth, and that EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. This includes Mohammad, Siddhartha Gantama, Guru Nanak, Baha Ullah, Confucius, Buddha, Joseph Smith, etc. and YOU.


second message:

bornagain001 wrote:
God, through Christ, has indeed healed amputees. "And great multitudes came to Him having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, MAIMED, and many others and cast them down at Jesus' feet; AND HE HEALED THEM: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, THE MAIMED TO BE WHOLE, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel." Matthew 15:30-31

Now, herein lays the problem. 1) No matter what miracle is performed, raising someone from the dead, healing the maimed, giving sight to the blind, etc. those who choose to not believe will simply not believe. At another time in the Bible we find unbelievers.
"But though he had done many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him." John 12:37

You can't make someone believe in God and you can't make someone believe a miracle just occurred even though they saw it with their own eyes. God brings miracles to us everyday and yet the scoffers call it luck, coincidence or natural causes.

2) If God healed one amputee to "prove Himself" and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God, the atheists and non believers would next be wailing, "If God is so good why won't he won't heal all the amputees?" So let's say God heals all the amputees in the world then the atheists and unbelievers would wail, "God is unfair. If God is all powerful, why doesn't He heal all the Cancer victims in the world, or all the AIDS victims in the world or all the cripple people in the world?" It's really a no win situation with God because healing people does not make an unbeliever, a believer. You see, with skeptics and atheists, there can be no single defining miracle.

God's refusal to heal an amputee does not speak to God's reality or existence. You cannot immediately jump from the premise that God heals some (a faith-based assumption) and not others (in this case, amputees) and therefore God doesn't exist. This is faulty reasoning, and anyone with any appreciation of "critical thinking" should see this.

The question presumes EITHER to know WHY God heals some and not others (amputees in this case) OR that God's rationale is irrelevant. Here's a possibility...What if God only chooses to work miracles that COULD be chalked up to coincidence (however unlikely such coincidences are) and does NOT choose to perform miracles that would leave absolutely NO doubt as to His existence? Why would God do this? To call us to FAITH. The book of Hebrews makes clear that "without faith, it is impossible to please [God]." If God started regenerating limbs on amputees, it's clear that our conception and understanding of "faith" would be significantly altered.


any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Quote:God, through Christ,

God, through Christ, has indeed healed amputees. "And great multitudes came to Him having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, MAIMED, and many others and cast them down at Jesus' feet; AND HE HEALED THEM: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, THE MAIMED TO BE WHOLE, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel." Matthew 15:30-31

Now, herein lays the problem. 1) No matter what miracle is performed, raising someone from the dead, healing the maimed, giving sight to the blind, etc. those who choose to not believe will simply not believe. At another time in the Bible we find unbelievers.
"But though he had done many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him." John 12:37

Hey, I have magical powers, I wrote it all down here, in this book. What, you want me to heal you?, sorry, the book has enough proof and even examples (!) of my magical powers, you nonbeliever.

You can't make someone believe in God and you can't make someone believe a miracle just occurred even though they saw it with their own eyes. God brings miracles to us everyday and yet the scoffers call it luck, coincidence or natural causes.

"Miracle - an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause." Courtesy of;

Which is why when a kid survives a car accident because he wore a seat belt / someone beats cancer after taking medication and going through screenings / a heart transplant saves someone's life, etc. I don't personally consider it a miracle.

2) If God healed one amputee to "prove Himself" and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God, the atheists and non believers would next be wailing, "If God is so good why won't he won't heal all the amputees?" So let's say God heals all the amputees in the world then the atheists and unbelievers would wail, "God is unfair. If God is all powerful, why doesn't He heal all the Cancer victims in the world, or all the AIDS victims in the world or all the cripple people in the world?" It's really a no win situation with God because healing people does not make an unbeliever, a believer. You see, with skeptics and atheists, there can be no single defining miracle."

'Wailing' at god after healing an amputee would basically be admitting that he exists so they couldn't really be atheists anymore, could they?

Personally, if someone with no legs prayed and his limbs would magically heal in front of me "and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God", I'd start believing in god.

The question presumes EITHER to know WHY God heals some and not others (amputees in this case) OR that God's rationale is irrelevant. Here's a possibility...What if God only chooses to work miracles that COULD be chalked up to coincidence (however unlikely such coincidences are) and does NOT choose to perform miracles that would leave absolutely NO doubt as to His existence? Why would God do this? To call us to FAITH. The book of Hebrews makes clear that "without faith, it is impossible to please [God]." If God started regenerating limbs on amputees, it's clear that our conception and understanding of "faith" would be significantly altered.

First you say that there are miracles all around which are a proof for the existence of god and then you say that if he made his existence obvious people wouldn't have faith.

Ever read the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?, great quote, around the same concept too:

Now, it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some have chosen to see it as the final proof of the NON-existence of God. The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. QED" "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.


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Thanks a lot. I sent them a

Thanks a lot. I sent them a reply of the following: (with a couple of parts used from hambydammit and deludedgod)


Arkanrais wrote:

Original Message:

> In EVERY major religion, (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Baha'ism, Confucianism, Jaini...

First off: I don't believe the bible, just like I dont believe the quoran, Bhagavad Gita, Tao-te-ching et al or any other religious books so quoting scripture to me is like quoting lord of the rings to tell me that smeagol is coming for my ring.

second: when I asked about healed amputees, I meant about actual documented cases. the bible, especially the gospels do not count as historical and accurate in any way. I do not believe there was a historical jesus because there is no evidence outside the bible of his existence and what is in the bible is suspect at best: (, and Josephus does not count as an extra-biblical account (
First you say that there are miracles all around which are a proof for the existence of god and then you say that if he made his existence obvious people wouldn't have faith.
Ever read the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?, great quote, around the same concept too:
'Now, it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some have chosen to see it as the final proof of the NON-existence of God. The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. QED" "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic'

Third: it goes without saying that I do not believe in sin, so you are trying to sell me something that I do not want nor need. Like many theist concepts, sin is a circular concept, with no actual meaning.  Though they list many activities as sins, the category is without definition.
Most theists will say that sin is anything that is contrary to the will of god.  This is kind of nutty, because god is omnipotent.  Therefore, anything that happens is a result of him making it happen.  Therefore, nothing is against his will.
Some will say that sin is anything that denigrates or otherwise hurts our soul, but soul is also undefined, so that's kind of meaningless.
In short, every theist has a concept of "sin," but what they're really doing is stealing the concept from naturalism.  Good and bad are necessarily related to cause and effect, and are necessarily relative because at least two people are necessary for an action to be moral or immoral.  Therefore, there are at least two points of view, which may not coincide.

fourth:You cherry pick passages from the bible that say you only need faith. here are some that say works get you into heaven: Psalm 62:12, Proverbs 10:16, Jeremiah 17:10, Ezekiel 18:27, Matthew 5:20, Matthew 12:37, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 19:17, Matthew 25:41-46, Luke 10:26-28, John 5:29, Romans 2:6, 13, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 2 Corinthians 11:15, Philippians 2:12, James 2:14, James 2:17, James 2:21-25, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 2:23, Revelation 20:12-13, Revelation 22:14

fith: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I have yet to see any actual evidence that the bible is true any more than any other holy text. I require evidence when someone claims that they raised the dead and I do not see what the deal is with gods refusal to give evidence. if he refuses to give evidence and leaves people with reasonable doubt of his existence, damning them to eternal torture than I see that as nothing more than a cruel vindictive creature who if existed, would not deserve worship.
When I think of the Abrahamic God, these words come to mind to describe him:
-muderous, genocidal, racist, bigoted, homophobic, obsessive, petty, ruthless, tyrannical, unjust, bloodlusting, unreasonable, illogical, phsycotic control freak.
These words do not come to mind:
loving, caring, compassionate merciful, benevolent, judicious, fair, reasonable.
there are many passages in the old testament describing a malevolent and quite frankly psychotic god. I realize that many christians claim that the old testament no longer applies, but I do not think that a mass murderer should be forgiven for countless deaths, genocide and the inciting of brutality just for "sacrificing" his son to himself to please himself for the laws that he made. as for the sacrifice, I see none, even if it did happen, jesus only spent 3 days in hell then went to RULE NEXT TO GOD FOR ALL ETERNITY, and if thats what you call a sacrifice, then sign me up right now. I see more of a sacrifice from judas who is spending eternity in hell for being a pawn in the whole debacle.
also, to say that the old testament no longer applies, you are also ignoring a fair few passages on the subject:
Genesis 17:19, Exodus 12:14, 17, 24, Leviticus 23:14,21,31, Deuteronomy 4:8-9, Deuteronomy 7:9, Deuteronomy 11:1, Deuteronomy 11:26-28, 1 Chronicles 16:15, Psalm 119:151-2, Psalm 119:160, Malachi 4:4, Matthew 5:18-19, Luke 16:17

feel free to pick holes in my arguments and tell me what I need to improve on.

edit: spelling

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I received a response and in

I received a response and in typical fashion, they ignore the larger points and go for the minuscule details:


"First off: I don't believe the bible"

Of course you don't. The very SIN that you deny exists is what keeps you from believing the Bible. SIN is rebellion against God and your entire life is consumed by living in rebellion to God. Your entire life is nothing but SIN.

"I do not believe there was a historical jesus because there is no evidence outside the bible of his existence"

Your theological ignorance is showing again. The Quran, which is diametrically opposed to Christianity, validates the life of Christ. How many references do you need before you will open your closed mind?

"it goes without saying that I do not believe in sin"

How convenient for you. If you just deny the existence of sin, perhaps it will go away. NOT! YOU will have to stand before Christ on Judgment Day and account for everything you have said, thought and done. Sticking your head in the sand will not make it go away.

"You cherry pick passages from the bible that say you only need faith. here are some that say works get you into heaven: Psalm 62:12, Proverbs 10:16, Jeremiah 17:10, Ezekiel 18:27, Matthew 5:20, Matthew 12:37, Matthew 16:27, Matthew 19:17, Matthew 25:41-46, Luke 10:26-28, John 5:29, Romans 2:6, 13, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 2 Corinthians 11:15, Philippians 2:12, James 2:14, James 2:17, James 2:21-25, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 2:23, Revelation 20:12-13, Revelation 22:14"

WORKS comes as a natural progression to the Christian life. Our changed lives makes us want to help others. Not out of necessity to get to heaven but out of love for our fellow man. WORKS without Salvation means nothing to God.

"I require evidence when someone claims that they raised the dead and I do not see what the deal is with gods refusal to give evidence."

Once again, the evidence is all around you. I SEE IT. You simply deny it is evidence. You can deny it to me but your excuses will not fly on Judgment Day.
"When I think of the Abrahamic God, these words come to mind to describe him:
-muderous, genocidal, racist, bigoted, homophobic, obsessive, petty, ruthless, tyrannical, unjust, bloodlusting, unreasonable, illogical, phsycotic control freak."

How can you possibly understand God when you don't believe in God. You see only what you want to see.

"I see more of a sacrifice from judas who is spending eternity in hell for being a pawn in the whole debacle."

Judas made HIS CHOICES just like YOU are making your choices. It's a cop out to blame God for the choices we all make in our own lives. You must be a DEMOCRAT.

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That whole reply was so

That whole reply was so thick with irony I couldn't stop laughing. Tell him to address all of your points before you reply any further. It is intellectually dishonest, not to mention annoying as fuck, to ignore your interlocutor's points.


Edit: You cannot touch someone this deluded, so don't get too frustrated. You can use this person as a good example to others who are questioning. Make relevant, concise points and let the ignorance and hubris he spews do all the work for you.

Thats cute.

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daretoknow wrote:That whole

daretoknow wrote:

That whole reply was so thick with irony I couldn't stop laughing. Tell him to address all of your points before you reply any further. It is intellectually dishonest, not to mention annoying as fuck, to ignore your interlocutor's points.


Edit: You cannot touch someone this deluded, so don't get too frustrated. You can use this person as a good example to others who are questioning. Make relevant, concise points and let the ignorance and hubris he spews do all the work for you.

this idiot is frustrating as all fuck but any practice is helpful (although probably not for my health).

I have written a response, but haven't sent it yet. It doesn't seem as good as my first response, most likely because of their drivel, driving down my IQ having to read it.

Arkanrais wrote:

Original Message:

> "You cherry pick passages from the bible that say you only need faith. here are some that say w...

so you did not have the natural decency to help people, give money to the poor or attempt to make society a better place until you found religion? by your reasoning, a scientist who cures disease, travels 3rd world countries helping the sick and poor and helps improve the quality of life for thousands of people but doesn't believe in the christian god is sining and will go to hell. then we have a man who beats his wife, beats his children and forces his wife to constantly be bearing children for many years until she finally dies, but the man prays for forgiveness even though he will still beat his wife and kids will get into heaven.

if I am to follow the bible, I may as well take the good with the bad then. first I think I'll go rape a woman so she has to marry me Deuteronomy 22:28-29, then beat her for no obeying me, beat my children Proverbs 19:18 22:15 23:13-14 and sell my daughters into slavery Exodus 21:7.

your repetitions of judgment day are pointless. does it scare you if a Muslim says that allah will roast you alive for all eternity?

"How can you possibly understand God when you don't believe in God. You see only what you want to see."
this is a baseless assumption. I used to be a christian so your "no true Scotsman" fails. as for seeing what I only want to see, you are projecting your insecurities onto me. you have a confirmation bias when it comes to supposed miracles, such as someone surviving a car crash, when 4 other people died "it was a miracle he survived". no mention of the 4 other people who died. "we prayed for a diagnosis and treatment for her cancer and god came through for us" where god had nothing to do with it, it was the doctors and modern medicine that cured the woman of cancer.
your earlier claim of my lack of critical thinking skills was also a projection. you will demand absolute 100% proof for evolution and the like but when it comes to the bible mentioning something like balaams donkey talking or seemingly impossible feats and such that defy the laws of nature from within the bible, you believe it because and do not critically examine ANY of your religious beliefs.

you are simply asserting things without backing them up and that does not cut it in the least with me. as I said, I demand evidence of such extraordinary claims. BTW what has my political stance got to do wit anything, although I do not have a political stance so that was another failed assumption.

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Quote:Your theological

Your theological ignorance is showing again. The Quran, which is diametrically opposed to Christianity, validates the life of Christ. How many references do you need before you will open your closed mind?

That's like saying that Harry Potter II having Voldemort in it is a proof that Voldemort exists because Harry Potter I also had it in it - Quran wasn't written in "spite" of Christianity, it was written as a continuation, or, if you believe in the story, it was written by god himself.

Islam doesn't oppose Christ himself, they believe that he was prophet but not god/son of god because according to them, god cannot die.

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suffice to say, from the

suffice to say, from the short amount of communication I have had with this individual, he seems to be batshit insane and beyond help. I had a look at his favorites and there is such great videos as those from Lee Strobel and venomfangx (the one on his main page being aptly names "satan invented evolution part 3: the impossibility of abiogenesis" which, the title alone almost sent me into a fit of laughter. take a look for yourself

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Currently debating with

Currently debating with VenomFang on Youtube, he's a freaking moron, contradictions within lines of each other.

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I'm happy you were able to

I'm happy you were able to use some of my writing in your response.  I think you're spot on in assessing this guy.  He's not going to change his mind, but you're doing a good job responding to him, and like you say, any practice helps.

Just a suggestion in protocol:  I don't mind that you used my post in your response.  You're free to use anything I've written if it will help in arguing with a theist.  However, I'd suggest that it's a good idea to always reference things you quote.  It's not that I'm going to come after you for plagiarism... it's because if you don't, then a theist could accuse you of being dishonest and claiming other people's work as your own.  Once they've decided that you're dishonest, they'll ignore everything you say from then on.  Notice how quickly we ignore theists who cut and paste from other websites?

In general, if you quote more than a few words (I don't know what the internet law is, exactly) you ought to cite your source.  The simplest way is just to put the url in parentheses after the quote (

Not only will you keep the legal high ground, you'll take away a chance for him to make a fallacious argument.

Keep up the great work!


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Item cannot prove itself

In the first case the Bible cannot be used to prove itself. Outside of the bible there are no records of these healings or miracles. Secondly, Testimonials are of no value. Even the Snake oil man can use testimonials.

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Quote:I'm happy you were

I'm happy you were able to use some of my writing in your response.  I think you're spot on in assessing this guy.  He's not going to change his mind, but you're doing a good job responding to him, and like you say, any practice helps.

Just a suggestion in protocol:  I don't mind that you used my post in your response.  You're free to use anything I've written if it will help in arguing with a theist.  However, I'd suggest that it's a good idea to always reference things you quote.  It's not that I'm going to come after you for plagiarism... it's because if you don't, then a theist could accuse you of being dishonest and claiming other people's work as your own.  Once they've decided that you're dishonest, they'll ignore everything you say from then on.  Notice how quickly we ignore theists who cut and paste from other websites?

In general, if you quote more than a few words (I don't know what the internet law is, exactly) you ought to cite your source.  The simplest way is just to put the url in parentheses after the quote (

Not only will you keep the legal high ground, you'll take away a chance for him to make a fallacious argument.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks Hamby, I'll keep that in mind next time I quote someones work.

This dipshit just gets worse. I have received 3 more inboxes from them. They yet again make more assumptions about me to no surprise:

"I used to be a christian"

What makes you think you were a Christian?
"as for seeing what I only want to see, you are projecting your insecurities onto me."

The Christian HAS NO insecurities. We know where we are going when we die and we know Christ has the final say of what happens in the whole world so there is no reason to be insecure about anything.
"you have a confirmation bias when it comes to supposed miracles"

Miracles happen everyday. You live in darkness so you can not see them. When you walk into the light, miracles become very clear.
"you will demand absolute 100% proof for evolution"

Not really. There is no such thing as evolution (man made concept in rebellion to God) so I don't really need proof.

"I demand evidence of such extraordinary claims."

Good luck. You are not important enough to God that He should have to prove anything to you. Do you think Obama will call you and ask you what he should do about his campaign?


"so you did not have the natural decency to help people, give money to the poor or attempt to make society a better place until you found religion?"

You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. All I was concerned about was how much money I could make and how much fun I could provide myself. Screw the poor and society. I sounded like a pretty selfish prick didn't I? The world is full of people just like I was.
"by your reasoning, a scientist who cures disease, travels 3rd world countries helping the sick and poor and helps improve the quality of life for thousands of people but doesn't believe in the christian god is sining and will go to hell. then we have a man who beats his wife, beats his children and forces his wife to constantly be bearing children for many years until she finally dies, but the man prays for forgiveness even though he will still beat his wife and kids will get into heaven."

YOU ARE CORRECT AGAIN. The man that seeks repentance for the sin in his life will be forgiven no matter how bad he was. The man who does not feel he needs Salvation because he is a "good person" will find himself on the wrong side of heaven on Judgment Day. The perfect example is that the day Christ was crucified, there were two thieves also crucified with him. The one on his left mocked Christ. The one on his right asked for forgiveness and CHRIST FORGAVE HIM. What other figure in history has ever had the ability to forgive someone of all their sins?

"if I am to follow the bible, I may as well take the good with the bad then. first I think I'll go rape a woman so she has to marry me Deuteronomy 22:28-29, then beat her for no obeying me, beat my children Proverbs 19:18 22:15 23:13-14 and sell my daughters into slavery Exodus 21:7."

You are showing your Biblical ignorance again. What you are referring to is the Old Testament Mosaic Laws. There were 613 of them. They were given by God to Moses for the 'JEWS ONLY' over 3000 years ago. They were not for the gentiles (you and I), nor the Romans, nor the Greeks, JUST THE JEWS. Lastly, when Christ died on the cross for your sins, a New Covenant was established between God and man. Under this New Covenant, man is no longer subject to the Mosaic Laws of the Old Testament.

"does it scare you if a Muslim says that allah will roast you alive for all eternity?"

1)Mohammad NEVER claimed to be the Son of God. Christ did.
2)Mohammad NEVER healed the sick or brought someone back from the dead. Christ did.
3)Mohammad NEVER claimed to be able to forgive man of his sin. Christ did.
4)Mohammad was not perfect. Christ was.
5)Mohammad was poisoned by one of his many wives. Christ was crucified for your sin.
6)Mohammad is still in his tomb, Christ defeated death and is risen.

In that last quote they obviously missed the point I was making about how their claims of hellfire mean nothing to me. their quote that jesus abolished the law was refuted by me in an earlier reply and they conveniently ignored that point. he is only going to get worse but I may as well play along and have some fun with them.

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"Man is no longer subject to

"Man is no longer subject to the Mosaic Laws of the Old Testament."


I believe there is a quote where jesus says that he not only did not come to repeal mosaic law, he came to ENFORCE it.



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Man is no longer subject to...

"I believe there is a quote where Jesus says that he not only did not come to repeal mosaic law, he came to ENFORCE it."

Correct! I don't remember where it is, I'll have to look it up again, but it goes something like "... the old laws must not be forgotten and must continue to be obeyed..."

Typical Born Again xitian. They always say the Old Testament no longer applies. It's actually really fun to watch a fundamentalist Baptist and a Born Again go at each others throats concerning the OT. Talk about heated and retarded, and they believe in the same God and the same Jesus. Never laughed so hard, "love thy neighbor" my ass!


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here is my next response to

here is my next response to bronagain001:

Yes I was a christian. I accepted jesus as my personal lord and savior, I was baptized, I went to church every sunday, I prayed and fully believed in the bible god, jesus and the like. I had been raised as a christian and didnt have many lingering doubts, although I did have simple questions that were easily explained.

The insecurities should have been worded better. What I meant was you were trying (consciously or subconsciously) to say “you too” when I was saying that your statement that I “only see what I want to see” was wrong and is easily flipped back on you, where something strange happens and you see god in it while I see a natural explanation (although I have no problem admitting that I don't know what the cause was for something, I see no need to jump to the conclusion that “goddidit” ). This is where the confirmation bias comes in. say someone had a rare disease where only 5% of people who contract it survive. There are a few known cases of this disease and many of those suffering it are of different faiths and are praying hard. As predicted, 19 out of 20 people with it die while the one remaining person attributes their survival to prayer and a miracle from their hindu faith. This was withing the predicted outcome and therefore attributing it to prayer is pointless and the death toll/recovery rate is indistinguishable between different faiths or lack thereof.


To say that evolution is a man made concept to rebel against god is a a baseless accusation, a cop out and exactly the thing you accuse me of with regards to sin “How convenient for you. If you just deny the existence of sin, perhaps it will go away.”.evolution is an extremely well documented theory, and to say that it is “just a theory” shows great ignorance of the scientific method (not to say that you have said that). Other theories include the theory of gravity, germ theory, particle theory and many others. Again you are seeing only what you want to see, where you accept the other theories but deny the theory of evolution because it opposes the creation story of the bible. Evolution has been through the rigors of scientific scrutiny countless times where many other hypotheses' have failed because they lacked evidence and did not stand up fully in the light of reason. The Vatican itself accepts evolution as true while maintaining that god guided the evolution of mankind which refutes your argument that evolution is just a rebellion against god.


You completely missed the point of my statement about allah. It was meant as “you don't believe the claims of X so they do not affect you, and I am the same in regards to your claim where you claim X and I do not subscribe this belief so it has no effect on me”.


Your statement that the OT law no longer applies is refuted by the gospels themselves:

Matthew 5:18-19

Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or tittle shall nowise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven.
Luke 16:17
It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.

The scientist and wife-beater parable was used to show that the god you worship is unjust despite what you think and clearly shows an imperfect being which is compounded by the fact that if he were to exist, he would be condemning billions of people to hell for a refusal to give any reasonable evidence of his existence.

You claim that I am not important enough to get evidence from god while also claiming that evidence is all around us and also claiming that god doesn't give evidence. According to the bible, all men are equal under god and god has unconditional love for us all yet we need to accept the condition that jesus is the messiah and that yahweh is the only god to receive said love.

You claim to KNOW what will happen when you die and what your christ will do but you have not demonstrated how this is different from any other religious person saying that they KNOW that Mohamed was the one true prophet (or whatever the muslims believe) or that Dionysus was the one true son of god and he awaits you after death.

In essence, most of what I have seen from you is baseless assumptions and conjecture (and a strange obsession with my political stance, which by the way is grossly incorrect because I do not live in America or anywhere near the USA - yet again another failed assumption). Your intelectual dishonest is astounding. You continually ignore my well established points and focus on the more insignificant portions of my arguments. You will take the word of any “biblical” scholar or scientist without question if it fits your beliefs but vigorously question, ridicule and deny the evidence without even examining it of the positions of those contrary to your viewpoint and then accuse your interlocutors of having a closed mind and a lack of critical thinking skills simply for their lack of adherence to your position.
The Koran is a continuation of the abrahamic religions and is therefore not a reputable source and as I said there is no account of jesus outside the bible although I will admit that the Koran does make note of jesus, it still does not make anywhere near sufficient evidence that christ existed and the lack of contemporary accounts of the life of jesus are also adding weight to the jesus mythicist position given that the gospels were written at least 70 years after the claimed life of jesus.

I see no point in carrying on this dialog unless you can back up your claims instead of simply asserting that I am wrong or that a specific subject is false based solely on your lack of knowledge on said subjects or refusal to provide anything more than your objection to a specific statement because it doesn't fit to your preconceived idea of “the bible is right and anything that disagrees is false”.

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Quote:Currently debating

Currently debating with VenomFang on Youtube, he's a freaking moron, contradictions within lines of each other.

I feel for ya. that has to be worse than repeatedly running head first into concrete.

I believe there is a quote where jesus says that he not only did not come to repeal mosaic law, he came to ENFORCE it.

I included that somewhere (near the beginning and on my last response) but the guy refuses to acknowledge any refutations of his position and I am certain that if I listed something along the lines of a random bible passage and claimed that it was some vulgarity that the person would dismiss it without checking the actual passage.


"I believe there is a quote where Jesus says that he not only did not come to repeal mosaic law, he came to ENFORCE it."

Correct! I don't remember where it is, I'll have to look it up again, but it goes something like "... the old laws must not be forgotten and must continue to be obeyed..."

Typical Born Again xitian. They always say the Old Testament no longer applies. It's actually really fun to watch a fundamentalist Baptist and a Born Again go at each others throats concerning the OT. Talk about heated and retarded, and they believe in the same God and the same Jesus. Never laughed so hard, "love thy neighbor" my ass!

it never ceases to astound me, the level of intellectual dishonesty, double thinking, mental gymnastics, compartmentalization, general dishonesty and projection that such people as these use. its enough to make my head explode.

again, thanks for the help, I appreciate it very much.

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It seems bronagain001 has

It seems bronagain001 has pulled rank and wants to continue with the dialog. I figured, they would try and rationalize away my former christendom on a technicality. they appear to be at least trying to back up their claims now:

"Yes I was a christian. I accepted jesus as my personal lord and savior, I was baptized, I went to church every sunday, I prayed and fully believed in the bible god, jesus and the like. I had been raised as a christian and didnt have many lingering doubts, although I did have simple questions that were easily explained."

You left the one key ingredient necessary for Salvation. REPENTANCE. You will know you are "saved" if your life is in a constant process of being changed.

SALVATION is by FAITH alone in Jesus Christ...and followed by REPENTANCE (Luke 13:3)
The genuine Christian has been given a "new nature". If any man be in CHRIST, he is a new creature. 2 Corinthians 5:17
OBEDIENCE to God is your only validation of Salvation. If you live in disobedience, you ARE NOT SAVED.

"Your statement that the OT law no longer applies is refuted by the gospels themselves: Matthew 5:18-19
Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or tittle shall nowise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven."

In the broad sweep of Biblical history, the covenant of the Law is analogous to an egg, and the covenant of grace is analogous to a chick hatched from it. After the egg hatches, the time for sitting on the egg is over. Jesus did not come to destroy the egg; He came to hatch the egg.

The beginning of the end of the incubation-period occurred when Jesus began His ministry and was baptized by John the Baptist. This does not mean that the Law disappeared as the new covenant began to be enacted. It means that when John the Baptist and Jesus were preaching about the kingdom of God, there were at that point more than one way to get right with God. The covenant with Israel was still in force -- every bit of it -- but through John and Jesus, God was introducing a new covenant which would be implemented directly on a personal level.

Another analogy: a student goes to school. He lives according to the rules in the Student Handbook. Then he graduates. After that point, the Student Handbook's applicability to the graduate is nil except for the material in the Student Handbook that overlaps the law of the land. Similarly, Israel had lived under the Law, the old covenant, but Jesus introduced the new covenant of grace, under which each individual learns some law, but is purified and forgiven and cleansed in God's sight by grace, not by law-keeping. But there was a brief period -- sort of like the period between the last day of school and the day of the graduation-ceremony -- in which both covenants co-existed. It's during that period that Jesus maintained that the Law should be kept in its entirety.

There's an important phrase at the end of Matthew 5:18 "till all be fulfilled." This is pretty important, because it indicates the historical setting of the saying -- which profoundly influenced how the early church understood and applied this passage. The idea is that /at that time/ -- that is, during Jesus' ministry -- Jesus affirmed that the Law, as a covenant between God and Israel, was still in place, and would continue to be in place in every respect "until all is fulfilled." As the covenant of grace was being introduced during the ministry of Christ; there was a period of overlap between the era of the Law (as a covenant between God and Israel as a whole) and the era of the new covenant (between God and individual penitents).

The first part of Luke 16:16 is notable for its lack of a verb; the idea that should be harvested from the text is not merely that the Law and the Prophets existed until John, but that the Law and the Prophets were *the* covenant about which one should be concerned until John. A similar construction may be found in John 7:39 (ignore the italicized word "given" in the KJV, which the translators inserted), where John comments, "For the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified." The idea is not that God's Spirit did not yet /exist/ -- God's Spirit was present in Genesis 1 and is mentioned oodles of times in the Old Testament -- but that the Spirit did not, at that time, operate as He was to operate later, after Jesus was glorified. Similarly, in Luke 16:16, it's the Law's mode of operation, not its existence, that is in view.

And now the foreground:

Matthew 5:18 means that the covenant of the Law would be in force until everything was fulfilled and the Law had served its primary purpose. This was done when Jesus rose again. Luke 16:16 means that the Law was the only covenant in force until the days of John the Baptist. (Technically, one should say that the Law was the /paramount/ covenant in force until the days of John the Baptist, since God was still relating to non-Jews on the basis of preceding dispensations, but that's another subject.) There's no discord between these two statements, because of the existence of a short overlapping period when the kingdom of God was proclaimed by John and by Jesus.

In Romans 7:4-6 and Ephesians 2:15, and elsewhere (Galatians 5:18, for instance), Paul does not exactly teach that Christians are free to completely disregard the Old Testament laws. He teaches that Christians are completely released from the covenant of the Law, because they have entered the covenant of grace. This distinction may seem like a quibble, but I think it is important to notice because there are various commandments in the Law which are reiterated under the new covenant -- various responsibilities which are incumbent upon people under either covenant. (And the next section of the Sermon on the Mount mentions some of them.)

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and they just get worse

This was entertaining to start with, but for each new reply they send, it becomes more frustrating. They keep ignoring my points and simply dismiss what I point out of their errors (with the typical 'infallible bible' bullshit to top it off). I don't see how deludedgod hambydammit and the others put up with so much without feeling the need to either hit their heads on a brick wall or slam the theists heads into said wall.

edit: if deludedgod is reading this: do you have current plans to reproduce your essays on RRS and if so, when will they be available?

my latest reply:

Arkanrais wrote:

I repented many times for the little that I had ”done wrong” although I should have known you would attempt to rationalize away my former christendom.


Your statement of the law ending when jesus died and was risen is your interpretation. The “ till all be fulfilled” could just as easily mean that the laws apply until the very end of the rapture, jesus' second coming or what have you. You do have good points and I concede that the new testament does abolish the law in some parts but this seems a case of the new testament contradicting the old testament: Psalm 119:151-2, 1 Chronicles 16:15, Leviticus 23:14,21,31 show that the OT covenant/law are to last for all time. I recall a passage that said something along the lines of “anyone who tries to abolish the law is a false prophet” but I have no evidence for it so it can be dismissed until (or if) I find the required evidence.


The argument from popularity “that the majority believe” is a fallacious argument and speaks nothing of the truth. The majority of people could believe that Thor is making lightning/thunder yet it doesn't change the fact that lightning is cause by positive and negative charges in the atmosphere gathering and releasing in a brilliant flash of energy. By the ad populum fallacy, christianity would be invalidated because the majority of people do not believe it, so you see how it does not work.


“Once again, you simply DENY the TRUTH in a feeble attempt to make it all go away. IT WILL NOT. ”

You did not address my argument. Once again you assert that this is the truth without the required evidence or anything other than your conjecture. This again can be flipped back on your denial of evolution and is a baseless claim anyway. That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


I have not and never did state with absolute certainty the position that there is no god. I am an agnostic atheist, meaning that I currently hold no belief in a god or gods which could be subject to change given sufficient evidence that one or more exists. Despite what you may have been told, this is my position and the position of the majority of atheists.


“You are obviously listening to very intelligent people BUT WHOM possess NO WISDOM. Wisdom comes from God only.”


This again is a meaningless statement of your own conjecture. You leave the term “wisdom” ambiguous and undefined, therefore it is meaningless. Until it has it has substance, it will be ignored and dismissed.


The Teleological Argument (argument from design) has several holes in it. First: since it states that everything that looks designed is designed is assuming the conclusion in the premise AKA begging the question. It also employs special pleading stating that everything that exists needs a creator while simultaneously stating that god needs no creator. If god is exempt from the rules then I see no reason why the universe, more specifically, the big bang should adhere to them. As a side note, I, along with the scientists who believe the big bang do not state that it was an explosion ex nihilo (out of nothing), we believe that the matter/energy of the universe existed in a previous state before the big bang although it cannot be known exactly what it existed as before the big bang because at the very moment of expansion/explosion, time was “created” if you will.

No one who who knows what evolution is, understand it and how it works, ever claims that it is random and pure chance. The ones who do claim this are making a “strawman” ( a parodied or otherwise misrepresentation of an argument for the purpose of disproving said misrepresentation in an attempt to disprove the original argument or concept). This also brings up a side point: when we know that something cannot come from nothing, then a question appears in my mind “then what did god create the universe from” where the only answer I have heard is “nothing”, again with special pleading and any other answers are ad hoc.

Answer to the probability of life occurring:

demonstrating that life requiring a designer is a flawed concept:

bad design:


their reply;

bornagain001 wrote:

'You leave the term "wisdom" ambiguous and undefined, therefore it is meaningless. Until it has it has substance, it will be ignored and dismissed."

WISDOM is having gained knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these well. It is the judicious application of knowledge. Even a child can have wisdom without knowledge. copy and paste akiane Kramarik in your youtube search bar to understand wisdom.

"we believe that the matter/energy of the universe existed in a previous state before the big bang although it cannot be known exactly what it existed as before the big bang because at the very moment of expansion/explosion, time was "created" if you will."

So what you are saying is that YOU HAVE NO PROOF, it is a BELIEF and that belief is based on FAITH that you are correct...and yet you ridicule the Christian for their FAITH and Beliefs. First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another.


"No one who knows what evolution is, understand it and how it works, ever claims that it is random and pure chance."

"I COULD PROVE GOD STATISTICALLY. Take the human body alone. The chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity."
George Gallup, statistician

"when we know that something cannot come from nothing, then a question appears in my mind "then what did god create the universe from" where the only answer I have heard is "nothing", again with special pleading and any other answers are ad hoc."

To one who examines the evidence, there can be no doubt that God exists. Every building has a builder. Every beautiful garden has a gardener. Every painting has a painter. Everything made has a maker. The fact of the existence of the Creator is axiomatic (self evident) .That's why the Bible says, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." (Psalms 14:1) The professing atheist denies the common sense given to him by God, and defends his beliefs by thinking that the question, "Who made God?" can't be answered. This, he thinks, gives him license to deny the existence of God.
The question of "Who made God" can be answered by simply looking at space and asking," Does space have an end?" Obviously, it doesn't. If there is a brick wall with "The End" written on it, the question arises, "What is behind the brick wall?" We have to believe (have faith) that space has no beginning and no end. The same applies to God. He has no beginning and no end. He is eternal.
The Bible also informs us that time is a dimension that GOD created, into which man was subjected. It even tells us that one day, time, for ALL of us will no longer exist. That will be called "eternity." God himself dwells outside of the dimension he created.
(2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2). He dwells in eternity and is not subject to time. God can move through time as a man flips through a history book. Because we live within the dimension of time, logic and reason demand that everything must have a beginning and an end. We can understand the concept of space having no beginning and end—by faith.


I repented many times for the little that I had "done wrong" although I should have known you would attempt to rationalize away my former christendom.


1)Admits he/she is a sinner.
2)They live a life of obedience by keeping God's commands more than he breaks them.
3)Does not harbor hatred for his brother but displays forgiveness.
4)Does not "love" this world nor the things of this world.
5)Proclaims Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
6)Looks forward to the return of the Lord.
7)Has a desire to serve other Christians.
8)Loves being with and fellowshipping with other believers.
9)Rejects false teaching.
10)Remains in the truth and preservers in the faith.
11)It shows up at home. Your husband/wife/children see a change in you and they will desire what you have.
12)Made witnesses of them. They will want to share with others. Tracts, etc.
13)It stirred their hearts. They now show LOVE, JOY, COMPASSION, and GRATITUDE
"You do have good points and I concede that the new testament does abolish the law in some parts but this seems a case of the new testament contradicting the old testament"

Contradictions don't exist in reality because reality simply is as it is and does not contradict itself. Only our evaluations of reality can contradict each other. If you think you have found a contradiction, then check your premises. Either you're mistaken about it being a contradiction or one of the contradicting concepts has been improperly formed. If the content of your knowledge contains contradictions, then some of your knowledge is in error. Because in order to be successful in reality one must know reality, success requires correct knowledge.
"The argument from popularity "that the majority believe" is a fallacious argument and speaks nothing of the truth.By the ad populum fallacy, christianity would be invalidated because the majority of people do not believe it, so you see how it does not work.

YOU ARE CORRECT because the Bible makes it clear that in the last days Christians will be the minority and evil will permeate every aspect of life.
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power." 2 Timothy 3:1
"Once again you assert that this is the truth without the required evidence or anything other than your conjecture."

What evidence do you seek? If you can tell me what you seek perhaps I can help you find it.

I am an agnostic atheist, meaning that I currently hold no belief in a god or gods which could be subject to change given sufficient evidence that one or more exists.

Once again, EXACTLY what evidence would you like to see. Please be specific if you want real evidence.


this is where I need some help so I don't explode from ignorance and bullshit overload.

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Arkanrais wrote:second

Arkanrais wrote:

second message:

bornagain001 wrote:

God, through Christ, has indeed healed amputees. "And great multitudes came to Him having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, MAIMED, and many others and cast them down at Jesus' feet; AND HE HEALED THEM: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, THE MAIMED TO BE WHOLE, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel." Matthew 15:30-31

Now, herein lays the problem. 1) No matter what miracle is performed, raising someone from the dead, healing the maimed, giving sight to the blind, etc. those who choose to not believe will simply not believe. At another time in the Bible we find unbelievers.
"But though he had done many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him." John 12:37

It must be true beacuse it's in the bible and the bible is the word of god because it says so in the bible.

bornagain001 wrote:

You can't make someone believe in God and you can't make someone believe a miracle just occurred even though they saw it with their own eyes. God brings miracles to us everyday and yet the scoffers call it luck, coincidence or natural causes.

I agree, the Hebrews saw god all over the place after the Exodus, but chose to worship a golden calf instead. Funny, if I had that kind of proof I don't think I would bow down before an idol.

bornagain001 wrote:

2) If God healed one amputee to "prove Himself" and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God, the atheists and non believers would next be wailing, "If God is so good why won't he won't heal all the amputees?"

I won't wail about it because your god has failed to regrow even one amputee's limb. This point is completely moot, however if it ever regrew one arm or leg I might be inclined to agree with you.

So what, you pray and someone gets over the sniffles. Find one verifiable instance where a completely severed spine was healed and the victim walked again. I am sure it would be on the front page of every major medical journal.

bornagain001 wrote:

God's refusal to heal an amputee does not speak to God's reality or existence. You cannot immediately jump from the premise that God heals some (a faith-based assumption) and not others (in this case, amputees) and therefore God doesn't exist. This is faulty reasoning, and anyone with any appreciation of "critical thinking" should see this.

Of course it doesn't mean god doesn't exist, however, maybe god REALLY DOESN'T exist. Will you be willing to concede that this is even remotely possible? The statement that god can and does cure cancer but will not regrow limbs or reattach a severed spine is hardly proof that god exists. Summarily, god does not not show its' existence proves that god exists. This is still a ridiculous claim that looks good in veneer, but lacks any real substance.

The burden of proof is still on you to prove god does exist. Most atheists don't say that god doesn't exist with absolute certainty. You are the one that seems to be making this claim, we are just the skeptics.

I will give you this compliment: you have really learned your apologetics and are very adept at making them look like fresh concepts to debate the existence of god. 


"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS

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here is my final reply. I'm

here is my final reply. I'm not going to put up with their bullshit anymore. it was fun while it lasted, but that fun shriveled with each reply from them.

Arkanrais wrote:
“How convenient for you. If you just deny the existence of sin, perhaps it will go away.” “Mohammad NEVER ...” (perhaps mohammed will just go away) “You see only what you want to see.” “the evidence is all around you. I SEE IT.” “Sticking your head in the sand will not make it go away.” “There is no such thing as evolution”

“Every building has a builder. Every beautiful garden has a gardener. Every painting has a painter. Everything made has a maker.”

You did not watch the links I gave. You are again ignoring what has already been debunked through the links I sent.


“The question of "Who made God" can be answered by simply looking at space and asking," Does space have an end?" Obviously, it doesn't”

and what is space made of? space does not exist.


We have to believe (have faith) that space has no beginning and no end.

No. it is a logical conclusion that space needs no beginning or end because it doesn't exist


So what you are saying is that YOU HAVE NO PROOF, it is a BELIEF and that belief is based on FAITH that you are correct.


Wrong. Faith is the belief in something without evidence or despite evidence to the contrary. Evidence of the big bang:


Your statement of wisdom is still meaningless because you will simply state that wisdom only comes from god because god says so. 'the bible is true because it is the word of god. I know its the word of god cause it says so in the bible'. Circular reasoning much?

 so the bible says that christians will be a minority and that people will People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. This is simply stating the obvious, besides, since when has the population of the planet NOT been like that?You know what else the bible says?Bats are birds. Insects have 4 legs. The world rests on 4 pillars and does not move. Unicorns existed. Rabbits “chew their cud”. giants existed. eagles carry their young on their wings. The value of pi is exactly 3. Those who do as God says will never be infertile (neither will their cows!) and will never get sick. 7:14-15 . the moon produces its own light. Natural disasters are caused by, and are a sign of, God's wrath (apparently have nothing to do with weather patterns or tectonic plates moving).failed prophesies:God promises Abram's descendants the land of Canaan from the Nile to the Euphrates. But according to Acts 7:5 and Heb.11:13 God's promise to Abram was not fulfilled. God promises to bring Jacob safely back from Egypt, but Jacob dies in Egypt (Gen.47:28-29) Josiah died from an arrow wound in battle, not "in peace" as is promised in 2 Kg.22:20. 35:23 . Dragons will live in Babylonian palaces and satyrs will dance there. Isaiah 13:21-22 (dragons and satyrs do not exist)well it looks like a lot of false prophesies in the bible AND god does not keep his word. Besides that, the propheses in the bible are vague and can easily be manipulated to mean what ever you want (like Nostradamus' prophecy of the two great brothers falling used as a prophesy of 9/11)

"No one who knows what evolution is, understand it and how it works, ever claims that it is random and pure chance."
"I COULD PROVE GOD STATISTICALLY. Take the human body alone. The chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen is a statistical monstrosity."

did you even READ WHAT I WROTE? This is a prime example of your dishonesty. This is conveniently ignoring my earlier points of evolution NOT BEING RANDOM.”Sticking your head in the sand will not make it go away.” again watch this:

you claim complexity of our planet but we are on one planet of how many in the universe? There are trillions of planets and to say that earth was built for us ignores the fat that the inhabitable proportion of earth for humans is only a small percentage given that water covers 2/3 of earth surface, then theres deserts, frozen land mountains, the arctic &antarctic where nature is at the least, hostile.

most places in the universe will kill life instantly


“How can you possibly understand God when you don't believe in God.” How can you possibly understand evolution when you don't believe in evolution. That is called a FAIL. That also ignores the FACT that I was a christian, so again you are burying your head in the sand so these things might go away. There is no need to believe in something first to be able to understand it. Do you need to believe in nanotechnology to understand it? How about the use of graphics processing units to simulate protein folding in order to combat disease to understand it.


I already know what a contradiction is:


Matthew 5:17-20

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

From the mouth of jesus himself, according to the bible. Notice the part that says “until heaven and earth disappear”. That is in direct contradiction to paul saying the law no longer applies. Who do you believe? Paul or jesus?


Again you try to rationalize away my former christendom so you don't have to realize that someone who WAS a christian REALLY DID stop believing. I was brought up christian and admitted that I was a sinner, and as I said I DID ALL THE REST OF IT, but you aren't going to believe me and will continually pull out other requirements EVEN THOUGH you only need faith in jesus as THE BIBLE SAYS.


You obviously do not understand my arguments. I assume the position that god does exist for the premise and then show why it is wrong to assume that he does exist or does what you say he does.


Points that you ignore and that still stand:

god does not heal amputees because he can't (apparently he did in the bible according to you, so why did he change his mind?)

there are no contemporary accounts of jesus.

Sin is meaningless: Most theists will say that sin is anything that is contrary to the will of god.  This is wrong, because god is omnipotent.  Therefore, anything that happens is a result of him making it happen.

There was no sacrifice by jesus. 3 days in hell is by no means a sacrifice for what he gained according to the bible.

You have not provided any actual evidence that the bible is true any more than any other holy text.

Yahweh, as described in the bible is a psychopath.

The old testament laws still apply.

“god's” unconditional love is very much conditional.

You believe ridiculous things because they are in the bible, yet deny things that have an immense base of evidence behind them because they are contradictory to your preconceived world view.

You are hypocritical to an extreme level, claiming that I am burying my head in the sand, that I am closed minded and lack critical thinking skills.

You have a confirmation bias when it comes to things you think are miracles when they have natural explanations.

If god were to exist, he is damning people to hell for his own refusal to not provide sufficient evidence and is even sending good men (the doctor in the parable) to hell while sending violent abusers to heaven (the husband in the parable).


this is where I am ending contact with you. You obviously have no intention to actually listen to what I am saying and the points I make. I doubt you read even a quarter of what I linked to. I would put good money on the bet that you are not even willing to consider that there is no god, how very open minded of you. You continually ignore what I have refuted and continue to issue the same refuted points. all you have is “I don't know, so 'goddidit', I don't believe that cause it contradicts my views, x is too complex so it couldn't have come up by itself despite my lack on knowledge in regards to evolution, abiogenesis and cosmology. You are dishonest both in general and intellectually. I will have no further contact with you. All attempts at contact will be ignored and any harassment will be dealt with in kind.


edit: formatting error

second edit: they replied with the same shit and even a cuntpaste.

bornagain001 wrote:
"Again you try to rationalize away my former christendom so you don't have to realize that someone who WAS a christian REALLY DID stop believing. I was brought up christian and admitted that I was a sinner, and as I said I DID ALL THE REST OF IT, but you aren't going to believe me and will continually pull out other requirements EVEN THOUGH you only need faith in jesus as THE BIBLE SAYS."

2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that If ANY MAN be in Christ, he is a new creature. Now it's obvious that you are not a new creature so I don't understand how you can claim to being a Christian.

Luke 13:3 tells us that Salvation is by FAITH alone in Jesus Christ...and followed by Repentance(a turning away from sin). You have not turned from sin, you have embraced it so I don't understand how you could have ever been a Christian.
"Points that you ignore and that still stand:
god does not heal amputees because he can't (apparently he did in the bible according to you, so why did he change his mind?"

Now, herein lays the problem. 1) No matter what miracle is performed, raising someone from the dead, healing the maimed, giving sight to the blind, etc. those who choose to not believe will simply not believe. At another time in the Bible we find unbelievers.
"But though he had done many miracles before them, yet they believed not on Him." John 12:37

You can't make someone believe in God and you can't make someone believe a miracle just occurred even though they saw it with their own eyes. God brings miracles to us everyday and yet the scoffers call it luck, coincidence or natural causes.

2) If God healed one amputee to "prove Himself" and there was no doubt whatsoever that it was from God, the atheists and non believers would next be wailing, "If God is so good why won't he won't heal all the amputees?" So let's say God heals all the amputees in the world then the atheists and unbelievers would wail, "God is unfair. If God is all powerful, why doesn't He heal all the Cancer victims in the world, or all the AIDS victims in the world or all the cripple people in the world?" It's really a no win situation with God because VISUAL MIRACLES do not make an unbeliever, a believer. You see, with skeptics and atheists, there can be no single defining miracle.

God's refusal to heal an amputee does not speak to God's reality or existence. You can not immediately jump from the premise that God heals some (a faith-based assumption) and not others (in this case, amputees) and therefore God doesn't exist. This is faulty reasoning, and anyone with any appreciation of "critical thinking" should see this.

The question presumes EITHER to know WHY God heals some and not others (amputees in this case) OR that God's rationale is irrelevant. Here's a possibility...What if God only chooses to work miracles that COULD be chalked up to coincidence (however unlikely such coincidences are) and does NOT choose to perform miracles that would leave absolutely NO doubt as to His existence? Why would God do this? To call us to FAITH. The book of Hebrews makes clear that "without faith, it is impossible to please [God]." If God started regenerating limbs on amputees, it's clear that our conception and understanding of "faith" would be significantly altered.

"there are no contemporary accounts of jesus."

Jesus was just a simple carpenter for 30 years. He only brought us God's word for 3 years before He was crucified. Despite that fact, The Quran which is diametrically opposed to Christianity, validates the life of Christ.

"Sin is meaningless: Most theists will say that sin is anything that is contrary to the will of god. This is wrong, because god is omnipotent. Therefore, anything that happens is a result of him making it happen."

Please don't argue that God is responsible for things if you don't believe He exists. It makes you all your arguments appear "SILLY" and uneducated. Try to stick to one side or the other.
"You have not provided any actual evidence that the bible is true any more than any other holy text."

If the Bible IS NOT God's word and is NOT true, then logically, the Bible "is" filled with at least 1500 lies where God claims this is His Word. Could a book with so many lies cause BILLIONS of people including avowed atheist LEE STROBEL or Dr. Anthony Flew, to turn from their sins -- including the sin of lying? Why would a book so wrong be banned by over 36 Islamic and atheistic nations if these people have nothing to fear from a book of lies? The Koran is not banned in any country. That's not logical.
"Yahweh, as described in the bible is a psychopath."

2 Corinthians 2:14 applies to you.

"If god were to exist, he is damning people to hell for his own refusal to not provide sufficient evidence and is even sending good men (the doctor in the parable) to hell while sending violent abusers to heaven (the husband in the parable)."

The EVIDENCE is obvious. Romans 1:18-22

"I already know what a contradiction is: Matthew 5:17-20"

In the broad sweep of Biblical history, the covenant of the Law is analogous to an egg, and the covenant of grace is analogous to a chick hatched from it. After the egg hatches, the time for sitting on the egg is over. Jesus did not come to destroy the egg; He came to hatch the egg.

The beginning of the end of the incubation-period occurred when Jesus began His ministry and was baptized by John the Baptist. This does not mean that the Law disappeared as the new covenant began to be enacted. It means that when John the Baptist and Jesus were preaching about the kingdom of God, there were at that point more than one way to get right with God. The covenant with Israel was still in force -- every bit of it -- but through John and Jesus, God was introducing a new covenant which would be implemented directly on a personal level.

Another analogy: a student goes to school. He lives according to the rules in the Student Handbook. Then he graduates. After that point, the Student Handbook's applicability to the graduate is nil except for the material in the Student Handbook that overlaps the law of the land. Similarly, Israel had lived under the Law, the old covenant, but Jesus introduced the new covenant of grace, under which each individual learns some law, but is purified and forgiven and cleansed in God's sight by grace, not by law-keeping. But there was a brief period -- sort of like the period between the last day of school and the day of the graduation-ceremony -- in which both covenants co-existed. It's during that period that Jesus maintained that the Law should be kept in its entirety.

There's an important phrase at the end of Matthew 5:18 "till all be fulfilled." This is pretty important, because it indicates the historical setting of the saying -- which profoundly influenced how the early church understood and applied this passage. The idea is that /at that time/ -- that is, during Jesus' ministry -- Jesus affirmed that the Law, as a covenant between God and Israel, was still in place, and would continue to be in place in every respect "until all is fulfilled." As the covenant of grace was being introduced during the ministry of Christ; there was a period of overlap between the era of the Law (as a covenant between God and Israel as a whole) and the era of the new covenant (between God and individual penitents).

The first part of Luke 16:16 is notable for its lack of a verb; the idea that should be harvested from the text is not merely that the Law and the Prophets existed until John, but that the Law and the Prophets were *the* covenant about which one should be concerned until John. A similar construction may be found in John 7:39 (ignore the italicized word "given" in the KJV, which the translators inserted), where John comments, "For the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified." The idea is not that God's Spirit did not yet /exist/ -- God's Spirit was present in Genesis 1 and is mentioned oodles of times in the Old Testament -- but that the Spirit did not, at that time, operate as He was to operate later, after Jesus was glorified. Similarly, in Luke 16:16, it's the Law's mode of operation, not its existence, that is in view.

And now the foreground:

Matthew 5:18 means that the covenant of the Law would be in force until everything was fulfilled and the Law had served its primary purpose. This was done when Jesus rose again. Luke 16:16 means that the Law was the only covenant in force until the days of John the Baptist. (Technically, one should say that the Law was the /paramount/ covenant in force until the days of John the Baptist, since God was still relating to non-Jews on the basis of preceding dispensations, but that's another subject.) There's no discord between these two statements, because of the existence of a short overlapping period when the kingdom of God was proclaimed by John and by Jesus.

In Romans 7:4-6 and Ephesians 2:15, and elsewhere (Galatians 5:18, for instance), Paul does not exactly teach that Christians are free to completely disregard the Old Testament laws. He teaches that Christians are completely released from the covenant of the Law, because they have entered the covenant of grace. This distinction may seem like a quibble, but I think it is important to notice because there are various commandments in the Law which are reiterated under the new covenant -- various responsibilities which are incumbent upon people under either covenant.

"We have to believe (have faith) that space has no beginning and no end.
No. it is a logical conclusion that space needs no beginning or end because it doesn't exist"

If SPACE does not exist, then what is your definition of space?
"Your statement of wisdom is still meaningless because you will simply state that wisdom only comes from god because god says so. 'the bible is true because it is the word of god. I know its the word of god cause it says so in the bible'. Circular reasoning much?"

Even in a court of law, a murderer or rapist is given the opportunity to speak on his own behalf to defend himself and the jury WANTS to hear what the defendant has to say. You are not granting the Bible the ability to speak on its own behalf as a murderer or rapist is given in court. It's the same as saying, "Prove to me the President lives in the White House, but you can't go in or look in the White House to present your proof."

my final reply (this time definitely Sticking out tongue ). I have given them an invitation to debate on the forums.

Arkanrais wrote:
as per my earlier statement I will not be replying further to you bar this message, where I forgot something.
I am extending an invitation to you to join the forums at if you care to defend your faith. there are two forums to do this in, being atheist VS theist or kill 'em with kindness (the difference being the latter disallows expletives, ridiculing your opponent and being a jackass in general, making for a more pleasant discussion or debate)
as a side note,I have confirmed my suspicion that you did not read or even simply look at the links I sent: "again watch this:"
 go ahead and actually watch that. it has nothing to do with the discussion that was at hand, and is an entertaining music video made by stop motion with watermelons.